Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Accurate constellation

Accurate constellation

The sun is in Scorpio: mysterious, calm and intuitive.

Advantages: insight, foresight and perseverance.

Disadvantages: withdrawn and self-pitying, possessive and sometimes indifferent.

Sun represents: self, external image, externalism and life energy.

Basic features:

People with the sun in Scorpio are low-key, but they are full of ambition and mystery, and will not easily associate with others. Self-demanding, highly competitive and effective, with the ability to understand other people's ideas.

Specific features:

Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac, and Pluto is the dominant star. It is full of energy, exuberance, strong sense of responsibility, strong toughness, clear distinction between black and white, strong willpower and strong rule, and has a unique view on the mystery of life. You are very smart, calm and rational, unsmiling, and have a strong sixth sense and mysterious attraction. Although you have keen observation, you often decide everything by feeling. Your deep face often makes people around you feel uncomfortable and stay away from you; I know how to read minds, but I hate people prying into your inner world.

Behavior style:

Everything is independent, think twice before you act, have a cautious and calm style, pay great attention to the process, and spend more time and energy on ideas and structure. Do things calmly and rationally, with a firm will, and will not give up easily after setting a goal, but will slowly and steadily realize it.

Personality blind spot:

Have a tendency to be withdrawn, do not like to communicate with people too deeply, and prefer to enjoy a person's solitude compared with group activities; Have distrust of others and do everything yourself; Arrogant and arrogant, showing a strong sense of alert, making it difficult to get close. You should eliminate scruples, be bold and open, and expand your contacts, and your life pattern will be even bigger.


Gemini moon is located in Gemini: exquisite in all directions, the constant is change.

Advantages: good eloquence, good at planning and dealing with emergencies.

Disadvantages: emotional, frivolous, fickle and talkative.

The moon represents: woman, mother, inner subconscious, emotion.

Basic features:

People with the moon in Gemini are active in thinking, adaptable, talkative and intuitive, so that you can find the joy of life in change. But sometimes it changes too fast, and it's boring to talk too much, which makes people unbearable.

Specific features:

Gemini's moon represents the essence of emotion, which is easy to waver, but it also has a high IQ and rich imagination. People whose moon falls in Gemini are sensitive, clear-headed and smart, and are very interested in abstract things; I like sports and travel. I like to do many things at the same time, which makes me feel exciting and have a sense of accomplishment. Emotional ups and downs often make people around you feel uncomfortable, but you can always find a reasonable explanation for yourself. Your expressive force is super strong, your words are humorous, and it is easy to enliven the atmosphere, but you are too talkative and easily disgusted and disgusted.

Behavior style:

Very creative, strong communication skills, it is difficult for you to do the same thing safely and stably. You like fast-changing and abstract work and can create amazing results.

Personality blind spot:

There is a tendency to like the new and hate the old at work or emotionally, and it is difficult to settle down at work, giving people the feeling of playing with love; Words easily offend people; He is impetuous and likes to rationalize his behavior and make excuses. Might as well give others more opportunities to speak; Try to settle down and be practical, and your life pattern will be bigger.


Mercury in Sagittarius is in Sagittarius: direct and frank.

Advantages: Have a sense of justice, be helpful, and pursue spiritual freedom.

Disadvantages: aim too high, love fantasy, and don't love depth.

Mercury stands for: Thought, mind and language are the roots of consciousness.

Basic features:

Sagittarius people with mercury advocate emancipating their minds and expressing their ideas directly, and don't like beating around the bush; Lively in thought and quick in action, unwilling to think too much.

Specific features:

Mercury in Sagittarius means paying attention to the pulse of society and yearning for spiritual freedom, but it is not divorced from tradition and social morality. Sagittarius people with mercury have very high ideals and strive for freedom, but they do not violate tradition. You have strong kinetic energy, and once you start doing it, you will be full of energy. In order to satisfy your inner yearning and pursuit, you will constantly change your ideas, adjust your plans, and seek excitement and a sense of accomplishment in the change. You have a strong sense of morality. Although you yearn for a free life and exile your soul, you still stick to social morality.

