Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Magic wing exclusive 12 constellation

Magic wing exclusive 12 constellation

The romantic legend and beautiful mind of 12 constellation in ancient Greek legends

Aries constellation

In a faraway country, the king married a beautiful queen. The new queen is jealous by nature. Seeing the king's love for his ex-wife's children, she decided to get rid of them.

When spring came, the new queen fried all the wheat seeds distributed to the people, and spread rumors that the crops were not harvested because the prince and princess were cursed! Simple people believed the queen's words and unanimously demanded that the king execute the prince and princess and lift the curse. The public was so angry that the king reluctantly ordered the prince and princess to be executed.

The news reached the ears of the prince and princess's biological mother, so she asked Zeus for help. On the day of execution, Zeus sent a ram to save the prince and princess. The prince is optimistic by nature; The princess is naughty and careless. Just as she was crossing the sea, she accidentally fell off the back of the sheep and died. In order to reward the ram, Zeus hung it high in the sky, which is today's Aries.

Beautiful heart: the optimism of the prince and the carelessness of the princess are the biggest characteristics of Aries.

Taurus constellation

In the Phoenician kingdom of ancient Europe, the beautiful princess Europa often dreamed that a strange woman said to herself, "Let me take you to Zeus, and the goddess of fate appointed you as his lover."

One morning, when Europa went to the grass to pick flowers as usual, a noble and gorgeous Taurus appeared. A pair of blue eyes are burning with lust, which makes Europa irresistible. She jumped on the cow's back happily. At this time, Taurus jumped gently from the ground and flew into the sky. Taurus flies to an isolated island and disappears. At this time, there was a little smile behind him. Europa looked back and found the strange woman in her dream. The woman stood in front of her and said, "My son Cupid has shot through the hearts of you and Zeus, and the Taurus who brought you here is Zeus himself. You are the goddess on the earth now, and your name will be immortal. "

Beautiful heart: Taurus is a symbol of love and beauty.


In ancient Greece, it was said that the gentle and virtuous Princess Rita had a pair of very lovely sons. They are not twins, but they look exactly alike, and the two brothers have deep feelings.

One day, Greece was attacked by a monster, and the brave brother killed the monster. When she returned triumphantly and the whole country celebrated, Princess Lida confided the truth to him secretly. It turns out that my brother is the son of the princess and Zeus and has eternal life. It's a pity that warriors fight for merit. In the chaos, someone stabbed his brother with a spear. In order to protect his younger brother, he bravely jumped on him and stood in front of him. As a result, my brother was killed My brother was in pain and went back to heaven to ask Zeus to bring him back to life. Zeus said, "The only way is to give him half your life force, so that he will be resurrected and you will become a mortal and die at any time." My brother agreed without hesitation. He said, brothers can die for brothers, why can't brothers die for brothers? Zeus was moved and created a constellation named Gemini after two brothers.

Beautiful heart: brave sacrifice, for the sake of mutual friendship, this is Gemini's dedication.

Cancer constellation

Cancer failed to fulfill the mission of the goddess Hera in a war, so it was cursed. The curse spread to the queen of Athens-the princess got married and the queen died.

When Milo was 20 years old, there was a prince from Athens named Sosa. He was bent on marrying Milo, who fell in love with him at first sight. However, the curse is terrible, and the princess doesn't want it to sacrifice her mother for her own happiness. So she set up nine levels, and she couldn't marry him unless she kept her word. Brave things have been done one by one! The great mother decided to marry Milo to Sosa for her daughter's happiness. On the day Milo and Sosa got married, the queen committed suicide by jumping into the sea. People found a huge crab at sea, with its arms around its chest, as if it were insecure and like a protective mother. Hera regretted it very much when she knew it. She made her mother a constellation in the sky, and its formation was a cancer.

Beautiful heart: Insecure, sensitive and delicate, having a mother's heart is the nature of cancer.

Le Signe du Lion

Arnie has loved Xu since she was a child. Although they have the same parents, Arnie fell from the sky, and Xu was born to his mother, Edgar.

