Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Who can tell me the solar and lunar eclipses in the last hundred years! Kneel ~ ~ ``` 1!

Who can tell me the solar and lunar eclipses in the last hundred years! Kneel ~ ~ ``` 1!

-Scientific and religious beliefs

I have never seen a God before, but I can't see or touch him at first sight. Really?

There are many invisible things in the world. You should know that invisible things don't mean nothing.

For example, electricity is invisible to people, and there is a danger of electric shock if you touch it casually. The current is invisible, but it does exist.

For another example, many people have met his grandfather, but his father (great-grandfather) may not have. Although I have never seen it, I know it exists. No matter what generation I am, I'm sure it exists.

Therefore, what is invisible does not mean that there is nothing. God is invisible, but there are many ways to prove his existence. I just want to prove it with natural science here.

From artificial satellite to celestial body operation

If you want a satellite to go to the sky, the first thing you have to solve is the speed problem. After accurate calculation, the launching speed of an object is not less than 7.9 kilometers per second, which can reduce the gravity of the earth and can orbit the earth. This speed is called circumnavigation speed, also called the first cosmic speed. If you fly to the sky at the speed of 1 1.2 kilometers per second, you can get rid of the gravity of the earth and fly around the sun. This is called escape velocity, also called the second cosmic velocity. To get out of the solar system, at least16.7km per second is called third cosmic velocity.

Speed alone is not enough, but also highly developed metallurgical industry, electronics industry, precision machinery, high-precision automatic control system and high-precision mathematical calculation technology ... because as long as there is a little error (even one thousandth or two thousandths) in rocket manufacturing, equipment, coordination and direction, it will deviate from the track and fail.

For more than 30 years, there are thousands of artificial satellites around the earth due to the successive launch of several capable countries. These numerous artificial satellites are like beautiful butterflies flying around the earth, making the earth extraordinarily beautiful. But people can't see it with the naked eye. Even if you are good at observing, you can only see the faint starlight.

Earth's natural satellite

Let's look at the moon in the sky, the natural satellite of the earth. So what?

The moon, also called the moon, is the natural satellite of the earth, and the scene is very different. Not even satellites. Since the invention of the telescope, the true face of the moon has been gradually understood by people, especially since 1969 and 12 people landed on the moon by spacecraft in batches. The man who has worked the longest on the moon is astronaut Duke. He worked on the moon for 72 hours and brought back more than 90 kilograms of rocks and dust from the moon. ...

Distance to the moon is 380,000 kilometers on earth. There is no air, no water, so there is no wind (air flow becomes wind), no clouds, no living things. It's like a giant dead stone ball. There is a great temperature difference between day and night. During the day, the temperature in the place where the sun shines is as high as 127℃, and it can be reduced to-183℃ at night.

However, this huge and ignorant giant stone ball runs tirelessly forward. It orbits the earth at a speed of one kilometer per second and never slackens. Because it runs so regularly, people can calculate where it should arrive every minute, calculate the specific time of each solar eclipse and lunar eclipse in the next few years, and the specific place to observe them.

As I said before, the moon is the natural satellite of the earth. By nature, I mean that it is not man-made or launched. The moon is 3476 kilometers in diameter and weighs 740 billion tons. There is no doubt that such a big object and such a big weight can't be launched at all.

Who on earth launched the moon? Did you launch it yourself? Where does the launch power come from? Please think for a minute!

Earth, Sun and Galaxies

When it comes to the moon, we can't talk about the earth, which is where we human beings live. Common sense has long told us that the earth is a planet orbiting the sun. It is 50 times larger than the moon, with a diameter of 12700 km and a circumference of about 40000 km. It can rotate, and a rotation is a day.

The earth not only rotates, but also revolves around the sun.

The earth is really a huge object. It's not a few tons, but 6 trillion tons (6× 102 1 ton). Its speed is not 8 kilometers per second, but its revolution speed around the sun is 30 kilometers per second.

Have you ever wondered who launched such a big earth, such a big weight and such a fast speed? What kind of vehicles and rockets do you need to launch it? Do people have this ability?

Although the earth is so huge, among the nine planets in the solar system, the earth can only be regarded as an ordinary member, and there is nothing to be proud of. In terms of volume, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and Jupiter are all much larger than the earth. Saturn, who loves beauty (she has a beautiful light ring), is 745 times bigger than the earth. Jupiter is bigger, which is 13 16 times that of the earth. In terms of speed, the earth is also poor, but it can't run away from Mercury and Venus. Mercury is the fastest, running 48 kilometers per second. Venus is not weak, running 35 kilometers per second, and the earth runs 30 kilometers per second, so it should be ranked third. Therefore, from the perspective of the solar system, the earth is just an ordinary planet, very ordinary, that's all.

