Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Take care of the mother-in-law of 12 constellation.

Take care of the mother-in-law of 12 constellation.

Guide: Every mother-in-law hopes that the woman her son marries is a good woman, and it is best to combine beauty, intelligence, competence and filial piety. Therefore, it is often seen that the prospective mother-in-law points at her daughter-in-law, or dislikes her daughter-in-law's bad looks, or accuses her daughter-in-law of not doing a good job. Besides, her family, ...

Aries constellation

Her preferences:

Frankly speaking, she is happy to be able to unload the burden of motherhood.

It's not that she doesn't love her son-she may love him more than your daughter-in-law-but loving someone doesn't mean completely controlling this person. Your mother-in-law has more interesting things to do.

My opinion of you:

She will try to be fair and like you.

Your mother-in-law is very strong and may not get along well with her own mother-in-law, so she will give you space and respect your ideas, but occasionally she will not.

How to win her heart:

Be as strong as her, don't always complain about yourself with her, but be happy that you are a confident, decent and independent woman. Such a woman can win the respect of your mother-in-law

Taurus constellation

Taurus mother-in-law's preferences:

Taurus ladies are "collectors", whether it's money or other things, and most importantly, they like many people to get together. Their home is very warm, but it is also a bit messy because of the excitement.

They like entertainment, so they always try their best to make sure that there are many people in their family at any time. In many ways, they always seem to be children ... of course, they will always be good mothers.

Taurus mother-in-law's views on daughter-in-law;

Either they like you or they don't like you. This has nothing to do with you and his son. They like their daughter-in-law. She is full of energy and has some hobbies with him. In fact, they probably use tarot cards to test who you really are.

How Taurus's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law get along;

Family is very important to them. Even if they travel all over the world, they will make every effort to ensure that their home is full of happiness. You must satisfy her in this small matter; Even if they don't feel this way occasionally, you can't imagine what it will be like when they become very stubborn!


About Gemini:

She thinks a lot and talks a lot. She knows politics, philosophy and everything that is happening.

She is the king of gossip in the world-but she despairs of emotion. She hides her true feelings behind her hearty laughter.

What she thinks of you:

In Gemini's view, you are just a clue that runs through her son's life-from girlfriend to wife to housewife.

When you tell her something interesting, she will listen with relish; If you don't talk, she won't notice you at all.

Ways to win favor:

Don't always talk about personal things-talk about what you have heard or learned. Introduce her to new friends. Also, call her by her first name. She hates being regarded as someone's elderly mother.

Cancer constellation

Her preferences:

This lady seems to be born to be a mother. Oh, no, it should be "motherhood" to be exact. Just "mother" in the legal sense can't satisfy her.

Whether the image displayed by Cancer Woman is a martyr who died for her family or the head of the family, the result is the same-she always achieves her goal.

What she thinks of you:

There is no need to beat around the bush. Frankly speaking, she hates you. No matter what you say, do or wear, she will make sure that you are a fox and cheat her poor innocent little prince into marrying you.

Fortunately, at least on the surface, she is usually polite to you.

How to win her heart;

Do as she says, ask her the tips of cooking, and remember to praise her every day how amazing it is to bring up her son. Remember: never, never blame her son.

It is equally bad to criticize her or her son.

Le Signe du Lion

About her:

She is the queen and needs special treatment. There is also an urgent need to live in your own way. She often causes trouble or is the object of gossip. But, as she said, there is only one thing worse than being told what to do, and that is that you will never be in other people's topic.

What she thinks of you:

She cares more about what you think of her. If you are better than her, in any way, although she wants to hide her jealousy, it is quite difficult.

She is full of energy and charm when she is good, and silent when she is bad. As for whether she was good or bad that day, don't speculate.

How to excavate her to become a country;

Be her fan. Praise her family, her hair, her eyes, anything you can think of.

Pay attention to the lioness, they will give you rich returns, give you wonderful advice and their friendship.


What does she like?

The most troublesome thing is that she always wants to help, but she can't tell the difference between helping and forcing your life. A virgin is a caring, honest and always smart woman.

She is also neurotic, oversensitive and moody.

What does she think of you?

She will know how to bake bread when she notices the nail polish and fish fishnet stockings left on your nails. In fact, you really want to know if she has investigated you. Just get used to it. She is such a person. And in fact, she didn't care much, she just knew.

How to win her heart?

Don't prepare any surprise party for her (she won't accept it). Besides, let her know that she is great and needed. Buy her a present, write some small notes and remember her birthday.

