Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Libra really loves your performance.

Libra really loves your performance.

Libra really loves your performance.

Libra really loves your performance. Constellation, as a kind of mysticism, has its unique operation mode and changing law. Constellations can be used to predict good luck and the future. Many people think they are mysterious. Let's share the performance that Libra really loves you.

Libra really loves your performance 1 1, and talks to you about yourself.

If Libra loves you, he will always tell you a lot about himself, his strengths and weaknesses. I hope you can know yourself better and integrate into your life circle.

Libra is actually very satisfied. You only need to care about it once in a while, and he will be very happy and even moved. If you can remember his hobbies, he will be more moved by you.

2. Always care about you

If Libra and you are just ordinary friends, although you often go to play together, he will not take the initiative to show concern for you, so when you find that he shows great concern for you, even if you eat healthily and nutritionally, it is actually that he is worried about you and the beginning of his love for you.

3. Always talking about you.

This is also quite obvious. It is said that Libra's mind is hard to guess. In fact, you just need to see who he mentions the most every day. They like to talk about the people they love. Of course he won't let you see it, because he loves face too much. But the words have been exposed.

4, often appear around you

If you love someone, everyone likes to stay by your side, but Libra is actually very introverted', you will not just sit next to the person you love, especially if someone asks him or her to sit next to you, which basically proves that he or she loves you, but he will deliberately choose to appear by your side from time to time so that you can always see him.

Libra really loves your performance. 2 Wechat with you.

When Libra misses you, he will act immediately. They just want you to know that you are always in your heart, so Libra men will chat with you on WeChat all day. In fact, two people don't have much to say, but Libra men just have nothing to say, just want you to be around them and make them feel at ease.

Say very greasy love words

Moreover, Libra men are generally straight men and don't know how to say romantic love words. But when they miss you very much, they will show their manly side, and every sentence is particularly sticky at this time. This is something Libra men have never said, but now they don't think there is anything wrong with these words, because this is what they really think.

Can't wait to see you.

Libra men are really clingy sometimes, and they don't feel anything together. But a little time apart, Libra man can't wait to see you. If it is convenient, they will come back for you at once. If they are inconvenient, they will discuss with you to see if you can come to them. In short, they just want to see you.

Insomnia can not sleep

Libra man's missing is not a disguise, nor is it only in front of you that he likes to say missing. Because they often put down their mobile phones in the middle of the night, they began to miss you so much that they couldn't sleep, and then the next day they wore a big black eye socket, which was the mark of tossing and turning all night. They just keep thinking about you, and then they go bad.

Libra really loves your performance. Because they are narcissistic, there is no word "pursuing girls" in their dictionary. How can they give up their self-esteem easily? If he doesn't like you so much, he will be nice to you intentionally or unintentionally and vaguely hook up with you. Libra man is impatient. If he catches you three times and doesn't make progress, he will give up, and he will get back at you with laughter. I will be better than you. Of course, this means that he is not sincere to you. That's how he likes to play.

If they like you very much, they will show their charm in front of you in the way of seeking love, just like proud as a peacock. His generosity, his achievements, his popularity, his self-confidence, his organization, his eloquence, his cleverness, his taste, his man's courage, his gentleness and courtesy, his family care and his affection will all attract you, but he will never fall in love with you until he is sure that you fall in love with him. Don't forget what the scale is for. They don't fight uncertain wars. Then, because you are in love with him, you should be good to him. If you treat him badly, he won't dump you.

If they don't like you, but they know you like him, they will see if you are qualified first. If you have no conditions to attract him, he will only be immersed in enjoying your kindness to him, and you like his vanity and will not respond to your feelings. They like to be immersed in chasing games. If he is bad enough, you may become a tool for something (not just sex). If your conditions are ok, they will still be kind to you intentionally or unintentionally, so as to attract you to approach. I told you, they like being liked. When you are in a "relationship", if he finds that you have merits that can be praised by him, or the degree of your devotion to him, he will love you with the score he gave you, that is, if he thinks you are worth 90 points, he will love you 90 points, and if you are worth 60 points, he can only treat you with 60 points.

When he falls in love with you, he will always keep you loving him more than he loves you. Depending on how much you pay him, he will give you a 10% discount. Girls generally don't notice, because girls are easily satisfied. Libra's kindness to you seems to make you absent-minded If he has money, he will share it with you; He can take pains to pick up and drop off; You casually say that you want to eat cheesecake, and it will appear on your desk tomorrow; He will be a good person to talk to; He makes you happy; He is considerate; He takes you to eat well and play well; He treats you like a queen mother; He is very considerate. But these are just the beginning. After a long time, when he tames you, when you think you can settle down, when you can't live without him, he begins to rot, which definitely makes you feel like you are in hell. As for how long it will take, it depends on how good you are. The more you make him feel that he can't handle you, the longer this sweet period will be. Even if he does more for you, it is only because their self-esteem requires their own performance.

Don't doubt whether he loves you or not, he will clearly show whether he loves you or not.

Therefore, the only woman who can resist Libra men is the goddess.

You must have the ability to attract him to hunt your desires, you must be able to make him appreciate it, you must have something you are particularly good at, you must let him know that you love him, worship him and rely on him, but you must not make him feel that you love him so much that you can't live without him, otherwise he will look down on you and feel tasteless. Although he always says that he doesn't care about your past, your family and everything, all you have is his score to measure how much he loves you.

He sticks to you, but when he wants to stick to you, you want to stick to him, and he wants you to stick to him. Libra is afraid of loneliness, and all the people related to him are one of his tools to dispel loneliness. No matter what role you are, you will never be his only one, and you will never be his most important person. For him, he is the most important, and his order is himself → friends → others.

He's a friend? That's just his idea.

He doesn't even accompany your friends? That's just because of his preference. He just likes to play with his friends, unless the time with you attracts him more.