Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What is the main content of The Adventures of boas?

What is the main content of The Adventures of boas?

Adventures of a braggart (1)

One sunny night, the sun was setting. After several hours of intense hunting, I fell tired on my horse and walked home as if I were asleep. Maybe I shouldn't be so careless. When I woke up from a deep thought or a nap, the horse was standing in front of a wide swamp. It suddenly occurred to me that a few weeks ago, someone reported to me that the bridge on the swamp was washed away by heavy rain. I really regret why I didn't send someone to rebuild the new bridge; At first, I thought I should come and see for myself, but now I'm really here.

How can I determine the way home? Turn the horse's head back? I am determined not to do this! I didn't think much. The reins and spurs were sandwiched between my legs, and the horse immediately stood up, then jumped into the air and suddenly woke up. This mount has chased 30 rabbits and has been running all afternoon. Now it is exhausted and determined not to jump over this swamp until it runs.

I decided decisively to twist my body in the air, turn around with my mount and fall back to the place where I just took off.

You did a good job. I patted the horse on the neck, led the horse back to a distance with enough run-up, turned around and rushed to the swamp. I seized the opportunity to lift the reins, at the same time, my legs slammed the spurs, and the horse pranced in the air again. I was suddenly surprised. Initially, it was estimated that the swamp zone was only 20 steps wide, but in fact it was at least 5 or 6 steps wide. I quickly grabbed the spurs and the horse ran forward in the air. However, everything was useless, and the mount and rider were trapped in the swamp. We struggled in the mud, and the swamp soon reached my waist and my chest. The horse only showed its neck and head, and we were facing extinction. Who will help us? ?

In an emergency, I grabbed the mount with my legs, grabbed the braid with my right hand, pulled it hard, dumped my body with the mount and jumped out of the damn swamp. We survived and went home leisurely. Gentlemen, don't doubt my power. "?

"But ... where are your dogs and prey, Mr. Baron?" Someone asked him.

"When I decided to take a shortcut, I asked them to send it back from the old road. It took us an hour to get home before they came back slowly. My groom gave me 29 rabbits, and he kept the other one for himself, which showed that I was sober in an emergency. ?

Gentlemen, once the enemy occupies the outer position of the fortress and the main wall is in jeopardy, how can he prove his excellent command ability as a garrison commander? For a real officer and an excellent hunter, this is a rare opportunity to show his judgment and quick thinking in an unusual way. What if there is not enough ammunition when hunting? There is only gunpowder left, but what should I do if I run out of lead and shotgun? This kind of thing really happens to me all the time. The following story, although the scene at that time was not exactly like the above, is enough to prove that resourcefulness can get rid of all kinds of difficulties under any circumstances.

There is a big pond next to my luxurious house. One morning, I saw the whole pond was full of wild ducks through the bedroom window. I was so happy that I didn't have time to freshen up. I picked up my shotgun and ammunition and rushed down the stairs in a panic. I accidentally bumped into the post of the stair railing, and suddenly there was a spark in front of me, but I ran out of the house in despair and approached the pond with the help of the bushes and reeds next to me. I aimed my gun, but found there was no flint in the bolt. I must have lost it when I hit the handrail of the stairs. What shall we do? Otherwise, my shot will never fail.

I take the initiative to turn my feelings into knowledge and put them into practice.

I opened the lid of the fire bolt and pointed the gun at my face and cheek; Then I hit myself in the eye. Sure enough, as I expected, this punch made my eyes shine, and Mars led the gunpowder that hit the fire bolt to fire. This shot made me get 10 wild ducks, 4 red-headed geese and 2 bone chickens.

Calmness is a brave and tenacious soul, and using quick wits will make people gain unexpected gains in hunting.

Another time I went hunting and tried my new gun. The hounds were busy searching for prey, and a tungsten mountain was blown up and landed not far away. I can't help thinking: why not take some home to enrich my dinner? It's a pity that I have run out of shotguns. What do you say, gentlemen? My inspiration came again: I quickly filled the gun with gunpowder and then put the bar in the gun. One end of the stick is pointed, similar to a pencil. Tungsten was chased around by hounds in the potato field and finally forced to the edge of the field. Do not move! Do not move! I ordered the hounds to catch up with guns. With a bang, the tungsten in these mountains flew. I quickly took the gun, aimed at the target and fired-with a bang, the tongs suddenly penetrated seven partridges and fell not far away. I carry a flock of partridges home.

