Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The sixth house stands for constellation _ Which constellation does the sixth house stand for?

The sixth house stands for constellation _ Which constellation does the sixth house stand for?

What is the sixth sign of the zodiac?

Question 1: 12 which house is in charge of? The zodiac is also called the zodiac Aries Palace: the first sign of the zodiac, with symbols ranging from 0 to 30, originally belonged to Aries. But due to precession, it has now moved to Pisces. On March 2 1 every year, the sun comes to this house, and the solar term is the vernal equinox, so the vernal equinox is called "the first point of Aries Palace".

Aries: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 2: 40 right ascension and 2 1 declination. There are five brighter stars than four in the constellation between Pisces and Taurus.

Lion Palace: The fifth sign of the zodiac. The longitude of the zodiac varies from 120 to 150. It was originally Leo, hence its name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Cancer. Every year around July 23rd, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar term is summer heat.

Leo: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at right ascension 10: 30 and declination 16. East of Cancer, West of Virgo and Backseat. There are 18 stars brighter than level 4 in the constellation, and the brightest star "Xuanyuan XIV" (middle name) is 1.

Virgo's house: the sixth house of the zodiac, with the symbol Virgo, is the original residence of the zodiac 150 to 180. It has moved to Leo due to precession. The sun comes to this palace around August 23rd every year, when the solar term is summer.

Virgo: One of the 12 constellations of the zodiac, with the center at right ascension 13: 20 and right declination -5. Leo is east and Libra is west. There are 15 stars in the constellation, and the brightness is greater than 4, among which the brightest star "Jiaosuyi" (middle name) is a first-class star.

Aquarius palace: the eleventh house of the zodiac, with the symbol, the longitude of the zodiac from 300 to 330 originally lived in Aquarius palace, hence the name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Capricorn. Every year around 65438+10.20, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar terms are very cold.

Aquarius: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at 22: 40 right ascension and declination 13. South of Pegasus and Pisces, north of Pisces. There are 17 stars brighter than 4 in this constellation, and the globular cluster M2 can be seen in a small telescope.

Taurus palace: the second house of the zodiac, with the symbol, the longitude of the zodiac ranges from 30 to 60. It originally came from Taurus, hence its name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Aries. The sun comes to this palace around April 20th every year, when the solar term is Grain Rain.

Taurus: One of the zodiac signs. Center location: 4: 20 right ascension, declination 17, south of Perseus and Yufu, and north of Orion. There are the famous Pleiades and Pleiades star clusters in the constellation. There are 28 stars in the constellation that are brighter than 4.

Pisces Palace: The zodiac sign. The longitude from 330 to 360 of the zodiac was originally in Pisces, hence its name. Due to precession, it has been moved to Aquarius. The sun comes to this palace around February 19 every year, when the solar term is rain.

Pisces: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at 0: 40 right ascension and declination 10. Between the fairy, Aries, whales, flying horses and other constellations. The vernal equinox is near its southern border. Eight stars in the constellation are brighter than four, and the rest are dark stars.

Twin uterus: the third house of the zodiac, with symbols of 60-90, originally Gemini, hence its name. Due to precession, it has moved to Taurus. The sun comes to this palace around May 2 1 every year, when the solar terms are full.

Gemini: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 7 o'clock right ascension and 24 degrees declination. Between Taurus and Cancer. The brightest star "Beihe II" is a second-class star. The open cluster M35 is visible to the naked eye. There are 19 stars brighter than 4 in the constellation.

Cancer Palace: The fourth house of the ecliptic, with symbols, and the longitude of the ecliptic is from 90 to 120. It was originally a cancer. It has been moved to Gemini due to precession. Every year around June 22nd, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar term is summer solstice, so the summer solstice is also called "the first point of Cancer Palace".

Cancer: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 8: 40 right ascension and 20 right declination. Gemini East, Leo West. There are four brighter stars in the constellation, and there is an open cluster M44.

