Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - 12 inverse constellation index of Yang and Yin

12 inverse constellation index of Yang and Yin

Lead: What do you mean by obeying Yin and Yang? Yang: On the surface. Bong: obey, obey. Yin: Sneaking around. Refers to playing with two-faced tactics, seemingly obeying and secretly violating (openly agreeing and opposing behind). Do you know the index of 12 constellation?

12 constellation index★

Lions never hide their tyranny. They will proudly call it self-confidence. So don't mess with the lion if you mess with anyone. They despise people who are duplicitous, and they are even less likely to go there. In the face of accusations, you must jump up and resist, and you won't swallow it when you encounter unwarranted doubts. Whether it is a leader or a partner, if you offend, you will offend. Don't be smart.

Scorpio yang serving yin violating index ★

No matter how extreme Scorpio is, how unreasonable it is, and how mysterious it is portrayed, they are all people with a heart. I won't put on airs for my own purposes. I hate the behavior of a smiling tiger. Just like their attitude towards feelings, they love to the end, regardless of gains and losses, and are not afraid of blocking; Hate to the end, never look back, never compromise. All emotions are expressed in the most direct way, without pretending to be adults.

Sagittarius yang serving yin violating index ★★

Love to play, enjoy it. There must be a shooter on the team. They are eager for freedom and can't stand the bondage. They always try their best to have fun and express their thoughts and hates directly. If you don't like it, raise it immediately. Whether the other side is happy or not, the shooter can't control it and doesn't want to care. It's a straightforward personality. No matter how you learn, you can't learn to be duplicitous, pretend to obey, and secretly violate that set.

Water bottle's index of yang serving yin violating ★★

Aquarius is both rational and emotional. They understand many things, but when they are wronged, they often can't help but not vent. When they want to express their dissatisfaction, they always seem particularly contradictory. Even if you are forced to promise something you don't want to do, you will deliberately delay the time and even can't help saying something unpleasant. Aquarius doesn't want to offend others, but he is helpless and outspoken. He can't carry out anything he can't say or do.

Gemini yang serving yin violating index ★★

Gemini's ideas change quickly, but not for other people's attitudes, but entirely because of themselves. They can change whenever they want, or they are more emotional. Happiness and unhappiness are written on the face, regardless of whether others will feel embarrassed because of their indifference. Of course, their performance has never been deliberate, but they just don't want to suppress their thoughts too deeply. If the other person doesn't like it, you can leave. Gemini doesn't need anyone's consent.

Virgo's yang serving yin violating index ★★★★

Virgo is quite rational in dealing with people. Before you speak or do something, you will carefully consider all aspects, what kind of influence you will have and what benefits you will get from it. None of them will fall behind. Therefore, when they are asked to do something they don't agree or like, they won't immediately refuse or express their dissatisfaction. Even if you are disgusted, you will remain silent and continue your thoughts.

Libra yang serving yin violating index ★★

Libra's idea is actually quite simple and straightforward, but it always adds some unnecessary factors to complicate the idea. This was not Libra's intention, but in fact they did it. I hope that I will always keep my best image in the hearts of others, and I am afraid that I will be hated. Therefore, I will always agree to all the requirements, but I often deliberately ignore those things that I can't finish afterwards.

Cancer's yang serving yin violating index ★★★★

Cancer is very sensitive, but their endurance is really good. As long as it is not too much, as long as it does not involve interests, they will not make any big moves, and even if they are unhappy, they will not easily show it. It's hard to find a reason to quarrel with the cancer, because even if he is angry, the cancer is used to hiding it in his heart and looks docile and clever on the surface.

Aries yang serving yin violating index ★★★★

Aries is lively and unrestrained, and likes to go straight, but don't think that they don't know how to hide their emotions. Aries learns the world quickly, and may have impulsive behavior at first. With the growth of knowledge, their natural acting talent has been perfectly displayed. Nodding to accept criticism on the surface, in fact, will not be completely done, and may even criticize each other behind their backs.

Capricorn's yang serving yin violating index ★★★★★

Capricorn's sense of reality is innate, and it doesn't need anyone to teach it, and it doesn't need to be understood after encountering setbacks. They can always sort out their emotions easily and hide them in their hearts. Even if everyone around you is extremely excited, you can treat it calmly. As long as you can safeguard your own interests and achieve your desired goals, Capricorn is really easy to say one thing to your face and do another thing behind your back, as long as you are willing.

Pisces yang serving yin violating index ★★★★★★★

Pisces always deliberately avoids trouble, so it will not easily provoke contradictions, nor will it take the initiative to approach thorny issues. Pisces always carefully controls their emotions, fearing that they will anger someone carelessly and get involved in the whirlpool of right and wrong. Therefore, everyone is what they say, as long as they don't exceed the bottom line, everything is easy to say. Whether they will keep their promises depends on their mood.

Taurus yang serving yin violating index ★★★★★★★

Getting along with Taurus is both simple and complicated. Simple because they generally don't object to your point of view, even if it is a point of view, they are too lazy to mention it; It's complicated because you don't know what they really think. In other words, you just hide your emotions well. Don't think that Taurus will accept the blame with a smile. In fact, they won't shake their minds because of your opinion, and everything remains the same.