You see, as long as you use your head, any problem can be solved.

A few days later, I went hunting again and didn't go home until I ran out of ammunition. Suddenly an angry wild boar rushed at me. Everyone knows that. This is not a good thing. I can only run to the nearest tree and climb to protect myself. I don't think anyone will blame or laugh at me for doing so. The wild boar rushed at me, but it was too late after all. It is really dangerous. As soon as my feet left the ground, the wild boar's fangs stung the trunk. Its power is really terrible. It actually poked a hole in the trunk, and there were fangs an inch long on the other side. Without hesitation, I jumped down from the tree, picked up a fist-sized stone, smashed the fangs of the wild boar, riveted the wild boar to the tree like a rivet, and then went home triumphantly. The next morning, carrying a loaded shotgun, I took a group of people and pushed a car to the wild boar. Of course, I didn't have time to ask the poor guy staring at the tree how to spend the night, so I shot him in the direction of his brain from his fierce eyes. Later, the village chief sent someone to tell me that this guy weighs more than 500 kilograms, so you can imagine how big it is.

Perhaps gentlemen will wonder how I can bend my fangs like a nail. In this regard, I want to explain that I first smashed the fangs of the tree with a stone until the unyielding hard fangs were hot.

Soften it, then bend it easily and rivet it firmly to the tree.

All right, gentlemen, that's enough for tonight.

The adventures of a braggart (2)

"Last time I told a story about two excellent hunting dogs, today I remembered another dog, no less than it.

I once had a female hound, Chifei Wright, who followed me for many years and made many contributions.

Once I wanted to ride a horse to hunt. I didn't intend to take it with me, because it was going to have a puppy and couldn't hunt as fast as before, but it had to go with me anyway, so I had to let it go.

Shortly after we went out, a rabbit ran past us and looked really big. Chifei Wright immediately caught up. All right, run. It won't be long before you can't run.

I thought so, so I just rode slowly behind, and soon the rabbits and hounds disappeared. Suddenly, I heard a disorderly barking of dogs. There seemed to be a large group of dogs barking vaguely, but the sound seemed a little harsh and weak. I don't know what happened. I rode after him. I couldn't believe it when I got there. This rabbit gave birth to five rabbits, while Chifei Wright gave birth to five puppies at the same time-can you imagine? The hunting started with a hound and a rabbit and ended with six dogs and six rabbits.

When I got home, my wife and servant both fainted with laughter. Smart Chifei followers have followed me for many years. In the end, its four slender legs were only worn to a small part near its belly, looking like a badger dog. Some people even said that he was blind in his later years, so I had to hang a lamp on his tail. This is undoubtedly an absurd and sad exaggeration, which has greatly damaged my image and the authenticity of the story I told. Shortly after that rabbit chase, I embarked on a long journey to Russia.

Because I stayed in Warsaw for a long time, by the time I arrived in northern Poland, winter had arrived. Although it snowed heavily, I continued to trudge north. I quickly adapted to the cold winter and didn't feel cold at all. What puzzles me, however, is that I have walked all day without seeing anyone, villages, restaurants or even trees. According to the position of the sun and the constellation after sunset, there is no doubt that I am heading north, but according to the map I have seen in Warsaw, it should be a dense forest, but in front of me, it is a white snow field. When night fell, I got off the horse exhausted and prepared to camp out.

I'm glad there is a big piece of bread left, which was originally prepared for my mount. Now it seems that I can only enjoy this kind of food with horses. There seems to be a sharpened stump not far ahead, so I tied my horse to it. I was lying in the snow with my clothes on, and the saddle was just used as a pillow.

The north wind gradually turned into a soft south wind. I was exhausted and had no other thoughts. I relaxed and fell asleep soon. When I woke up, it was already dawn. Strange, am I still dreaming? I looked around and found myself lying in the garden of a country church, but there was no sign of horses. Suddenly there was a scream overhead and I looked up.