Capricorn Palace: The tenth sign of the zodiac. The longitude of the zodiac ranges from 270 to 300, hence its name. Due to precession, it has been moved to Sagittarius. The sun comes to this palace every year around February 22, 65438. At this time, the solar term is winter solstice, so the winter solstice is also called "the first point of Capricorn Palace".

Capricorn: one of the 12 zodiac signs, with the center at right ascension-18. East of Sagittarius and west of Aquarius. There are not many bright stars in the seat, including 2 third-class stars and 7 fourth-class stars.

Sagittarius Palace: the ninth house of the zodiac, with the symbol, the longitude of the zodiac ranges from 240 to 270......& gt& gt.

Question 2: The zodiac is the first of the zodiac signs, and the "Palace of Life", also known as the "Ascending Palace", is the fixed position of Aries.

The second house, the Treasure Palace, is the fixed position of Taurus.

The third house, Brother House, is the fixed position of Gemini.

The fourth house "Tianzhai Palace" is the fixed position of cancer.

The fifth house, Daughter's Palace, is the fixed position of Leo.

The sixth house, the slave house, is the fixed position of Virgo.

The seventh house, the "marriage house", is the fixed position of Libra.

The eighth house, namely "Ji 'e Palace", is the fixed position of Scorpio.

The ninth house, the "moving house", is the fixed position of Sagittarius.

The tenth house, Lu Guan Palace, is the fixed position of Capricorn.

The eleventh house, Fude Palace, is the fixed position of Aquarius.

The twelfth house, the mysterious palace, is the fixed position of Pisces.

Question 3: Which is the first sign of the zodiac? The first house "Life Palace", also known as "Ascending Palace", was originally the fixed position of Aries. The first house represents the birth of life-"I am", showing a person's character, words and deeds, health, appearance, body shape and the first impression. In modern astrology, the first house represents the people's palace.

Center position: right ascension 2: 40, declination 2 1. Between Pisces and chickens and cows. α, β and γ (Building 3, Building 1 and Building 2) are about 20 degrees south of Andromeda γ. α is a second-class star, which forms an isosceles triangle with Andromeda β and γ. There are five stars above level 4 in the constellation. The first house of the zodiac, with longitude ranging from 0 degrees to 30 degrees, was originally in Aries, hence its name. But due to precession, it has now moved to Pisces. On March 2 1 every year, the sun comes to this house, and the solar term is the vernal equinox, so the vernal equinox is also called "the first point of Aries Palace".

Question 4: There are twelve constellations, which correspond to the zodiac. What is the constellation of 30 minutes? Is this the photo?

signs of the zodiac

The sun runs from west to east on the ecliptic and circles the sky once a year. There are twelve constellations on a belt on both sides of the ecliptic. They are Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. People on earth can see them one after another in a year.

Babylonians observed these constellations for a long time, determined the ecliptic through observation, and divided the ecliptic into 12 equal parts, each equal part was 30 degrees, which was called 1 segment. The sun travels around the ecliptic in 12 months/cycle, so it travels on the ecliptic every month 1 segment. In the eyes of the ancients, the sun was Apollo, and its resting place must be a magnificent palace. Therefore, they called the 1 section of the ecliptic 1 palace. In this way, the section 12 on the ecliptic becomes the "zodiac". The names of the zodiac signs are the same as those of the 12 constellation near the ecliptic, namely Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces.

Although the names of the zodiac signs are the same as those of the 12 constellation near the zodiac signs, they are essentially different. The zodiac indicates the position of the sun on the ecliptic, and the size of each constellation is fixed. It's all 30 degrees, and the time when the sun enters each house is basically fixed. Now the sun comes to the vernal equinox on March 2 1 every year and enters Pisces Palace. Around June 22, I came to the summer solstice and entered the twin uterus; On September 2 1 day, I came to the autumnal equinox and entered the virgin palace. 65438+Come to the winter solstice around February 22nd and enter the Sagittarius Palace.

