Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What constellation girlfriend is the best?

What constellation girlfriend is the best?

Which of the twelve constellations is the best girlfriend?

1. The best constellation pairing of Pisces girlfriends: girlfriends who like to stick together.

Pisces VS Cancer: The innocence of Pisces makes cancer women feel distressed and envious. Cancer girl is happy to be her strong backing. Every time I fall in love, I endure tears. I am a very caring girlfriend.

Pisces VS Gemini: Pisces women are occasionally criticized for "pretending", but Gemini can understand her, because Gemini itself is occasionally melodramatic. Well, you are a pair of best friends made in heaven.

Pisces VS Leo: These are also two typical girls. Pisces stick to people and lions are loyal to each other. Once a Pisces woman who was born to beg for an umbrella met a lion girl and almost defected. This is also a very complementary pair of girlfriends.

2. constellation pairing of Aquarius girlfriends: I like free, independent, romantic and intellectual girlfriends.

Aquarius VS Gemini: Aquarius pays attention to creative life. Gemini just has many ideas. Although a woman's heart is like a needle in the sea, how can two women with the same smell not "last forever"?

Aquarius VS Libra: Libra knows how to advance and retreat, and knows what is the bottom line that cannot be touched. This is too important for Aquarius, which is actually very strong. A casual acquaintance lasts longer.

Aquarius VS Leo: To some extent, Leo loves to show his glory to the whole world, but Aquarius hides it in his heart. A cold, a warm, but can understand each other's girlfriends.

3. Capricorn girlfriends constellation pairing: I like girlfriends who can help her.

Capricorn VS Leo: Capricorn is very pragmatic. If she is not a useful person, she is not willing to waste time on communication. Regardless of ability or condition, Leo can be listed as Capricorn's best friend.

Capricorn VS Taurus: Taurus quietly cultivates the values of life and is very popular with Capricorn. The occasional influence of Taurus girls is normal for her, and they are friends who know each other and cherish each other.

Capricorn v Gemini: Although this collocation seems a bit strange, the joyful existence of two children will make it difficult for Capricorn's rigid life to smile. When it is difficult, two children are her pistachios.

4. Sagittarius's best girlfriend constellation pairing: girlfriends who like to know themselves and can make trouble together.

Sagittarius VS Aries: Aries women are face-saving and lively, and live a very dramatic life every day. Sagittarius women like to spice things up at the right time and stir the atmosphere to the hottest. They are very close friends.

Sagittarius VS Gemini: Sagittarius is full of wind and water, Gemini says that wind is rain, and two people can hit it off at any angle. The Shanghai style of the same paragraph is a very lively pair of girlfriends.

Sagittarius VS Leo: Although the strong style of the lion occasionally makes Sagittarius can't help but vomit, after all, they are all fire signs, all of which are equally enthusiastic and have the same ideals, so they are like-minded girlfriends.