Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - How to do a good job in bar marketing?

How to do a good job in bar marketing?

First of all, we need to adhere to the principle of characteristic management.

In other words, in the process of bar operation, we should highlight the personality and characteristics, and fully learn from the operating experience of some excellent bars. In my opinion, we should innovate ideas in operation and service management, strive to be special but not vulgar, special but not expensive, and make the bar a bright spot in bar operation, from attracting popularity to bringing wealth.

Two: Insist on constantly updating the bar clothes.

Bar clothing plays an important role in the personality and characteristics of the whole bar, and good bar clothing is an essential accessory.

Third, we need to pay attention to the development of marketing work.

It is necessary to promote sales in China and exploit new markets by using the existing tourism network. In all the promotion work, internal promotion is the most important way.

Bar service is face-to-face reception, and well-trained service personnel are the key to bar promotion.

Four: adhere to the principle of facing the public.

Bar management must establish the principle of public first, and must not be complacent and self-righteous, blindly improve its bar positioning, but must correct its mentality and rationally position our bar.

Five: adhere to the principle of high quality.

This principle requires strict control of all aspects of the bar to ensure the stability of quality, so that the management and service quality of the bar and the dishes are not lost to other bars. This is the most basic and primary principle of high-end bar management; At the same time, we should pay close attention to cost management and save money. There is no doubt that there are considerable profits in bar operation, which is a necessary condition to improve the efficiency of our bar operation.


Marketing plan 100, right

100 catering marketing planning case

100 physical store marketing plan case

Bar marketing only uses these three tricks.

Bar marketing circle of friends advertising language

What about novice bar marketing?

Hello, bar marketing can do this.

1, momo drainage

Momo was first called yp Artifact and has a large group of male fans. It is an excellent platform to build a group drainage here, and people who play Momo are casual and love to play.

2. Local information platform

Many local information platforms have built information forums, such as life, travel, food and so on. These are the best places to write soft articles and set bait. For example, four people come to the store and one person is free of charge. It must be attractive and the price is favorable.

3. Take the initiative to go to the store for marketing.

Introduce new varieties from time to time, let new and old customers taste them for free, let them give their opinions, and they will be happy to ask you to help out the advantages of the products.

After they help, remember to send a small gift to every customer who makes suggestions. Note that this small gift has something to do with bar culture. This can increase contact and contact feelings.

First of all, you need to know what bar marketing is for. Most people understand that marketing is to attract customers to spend. Many marketers only do a lot of publicity and fail to follow up the follow-up services, which leads to the failure of performance. I simply divided it into two pieces. The first promotion, online promotion, now all social apps can do several mainstreams, such as Momo exploring WeChat and following up some post bars and hot posts. Major forums, Zhihu, Tianya, etc. Offline promotion is nothing more than distributing some wine activity cards near your bar or shopping mall. Search for customer information. Second, you should clearly understand the customer's needs and do what he wants, instead of just serving. The third after-sales service, which is also the core, you need to follow up the customer's subsequent mentality and satisfaction, solve the problem in time, and realize secondary sales and multiple sales.

First, build a customer base. This is the initial work, and after it is finished, eating is basically no problem. Make a good impression on the first contact with guests and provide good service. When the guest finishes drinking, pour the wine, eat and drink, and give paper towels. Be diligent, speak appropriately, be lively, cheerful and smart, so that guests will think you are a good person and will come to you later. Pay more attention to the guest in the future contact, what are his characteristics, and then remember. For example, if the guest often has low back pain, remember to give him a waist pillow when you come. He will be very touched and will remember you. If another guest doesn't like ice, you should remember that someone else gives him ice, and he won't refuse until you point it out to the person who doesn't like ice. He will also be moved. A group of guests often come to play. You should make each of them think you are good, but it is impossible for everyone to remember you so firmly, so you should specialize in one of them. As long as he is impressed with you. Because others may find someone else to book a room, but he is impressed with you and will find you, and others will generally agree to find you. Then it is to consolidate the source of tourists. Help customers stop drinking properly. Be honest, drink more. In this way, there is not only a commission, but also a tip of two or three hundred yuan at a time. Besides, you earn a commission, so you should ask your guests to spend more, and your commission is high, but don't force your guests to spend, so others will think that you have come for nothing and won't look for you in the future. On the surface, you want to help him save money, but in fact, you want them to spend more. For example, beer is cheap and red wine is expensive. When the guests come, don't drink Berry Bros. & Rudd without saying anything, and don't make suggestions rashly. He can drink whatever he wants. Don't think he bought too much just because you drank too much. How much can you drink? A dozen will kill you. And don't waste wine in front of the guests. There are many ways to sell wine. Learn slowly. Another point. If you are a woman. In this process, it is inevitable that guests will have that kind of heart for you. You must take it. Be lively when you are in contact with guests, but don't be frivolous, so others will think you are the kind of person who plays around. He said don't sell yourself out for any money, just earn as much as you can. Remember.

The marketing of bars does not refer to TV advertisements or all-network advertisements, but starts from the core area with bars as a point and gradually expands like ripples. Only when the consumption of people living in this area can reach the passing line of bar operation, should we consider making more people a source of profit through wider publicity.