Behavior style:

You have extremely high requirements for your major. You will continue to learn in order to become a professional authority in people's minds, and you will also apply your ideas to others, so that people will set you as the standard. You don't like the unchangeable working mode, and the changeable and challenging work can ignite your passion.

Personality blind spot:

Do not like in-depth analysis and research, easy to be deceived by the appearance of things; Speaking too directly is easy to offend people without knowing it; The requirements are too high and not practical enough; Like to preach to others, tend to be too ostentatious.


Libra Venus is located in Libra: elegant, charming and friendly.

Advantages: gentle temperament, artistic atmosphere, romantic and affectionate.

Disadvantages: neurotic, too concerned about other people's eyes, extravagance and waste.

Venus stands for harmony, beauty and love.

Basic features:

Libra people with Venus are elegant and charming, gentle and affectionate, and pursue romantic love life. You are highly sensitive to love and eager to find a bosom friend. It's easy to fall into a relationship or even get married.

Specific features:

Venus in Libra stands for attaching importance to marriage and maintaining social harmony. Libra people with Venus pursue balance and beauty, know how to care about others and seek spiritual and spiritual satisfaction in love. You are kind and courteous, and you are kind to others. You have great feelings and a sense of justice when you get along with others. You prefer to be elegant in front of the opposite sex, and your amorous feelings and charming temperament can often make the opposite sex fall for it; And your emotions are choppy, so it is easy to be moved, fall in love and enjoy the romantic and sweet countryside.

Behavior style:

You are very concerned about your speech and behavior, and try to handle it properly; Smooth and decent movements, and strive for perfect balance; Pay great attention to etiquette and act cautiously; The pursuit of love is also very graceful and universal.

Personality blind spot:

Showing disgust or even anger at others' strong ways of showing love is easy to scare away each other; Too many admirers are easy to fall into emotional difficulties, which makes you miserable in a dilemma; Too concerned about external image and performance, narcissistic tendency.

Huo Xing

Libra Mars in Libra: Fairness and Communication.

Advantages: elegant and gentle, long-sleeved and good at dancing, paying attention to image.

Disadvantages: lack of courage, indecision and strong emotional desire.

Mars represents: energy, will, explosiveness and vitality.

Basic features:

People on Mars in Libra are kind to others, do not publicize themselves, and show great enthusiasm and energy for public affairs. Act in a measured way, hoping to gain the approval of others, which comes from my affirmation.

Specific features:

Mars in Libra represents a strong desire for communication and is very concerned about the public image. People with Mars in Libra are very elegant, gentle and peaceful, and know how to put themselves in a relatively neutral position, but they will not be too radical and will not let themselves fall behind. You are full of feelings. Without emotional support, you will feel empty, like making friends and have a strong desire to fall in love and get married. Only by interacting with others can you feel valued and love can make you feel at ease. You are keen on public affairs, which can make you feel comfortable in the crowd and give full play to your abilities.

Behavior style:

You pay attention to ways and means in everything, and advance and retreat moderately; Lack of kinetic energy, but can adhere to their own principles; Maintain justice and regard public utilities as their own responsibility.

Personality blind spot:

Caution is not atmospheric enough; In the face of major choices, it seems a little weak and difficult to make up your mind; There is a tendency to be afraid of wolves before and tigers after, and lack of determination.

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Aquarius Jupiter is located in Aquarius: fraternity, generosity and equality.

Advantages: avant-garde, cooperative spirit and tolerance.

Disadvantages: weak sense of responsibility, sometimes willful and arbitrary.

Jupiter represents morality, philosophy and ideals.

Basic features:

People with Jupiter in Aquarius have novel ideas, strong sense of innovation, strong intuition and groundbreaking ideas. Not bound by religion, philosophy, etc. All people, things and things are equal.

Specific features:

Jupiter in Aquarius represents equality, tolerance and respect, sharing life experiences. Jupiter people in Aquarius like to use their brains, have ideas, treat different social values and life values equally, accept everything with an inclusive heart, and think that the world is one. However, you won't go with the flow because of this. On the contrary, they will pursue their ideals more actively, have advanced thoughts, and constantly seek innovation and change in order to pursue mental progress. You can respect everyone's differences, agree with others' practices, and live in peace with everyone. You are a friend worthy of deep friendship.