Speaking of the earth, we have to talk about the sun. Because the sun is so important to us, we can't live without its light and heat for a moment. It is the center of our system. All nine planets revolve around the sun, and the sun itself is moving. It needs a group of officials (nine planets, countless planets and asteroids, plus thousands of artificial earth satellites and artificial flying bodies) to circle the constellation Five Immortals at a constant speed of 20 kilometers per second. The solar system is like a big clock. The big gear is covered with a small gear, which is connected with the small gear, like a pair of invisible hands, giving full strength to the invisible clockwork. Each gear keeps running according to its own predetermined orbit and different rotation speeds.

Looking at the sun with the naked eye, the size of the moon is actually 6.5438+0.3 million times larger than that of the earth. The whole sun is a burning fireball with great firepower and brightness. The weather is clear and cloudless, so the human eye can't observe the sun directly. Although the sun is1.500 million kilometers away from us, strong sunlight will burn our eyes and even make us blind.

The surface temperature of the sun reaches 6000 degrees Celsius. Because the distance between the earth and the sun is so suitable, the earth rotates once a day, so the temperature on the ground will not be too cold or too hot. If the earth does not rotate once a day, but once every 28 days like the moon, then the temperature will be as high as 100℃ during the day and below-100℃ at night. With such high temperature and cold, all animals and plants will not survive. And if the equatorial plane of the earth's rotation and the ecliptic plane revolving around the sun are not at an angle of 23 27', the four seasons will not be divided and the grains will not bear fruit; And if the distance between the earth and the sun is not 65.438+0.5 billion kilometers now, if it is nearly double, it will bake the earth into coke, and if it is twice as far, it will freeze the earth into ice hockey. ...

The relationship between the sun and the earth is so important that the sun has been the focus of observation since ancient times. As the observation means became more and more sophisticated, the situation of this big fireball was gradually uncovered. It is now known that 98% of the total mass of the sun is composed of two elements: hydrogen and helium. Under the influence of extremely high temperature and pressure, the thermonuclear reaction from four hydrogen atoms to one helium atom occurred in the center of the sun, thus producing an extremely spectacular combustion scene at present. Scientists have calculated that if the sun burns in this way, it can burn for 65.438+000 billion years (from the concise handbook of astronomy, 654.38+0986 edition). Due to different calculation methods, some say it will burn for 30 billion years, while others say it will only burn for 65.438+0.5 billion years. Although the views are not consistent, the scientific community agrees that the sun will burn out one day.

Scientists have proved through spectral analysis that all planets in the universe have the same properties and laws as those in the world, that is to say, all planets have three stages: childhood, adulthood and old age, and celestial bodies in the universe have a process of occurrence, development and decline; In other words, the universe is moving towards the end and will die one day.

Now let's look at the Milky Way.

Speaking of the Milky Way, people are familiar with it, commonly known as Tianhe. Summer night, it is like a white cloud across the sky. Since the invention of the telescope, we know that the cloud-like thing is not a cloud, but a huge star. Because it is too far away from us and there are too many stars, the naked eye can't distinguish individual stars, only a cloud can be seen.

The Milky Way has a huge range, and the distance from one end to the other is 654.38+ million light years. At the beginning of this century, astronomers counted 30 billion stars in the Milky Way. Due to the progress of observation technology, it is generally believed that there are 65.438+02 billion-65.438+04 billion stars, and some people think that the total number of stars in the Milky Way can reach 250 billion. Now a new estimate says it has more than 300 billion, and some people insist that it has 400 billion.

In this century, due to the high development of astronomy, people found that there are many huge celestial systems outside the Milky Way, which are called extragalactic galaxies. At present, only using the existing observation ability, the total number of such extragalactic galaxies is 654.38+0 billion. For example, the famous Andromeda galaxy is an extragalactic galaxy, which is 2.2 million light years away from us. The naked eye can still see that it is a floating thin cloud. Some of them are too far away from us, let alone invisible to the naked eye. Even with the largest telescope, only fuzzy spots can be seen. Some of them are so far away that even the largest telescope in modern times can't see their trace. At present, it is found that the farthest celestial body from us is 30 billion light years, and what is farther is still unclear.

Readers believe that the Milky Way alone has140 billion to 400 billion stars, and the Milky Way in the sky is just a small island among countless islands. Imagine how many stars there are in the universe!

The sun has been introduced before, so magnificent. But unfortunately, the sun is an extremely ordinary little star in the Milky Way. We look up at the faint little stars in the sky. They are actually big "suns", some of which are bigger than ours and some are brighter than the sun.

Dear readers, the above story is not a fairy tale, but a scientific achievement that Chinese and foreign scientists have studied for a long time since ancient times, especially in the last hundred years. Therefore, it has become the natural common sense that middle school students must know, and it has been compiled into textbooks.


