Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - I am a girl whose sun, Scorpio and moon are virgins and rise to Capricorn. What is the character of such a person? Please help me analyze it.

I am a girl whose sun, Scorpio and moon are virgins and rise to Capricorn. What is the character of such a person? Please help me analyze it.

The sun is in Scorpio.

You are firm, active and smart, and rarely take a passive or neutral position. Deep personality, often taciturn, taciturn, sometimes full of jealousy, resentment, and even revenge, the body is also quite resilient. You are also a truth seeker; With keen judgment and profound insights, these qualities make it easy for you to exercise authority over others. You can choose science, medicine or other industries that emphasize precision. Willpower and persistence are your strengths. Although you are silent, you will become outspoken when challenged.

The moon represents feelings, intuition and the principle of negation.

The moon is in Virgo.

You are easily tempted by the encouragement and appreciation of others, and you have a deep desire to share your experience and the process of your self-realization with others. However, this makes you emotionally eager and makes you tend to play a controlling role in various interpersonal relationships. It's easy to pester people and even get angry. You generously give your time and labor; I really want to serve others, but it is difficult to understand their feelings. All you want is the purpose you want and the way you want. The moon puts more emphasis on this aspect of mental characteristics, but here it replaces the active mind of Gemini Moon with a stable and practical tendency.

A Xin's Capricorn avatar rises.

It's easy to distinguish the difference between Capricorn ascension and Sagittarius ascension, because Capricorn ascension people are relatively repositioned, and they will never stay at home like Sagittarius ascension people, so they must go out often. Of course, the promotion of Sagittarius often justifies going abroad, traveling, studying or working, or walking around with various excuses. If you want Sagittarius to stay at home like Capricorn ascending to heaven, Sagittarius ascending to heaven will definitely say, "You might as well kill me."

As for those who can easily tell Capricorn from Aquarius, it may be difficult for most people. Why do you say that?

In fact, people will think that people who rise in Aquarius or Aquarius should be very avant-garde and open. In fact, Aquarius in this era is still deeply influenced by Saturn, the old ruler. Therefore, although Aquarius is air signs, many times, it is difficult for people who are Aquarius in the Sun or those who are Aquarius in the Ascension to see that they are as easygoing and optimistic as other people in air signs. More often, in fact, you will find that Aquarius is very protective of itself. This part is not only influenced by Saturn, but also related to Aquarius being a fixed constellation.

Therefore, people who first see Aquarius rising will feel no different from those who see Capricorn rising, because the first impression of both ascending people is cold.

There are several ways to tell whether you (or the people around you) are a rising Capricorn or an Aquarius. First, people who rise in Aquarius usually tend not to get married, or keep close friends with their partners all the time, which has nothing to do with how deep they are. Even a bottle with deep feelings may seem a little distant from the other half to outsiders, not the kind of person who sticks together. Moreover, people who rise in Aquarius usually have strong fixed constellation characteristics, such as the sun, the moon, or other stars in the second, fifth, eighth and eleventh houses. Of course, some people have many stars in the fixed constellations of Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Lion.

Thirdly, considering the fleeting time, from 1997, the fleeting Uranus entered Aquarius and will not leave completely until the end of 2003. Therefore, people who rise in Aquarius will experience some great changes that they have never thought of in seven years. These great changes include physical, psychological or major changes in the surrounding environment (for example, some people lost their houses and families in the 92/Kloc-0 earthquake). Because everyone's rise is different, there will be some differences in the year of change.

However, in any case, people who rise in Aquarius are usually better off than those who rise in Capricorn. The so-called good luck means that people who rise in Capricorn may have to help with housework and odd jobs when they are young, or get up early in the morning to deliver newspapers to buy breakfast, or work-study in higher vocational colleges.

In addition, Capricorn ascending people need family security, so Capricorn ascending people are unlikely to lead a seemingly indifferent relationship with their partners or part ways.

Older Capricorn ascenders usually have low eyes and drooping eyebrows, because their flashing eyes often incorporate too much sadness. In fact, they have been trying to forget and surpass all kinds of unpleasant memories of childhood. From an early age, they hoped that they could grow up quickly and find a sky of their own.

They always have a little expectation and fantasy in their hearts: I hope I can become younger, more handsome and more beautiful with the passage of time and years, because the factor of inferiority seems to be rooted in their hearts. Their clothes are usually conservative and don't care much about their looks. They always put all their thoughts on what makes them feel most fulfilled, so don't let dogs see Capricorn's inferiority and let them be deceived by their unkempt appearance.

One of the ways to prove whether you or your relatives and friends are rising Capricorn is:

One: Capricorn ascending people generally start working at an early age. Otherwise, I didn't have any holidays when I was very young, and I often had to help my family or make money.

Two: Older Capricorn is quite ambitious. Whether male or female Capricorn rises, they will work very hard to run their own careers or jobs.