However, this was not the case before 2000, because under the gravity of the sun and the moon, the rotation axis of the earth did not point to the same position in the sky, but turned around in the sky. This phenomenon is called precession. Due to precession, before 2000, the sun was located in the above four positions of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Different from the ecliptic, the 12 constellation near the ecliptic has different sizes. For example, the width of Pisces is 49 degrees, while the width of Cancer is only 2 1 degree. 12 constellation is not necessarily located on the ecliptic, but distributed within 8 degrees on both sides of the ecliptic.

The first house "Life Palace", also known as "Ascending Palace", was originally the fixed position of Aries. The first house represents the birth of life-"I am", showing a person's character, words and deeds, health, appearance, body shape and the first impression. In modern astrology, the first house represents the people's palace.

Center position: right ascension 2: 40, declination 2 1. Between Pisces and Taurus. α, β and γ (Building 3, Building 1 and Building 2) are about 20 degrees south of Andromeda γ. α is a second-class star, which forms an isosceles triangle with Andromeda β and γ. There are five stars above level 4 in the constellation. The first house of the zodiac, with longitude ranging from 0 degrees to 30 degrees, was originally in Aries, hence its name. But due to precession, it has now moved to Pisces. On March 2 1 every year, the sun comes to this house, and the solar term is the vernal equinox, so the vernal equinox is also called "the first point of Aries Palace".

The second house, Caibo Palace, was originally a fixed position of Taurus. Represents a person's material and resources-"I own", showing a person's economic situation, money values, ability to deal with property, resources and so on. In modern astrology, the second house represents the "economic house".

Center position: 4: 20 right ascension, declination 17 degrees. In the south of Perseus and the Imperial Palace. North of Orion. There are the famous Pleiades and Pleiades star clusters in the constellation. Alpha is an orange 1 equal star. There are 28 stars in the constellation that are brighter than 4. Jinniu Palace is the second palace, and the longitude of the Yellow River ranges from 30 degrees to 60 degrees. The sun comes to this palace around April 20th every year, when the solar term is Grain Rain.

The third house, Brother House, was originally the fixed position of Gemini. It represents a person's environment, showing a person's learning ability (especially before college), communication ability, short-distance travel, friends who can't choose-meaning brothers and sisters, relatives and neighbors. In modern astrology, the third house represents the "news house".

Center position: 7: 00 right ascension, 10 minute, 24 degrees right ascension. Between Taurus and Cancer. The two brightest stars, α and β, stand out. α is a second-order star and β is a 1 order star. The open cluster M35 is visible to the naked eye. There are 19 stars brighter than 4 in the constellation. Double uterus, third house. The longitude of the yellow meridian ranges from 60 degrees to 90 degrees. Every year the sun comes to this palace around 2 1, when the solar terms are full.

The fourth house "Tianzhai Palace" was originally the fixed position of cancer. It stands for >>

Question 5: What does my zodiac mean? The first house: self-awareness, overall temperament, appearance and figure. For example, Venus, which represents "beauty", falls in this house, and the Lord is mostly handsome and beautiful.

The second palace: also known as the Palace of Finance and Silk, represents the way to make money, economic situation, working ability and so on. For example, Jupiter, which has the significance of expansion, falls here, so it is often a skilled person with strong ability to make money.

The third house: communication methods, information exchange, and relationships with brothers and sisters. For example, Mercury, which also represents communication, falls here, so the Lord is a well-informed, expressive person who can engage in teachers and other industries.

The fourth house: also known as the family palace, represents your family and the influence of family and childhood on you. For example, Uranus, which represents change, falls here, so the Lord may move frequently and will not live in one place all his life. Jupiter falls here, suggesting that fate may be born in a big family.

The fifth house represents children's status, relationship with children, play and entertainment, love (non-marriage) and so on. For example, Saturn, which is of austerity significance, falls here, so the fate of the Lord may be late, with few children or even no children.