Happy days and quickness are torn by bad luck. According to God's instructions, the hero He Wuli wants to kill Arnie and Xu. In order to protect his sweetheart Xu, Arnie decided not to let He Wuli enter the big forest. Xu loves Arnie very much, and she decided to repel He Wuli before Arnie, even if it was mutually assured destruction. Xu came to Amimana Spring to duel with He Wuli who killed him. He Wuli soaked all the arrows he carried with him in poisonous snake blood. In the evening, Arnie found He Wuli. He Wuli drew his sword and fought Arnie who became a lion. Wu He shot at the lion with a poisonous arrow, which hit the lion's heart. The lion fell to the ground and became a man. Later, Zeus sent Ani back to the sky and became a star, that is, a Leo as bright as the sun.

Beautiful heart: Leo people are endowed with the courage to sacrifice for love.


Posephone is a pure goddess of spring, who was taken away by Haitian as his wife. Without Posephine, the world will face great disaster. When Zeus knew this, he ordered the Haitian to be cursed and let him sleep again. But Haitian really loves Posephine. Before going to bed, he said to Posephine, "My fragrance belongs to the world. Please take it away! " Say that finish, Haitian closed his eyes.

It was spring when Poseidon returned to earth from hell. She spread the fragrance of white flowers on the earth. However, she can't forget the Haitian who was buried in hell. In winter, she finally couldn't help visiting Haitian in hell. At this time, Haitian will miraculously wake up, and when Poseidon left him in spring, he fell asleep again. Year after year, this pure and beautiful virgin found herself really in love with the gloomy ghost of the underworld. So Zeus stipulated that they could meet for a quarter of the year. Since then, winter has been the day when Poseidon went to the underworld to see the sea and the sky.

Beautiful heart: Zeus was moved by this special love, and named a constellation in the sky Virgo to commemorate what Posephina had done for the world. So first love is beautiful and touching.


So the goddess is Zeus' daughter and Poseidon is Zeus' brother. Because the goddess and Poseidon had a long relationship.

The endless intrigue and deception of human beings have made many gods unbearable and returned to life in heaven, leaving only the goddess of justice and Poseidon behind. The goddess did not despair of mankind, but Poseidon lost confidence in mankind. He pessimistically advised the goddess to return to heaven. So the two quarreled for the first time in their lives, and finally quarreled with each other's life experiences. The goddess of justice despised Poseidon as just a pool of salt water, while Poseidon shook off the scandal of Zeus and the fact that the goddess had an illegitimate daughter. The goddess of justice was greatly insulted and found her father Zeus for trial. Hera suggested that the two men compete to see who can make mankind feel more peaceful, and whoever loses will apologize to each other.

During the competition, Poseidon waved to the wall, and beautiful water flowed out of the gap, which made people feel infinitely cool and comfortable. This is the goddess of justice turned into a tree, green leaves and golden olives. Anyone who looks at it will feel love and peace. Poseidon smiled at the goddess, knowing that her wish had finally come true. Mankind realized the importance of peace, and the goddess and Poseidon reconciled. To commemorate this result, Zeus threw the scales he carried with him into the sky, and today's scales came into being.

Beautiful heart: It is Libra's greatest wish to have a beautiful heart and hope that family and friends around you will live in peace forever.


The son of Apollo and his daughter Holly lived in the palace of Apollo. Holly loves Phaeton deeply. Also like Phaeton is the beautiful water spring goddess Nai. But Phaeton doesn't understand Holly. She's still with Tina. Holly can't stand his ruthlessness and indifference. She went to Phaeton and said, "Dear brother, I have to tell you that you are not a descendant of heaven, but born of our mother and an unknown mortal." Impulsive Phaeton can easily trust her sister who never lies. He drove a solar car and rushed out of the two doors of time.

Phaeton can't control the solar car at all, and let it drive destructively in time and space, which has brought disaster to mankind. Knowing that it was all her fault, Holly released a scorpion and bit Phaeton's ankle. Burning Phaeton and solar cars fell from the sky and fell into the vast Eli Danus River. Nye, the goddess of water springs, buried him in tears. And Holly cried in despair for four months, and finally turned into a poplar tree, and her tears turned into crystal amber.

Beautiful heart: In order to warn the weakness of human conceit, Zeus named a constellation Scorpio after a scorpion who made great contributions.


On the prairie of ancient Greece, there were galloping centaur tribes. Chilon, the shooter in the tribe, is kind and sincere, modest and reasonable.

One day, the hero He Wuli came to Chilon and asked Chilon to give him all the wine he left. Chilon explained to him that wine is the public property of the tribe and cannot be possessed by himself. He Wuli had a bad temper and broke into the Sagittarius tribe alone. Therefore, conflicts inevitably occur.