Looking down at the rise of Pisces in the world with a smile.

In fact, it is easy to distinguish Pisces from Aquarius, or Pisces from Aries.

Because Aquarius ascending people have always been alone, they are not so close to the crowd. Even if they have some interaction with others, it is because of the need of work. If there was nothing, they wouldn't just look for halahala. Moreover, people who rise in Aquarius are more rational and will not have an incredible fascination with art, literature, religion or spiritual things (or superstitious or narcissistic muttering) like those who rise in Pisces.

Even those who rise in Aquarius are interested in these things, and they study and explore them with a rather pragmatic attitude. Therefore, if you put together people who are rising in Aquarius, Pisces and Aries, you will see the enthusiasm index. If Aries has five lights, Pisces will have four lights, and Aquarius will rise, you will probably only feel the enthusiasm of one light.

Because Aries ascending people are always eager for others to share their lives with them, they are always quite active in interpersonal relationships and intimate relationships (including one-night stands, of course). Many times, they always become leaders unconsciously. Perhaps the person who often holds activities in that crowd, shouts this and that, or always speaks louder than others and always looks confident everywhere is Aries.

However, under the influence of Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, they may never learn to be as rude as Aries. After all, they are elegant mermaids, and those who are as fast as jets (Aries rising) can only be regarded as big and incompetent predators from the perspective of Pisces rising. It is hard for maverick people to imagine how to live alone without music, dance, spirituality and love.

Pisces rising people's hair is almost always quite supple and thick, which is amazing. Sometimes they are delicate and sometimes they are fearless. Sometimes justice is awe-inspiring, and sometimes it is easy to say that grapes are sour. After all, their life is like the change of the sea. Sometimes they sing about the moon, sometimes they are lazy, sometimes they are erratic, sometimes they are sensitive and thoughtful, and their thoughts are often unconstrained. They are good at absorbing the vibration frequency and energy of everyone around them like sponges, so they must choose their living environment and the people they get along with very carefully. However, their keen intuition and insight can often help them filter out some troublesome people. Of course, they may still meet bad people by mistake or make bad friends.

However, their sensitivity may sometimes really make them hit a wall. Sometimes they may be more virgo than virgo. They can lose sleep tossing and turning for one thing, they may have stomach cramps that require intravenous drip, or they may get up to practice writing and meditate to think clearly.

Pisces rising people usually have unique and avant-garde artistic talents, especially at work, such as art, drama, psychotherapy, literature, exquisite food and clothing, music and so on. For them, they will deeply realize that their job is to "save" the world from the sinking material pool. On the subconscious level, they often call themselves Maitreya Bodhisattva or Christ, so they are very willing to dedicate their lives to all beings and achieve pure land. Of course, their temperament is mostly UN-world in the eyes of others. So sometimes you can see from their eyes that they seem to be smiling all the time, just like a bodhisattva looking down at the world. This is also one of the characteristics of Pisces rising completely different from Aries and Aquarius.

The rising constellation refers to the constellation that rose on the eastern horizon when you and I were born.

This "rising constellation" can be regarded as your soul orientation and the rudder of your life. Because before going out of society and self, a person only has personality, temper and so on, and there is no "positioning", but once he gradually goes out of society and self, the characteristics of the rising constellation will gradually become fully apparent. Therefore, when you are young, the position of the soul is not important, and it is not easy to be clearly distinguished, but its power will gradually increase after you are 40 years old, firmly locking the general direction of life for you!

Theoretically, different rising constellations will give you different shapes, but after the ten planets in our birthday chart play against each other, the pressure angle and harmony angle will distort our original basic model at will!

What is Ascending Constellation (ASC)?

At birth, the first rising constellation on the eastern horizon is the rising constellation. Because of this, the position of the first house on the birth chart must be in the rising constellation.

Ascending constellation-your personality mask

The rising constellation is our external performance, and you are perceived by the outside world. So the way you express yourself can also be known from the rising constellation.

Usually, a person's sun and rising constellation are different, which is why we call the rising constellation our "personality mask". Most of the time, our sun is hidden behind the rising constellation.

In the 24 hours of a day, the twelve constellations rise from the ground level in turn, so we can know that the replacement time of each rising constellation is about two hours. Besides, your sun sign is a sign that rises at sunrise on the day you were born. In other words, only those born at sunrise are the lucky ones with the same sun sign and rising sign, and their external performance and internal essence are the same.

The rising constellation will affect a person to hold a certain idea and think about how to behave in order to be accepted by others. Because the rising sign is also the first house of everyone's life, which means our childhood environment, we can know that the rising sign (that is, self-expectation) was affirmed and encouraged by our parents when we were young.

The rising constellation reveals not only our speech and behavior patterns, but also our clothes, hairstyles, appearances and so on.