The sixth house: it affects people's work (employment relationship, non-entrepreneurship), health and so on. For example, Mars, which represents the action force, falls here, so the Lord may be very motivated or busy. If the moon falls here, the fate of the Lord may be very concerned about health, health care and so on.

The seventh house: also known as husband and wife palace and marriage palace, represents marriage and intimacy, and also affects cooperation. For example, Neptune, the representative of dedication, falls here, so the Lord will make many sacrifices for marriage, selfless dedication, good wife and good mother.

The eighth house represents investment, inheritance, sharing, metaphysics, etc. Both the eighth house and the second house will affect our money, but the second house reflects our own money and the eighth house reflects spending other people's money. In addition, the eighth house will also affect a person's ideological depth.

The ninth house stands for studying, going out, etc. If the sun, Jupiter and Mercury fall into the ninth house, their education level will not be low. When the sun and the moon fall into it, they tend to go abroad, and Venus falls into it, which is easy to have foreign relations.

The tenth house: social status, career development, etc. For example, when the sun sets, the fate of the Lord is very concerned about social fame, preferring to be his own boss rather than work for others; Neptune, on the other hand, won't care too much about what society thinks of him, even if he is more capable, for example, he may shrink back when he is powerful.

The eleventh house: friends, relationships, etc. For example, Saturn, which has the significance of austerity, falls, and there are fewer friends. He doesn't like to have too many friends, so it's good to be close, but Jupiter, which has expansion significance, likes to call friends and friends all over the world.

The twelfth house: spirit, belief, subconscious, etc. The zodiac belongs to our own inner world. For example, Jupiter falls, the fate of the Lord is rich in imagination, Pluto and Saturn fall, and the Lord is easy to ask for it; When Neptune falls, if the situation is not good, there will even be mental problems.

Question 6: Why are the 6th and 12 houses in the astrology weaker? The significance of the zodiac

The zodiac, also known as "the acquired zodiac" (also known as the zodiac), is the area in the sky relative to the zodiac, depending on the place and time of birth. Different "Houtiangong" represents different fields of activity, and the planets appearing in individual "Houtiangong" will change their meanings.

Since there are only ten planets, there will be no planets in some "Houtiangong". However, this does not mean that the "Houtiangong" is empty, because other factors, such as the sensing point and the north-south intersection of the moon, may also affect the dominant significance of the "Houtiangong".

Apply the example given by astrologers: "Planets are actors; Constellation is an actor's role; Then the Heavenly Palace is a scene where people participate. 』

The heavenly palace with special significance

The first house (Asc) is called the House of Life or Ascending Constellation. The rising point is located at the eastern end of the horizon, where the sun rises.

The seventh house (Des) is called the descending constellation. Located at the western end of the horizon, where the sun sets.

The tenth house (MC) is called the transit or zenith. Located at the top or south end of the astrolabe.

The fourth house (IC) is opposite to the tenth house, which is called the bottom of the sky. Located at the lower or northern end of the astrolabe.

The twelfth house of the day after tomorrow

The first house (life house, also known as Aries)

brief introduction

This is the "fertility" palace, and the first palace is the "life palace". This house shows the constellation and its degree on the eastern horizon at birth, that is, the rising constellation.

Because the earth rotates, the ecliptic plane will rise on the horizon once every four minutes, so the accuracy of birth time is quite high when calculating the rising constellation.

symbolic meaning

In the first house, show your personality, temperament, inclination, uniqueness and expression. It also shows what others think of you and what you want others to think of you. It also shows your figure, health, and early years. It shows your view of life and the world. It also shows your appearance, words and deeds and the beginning of your career. It also affects the impression you give others.

The second house (financial house, also known as "Taurus")

brief introduction

This is a palace of material and resources.

symbolic meaning

The second house represents the economic situation, property (except real estate), investment, making money and the ability to handle money. It represents your inner talent and intelligence, your actual needs, self-worth and values. It is also the "post-heaven palace" representing freedom.