Behavior style:

You have your own code of conduct, your own thoughts and your own philosophy. Comprehensive thinking, broad-minded, and know how to cooperate with others.

Personality blind spot:

Sometimes it seems a lack of responsibility. If you let your mind do whatever you want, you will tend to indulge yourself when you are not affirmed by others.

Earth star

Scorpio Saturn is located in Scorpio: disciplined and intelligent.

Advantages: Strong will, strong toughness and strong self-control.

Disadvantages: mentally sensitive, prone to resentment, autocratic.

Saturn represents: the process of tribulation, test, sense of responsibility and self-growth.

Basic features:

Saturn has a strong personality, ambition and ambition in Scorpio, eager to gain control. Very smart, smart, extremely talented, and strive for status.

Specific features:

Saturn in Scorpio represents the pursuit of perfection, intelligence and ability, and has strong feelings and emotions. Saturn in Scorpio has a strong sensitivity to money and a natural love complex for power status. This strong desire makes you have high demands on yourself and pursue your goals persistently. Influenced by Saturn, you can be smart, but you also show a calm side, very patient and tenacious, and you can control your intelligence and wisdom, which is convincing. You also have a strong thirst for knowledge. In order not to lag behind others, keep learning and making progress.

Behavior style:

You have the ability and determination, and you know how to use your talents to realize your ideals; Treat the work very seriously and rigorously, demanding perfection; Once you start an action, you will stick to it, methodically and efficiently, until it is perfect.

Personality blind spot:

Appears cunning and vindictive, and can't bear any emotional harm from others; The desire for power is too strong, it seems arbitrary, it is not easy to cooperate with others, and it seems harsh; Emotion fluctuates greatly and is easily troubled by emotions. A stable and peaceful life is your ideal country.


Sagittarius Uranus is located in Sagittarius: freedom, tourism and culture.

Advantages: cheerful personality, broad vision and sense of humor.

Disadvantages: suspicious, bohemian and reckless.

Uranus represents: innovation and change, innovative consciousness, scientific and technological breakthrough.

Basic features:

Uranus Sagittarius people have a sense of humor and optimistic attitude towards life, cheerful personality and compassion. I like traveling and hope to broaden my horizons through traveling. Free and unrestrained personality, easy to produce excited emotions.

Specific features:

Sagittarius people with Uranus are good at analyzing and thinking, full of their own ideas, and like to show themselves in front of everyone. Cheerful personality makes you have a sense of humor. In the process of getting along with others, you can maintain a harmonious atmosphere and win the favor of people around you. I like a free life and don't want to be bound by dogma or tradition, so I occasionally feel bohemian. For the unknown world, you will be suspicious and curious about foreign things. When arguing with others, you will become very excited.

Behavior style:

Your mind is full of your own ideas, including some unrealistic ideas, and with a free and unrestrained personality, it is easy to do reckless things. You are optimistic and open to failures and setbacks. You don't want to be bound by dogma, but like independence, freedom and innovation.

Personality blind spot:

When the unrestrained personality is overused, it is easy for you to become reckless and reckless, which will also make you rebellious and easy to fail. So many times you have to learn to restrain yourself properly.


Capricorn Neptune is located in Capricorn: self-awakening, self-awareness, and the law of life.

Advantages: sense of responsibility and binding.

Disadvantages: conservative and stubborn.

Neptune stands for dreams, introspection and subconsciousness.

Basic features:

Capricorn people with Neptune have a strong sense of responsibility and are trustworthy. Conservative, like to stick to the rules and follow the rules.

Specific features:

Neptune's falling into Capricorn means paying attention to reality and hoping that your dreams can come true. Capricorn people with Neptune have a deep sense of responsibility and self-restraint, and can effectively control their bad emotions and habits, so life will be very regular. You pay attention to combining spiritual life with material life, so as to make your life more stable and colorful. In trouble, you know how to do self-reflection. In this kind of self-reflection, you can quickly realize your mistakes, correct them and guide yourself to success.