The internal marketing of bars mainly includes internal marking and printing important notices, wine lists and promotional varieties; Personal promotion and oral publicity of employees; Decoration and lighting; The mood of the service staff and the atmosphere of the bar; Color, fragrance, taste, etc. Drinks and food.

As soon as the guests enter the door, they start internal marketing. It's very important for guests to stay and take the initiative to spend. The beautiful appearance, lovely smile, cordial waiting and active and enthusiastic service of the service staff are very important to retain the guests. At the same time, the environment and atmosphere of the bar also affect the guests' stay. Avoid competing with competitors in weak areas. It is better to hide the faults of others than to present an ugly face. Since it exists in the form of a bar, the kitchen is definitely not as good as the restaurant. It is enough to have its own characteristics without considering keeping up with the restaurant in food. Considering the problems of potential competitors, it is necessary to make a fuss about the characteristics of bars and find out the difference between bars and other alternative places around them, whether in drinks or cultural themes. Only when there are differences, the possibility of customers will exist.

The internal marketing of bars mainly includes internal marking and printing important notices, wine lists and promotional varieties; Personal promotion and oral publicity of employees; Decoration and lighting; The mood of the service staff and the atmosphere of the bar; Color, fragrance, taste, etc. Drinks and food. As soon as the guests enter the door, they start internal marketing. It's very important for guests to stay and take the initiative to spend. The beautiful appearance, lovely smile, cordial waiting and active and enthusiastic service of the service staff are very important to retain the guests. At the same time, the environment and atmosphere of the bar also affect the guests' stay. After the guests sit down, effective marketing means and instructive language propaganda are the key to how much the guests spend. When the guest leaves his seat, the waiter gives the guest a sample wine list or a small handkerchief, a lighter and a box of matches. Of course, the address and phone number of this bar are printed on it. Please make a souvenir to welcome him to visit next time or pass it on to his friends.

In addition, display is also a means of internal marketing. Exhibits can be placed in the display cabinets of bars, in the glass windows facing the street, on the tables in front of bars and restaurants, and in all decorative corners of rooms. The existence of exhibition art is undoubtedly a silent temptation to guests and also plays a very good role in promoting sales.

Another thing that can't be ignored in internal marketing is the design and decoration of the bar, that is, can the bar stop people from the outside? Does the environment and atmosphere inside make people feel comfortable and kind? Generally speaking, dazzling lighting will not leave a good impression on people, and weird collocation and strong color contrast may not bring much good effect. Therefore, when designing and decorating bars, professionals and experts must be invited, and the overall situation must not be undermined in order to save small expenses.

Effective internal marketing can produce a variety of benign effects:

1. Save the cost of external marketing and publicity;

2. Get higher income from the same number of guests;

3. Improve the profit rate;

4. Increase the sales of related products and services;

5. Employees are more satisfied and more efficient.

The success of internal marketing can double your business. A shrewd manager put it this way: "It is almost a crime not to publicize the existing guests." So we must not miss this opportunity, it can create three opportunities for us at the same time: first, maximize the consumption of guests during their stay in the bar; Second, invite them to come again; Third, ask them to promote our drinks and services on their behalf.

First of all, the menu can help sell wine.

Designing a menu is a big deal, but no matter what form the menu is, you can attach some information about selling wine to it. Because the menu is actually an advertisement in the kitchen, everyone who enters the restaurant should read it, but not everyone necessarily wants to see the wine list.

The easiest way is to attach a small box to the menu, which lists the names and prices of several wines and adds an invitation: "Would you like to see our wine list?" The best position is in the middle of a page, preferably in front of the main menu.

Another way is to clip a piece of paper with a paper clip and label it with several kinds of wines or special wines, such as red wine and white wine once a week, or selected good wines priced by the cup.

These two methods are very effective for those restaurants whose main drink is wine. In this way, only one or two wines can be emphasized, and the contents must include the following three aspects: (1) what kind of wine is this, (2) why customers like it, and (3) its price.

In luxurious restaurants, the menu is very particular, and the main course often has some special names with simple explanations. At the bottom of the description, there is usually a line of advice to recommend some wine to customers to accompany this dish, so as to simplify the procedure of ordering wine.

Second, wine list promotion

(1) The wines on the wine list should be classified for customers' reference and choice.

If most customers are unfamiliar with wine, attaching instructions before each category or sketch can help customers choose the wine they need.

(2) Prepare several different wine lists.

Restaurants with various wine stocks usually have two different wine lists, one is the ordinary wine list, and the other is the "VIP wine list". The former is placed on every table, and the cooking time is usually left there. The latter is only displayed when the customer requests it, or the wine he wants can't be found on the general wine list.

(3) Pay attention to spelling mistakes

Be careful not to misspell the name of the wine and the name of the winery, and don't make a mistake in the classification of the wine. Before printing, you should proofread carefully to avoid future customers' questions.

Try to attract customers' attention to several special wines to stimulate consumption. The most commonly used method is to select several wines from the existing wine list to strengthen publicity. However, improving customers' awareness of wine is a long-term solution.

