Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The most beautiful time just wants to win a person's heart and never part.

The most beautiful time just wants to win a person's heart and never part.

The TV series The Most Beautiful Time is adapted from the children's novel The Most Beautiful Time (also known as The Secret Buried by Time), which tells the love stories of Suman (Zhang Junning), Yi Song (Jerry), Lu Licheng (Wallace Chung) and Xu Lianshuang (Han Xiting).

The adaptation of this play is better than the original, which also makes me very emotional.

I don't know if it's because Lu Licheng played by Wallace Chung is too persistent and affectionate, or because Song Yi played by Jerry is indecisive and makes people's blood boil. I secretly liked the ending of "All's well that ends well", but I didn't like the unexpected ending of this novel: Suman chose Yi Song who had loved her for 10 years.

At that time, the TV series broadcast an open ending, and Suman ended the whole drama before making a choice.

There are two other versions of the ending on the Internet: one is that Suman chose Yi Song, and the other is that she chose Lu Licheng.

Fortunately, there are different versions of the ending online, which can meet the emotional choice preferences of different audiences.

When Yi Song didn't know it, Suman had loved him for 10 years, from 17 years to 27 years old.

He is her number one basketball player.

For him, she tried to be admitted to Tsinghua and became his alumnus.

However, after graduating from college, he went to the United States, while she stayed at home to develop.

I thought he could only be a dream. Unexpectedly, 10 years later, she met him at a blind date dinner. Moreover, she didn't know that the blind date was him before, and she deliberately pretended to be ugly and regretted it.

She feels that this reunion is an opportunity given to her by God, and she should not miss it again!

So, she gave up the position of general manager of accounting firm for him and went to his investment company to be an ordinary employee, just to get close to him.

She misses him everywhere at work during the day and chats with him at night as a junior in Tsinghua.

When she finally made an appointment with him to prepare a "net friend show", she was selected by Lu Licheng to go to the United States on business for two months.

So before going abroad, she put all her eggs in one basket and stuck it to his downstairs in the torrential rain, forcing him to come out and meet. At the same time, she was uneasy, wondering what it would be like for him to know that he was actually his subordinate.

After a fierce internal struggle, he finally went downstairs and took her to his home, but said nothing.

Just when she was embarrassed and didn't want to lose so badly, he hugged her and kissed her.

The two men talked a lot. He had long guessed that Younger on the Internet was Suman in reality, but it didn't matter.

During Suman's business trip to the United States, Yi Song also flew to the United States to spend a sweet weekend with her. The two have identified each other as boyfriend and girlfriend.

Who knows, Suman came back from a business trip and couldn't get in touch. When we met again, he became her best friend's boyfriend!

Being betrayed by love and friendship at the same time makes her very painful!

More sadly, she knew that her best friend loved Yi Song very much. He is the guardian angel her best friend has been looking for for for six years. However, my best friend doesn't know that Yi Song is the boyfriend who recently confirmed his relationship with Mr. Basketball No.1.

Because she was afraid of hurting her best friend, she chose to bear everything alone and endure the pain. ...

After a lot of things, my best friend broke up with Yi Song.

At this time, Suman seems to have two emotional destinations to choose from: Yi Song or Lu Licheng.

To tell the truth, I'm against Suman and Yi Song being together and supporting Lu Licheng!

Why did Lu Licheng, who paid so much and devoted herself to her feelings, get Su Man's love, but Yi Song, who was obsessed with her girlfriend who had died for six years and hesitated in reality, and hurt Su Man and her best friend at the same time, got her love?

I can't agree that Suman turned down Lu Licheng and finally chose the ending of Yi Song's version.

Understandable, but unacceptable!

Suman entered Michael's company and approached Yi Song, only to be discovered by Lu Licheng that her resume was forged, and the general manager of Tang Tang Certified Public Accountants went to work as a clerk in their company.

At first, Lu Licheng suspected that she was a business spy. She tried to enter the company, so she kept staring at her. But she said she was pursuing happiness.

And her excellent work performance also made him sit up and take notice.

She wants to leave his group and transfer to Yi Song's group. In order to make her back down, he deliberately bet with her that he would agree to her transfer if she could handle a very difficult client (lewd).

But he just scared her and refused to sign her a business trip application form. Unexpectedly, the nosy executive director signed a business trip application form for her, and she immediately flew to Qingdao to meet customers.

When he knew that she had flown to Qingdao, he immediately went there to find her with a contract to give his ten-point commission to the customer, for fear that she would suffer if she went late.

In order to dispel the illusion of her customers, he said she was his girlfriend, but later customers sent their photos to the company, causing a storm.

He admired her work ability, was attracted by her personality, and gave her many opportunities and help at work, although she didn't appreciate it.

Even when she learned that she was going to be sent to the United States on business for two months, she scolded him and said that she would resign, which made Lu Licheng, who was bent on promoting her and giving her a chance, very angry.

That business trip was the dream of many people in the company. Not only was she ungrateful, but she also blamed him. He was very angry, but when she was persuaded by Yi Song to accept the business trip arrangement and came to apologize to him, he quickly forgave her.

Maybe he had fallen in love with her at that time, otherwise, how could a boss as indifferent and overbearing as him tolerate his subordinates saying the most unpleasant things and let her go so easily?

She may also realize that Lu Licheng treats her differently from others, so she dares to express her dissatisfaction directly.

People who are loved are never afraid.