Think about what I see-my horse is hanging in the air at the spire of the church bell tower. Now I understand that the whole village was buried by heavy snow last night. Under the starlight, I mistook the spire of the church for a stump and tied my horse to it. When I was asleep, the snow gradually melted and I slowly fell back to the ground. The urgent task now is to rescue the horse from its predicament. I took out my pistol and raised my hand to shoot. The hard rope broke and my mount slipped safely from the spire.

The villagers witnessed this spectacle and stood in awe of me as a magical figure.

The restaurant owner treated me to a hearty breakfast, and the horse also ate double forage. The boss told me that such heavy snow is very common in Poland, and it snows at least several times a year. In return, I gave the shopkeeper some gold coins. My mount and I regained our strength and continued our journey.

Of course, at this time, we are walking through the Woods. A few days later, I came to Lithuania and took a short rest in Count Puzoboski's luxurious manor to relieve the fatigue of long-distance travel. Many of us were sitting around the table drinking tea when someone came in and asked the men to go out and see a good horse that had just been bought from the stable.

At first, I stayed with the ladies and continued to drink tea until the screams outside prompted me to go out and have a look. It is incredible that a large group of men are helpless around a fierce and unruly horse. That horse is wild, even a good rider dare not go near it, even kicking and biting.

Everyone's face was frightened, and the count shouted to me half jokingly,' Hey, Minghausen, it's your turn!' I jumped into the air without hesitation and got on the horse, which was quite surprising. I immediately showed all my riding skills and finally handed over the horse. In order to let the ladies appreciate my superb riding skills and eliminate their unnecessary worries, I jumped into the house from the open window, rode my horse slowly and galloped inside, and finally jumped on the tea table and performed various riding skills between cups and cups. The ladies were ecstatic, and even the men opened their eyes.

. The count sincerely gave me this horse as a gift, and repeatedly emphasized that I was welcome. Well, dear gentlemen, that's all for today, and tomorrow you will hear more novel stories.

The adventures of a braggart (3)?

"Last night, I talked about the experience of going to Petersburg with a wolf in a sleigh. It is because of my superb skills that I was naturally appointed as the head of the cavalry. If nothing else, I will talk about the war to capture the Turkish fortress tonight.

Before we entered the position, my cavalry and I were sent as advance troops. I found that Jean-Claude's army was using the dust and fog as a cover to attack us and then break through. I decided to deal with a man as he deals with you.

Confuse the enemy first, then attack the enemy position.

I asked the soldiers to raise as much dust as possible on the wings of our army and March towards the enemy in a horizontal line. The enemy can only see the troops in the middle of our phalanx, and can't figure out how many men and horses are on the two wings. They must think that we are very strong, and there are still a large number of troops hidden on the left and right sides, which will inevitably make the enemy tremble. We began to charge, and the deafening' Hula' sound far drowned out the shouts of the enemy. The enemy soon wavered, made only a little resistance and fled in succession. Most of them were destroyed by our army on the way, and a few lucky ones were forced to enter the city and finally had to abandon the city and flee.

There is no doubt that I have been leading the pursuit and annihilation of the enemy. On the one hand, the competitive spirit of young people urges me to go forward bravely, on the other hand, my Lithuanian feet are flying. I took the lead in chasing out the city gate, killed several enemy troops who finally fell, closed the city gate, flew into the central square of the city, and ordered the trumpet to assemble the team. However, to my surprise, I don't have a trumpeter or even an ordinary cavalry.

I guess, maybe they took another road, it won't be too far, and they will come soon. Seeing the horse panting, I went to the fountain in the square to drink the horse. The horse kept drinking water for more than 10 minutes. I have never seen a horse so thirsty. I looked around to see if my people had arrived. What do I see? My poor horse has only the first half left, but the second half is gone, and the waist and sacrum have disappeared without a trace. Water is drunk from the mouth and flows out from the back, so the horse must not drink enough and can't quench his thirst. ?

Just as I was puzzling and thinking hard about this matter, my groom came from a distance. He told me about the scene at that time and the loss of the hindquarters of the horse. Of course, there are a lot of rude words in the middle, and there are also praises for my bravery and invincibility.