HeWuLi infinite, Sagittarius is no match for HeWuLi, fled in succession, fled to Chilon's home. He Wuli stood at the door and shouted loudly, if no one comes out again, he will destroy the tribe. For the sake of the tribe and friends, in order to solve this battle, Chilon risked his life to come out. At this moment, Hector Wuli's arrow also flew over! God's arrow pierced his heart, and he said with all his last strength, "No matter how sharp the arrow is, it will be restrained by a weak heart;" In the madness of the beast, it will not annihilate human nature. "Then, his body broke into countless little stars, gathered together and flew into the sky, like a man and a horse, and the arrow seemed to be on his chest. In memory of the kind Chilon, people call this constellation Sagittarius.

Beautiful heart: kindness and tolerance are the innate characteristics of Sagittarius, and I am afraid they will never change in this life.

Capricorn palace. Compare CAPRICORNUS

Paine, the god of agriculture and animal husbandry, is ugly. He is shy and inferior.

There is a lake at the end of Tianhe. No one dares to set foot in it. Anyone who steps into the river will become a fish and never come back. One day, while the gods were holding a banquet, the multi-headed and multi-eyed animals in the black forest suddenly rushed into the hall! The gods could not subdue it and ran away. The fairy playing the harp was frightened and stayed there. Then Parn suddenly jumped out, picked up the fairy and ran away. The monster never imagined that Paine stepped into the lake without hesitation. He held the fairy high in his hand. The monster has no choice but to give up. After the monster left, Parn carefully moved to the shore to put down the fairy. Fairy is very grateful to pull Parn up, but Parn's lower body has become a fish! Zeus appreciated his bravery and created Capricorn in his image.

Beautiful mind: Capricorn people are rigorous and introverted, and have their own unique understanding of happiness.

Aquarius constellation

Yi is the prince of Troy, handsome and extraordinary. He fell in love with a maid who splashed water in the temple of Zeus. The lady's name is Helen, and Zeus loves Helen very much, even though she is only a maid. Helen overheard the decision of Apollo, the sun god, and Athena, the goddess of wisdom, to destroy Troy. Ignoring the precepts, she hurried to inform Dresia. On the way, Zeus's guards found out and took Helen back to the temple. Zeus could not bear to put her to death, so he decided to punish her well and pass the blame on to the Prince of Troy.

Zeus took Yi back to the temple and forced Yi to pour water for him instead of Helen. Hera, Zeus' wife goddess, envied that Iraq had beautiful splendor that she didn't have. So she decided to hurt the innocent prince. She secretly let Helen go, and Helen naturally fled to the lower bound with Izzy, which is why she caught them red-handed again. Enraged Zeus decided to execute Yi. Just as shooter Chilon shot a fatal arrow, the maid Helen stood on Yi's chest!

When Hera saw that the trick failed, she became angry from embarrassment. She turned Yi into a transparent water bottle and asked him to pour water for Zeus forever. However, tears poured out of the water bottle! All the gods were moved by it, so Zeus sealed Iraq in the sky and became a sad god. Iraq cries in the distant sky every night. People looked up and saw a group of shining stars hanging in the night sky, like transparent shining water bottles, so they called it Aquarius.

Beautiful heart: Good nature and pure heart are the most fascinating places for Aquarius people.


Cupid has a delicate bow, and everyone he shoots will fall in love. However, Cupid, who is also eager for love, can't bring happiness to himself because he can't shoot himself with an arrow.

At a dinner party attended by Cupid, a girl with special affection broke into Cupid's heart. The girl is beautiful, but her face looks depressed. Cupid came forward to ask why. It turns out that this girl is the daughter of the prophet Solomon, who predicted that this would be a disaster banquet, and she, the blood stone, would be the sacrifice of this disaster. Cupid is very sad because he has unconsciously fallen in love with her. At this time, the terrible hundred-eyed monster appeared! The girl said, "I want to get rid of this demon." She bravely rushed at the monster. Worried about the blood stone, Cupid shot an arrow at the monster in a panic. The arrow not only hit the monster, but also hit the blood stone! Venus took her son Cupid and jumped into the river. They turned into two fish and ran away. Cupid can't get rid of his mother's hand. He looked back with tears and watched the blood stone leave with the monster and disappear into the vast universe. ......

Later, a constellation called Pisces appeared in the sky, but Cupid was not on it. He sat alone on Jupiter.