Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The Meaning of Tarot Card (6)

The Meaning of Tarot Card (6)

Cosmic deck

18 license plate moon

Element correspondence: water element

Astrological correspondence: Pisces

Card front symbol

1. swimming pool

Represents the subconscious and intuition.

2. Lobster

Lobsters are animals, and animals will represent human instinct. In addition, lobster is a crustacean, and likes to live in dirty water and mud, which represents the dark side of our humanity and our lower self.

3. Wolf and dog

Wolf wild at heart, dogs are passionate and controlling. They also represent different levels of our instinct.

Step 4: Path

It extends from lobsters to wolves, to dogs and to the blue mountains. The blue mountain represents wisdom, so the whole road represents a person's road of consciousness evolution, the road of mental maturity, and the road that few people take.

5. Tower

The tower here represents the boundary of defense, that is, the boundary between consciousness and subconscious.

6. Mountain

It stands for wisdom.

7.the sky

Represents the upper world, that is, higher consciousness.

8.the moon

With the help of sunlight, the moon itself does not shine. Here it represents a secret wisdom.

9. Light spot

The light spot here is yod, which represents the energy of fire and sun, and represents the grace and gift of heaven.

In the initial stage of change, people will enter a state of liberation, that is, the star card, but there will be a period of confusion afterwards. This is because after leaving the old things, the new goals have not yet formed a clear sense of emptiness, no sense of purpose and direction. The monthly card describes this state of anxiety. During this period, people will become more emotional, start to go deep into their inner world, and experience many complicated emotions that have never been seen before, so the moon also represents an opportunity for their spiritual growth.

The moon represents a person's subconscious, that is, the hidden side of darkness. Astrology corresponds to the moon, and the moon represents dependence, because the moon only shines when it is attached to the sun. When divination is healthy, there may be hidden health problems or other problems because the moon represents some dark and hidden parts. At the same time, the moon represents periodic changes, so we can think in the direction of endocrine cycle.

Monthly cards correspond to a person's personality, which is sentimental, sensitive and emotional. When used to predict feelings, the moon represents some hidden problems, each with its own worries, and when it is unhappy, it is also a vague state.

19 number plate Sun

Element correspondence: fire element

Astrological correspondence: the sun

Card front symbol

1. Sun

The sun has 22 rays, representing 22 roads of Great Akana and 22 roads of Kabala. The curved rays of the sun represent negative energy, the upright rays represent positive energy, and the top one in the middle is blocked by Roman numerals, suggesting the particularity of fools, that is, chaotic wisdom is invisible.

2. Sunflowers

There are sunflowers behind the child and sunflowers on the head. Sunflowers always face the sun, symbolizing the pursuit of vitality, hope and happiness.

Step 3: walls

There is a wall behind the child and the white horse. The function of the wall is to block negative energy, which is a protective force. We say optimism is not that there is nothing wrong with what you do, but that you can see more positive things.

4. Children

It represents a kind of naive happiness and also represents the awakening of divine consciousness.

5. Whitehorse

It is a sacred symbol, a loyal companion and support.

6. Red Flag

The red flag in the child's hand represents glory and light.

6. Red feathers

The red feather on a child's head is the red feather on a fool's head. Feather is the wind element, and red is the fire element, which represents a kind of passionate thought and also represents the energy of the sun being introduced into the child's top wheel.

Behind the moon is the sun. There is a saying that the wound is where the sun shines. When we go deep into our subconscious, walk across the moon and catch a glimpse of our hearts, we have a chance to heal ourselves. This is a process of clearing up negative energy. In this process, people's emotions will explode, because the negative energy hidden in the subconscious will be stirred at the beginning, just like cleaning up the sludge in the pool. It is necessary to stir these precipitated sludge before you have a chance to clean it up. Through the moon, we feel some of our own problems, and then go to the sun to have a chance to really grow up and overcome these problems. After the darkness of the moon, the sun will bloom and rejoice. The key words of the sun are happiness, joy and happiness. When describing people, they may be narcissistic, optimistic or naive. When interpreting, we should combine the elements of the card face and comprehensively analyze multiple cards, which can be analyzed from the image of the card face, or from the vein of the card face and interpreted by intuition.