The third house (brother house, also known as "Gemini")

brief introduction

This is a temple of soul and communication.

symbolic meaning

The third house means the environment in which you live, your brothers and sisters, your neighbors and the way you communicate with others. It represents a short trip. It also shows your mind, language ability, knowledge and early education.

The fourth palace (Tianzhai Palace, also known as "Cancer")

brief introduction

This is an emotional palace.

symbolic meaning

The fourth house represents your family, parents and your roots, that is, your inheritance, legacy, psychological roots and subconscious. It also means real estate, houses. It also represents the end, such as old age, grave and fame after death. It also shows the influence of your parents on you when you were a child. It also expresses your self and subjective views.

The fifth house (daughter's palace, also known as "Leo")

brief introduction

This is a palace of life.

symbolic meaning

The fifth house represents children, love, romance, entertainment, holidays, games, bets, hobbies and sideline businesses. It represents your creativity and artistic talent. It also expresses the expression of emotions. It also represents leadership, politics, pure art, socialization, pregnancy and children's education.

The sixth house (slave palace, also known as Virgo)

brief introduction

This is a material palace.

symbolic meaning

The sixth house represents your work, health and habits. It embodies the status of subordinates and slaves. It also shows the services you provide to others, healthy clothes and diet. This house also represents cousins, uncles and other collateral elders, as well as the unconscious part of the mind.

The seventh house (husband and wife palace, also known as Libra).

brief introduction

This is a palace of "face relationship".

symbolic meaning

The seventh house represents trade, spouse, marriage, divorce, contracts, laws, lawsuits, transactions, agreements, shareholders, partners and all public-related exchanges and public reactions. It represents your enemy and what you lack most. It also represents your attitude towards marriage and marital status. It also means any sponsorship or substitution except your grandparents >>

Question 7: What is the 12 house in the constellation knowledge constellation? 12 Palace

The first house, 1 house, represents your personal life.

1 Palace describes your appearance and personal behavior patterns. This is a way for you to cater to and influence your surroundings.

Palace 1 describes the first impression you give others and the part of your personality that others see.

Throwing the dice out of the house of 1 shows that the problem is closely related to oneself, far more than to others. It refers directly to yourself and your self-expression.

The second palace

The second house represents the resources you have.

The second house is mainly in charge of money and property. It describes your income and financial prospects.

The dice thrown in the second house represent your attitude towards secular resources and your self-worth. Although the second house can also refer to connotation, it is usually related to actual money and material wealth.

The third palace

The third house represents your communication.

The third house is related to writing, speaking, learning, education and all forms of communication. It also includes short-distance traffic and mobile behavior.

The third house also represents your brothers and sisters, cousins and neighbors.

The fourth palace

The fourth house represents your house and family.

The fourth house describes the legacy of your ancestors, your relationship with the past, and the family you formed.

The fourth house also represents houses and land in a broad sense, especially where you live.

The fifth palace

The fifth house represents your creativity.

The fifth house represents entertainment, hobbies, performances, sports meetings, parties, holidays and all forms of happiness. The fifth house is also related to gambling, romance and love.

The fifth house also rules products from your creativity, including your children.

Sixth palace

The sixth house "Work Palace"&; "Labor Palace" represents your daily work and life.

The sixth house includes work, service, habits, rituals and sacred ceremonies.

The sixth house is also related to health, hygiene and diet.

The seventh palace

The seventh house represents your closest one-on-one relationship.

The dice in the seventh house represent your business partner or emotional partner, and sometimes the other side of yourself.

The seventh house covers all intimate personal interactions, usually referring to relationships with others.

The eighth palace

The eighth house represents a profound and mysterious side of life.

The eighth house is related to important life experiences, such as birth, sex, death, and hiding in metaphysics and The Secret Behind in the afterlife. On the secular level, the eighth house symbolizes the sharing of resources, heritage and other people's money and property.

Ninth palace

The ninth house stands for distance.