Behavior style:

Do things with a sense of responsibility. Once you take over, you will work hard until you and others are satisfied. Because you are conservative in thinking, lack creativity in doing things, and like to step by step, although it gives people a sense of sureness, it is difficult to make new breakthroughs in your career.

Personality blind spot:

Conservative thinking, slow acceptance of new things and new knowledge; It is difficult for you to make a breakthrough in your career if you stick to the rules and follow the steps. You might as well try to broaden your horizons, and you will make greater progress.


Scorpio Pluto is located in Scorpio: reborn, transformed and powerful.

Advantages: prepared, patient, gentle and elegant.

Disadvantages: restless, extreme, jealous.

Pluto represents: destruction, reform, passion and strength.

Basic features:

People whose Pluto falls in Scorpio are calm and taciturn on the surface, but in fact they are full of enthusiasm and rough waves, saving a lot of energy and waiting patiently for the opportunity to erupt. You have an unstable heart, so you often have to make many choices.

Specific features:

Pluto in Scorpio represents all kinds of changes in your life, the most typical of which is the change of emotional attitude. When you are betrayed emotionally, you will have the opposite view of love. For you, the replacement of old and new things is the most difficult choice. You can't tolerate others being better than you, you are prone to jealousy, and you can't tolerate being frustrated in the competition, so you will have more extreme ideas and even make abnormal reactions. In character, you have infinite patience. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, you are willing to wait for a long time I believe that the opportunity will come to you one day.

Behavior style:

You are a prepared person, and you can handle any sudden change well. You are a combination of old and new contradictions, so you often choose between two problems.

Personality blind spot:

Success and failure are very common phenomena. As long as you work hard enough, you will be worthy of yourself and those who care about yourself. You don't have to take gains and losses too seriously. Change yourself and become a brand-new you.


Leo Rising to Leo: Leadership, Enthusiasm and Dignity

Advantages: confident, strong and generous.

Disadvantages: vanity, conceit and good face.

Rising represents: soul, external behavior, attitude towards life.

Basic features:

The rising star who falls behind Leo has enthusiasm for self-expression, and likes to show strong, confident and solemn appearance, which has become the focus of attention. The concept of money is not strong enough, and they often spend a lot of money to satisfy their desires.

Specific features:

When a rising star falls into Leo, you have a strong desire and always want everyone to look at you. You need to use your creative instinct and talent for having fun to create a dramatic atmosphere for all kinds of life gatherings. No matter where you go, your clear, open and confident attitude will leave a good impression on people. When you speak, your actions are a little exaggerated, full of humor, and your social skills are good. Stubborn and strong, you will never give up, even if you are scarred, you will not show weakness in front of others, but face the world with a more arrogant attitude.

Behavior style:

Praise from others is your greatest motivation, and criticism from others will hurt your dignity, but usually you will show indifference and even take out something to improve your status to protect your face. Strive to make yourself the focus and pursuit of everyone.

Personality blind spot:

You need to control your ostentatious behavior or speech in order to give full play to your leadership and organizational skills and satisfy your desire for success. Don't impose your ideas on others for granted.

This content is provided by Science and Technology Wei Zi Constellation Network.

Please click on the following planet to watch the trait analysis:











The sun is in the third house (Brother House).

Trait analysis:

When the sun is in the house of brothers, the desire for knowledge and communication will be prominent. In the process of trying to gain recognition in the field of knowledge, you will clearly show and maintain your thoughts and opinions, and you will try your best to convince others of your opinions. In the process of exploring knowledge, brothers and sisters, neighbors and you interact more, so pay special attention to your communication style when interacting with them to avoid being too self-centered and affecting each other's feelings. Besides, when the sun is in this house, you still like to travel and make new friends, just to convey your knowledge and ideas.

If the sun encounters a bad phase in the Brothers' Palace, then your advantages will be exaggerated and turned into shortcomings, and you will become a "blind person" and a "compulsive person" who relies on talent and arrogance to impose ideas on others.