Line 20 test

Element correspondence: water element

Astrological correspondence: Pluto

Card symbol:

1. Angel

Angel corresponding to water element-Gabriel

2. Horn

Gabriel used his trumpet to wake people from their deep sleep and accept God's will.

3. Red Cross Society

There is a flag on the trumpet. There is a red cross on the flag. The cross has four directions, and it will symbolize everything related to the "four", such as four elements and four directions.

4. coffin

The material world symbolized by the coffin, that is, the lower body is dead.

5. Snow Mountain

Here refers to the peak of thought, representing a kind of wisdom.

Summon is the important meaning of the trial card. Sometimes we have an impulse, some ideas, a driving force for action, and an idea that we want to really change. It's like feeling some kind of guidance, feeling the call. Besides the abstract summoning meaning, it also represents some real summoning in life, such as receiving a job offer notice.

Trumpets and crosses can be seen on the surface of the card, indicating that it is time to make a decision, make some judgments, how to do it, how to do it, and distinguish something. This is also the meaning of this card.

Try the card up and down. What is the trial? Simply put, it is to judge who goes to heaven and who goes to hell. Angels stand for clear judgment, to judge these people, go to heaven and go to hell, and the following representatives must be responsible for their actions. We judge where we belong after death according to what we did before we died. If we are angels before we die, it means that we are people with wisdom and clear judgment. If we represent these people at the lower level, it means that we need to be responsible for our previous actions, whether good or bad. This card may be us from top to bottom, the angel is us, and the person who is judged below is us, that is, we have a judgment on ourselves, that is, we may be strict with ourselves and often reflect on ourselves. If the angel above is someone below you or someone else, it may be that you are very demanding of others and often find fault with others. How to explain it specifically should be analyzed in combination with specific problems and other cards.

2 1 number plate world

Element correspondence: earth element

Astrological correspondence: Saturn

Card symbol:

1. Four idols

The man in the upper left corner corresponds to Aquarius, the eagle in the upper right corner represents Scorpio, the lion in the lower right corner represents Leo, and the cow in the lower left corner represents Taurus. These four constellations don't look like they are still studying in the wheel of fate. They have stopped reading, indicating that the energy of the four elements has been understood and matured.

2. Green garland

Represents victory and harvest.

3. Two red ribbons

It consists of two infinite symbols, the red infinite symbol represents the energy of victory, and the energy of harvest is infinite.

4. The man in the middle

The four elements are around, and there are two wands in the middle of the characters. The scepter represents the female column and the male column, and also represents duality. The whole represents her ability to control the four elements and the mystery of the duality of yin and yang. Naked characters represent honest self-display, where fools have matured perfectly. Leg-lifting posture is a kind of dance posture, which represents that the world is dynamic and endless.

The world and death

Death values the end and the beginning, which is a transformation, and the world pays attention to the ultimate perfection.

The World Card emphasizes a kind of perfection and represents the end of the world. But in the later development, things will return to fools to start a new round of cycle and start a new round of growth.

2 1 adds up to 2+ 1 equal to 3, 3 corresponds to the queen, 2 1 conversely, 12 corresponds to hanging people, hanging people is the queen's children, and the queen gives the soul and material, which is the gateway for the spirit to the material world. The world card is the gateway of matter to the spiritual world, and then the world becomes a fool. A law is revealed here, that is, everything moves and life is endless. Our growth process is a process of continuous creation. We always invent our own ideas first, and then realize them step by step. The world card is the ultimate goal of creation. The world describes a long-term and eternal success, which shows that a person has learned to use the power of the four elements, to manage feelings, to use wisdom, to acquire and distribute assets, and to have the power to act.

The world also has its literal meaning, which is the world. For example, the emergence of the emotional world means that it may be a long-distance love, a foreign love, or frequent travel around the world and travel abroad.