This is fantasy. I chased the fleeing Turkish enemy. Just as I was crossing the city gate, the iron fence of the Yugoslav capital suddenly fell down. I immediately cut off the second half of my mount, but it didn't stop me from hunting until I drove all the fleeing enemy troops out of the castle. I rode my horse to look for the lost horse without hesitation, but it was still chasing the Turkish stragglers who could not escape from the city.

The blacksmith in my cavalry is really versatile. He stitched two and a half horses together again. Because there was no suitable suture at that time, he had to use laurel branches instead. In fact, this is not bad, because the twigs of laurel actually take root and sprout on horses, grow constantly, and finally become trees of laurel.

In the subsequent battle, I was lucky enough to ride in the shade of laurel and make great achievements. But in a battle, I was ambushed while spying on the enemy, and I easily gave in.

The adventures of a braggart (4)

"Dear gentlemen, friends, hunting enthusiasts! I promise to tell you today that I am a prisoner. ?

After being captured, the enemy did not exchange Turkish prisoners of war for me, but took me to Constantinople, became a slave in the garden of Sudan and gave them bees. This is undoubtedly a special form of humiliation for a brave cavalry general.

But you can learn everything. Soon, I became familiar with every one of my subordinates. I drive bees to the grassland in the morning, look after them during the day and take care of them at night. One night, I found two little bees missing, so I looked around and saw two big bears tearing up the bees and eating their honey.

At this critical moment, I didn't have any other weapons in my hand, so I used my quick wits and threw the Peugeot silver axe as a Sudanese gardening tool at the bear. Although they didn't hit the bear, the two guys ran away in fright. ?

However, I was stupid. The little silver axe passed between the heads of two bears by the inertia I threw out, flying higher and higher, and finally flew to the moon. Is there any way to get it back? What ladder in the world can reach the moon from the earth? I thought hard and finally found a way.

A few days ago, an old man in charge of guarding the garden gave me a Turkish bean, which is a magical seed. It was neither produced in mysterious Baghdad nor in Muhammad's tomb.

I planted it at once, and even I wondered if it could grow as fast as the old man told me. Guess what happened? Hardly had I planted it in the flower bed of the garden when it began to sprout. I watched the buds grow continuously, and within a few hours they entangled the lower end of the string moon. I climbed towards the moon with confidence. After several hours of hard work, I finally landed on the moon.

Everything on the moon shines like pure silver. It's not easy to find this little silver axe. It took me hours to find it on the haystack. It never rains but it pours. The bean ladder can't stand the scorching sun and has withered. I am trapped on the moon, and I am helpless.

I suddenly saw the haystack, and quickly twisted it into a rope, the longer the better, and then tied it to a corner of the moon. I slipped down the straw rope with a rope in my left hand and a silver axe in my right. When you slide to the end of the rope, you use an axe to cut off the rope above and connect it with the one below, so you cut one by one, slide one by one, and keep circulating, and gradually get close to the ground, but the straw rope is almost worn through.

When I was in the clouds, only a few miles from the ground, the rope broke, and I fell heavily on the ground and immediately fainted. It was a long time before I woke up and found myself smashing a hole nearly 20 meters deep in the ground. ?

People who tell stories about my experiences always like to brag. For example, when they say this, they say that I dug a path similar to steps with my nails and finally got out of the deep pit. Actually, I'm not that stupid, because at that time, I had found my axe, and I could easily use it to make hundreds of steps. How do I use my nails? You all know who I am, and those practices of embellishing and whitewashing that go against the facts really make me feel uneasy, because there is no need at all. It is enough to tell my adventures truthfully.

Later, I happened to remember how people caught flies with sticks coated with syrup in my hometown. I suddenly realized that I decided to deal with bears in a similar way. I painted honey on the axle of the carriage and then I lurked not far away.

That's great. After dark, a big bear appeared. It circled the carriage several times and growled from time to time. Because I didn't find anything suspicious, and honey was too tempting, I began to lick it at the top of the shaft, then swallowed the whole shaft and passed through the esophagus, stomach and stomach until it came out from behind my ass again.

At this time, I rushed up and smashed into a thick wedge, breaking the greedy man's retreat. The next morning, I saw Sudan passing by, so I asked him to have a look. Sudan was overjoyed to see this interesting hunting method. ?

After this incident, I gradually became familiar with Sudan.