The moon is in the tenth house (Lu Guan Palace).

Trait analysis:

When the moon falls into Lu Guan Palace, you are simply a workaholic. You often regard your career as your lover, and you are very eager to realize your value through the success of your career. Because of the excessive investment in the cause, we can't give too much consideration to the family, so we often ignore the feelings of our partners, leading to constant family conflicts. Maybe you should give your family more snacks, or communicate with your partner to get his understanding, or simply let your partner be your work partner.

Mercury, Mercury, is located in the fourth house (Tianzhai Palace).

Trait analysis:

You like to walk around the house, or move the decorations around the house, or communicate with your neighbors to enhance your feelings, or simply use your home as a workplace, because you think your home is a territory that makes you feel happy and comfortable, and a temple that cultivates your soul. So you attach great importance to getting along and communicating with your family and friends, and you are willing to share with them what you like and hear. Everyone's harmony is the scene you most want to see.

If Mercury is in a good phase, you will have a bright future in real estate management. As long as you persist, the older you get, the better you will develop.

If Mercury is in a bad phase, your suspicious weakness will be exposed, which is not conducive to the harmony between family and colleagues and will damage your life and career.

Venus is in the second house (financial house).

Trait analysis:

You are a person who cares about what others think of you. In order to be popular with everyone, you are willing to pursue it all your life. In addition, you have a great desire for money and a strong ability to make money, but you like to spend a lot of money on interpersonal communication. The ultimate goal of doing this is to gain people's welcome.

Because Venus is in a good phase in the financial house, you will have a strong concept of money and try not to worry about money.

Because Venus is influenced by bad aspects, it is easy for you to miss love by choosing money.

Mars is in the second house (financial house).

Trait analysis:

You have a strong desire to make a lot of money, always thinking about how to get rich quickly, keen on some financial doorways and starting your own business. Although you love money, you are fair, you won't do anything for it, and you hate others taking some benefits that you shouldn't.

If Mars is in good phase, your mobility will enable you to accumulate wealth quickly.

If Mars is in a bad phase, you can easily lose your wealth because of excessive consumption.

Jupiter is in the sixth house (slave house)

Trait analysis:

You are full of enthusiasm and passion for your work, have a good working attitude, never complain, and are satisfied. So you are very popular with company executives, and you are not worried that you will be excluded or unable to find a job that day. When you get along with colleagues or bosses, you know how to do what you like and how to be a person. When you get along with your subordinates, you can get along well with them without putting on airs. In a word, you are very popular in the company.

If Jupiter falls into the slave palace and is influenced by bad aspects, it will turn into a hypocritical work attitude, only doing superficial work and only pleasing the boss.

Saturn is in the third house (Brother House).

Trait analysis:

Your thinking has a strong ability of logical induction, and your thinking is orderly. Accounting, secretarial, writing, academic research and other fields can let you display your talents. However, your thinking is not very active and your reaction is not sensitive enough. When talking with people, especially when arguing, you are easily suppressed by others and lack sufficient self-confidence.

Uranus Uranus is in the fourth house.

Trait analysis:

You pursue a free family concept and like to use your home as a place for friends to get together. If your family fetters you too much, you will be unbearable, and you will always stay outside for longer or stay away from your family to pursue the freedom you want.

Neptune Neptune is in the fifth house.

Trait analysis:

People in Neptune Palace are full of love for their children, so it is difficult to refuse their demands and it is easy to spoil them. Full of romantic feelings and fantasies about love, even if married, it is easy to yearn for improper relationships; Full of inspiration and passion for art, the finished works of art are always full of romance.

Pluto Pluto is in the third house (Brother House).

Trait analysis:

You always do things with an exploratory attitude and like to explore the nature or causes of things. Coincidentally, your inspiration is also very strong, and the results you think of in advance are usually almost the same as the actual situation you explore. But if the phase is not good, it will inadvertently offend friends and even destroy the relationship and feelings between brothers and sisters.

This content is provided by Science and Technology Wei Zi Constellation Network.

The phase is the angle at which any two stars of the top ten planets pull out, and what kind of force will be produced depends on the planets. Want to know the phase of the planet?