Always be grateful. If you really thank her, then she can go through fire and water for you.


Libra mother-in-law's preferences:

They are elegant and fashionable, smart and reserved, and their manners are very decent. They like to be with friends and are always willing to start a friendship.

In fact, they feel much more comfortable with married women than with themselves.

Libra's mother-in-law's views on her daughter-in-law;

Once you marry her precious son, they will love you unconditionally as they love their own son.

Ms scale believes in the power of a good marriage, and he won't do anything to endanger you. She will keep a certain distance from your married life, and only when you have problems will she put forward her own opinions.

Libra mother-in-law's way of getting along:

All you have to do is try to be a perfect wife. If you don't know how to do it, observe more and learn more from them. You ask them questions, and she will answer you casually, as if nothing important happened. Don't be fooled, that's what they do. But if you can't achieve what she wants, just tell her. She is fair and objective and values honesty.


Her preferences:

In just five minutes, she can calculate your weight, or at least what she thinks you are. It will take you a lifetime to break through her first line of defense.

Everything seems to be under the control of Scorpio's mother-in-law If things are done her way, there is no doubt about it. On the contrary,

What she thinks of you:

You are a demon that must exist-just what her son needs, which is why she must tolerate you.

What she thinks of you depends on your intelligence, not anything you say or do. She will observe your upbringing, manners, education and so on.

How to win her heart;

Let her feel that she is the master, and if possible, let her feel that she chose you as her wife. Give her a say and try not to get in her way.

You will never know where she is hiding-even if you are a scorpion.


Her preferences:

She is the "mother-in-law is crazy" character in 12 constellation. She will go on a pilgrimage to India or climb Mount Kilimanjaro. She will keep her pet in bed. She has friends in every corner of the world. One minute she will be coquettish and unrealistic, and the next minute she will be wise and far-sighted.

What she thinks of you:

Unless you do something extremely bad, the shooter's mother-in-law will hate you. She likes everyone-of course, it would be better if they were interesting and different.

You may think that she likes you because she has a big mouth and speaks all kinds of good things and bad things, but she is just outspoken and not malicious.

How to win her heart;

Let her do her own thing. Don't force her to take care of the children or baptize her grandchildren, which will make her unhappy.

She is not a traditional woman, and besides, she is easy to be liked.

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN

Her preferences:

If her own life is not very successful, then she will hope that you and her son can become successful people. Her ambition and desire are really good for her son, but the only obstacle is that she doesn't understand that her son's greatest wish may be different from hers.

What she thinks of you:

It's hard to say. She will be charming and friendly, and she will be good at raising children or cooking at ordinary times. She will never embarrass you and will keep your secret. And what she really thinks of you may be a mystery to herself, just like to you.

How to win her heart;

Dare to express yourself. If anything happens, you have to understand that she doesn't like to hear the news. Capricorn mother-in-law wants her world to be safe and orderly, otherwise she will put on a cold poker face.

Aquarius constellation

Her preferences:

Your mother-in-law is a maverick and elusive person. She hates being labeled, so she won't label you. She is interested in all kinds of novelty. She advocates intelligence and achievement and is always ready to help others.

My opinion of you:

She knows your strengths and weaknesses at a glance and will immediately understand how you two get along.

But if she doesn't, you'll never know. She is the best actress in the world. She is good at pretending and acting.

How to win her heart:

Allow her to come in and out of your life, don't care too much, and don't offend her with sharp words and voices. She likes to be spoiled. A small gift or a bunch of flowers can make her feel good about you immediately.

But an angry word can tear her heart to pieces, keep her secret, and let her continue to believe that the world is beautiful.


What will she look like:

She is creative, emotional and romantic. She always believes that people are good and ignores other people's mistakes, especially her children.

She always tries her best to look like a princess, charming and smart. However, what is terrible is that it is like a crazy martyr, draining anyone who invades his territory.

What does she think of you?

She only needs to look at you and immediately understand your advantages and disadvantages.

She will soon know whether you two can get along. However, even if she doesn't like you very much, you will never know what she really thinks. Pisces is the best actor in the world, who can act vividly and confuse the fake with the real.

How to pull her to your side:

Involve her in your life and try not to offend her with rude language or sharp voice. She likes to be cherished. A small gift or a bunch of flowers can win her heart in an instant. Angry words can tear her heart to pieces in an instant. Let her keep her mystery, and don't break her dream that the world is beautiful for herself.