It wasn't long before Austria concluded a peace treaty with Upper Turkey, and the Russians were bound to make peace with Turkey. I was released together with other prisoners of war. Who knows I will go back to Constantinople soon, but this time I will go to my post. Since my Lithuanian good horse has been detained in Turkey since it was captured, I went by carriage, and those released Turkish prisoners had to walk. ?

On the journey, we have to pass a sharp turn on the mountain road. I reminded the driver to signal by honking his horn to avoid colliding with the oncoming carriage. The coachman put the horn on his mouth and blew it. Despite all his efforts, the horn didn't make a sound, which puzzled us. In the evening, we all rest in the post office. The big fireplace with green tiles is very warm. The driver's hat hangs on one side of the fireplace, and his horn hangs on the other side.

After a while, there was a beep in the room, and then the driver blew the bugle during the day. It turned out that these bugles were frozen in the horn because of the cold weather, but now they are released after melting in the high temperature.

Although the coachman didn't even touch the horn that night, all of us enjoyed the wonderful horn, including gentle Russian folk songs, the famous Dessau March, enthusiastic pop tunes, interspersed with some music played by cavalry, and finally a lullaby. Only then did people realize the driver's good intentions. ?

None of you here may have experienced such a thing! I have never encountered such a cold day in Germany, and even the speakers are frozen. It seems that such a cold day is not without its merits. This kind of cold is not uncommon in Russia.

The adventures of a braggart (5)

"After arriving at the castle, I submitted my credentials to Sudan. Sudan received me as warmly as an old friend, and he always called me an old friend, which impressed ambassadors all over the world.

Since then, my relationship with Sudan has been very different from serving bees in the imperial garden as a prisoner. Some time ago, the relationship between Turkey and Egypt was somewhat bad. One day, Sudan told me that he didn't know who to send to solve the deadlock. Before I could answer, he asked me to go to Cairo to help him with it. I have to accept this task.

The night before we set out, Sultan and I sat in a cabin by the sea and discussed for the last time how to express ourselves in the Chitose Palace in Cairo. Later, I turned the topic to my exploits in the Prussian army. I told the sultan that once we surrounded the enemy's castle. I can't remember exactly which castle it is.

Dear friends, I think this is just a scam, so I didn't mention anything in front of you in the past, but Sudan thought it was wonderful after listening to it, so I decided to tell you about it. The enemy castle has been surrounded by us. The commander must find out the details of the enemy castle. Unfortunately, no one could let scouts into the enemy's fortress at that time.

I figured out all the difficulties I would encounter: through outposts, outposts and forts. I had a brainwave. Can I use an unusual method? I haven't revealed this idea to anyone.

I stood by a cannon, waiting for the right moment. I only heard a command to "fire". The gunner jammed the fuse into the ignition hole. Opportunity knocks but once. As soon as the shell was released, I jumped on it and let it send me to the enemy's fortress. When I flew halfway, I found that the situation was not good. I realized in time:' You, Min Haosen! You can go in, but how can you come out alone? How do you move in the enemy's fortress? You didn't even change your uniform on impulse. People can recognize you as a spy at a glance and send you to the gallows.

Don't! Don't! Is this the end of Minghausen? I decided to use the shells of the enemy fortress as a means of transportation for my return trip. Just then, a shell happened to come at me, only a few steps away from me. I lost no time in jumping from my shell to the enemy's shell. In this way, although I failed to get what I wanted, I finally returned to my position safely.

"Min Hausen, Min Hausen," said the Sultan with a smile. It is not easy. "I want to see for myself," yes, your majesty! I replied,' I am very happy. I'm finally lucky. In fact, it was a flash, and it was almost over. Shells are slippery and it is difficult to keep balance.

This can only say that I am a lucky young man. Early the next morning, as a special envoy, I set off with a large group of followers. The sultan sent me all the way to the seaside and shook hands with me to say goodbye, which surprised everyone present. At the same time, he quietly said to me,' Min Haosen, don't do stupid things again. You should know that this trip is extremely dangerous.

I crossed my hands on my chest and bowed deeply in reply. I think Sudan will understand the meaning. He watched us affectionately until we reached the other side of the Asian continent and rode a camel to Cairo.