Now, where does the kinetic energy of these movements come from? An object itself cannot be called to move, and it needs an external force to make it move. Look at the thousands of man-made satellites (including dozens of satellites launched by China) now orbiting the earth. Who can believe that one of them flew into the sky by himself? A stone flies in the air, and even kindergarten children will ask who threw it. Similarly, those stars are celestial bodies, and their respective weights, as long as they are as big as the sun, are hundreds of billions of tons. Is there no strong external force that can make them move?

Not only sports, but also harmonious sports order. Look at this billion-dollar planet, each with its own orbit, each with its own speed and running in an orderly way. Even if it passes by in the same place, there is no danger of collision. Readers learned that these planets, such as the size of the sun, are not light in weight, so fast, and some are surprisingly fast. Once these two planets collide, how serious the consequences will be, the balance of the universe will be destroyed, and the whole celestial system will be incredibly threatened. Because stars attract each other, their gravity is proportional to volume and inversely proportional to distance. It goes without saying that the collision of any two stars will cause a chain reaction, and a beautiful and peaceful universe will lead to a terrible ending.

Why hasn't such a tragedy happened in the universe for billions of years? Why is the universe so peaceful and wonderful after hundreds of millions of years? Can't you see that there is a harmonious and safe order among hundreds of millions of stars? Can't you see that an authority is directing and maintaining this order?

Dear readers, please think for another minute!

The universe is like a big clock, a big clock composed of countless gears, a high-speed and extremely regular big clock, which is much more complicated and accurate than an artificial clock. Manual clocks and watches have only ten gears and eight gears, so they will wear here or stop there in a short time, and their service life is limited. There are billions of gears in the cosmic clock, which run accurately and need no repair (in fact, there is nowhere to repair). Because of its accuracy, people can calculate when and where it will arrive. People can write a calendar for thousands of years to come, and they can budget the total solar eclipse, the partial solar eclipse and the annular eclipse of the sun and the moon in thousands of years, as well as the places that can and can't be seen. When will Comet Halley reappear next time ... Indeed, the universe is an accurate clock.

Now, who designed such an accurate clock? Who did this? Don't you need designers and manufacturers?

Are rocks and minerals consistent? Can these ignorant planets get together and reach an agreement? Do they know the calculation of gravity between substances and how to balance this gravity with different speeds?

Or some people say that this wonder of the universe is accidental. Hundreds of millions of years ago, the matter in the universe suddenly exploded, or an accidental wind blew, and the universe immediately formed an extremely accurate huge clock.

Scientists respect facts, do not speculate and are not interested in sophistry. The pursuit of scientists is thinking, exploring, calculating, observing and experimenting. I dare say that no real scientist will believe in chance, and all sober people will never believe in chance.

I wonder if anyone is willing to do the following experiment: throw 28 words from Li Bai's poems on the table and see how many times you can accidentally compose Li Bai's poems; Or take a box of chess pieces (32 pieces) and throw them on the chessboard to see how many times it takes to get the chariots and horses in place; Or throw a note on the floor to see how many times it takes to compose a famous Liu Tianhua song "Birds in the Empty Mountain"; Or simply be bold, move the movable type out of the movable type room and throw it around at will, and see when you can accidentally form a "four-corner dictionary".

The universe, even if there are billions of big explosions, will never blow up such an accurate clock, and it will only get worse. Occasionally, the strong wind can only blow more and more disorderly, and finally it can only end up in pieces.

The universe, this high-speed and accurate clock, is not man-made, not homemade, not accidental. It must have a maker, who must be the greatest physicist, the greatest mathematician and the source of all energy-God.

People see carpenters from furniture, engineers from architecture, electricity from experiments and ancestors from reasoning. Man sees God through his observation of the universe. He is the master of the universe, or the creator.

The more science advances and observation methods are developed, the more we discover the greatness of God, the more we understand God's omnipotence, and the more we appreciate God's infinite beauty and beauty.

Let me introduce the words of several famous scientists!

Newton, a great genius physicist who discovered gravity, said, "At the end of the telescope, I saw the trace of God."

Copernicus, a famous astronomer and mathematician, said: "Astronomy is the most exciting and transcendental thing, because we can see the creator from it."

The great inventor Edison said, "I admire all engineers in the world, but what I admire most is the greatest engineer-God."

Faber, a great scientist, said, "I don't believe in God, but I have seen God in scientific research ... You can skin me, but you can't deprive me of my belief in God."

Einstein, a great physicist and an important founder of the theory of relativity, said: "My belief in God has benefited me a lot in my life. Even if I encounter major problems in scientific research, I will not be disappointed because I think I will find the answer." Because God is unpredictable, but he never deceives others. "

Dear readers, people who are willing to explore the truth, please think more and explore more! Because good people are easy to accept the truth! Please follow the exploration and guidance of scientists, admire the greatest engineer-God, and become a disciple of God the Father.