The ninth house symbolizes the long journey around the world and the pursuit of significance related to thought and higher education.

The ninth house can also refer to foreigners, foreign countries, universities and institutions of higher learning. It can also be used to express philosophy, religion and worship of God.

Tenth palace

Palace 10 represents your career and reputation.

Palace 10 is related to your public image, status and reputation. It describes your long-term goals, ambitions and how to achieve them, especially in your career.

Throwing the dice out of the 10 palace means that the situation will be exposed to the public.

the fu guan

1 1 Palace symbolizes your friends and acquaintances.

1 1 Palace is related to teamwork, group activities and social organizations.

Palace 1 1 also represents social morality and conscience and the future of mankind, so it is also called the "palace of vision" of hope and future.

the zodiac

12 house is related to the subconscious and the undercurrent in life.

Palace 12 contains our most intimate thoughts and hidden feelings. It symbolizes seclusion away from the secular world in order to get in touch with the hidden inner world that is not easy to detect.

12 Palace also includes places isolated from the outside world, such as religious seclusion, hospitals, prisons, mental hospitals, shelters, etc.

Hope to adopt ... >>

Question 8: What is the first of the twelve constellations? Aries: The first sign of the zodiac, with symbols from 0 to 30, originally from Aries. But due to precession, it has now moved to Pisces. On March 2 1 every year, the sun comes to this house, and the solar term is the vernal equinox, so the vernal equinox is called "the first point of Aries Palace". Aries: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 2: 40 right ascension and 2 1 declination. There are five brighter stars than four in the constellation between Pisces and Taurus. Lion Palace: The fifth sign of the zodiac. The longitude of the zodiac varies from 120 to 150. It was originally Leo, hence its name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Cancer. Every year around July 23rd, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar term is summer heat. Leo: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at right ascension 10: 30 and declination 16. East of Cancer, West of Virgo and Backseat. There are 18 stars brighter than level 4 in the constellation, and the brightest star "Xuanyuan XIV" (middle name) is 1. Virgo's house: the sixth house of the zodiac, with the symbol Virgo, is the original residence of the zodiac 150 to 180. It has moved to Leo due to precession. The sun comes to this palace around August 23rd every year, when the solar term is summer. Virgo: One of the 12 constellations of the zodiac, with the center at right ascension 13: 20 and right declination -5. Leo is east and Libra is west. There are 15 stars in the constellation, and the brightness is greater than 4, among which the brightest star "Jiaosuyi" (middle name) is a first-class star. Aquarius palace: the eleventh house of the zodiac, with the symbol, the longitude of the zodiac from 300 to 330 originally lived in Aquarius palace, hence the name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Capricorn. Every year around 65438+10.20, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar terms are very cold. Aquarius: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at 22: 40 right ascension and declination 13. South of Pegasus and Pisces, north of Pisces. There are 17 stars brighter than 4 in this constellation, and the globular cluster M2 can be seen in a small telescope. Taurus palace: the second house of the zodiac, with the symbol, the longitude of the zodiac ranges from 30 to 60. It originally came from Taurus, hence its name. Due to precession, it has now moved to Aries. The sun comes to this palace around April 20th every year, when the solar term is Grain Rain. Taurus: One of the zodiac signs. Center location: 4: 20 right ascension, declination 17, south of Perseus and Yufu, and north of Orion. There are the famous Pleiades and Pleiades star clusters in the constellation. There are 28 stars in the constellation that are brighter than 4. Pisces Palace: The zodiac sign. The longitude from 330 to 360 of the zodiac was originally in Pisces, hence its name. Due to precession, it has been moved to Aquarius. The sun comes to this palace around February 19 every year, when the solar term is rain. Pisces: One of the zodiac signs, with the center at 0: 40 right ascension and declination 10. Between the fairy, Aries, whales, flying horses and other constellations. The vernal equinox is near its southern border. Eight stars in the constellation are brighter than four, and the rest are dark stars. Twin uterus: the third house of the zodiac, with symbols of 60-90, originally Gemini, hence its name. Due to precession, it has moved to Taurus. The sun comes to this palace around May 2 1 every year, when the solar terms are full. Gemini: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 7 o'clock right ascension and 24 degrees declination. Between Taurus and Cancer. The brightest star "Beihe II" is a second-class star. The open cluster M35 is visible to the naked eye. There are 19 stars brighter than 4 in the constellation. Cancer Palace: The fourth house of the ecliptic, with symbols, and the longitude of the ecliptic is from 90 to 120. It was originally a cancer. It has been moved to Gemini due to precession. Every year around June 22nd, the sun comes to this palace, when the solar term is summer solstice, so the summer solstice is also called "the first point of Cancer Palace". Cancer: One of the zodiac signs, centered at 8: 40 right ascension and 20 right declination. Gemini East, Leo West. There are four brighter stars in the constellation, and there is an open cluster M44. Capricorn Palace: The tenth sign of the zodiac. The longitude of the zodiac ranges from 270 to 300, hence its name. Due to precession, it has been moved to Sagittarius. The sun comes to this palace every year around February 22, 65438. At this time, the solar term is winter solstice, so the winter solstice is also called "the first point of Capricorn Palace". Capricorn: one of the 12 zodiac signs, with the center at right ascension-18. East of Sagittarius and west of Aquarius. There are not many bright stars in the seat, including 2 third-class stars and 7 fourth-class stars. Sagittarius Palace: The ninth house of the zodiac, symbolized by Sagittarius, was the original residence of the zodiac from 240 to 270, hence its name. Due to the long history ... >>

