Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The seventh house is easy to divorce. There are many stars in the seventh house.

The seventh house is easy to divorce. There are many stars in the seventh house.

Divorceable astrolabe configuration

The number one marriage killer in the divorce-prone astrolabe is: the maverick Uranus! It pursues freedom, advocates individuality and yearns for novelty, all of which are contrary to intimacy. Therefore, Uranus in the astrolabe, the core monument of life, especially those students with the following symptoms, should pay attention and settle down before they can enjoy everlasting love! 1, Uranus is related to the seventh house: Uranus is in the seventh house, or is in phase with the main star of the seventh house. 2. Uranus is stronger, that is, there are too many phases in a single star, or Uranus is on the axis. What kind of star is Uranus? It doesn't like being bound, and it likes to go its own way. Therefore, it is difficult for people with strong Uranus to understand the key points of maintaining intimate relationships. 3. Venus, Mars or the sun are in a "difficult" phase with the heavenly king. 4. The sun and the moon are punished. 5, gold and fire are punished. 6, 1, 7 palace main stars punish each other. 7. The power of hades is to break up and get back together. The power of the heavenly king encourages disc owners to pursue a free life and go their own way. Neptune stands for self-deception 8. The sun or moon is in phase with the stars of Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, especially if these stars are in the seventh house, there may be many intimate relationships. 9. The main star falls in the seventh house, in phase with the stars of Gemini, Sagittarius and Pisces, and it is possible to get married many times. 10, the sky is full of stars, such people believe in freedom, long live, if it is freedom, love can also be forgotten. 1 1, combination disk, Uranus and marriage star are also at risk of divorce. Divorced astrolabe configuration 2 Saturn is in the fifth house of one's astrolabe. If Saturn falls in the fifth house, it means that he is always hindered in love. As a serious, depressed and slow star, Saturn is in a position, which means that the area represented by this position is restricted and contracted. The fifth house represents the joy of love, and for interpersonal relationships, it is more about the state of premarital love. This is why Saturn will naturally have difficulties in the fifth house. This kind of person may have few affairs in his life, which has nothing to do with looks and temperament. There are few opportunities to open peach blossoms around. However, Saturn may have romantic problems in the fifth house. They don't know romance and sweet words, so they are relatively inferior in peach blossom luck, which also makes them have many difficulties in marriage. This type of people tend to be more pragmatic when dealing with relationships, so this position is more unfavorable to boys. But if the seventh house is in good condition, then Saturn's fifth house makes them have little chance to fall in love, and their status may change after marriage. Therefore, many things should be considered comprehensively to be more objective. Neptune is in the fifth house. If Saturn in the fifth house makes this person have little chance to fall in love, Neptune in the fifth house will make this person have a very good heterosexual relationship. But this heterosexuality. In essence, this is a bad love, which has no quality and will not even bring much growth and help to its owner. This has brought them more confusion and even depravity. It can be said that Neptune has positive qualities. This is imagination, but few people can bring out the positive qualities of Neptune, and many people bring out its negative qualities after meeting Neptune. They are paranoid, unrealistic, gullible, emotional and so on. For this reason, when Neptune is in the fifth house, they are very vulnerable to deception in their relationship. This is why these people should marry later, so that they can make better choices. This is one of the reasons why it is emphasized that such people should get married later, because it will effectively reduce the possibility of their unhappy marriage. Pluto If there is a star in the seventh house that does the most harm to marriage, it must be Pluto. Pluto represents destruction and rebirth, and its landing point means this work. The region it represents will face major changes. Nirvana rebirth is the best description of Pluto. The seventh house is the marriage house. If Pluto falls in it, it means that marriage may be reshuffled. In other words, divorce. So these people's marriages are often not very successful. Even after marriage, they may be separated for various reasons. In practice, I also met people in Pluto's seventh house, divorced and remarried. This shows how powerful Pluto can be. Even if the final result is the same, Pluto must let you go through the process of disintegration and reshape your marriage. Divorceable chart configuration 3 The seventh house is Scorpio, or Pluto is in the seventh house, and the seventh house is our marriage house. To see how a person's marital status is, the situation in the seventh house is an indispensable reference. And when the head of a person's seventh house falls on Scorpio, then the main star of their seventh house is Pluto. Pluto, a star, represents destruction and remodeling. If Pluto is in a bad state, especially punished by Venus, the moon, the sun and other personal stars, then the probability of divorce is very high. Scorpio is the head of the seventh house, and their marriage is often accompanied by many contradictions. Pluto's destructive power cannot be underestimated. Besides the seventh house, the planets in the seventh house also represent many meanings. For example, if Pluto falls into the seventh house, it means that the seventh house representing marriage is likely to be destroyed by Pluto. Of course, this does not mean that every marriage is bad. Because Pluto also means remodeling and rebirth. After experiencing a wrong relationship, in the next marriage, it is likely to be reborn and have an increasingly happy marriage. Pluto in the seventh house often means that the first marriage is not smooth enough, with conflicts, quarrels and contradictions. Sun and Moon Punishment+Moon Scorpio In a person's astrolabe, how the state of the sun and moon directly represents a person's pattern and inner happiness. When a person's sun and moon have a 90-degree image, his inner emotions can't be self-righteous. In other words, they are always in the process of contradiction, and it is difficult to reconcile with themselves. Such people often have many emotional problems. They don't know how to express themselves and how to love someone. In other words, they are emotionally defective, so it is difficult to love another person with the correct concept of emotion and love. In other words, it is difficult for them to manage a marriage well. Especially when the moon is still in Scorpio, the probability of divorce will be greater. Because the moon falls in Scorpio, people are emotionally suspicious. They feel insecure in their hearts. If you add the lessons of the sun and the moon, it shows that they not only don't trust each other emotionally, but always feel that the other party will betray themselves. Under the influence of this emotion, the relationship between two people is bound to crack. After all, trust is the foundation of emotional maintenance. It is difficult for partners to feel happy and happy when they are in doubt every day. And the moon Scorpio is also famous for being able to do and make trouble emotionally. Under the influence of this emotional environment, the other party will feel tired. There will be contradictions between two people, and the final result is often falling apart. This kind of person's emotional path is not smooth enough, especially the road of marriage, which is always bumpy. For them, the most important thing is to reconcile their emotions and make their hearts less contradictory and smoother.