Angle, what effect does it have on your character? Please click on the following phase angle to watch the analysis:

0 degree phase angle analysis (combined phase)

Sun and Pluto

People with this aspect will inspire all the energy of the sun and Pluto, and have courage, self-confidence, tenacity, passion and transformation. As long as you concentrate your willpower, you can change yourself and things around you. But if these forces are overused, they will make themselves go to extremes and hurt themselves.

Mercury and Saturn

This harmonious person is a serious, diligent, logical and scientific person. You like to analyze things clearly, and you like to think about the development prospects and plan carefully when you do anything. But if you give full play to your advantages, you will become picky and worry too much. Analysis of 60-degree (sextant) phase angle

Mercury and Mars

This sextile brings a strong thirst for knowledge, healthy intuition and interest in self-expression. You have a hobby of abstract thinking beyond ordinary people's imagination, like reading, and are good at expressing your ideas, which is very suitable for intellectual work, such as writers, speakers, teachers, academic researchers and so on.

Venus and Uranus

People who have this sextile are lively and dazzling, and can quickly infect people around them, so they are very popular with everyone and have many friends. Because of this personality, you are very impulsive in love, and you may fall in love and get married less than a month after you know each other. You pursue spiritual laissez-faire, and it is difficult to accept traditional love patterns or concepts.

Neptune and Pluto

People who have this sextile seem to be blessed by lucky stars and have full good luck. You constantly create life through intuition and rich imagination, and what you encounter is bound to be a happy and happy world.

Pluto and Ascension

People at this stage are highly alert to themselves and others. You can experience deeper interpersonal relationships in a step-by-step way. You are very attentive to things, and if you have similar combinations in your chart, your insight will be stronger. 90-degree phase angle analysis (quadrant phase)

The sun and Jupiter

Because of blind optimism, it is difficult for people to clearly understand themselves and their abilities, and their imagination is too rich and unrealistic. At the same time, they always have many goals, eager to complete in a short time, but lack detailed plans and clear motives. Usually, words and deeds are more willful.

Mercury and ascension

People who belong to this stage have difficulties in interpersonal communication. It's not that you are afraid of expression, but that the logic of thinking is always not rigorous enough, the expression is a bit clumsy, and the words are not satisfactory, which makes it difficult for people to understand your true wishes and leads to some poor communication in your interpersonal relationship.

Mars and Neptune

Whether you are depressed or released, it is easy for you to have a great influence on your emotions because of the expression of desire at this stage, which will lead to your mental, behavioral and sexual deviations. In addition, you have a tendency to deceive yourself and don't know what you really want, which often bothers you. Maybe you shouldn't think too much. The more you think, the less you know what you want, or the less you dare to ask.

Jupiter and Pluto

People at this stage are withdrawn, arrogant and stubborn. You don't like to take part in any social activities. Whether your point of view is correct or not, you don't like to listen to other people's objective advice, and only do things according to your own ideas. Your personality makes you easily isolated by the people around you. You want to achieve something in your career, but you are often blocked.

Saturn and Ascension

This kind of square people are not very good at communication and don't know how to show their warmth to others. The serious surface makes people feel heartless, so it is often difficult to establish friendship or love with others, and your situation is relatively lonely. 120 degree phase angle analysis (three-phase)

The moon and Jupiter

This type of trinity has a generous and kind heart. Whenever they like to help others and create benefits, they like to dedicate their love and responsibility to their families, relatives and partners. As long as you watch them happy, you will feel happy.

Neptune and Ascension Island

At this stage, people's eyes are very attractive and can reveal mystery, which is particularly attractive. You have keen perception and intuition, and you can properly integrate yourself into the surrounding environment and people, which is very beneficial to the development of your interpersonal relationship and can also enhance your interaction with the other half. 180 degree phase angle analysis (anti-phase)

The moon and Uranus

The opposite person is fickle and unstable, and lacks a sense of responsibility in temperament, mood, attitude and living habits, which will lead to disharmony in your life, family, career and interpersonal relationship, making people afraid to trust you.