He is not a person who is good at expressing his feelings, but no matter when she can't face the pain of lovelorn alone, or when she can't bear the painful blow of her mother's death and her father's illness, he will always be with her, accompany her, encourage her and support her.

He knew that Suman was in love with Yi Song and they were dating. He was in pain, but he didn't bother her with his emotional problems.

When he found that Yi Song seemed to be with someone else, he went to Yi Song to find Suman and beat him up, warning him not to let Suman down.

Later, he repeatedly warned Yi Song not to procrastinate, destroying the friendship between the two women for many years and hurting them. Because he knows how much Su Man values her best friend, he doesn't want her to get hurt again.

His love is expressed by actions. However, when Suman has lived in a person's heart, she can only repay him with friendship.

Mr. Xu appreciated it and asked him to chase his daughter Shuang (best friend), and promised to use the whole Xu Shi Group as a dowry.

Lu Licheng did not hesitate to risk losing his future and admitted that he had a lover. Despite repeated pressure, Mr. Xu is resolute and refuses to sell his feelings in exchange for huge interests and a bright future.

In front of Xu Zong, Lu Licheng bravely admitted that he loved Su Man, but he never confessed to her.

Lu Licheng's love for Suman is hard to open, which makes the audience anxious.

Fortunately, in a version of the ending, Suman finally chose to spend the rest of his life with him.

I have to say that Yi Song is really slow in dealing with emotional problems.

His time with Suman was short and very sweet. In a blink of an eye, he was with his girlfriend's sister who died because of him.

Even if he wants to give up and choose double, he should make it clear.

He wanted to hide until Suman saw him again. He became the boyfriend of her best friend. That kind of blow was too big for Suman!

Although he is with He Shuang, he doesn't really love her, just looking for the shadow of his dead girlfriend in her to atone.

Xu flow cream is not a fool, a man who really loves himself. After a long time, can't she feel it?

So when she found herself just a substitute, she was also hurt a lot.

Finally, she found that the person she liked for six years was actually the one who killed her sister in a car accident (she once hated her half-sister), and this man was kind to her just to make up for his sins against her sister.

Can love be compassion and charity? No way! So xu flow cream decisively gave up.

Yi Song hurt two women because he wanted to atone, and almost ruined their deep friendship for many years.

He Shuang together, ask him if he ever loved her, even a little. He just kept silent!

Because of this, I really can't accept that he can finally get Suman's love.

(1) From Suman, I saw my persistence in love and the spirit of bravely pursuing love.

Many people say that marriage is a gamble.

But for Suman, isn't this love chase a gamble?

In order to get close to him, she forged her resume and bowed her head as a clerk in a big company. If this scam is discovered by outsiders, her career prospects will be ruined.

She gave up the position of general manager and her salary to be a small clerk whose salary was seriously reduced and was bossed around. This is a great sacrifice.

And she is not sure that she can get what she wants, but she is willing to rush forward for her dream when she was young. Her courage is commendable.

Her feelings are warm and single-minded. Although she clearly felt Lu Licheng's kindness to her, she still couldn't forget her initial choice.

But in the end, Yi Song broke her heart.

Fortunately, she is very strong. Fortunately, she still has Lu Licheng who loves her very much.

(2) From Lu Licheng, I saw deep and forbearing love.

A man who is ambitious in his career will not indulge in love.

But once he falls in love, he will treat her wholeheartedly. Even if she is ungrateful, even if she is misunderstood, he doesn't care much.

He knew that she loved Yi Song 10 years. Therefore, although he was disappointed to see her fall in love with Yi Song, when he found Yi Song with another woman, he didn't want to take advantage of it, but warned Yi Song not to let her down.

When Yi Song chose to be with Suman's best friend, he accompanied Suman to face the pain of lovelorn.

He cooked her good food, took her to her hometown to play, and accompanied her to deal with her parents' affairs.

In the dying days of Suman's father, he took care of the elderly like a prospective son-in-law and stayed with Suman.

He respected her decision to teach in a remote mountainous area. Although he wanted her to stay in Shanghai very much, he dared to ask her two years later.

He loves her in his own way and lets her do what he wants. When she needs him, he will accompany her and give her full support.

There is a proverb: Love for love's sake is God; It is human nature to love for the sake of being loved.

Lu Licheng is so kind to Suman, no wonder so many netizens support Suman's final choice to stay with him.

(3) From Yi Song, I saw an indecisive person who was bound by the past and hesitated about his feelings.

A man who always chooses to avoid problems, hides his words in his heart and does not actively communicate and solve problems can't give women happiness.

When he established a relationship with Suman, he turned his head and soon got together with her best friend, and avoided Suman without taking the initiative to explain.

What he did was terrible!

Even if he wants to start a new relationship, he should make it clear to Suman, instead of avoiding her, let her think and make her feel extremely painful when she finds out the truth, but she can't attack on the spot and suppress internal injuries.

Besides, he doesn't love Xu Xishuang, but it's unfair to her to regard her as a tool for atonement.

He thought his way of dealing with problems was the most correct, but in fact he hurt the feelings of two women at the same time.

I think he is essentially a "three no men", not taking the initiative, not refusing and not being responsible.

For He Shuang, they all actively pursued him, but he just didn't refuse or accept it.

He is not responsible for giving up and choosing double.

As a man, you should be responsible for your feelings.

Love is love, and not love is not love. It's really wrong to drag your feet and hurt yourself.

Don't use others as a tool for atonement. Love should never be used for atonement, because it is unfair to each other!