Third, good wine is priced by the cup.

It has become a popular way to sell wine with two to six different prices in cups. It can not only attract customers to try new wine, but also adapt to the current demand for moderate drinking.

Drink four cups a week or a month.

More and more bars offer daily or weekly specials. These special wines, like those priced by the glass, can attract customers to try new wines on the wine list, and can also promote some good wines that don't sell well.

Five employees to promote sales

Every employee is a salesman, and their appearance, service and working attitude are intangible sales promotion of bar products.

The good atmosphere of the bar is also conducive to the promotion of drinks. If you pay attention to putting on a show, be diligent in checking customs and the bartender doesn't dress up properly, all your efforts will be in vain. So bartenders should pay attention to personal hygiene and gfd.

Six, the bottle marketing promotion

For visiting guests, the bar can hang a sign with "your name" on the bottles he has tasted or left, and then display the bottles in the wine cabinet. Noble wine and the identity of the guests set each other off. When guests come again, they are likely to bring friends to "revisit the old place" and "drink old bottles again". This is one of the best ways to make full use of the show-off psychology of guests to achieve sales promotion. The more famous wines are displayed, the more famous the bar is.

Seven. Knowledge-based service

There are newspapers, magazines, books and so on. In the bar for guests to read, or broadcast foreign language news, English conversation and other programs, or decorate the bar as a library-like bar.

Eight, free tasting

One of the most effective ways for bars to introduce new varieties is to give them to customers for free. Customers will be happy to find the advantages of the product without spending money to taste it. I am also willing to promote your products for free.

Nine, sales with prizes

Use incentives to promote bar sales. On the one hand, Guest University can hope for luck, on the other hand, it is a form of entertainment even if it doesn't win the prize.

10. Give a small gift:

Some bars give small gifts to each customer to connect feelings. A napkin, a stirring stick, a ballpoint pen, a matchbox with the address and telephone number of the bar, a lighter and a small handkerchief can all be given to customers as small gifts, which can play a very good role.

XI。 Discount gift

Bars give customers discount cards, and customers can enjoy preferential prices with the cards. This is essentially a way to make profits.

Take the initiative to find a suitable reason for the discount and give the customer a face. The customer's small profits can satisfy you, and he will probably come again, but it is the bar that makes big money.

12. brochure

The main purpose of designing and making brochures is to provide customers with information about bar facilities and wine service.

A brochure should generally include the following contents:

L hotel bar name and related identification symbols;

2 introduction;

3 address;

Mark the traffic route map,

5 phone number,

Which department or who should the customer contact if he needs more information?

There are many means and methods of marketing. In addition to daily external marketing and internal marketing, we should seize the opportunity to carry out some special promotional activities in a planned and timely manner on holidays and every special day. For example, a "Summer Ice Cream Festival" can be held in August. During this period, children and students are half price, and each child can bring an adult, similar; Implement preferential policies. In addition, it should be pointed out that the special promotion is not necessarily a discount or a gift, as long as it is something different.

In short, don't miss the obvious promotion opportunities. Every legal holiday, people come down from their busy work and expect a thorough relaxation and rest. This is our opportunity. Special promotions on holidays are well done, and sometimes the turnover of one day will exceed the usual week.

Now, some bars and leisure places are competing to launch "Happy Hour" promotion activities, in order to provide some products and services at special prices during the slack business period, thus increasing service income, enhancing popularity and promoting popularity. For example, between 3 pm and 5 pm, the strategy of buy one get one free is implemented, no matter which product you buy, you can give away several identical products at the same time. There are many examples of this kind of promotion, but one principle must not be forgotten: never make any loss-making promotion.

It should also be emphasized that effective promotion cannot be intermittent, but must be regular, solid and continuous repetition. Only in this way can we achieve the effect of snowballing.

First of all, we need to adhere to the principle of characteristic management.

In other words, in the process of bar operation, we should highlight the personality and characteristics, and fully learn from the operating experience of some excellent bars. I think we should innovate ideas in operation and service management, strive to be special but not vulgar, special but not expensive, and make the bar become the highlight of bar operation, from attracting popularity to bringing wealth.

Two: Insist on constantly updating the bar clothes.

Bar clothing plays an important role in the personality and characteristics of the whole bar, and good bar clothing is an essential accessory.

Third, we need to pay attention to the development of marketing work.

It is necessary to promote sales in China and exploit new markets by using the existing tourism network. In all the promotion work, internal promotion is the most important way.

Bar service is face-to-face reception, and well-trained service personnel are the key to bar promotion.

Four: adhere to the principle of facing the public.

Bar management must establish the principle of public first, and must not be complacent and self-righteous, blindly improve its bar positioning, but must correct its mentality and rationally position our bar.

Five: adhere to the principle of high quality.

This principle requires strict control of all aspects of the bar to ensure the stability of quality, so that the management and service quality of the bar and the dishes are not lost to other bars. This is the most basic and primary principle of high-end bar management; At the same time, we should pay close attention to cost management and save money. There is no doubt that there are considerable profits in bar operation, which is a necessary condition to improve the efficiency of our bar operation.