Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Common sense of fire escape and self-help

Common sense of fire escape and self-help

Common sense of fire escape and self-help

1. If a fire is found, call the police in time, and remember the fire alarm telephone number "1 19". Key points when reporting fire: (1) explain the specific address of the fire unit; (2) Make clear what is on fire and the size of the fire, so as to configure the corresponding fire-fighting vehicles; (3) State the name and telephone number of the alarm person; (4) Pay attention to the fire brigade's inquiry, answer correctly and concisely, and don't hang up the phone until the other party makes it clear that you can hang up; (5) After the alarm, wait for the fire truck at the intersection and instruct the fire truck to go to the fire section.

Second, when there is a fire around you, you must keep calm, so as to avoid making wrong judgments or taking wrong actions in panic and getting undue harm.

Third, when threatened by fire, we should act decisively and put on soaked clothes, bedding, etc. And rush out in the direction of the safety exit; Don't drill into the cupboard or under the bed, don't hide in the corner; Don't covet property and blindly run to put out the fire.

When the floor where the fire broke out is above your own floor, you should run downstairs quickly, because the fire is spreading upward. Never jump off a building blindly. You can use evacuation stairs, balconies, downpipes, etc. To escape and save yourself.

5. When burning, it will emit a lot of smoke and toxic gas, and its diffusion speed is 4-8 times that of running. When the smoke is choking, cover your mouth and nose with wet towels and soaked clothes and hold your breath. Don't shout. Try to keep your body close to the ground, crawl close to the wall and escape from the fire.

6. Whether it is located in a burning room or an unlit room, close the doors and windows on the passage after fleeing outside to slow down the spread of smoke along the passage where people escape.

Seven, when suffocated by smoke and lose their ability to save themselves, should try to roll to the wall, convenient for firefighters to find and rescue, because firefighters are groping along the wall when entering the room. In addition, rolling on the wall can also prevent the house from falling and hurting yourself.

Eight, when your place is sealed by fire, you can temporarily retreat into the room. To close all doors and windows leading to the fire area, block the cracks between doors and windows with soaked bedding and clothes, and pour water to cool down. At the same time, we should actively seek help and send a distress signal to the window by flashing a flashlight, waving brightly colored clothes and making a phone call. In order to attract the attention of rescuers and wait for rescue.

Nine, once trapped by the fire, we should actively take emergency evacuation measures. In some large-scale comprehensive multi-functional buildings, refuge rooms are generally set up near the end of elevators, stairs, public toilets and corridors. In case of family fire, we can create a small space to take refuge according to the actual situation, such as using balconies and other spaces with less combustible materials and convenient contact with the outside world.

Ten, if trapped in the floor below the second floor, threatened by fireworks, time is tight and unconditionally take any self-help measures, you can also jump off a building to escape. Before jumping off a building, you should throw some soft objects such as quilts and mattresses on the ground, and then grab the windowsill or balcony with your hands. Your body hangs down and slides down naturally, leaving your feet on soft objects.

Eleven, in shopping malls, hotels, karaoke bars and other public places, should pay attention to observe and remember the entrance, emergency exit, corridor and emergency exit position and direction; Once you encounter a fire in a public place, you should obey the command of the on-site staff; When trapped in a stream of people, you can put one hand on your chest to protect yourself, bear external pressure with your shoulders and back, and cover your nose and mouth with a wet towel with the other hand to prevent inhalation of toxic gases.

Twelve, fire can't take the ordinary elevator. Because after the fire, it is often easy to cut off the power and cause elevator failure, which makes the rescue work more difficult; In addition, the smoke from the fire overflows into the elevator passage, which is easy to form stack effect, and people will be choked by the smoke and toxic gas in the elevator at any time.