Question 9: What is the name of the constellation guarding the sixth house of saint seiya? Aries Mu didn't play. Taurus Aldebaran was cut off by saint seiya, a saint, and admitted defeat. Later, Zilong and others were released. In the twin uterus, Zilong was blindfolded by glasses and was not confused by hallucinations. He crossed with saint seiya, a saint, but escaped from the palace with the help of Ikki, and the glacier was directly thrown into Libra Palace. In the Cancer Palace, Dismusk was knocked down by the dragon, and the dragon's eyes saw the light again. In the Lion Palace, Aioria was defeated by the saint saint seiya. In Notre Dame Palace, Ikki and Sharjah died together, and later they both came back to life with the help of Mu. In Libra Palace, Zilong rescued the glacier sealed in the ice coffin by Ka Miao, Aquarius, and instantly warmed the glacier with the small universe. In Scorpio Palace, the oncoming glacier fought fiercely with Miro. Miro was moved by the glacier and let it go. Saint seiya, a saint, walked through the maze of archers and saw the last words of Aiolos. Zilong defeated Shura in Capricorn Palace, and Shura passed his sword to Zilong before he died. In Aquarius Palace, Glacier defeated Ka Miao and was forgiven by Leona. Beat Aphrodite in Pisces. In the Pope's hall, saint seiya, a saint, and Ikki defeated Sakya together, and Sakya committed suicide by atoning before the goddess and was forgiven. The order of zodiac signs is: Aries Palace, Taurus Palace, Twin Uterus, Cancer Palace, Lion Palace, Virgo Palace, Libra Palace, Scorpio Palace, Sagittarius Palace, Capricorn Palace, Aquarius Palace and Pisces Palace.

Question 10: What does the sixth house of the zodiac mean? The so-called slave house. It is related to individuals controlling their own resources, and the use of the body is related to work and health, representing a person's service and health at work. The sixth house symbolizes a person's work attitude, which is related to the way we use resources to complete tasks and the use of human resources. Conversely, the sixth house also represents the obedience of our subordinates. The problem of work and people's livelihood is a kind of resource reorganization. Therefore, the sixth house is related to diet, clothing and keeping pets. On the other hand, this house is also related to a person's attitude towards health and affects a person's eating habits. So if a bad star falls in this house, there may be some specific diseases.