Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Southern Constellation Set _ Southern Constellation List

Southern Constellation Set _ Southern Constellation List

What are the southern constellations and where can I see them?

South Star is composed of 42 constellations, including Cetacea, Orion, Unicorn, Canine Duke, Crow Crown, Temple of Heaven, Crane, Phoenix, Clock, Celestial Furnace, Sculpture, Rhododendron Tail, Flying Fish, Centauri, Peacock, Fisch, Pigeon, Rabbit and Compass.

First, the location of the Southern Constellation The Southern Constellation is not only visible in the southern hemisphere. Some constellations can still be seen in the north of latitude 20, but most of them are located in the south of latitude 30. For example, the famous Southern Aquarius is 30 degrees south latitude and 38.53 degrees east longitude. The most famous Centauri is located at 47 degrees south latitude and 20.72 degrees east longitude. Nantianxing is located at the southernmost point, at 82 degrees south latitude and 9.2 degrees east longitude, while the southernmost constellation is Nanyu. Telescope constellation, square ruler constellation, clock constellation and picture frame constellation are all concentrated at about 50 degrees south latitude, which is a shining southern sky constellation.

Second, there are different constellations in the southern sky. The distinctive constellations in the southern sky include Orion, the brightest star in the winter sky, Cassiopeia, the most beautiful Centauri in the summer sky, and the most beautiful little constellation in spring. Scorpio is also a very shining constellation in the summer sky. Yamaraja, chameleon, telescope and India are all the most mysterious constellations in the southern sky.

Third, the legend of the Southern Constellation? Legend has it that when Zheng He went to the Western Ocean, he used two planets in Centauri for navigation, which was called Nanmen Binary Star. Centauri is a lucky constellation in ancient China, and it is also the most widely known constellation. Centauri is the largest star, because it includes two first-class planets, A and B, which attracts many observers in the southern hemisphere to explore the beauty of Centauri, but it can only be seen in autumn, because Centauri is a constellation that only appears in autumn, located north of the Southern Cross and south of the compass.