Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 6 articles

The power of confident composition 800 words 1

Fifteen or sixteen years old, when we were young, we were like the newborn sun;

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 6 articles

The power of confident composition 800 words 1

Fifteen or sixteen years old, when we were young, we were like the newborn sun;

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 6 articles

The power of confident composition 800 words 1

Fifteen or sixteen years old, when we were young, we were like the newborn sun; Like a dazzling gem; Like a shining morning star; Is there any reason why we are not confident, or why we don't shine all over the world like the moment the sun rises?

When we complain that we are inferior to others, and when we question our abilities, have we ever thought that all this may be because we are not confident?

When I first entered middle school at the age of 15 or 16, I always felt that I was not smart enough, always inferior to others, and always felt that I could not do it during the exam. At that time, I was like a thin piece of white paper, feeling inferior, cowardly and fragile. After that, I made a new friend. He always holds his head high. He has never been timid because of exams. He is confident and energetic. It means he changed me. I remember one time, it was the mid-term exam, and I was always worried that I would not do well in the exam, so he gave me a glass bead and said that I could do well in the exam. I believed it and did it. After the exam, I was full of confidence. But he told me that the bead was fake, and my confidence seemed to disappear again. I didn't expect my grades to be much better this time, but I'm still worried. Because of this victory, I am more afraid of failure in the future. So he kept encouraging me and told me that if I failed in the exam, I should calm down, find the reason and try again. With his constant encouragement, I began to become thoughtful, calm and calm, and began to be not afraid of failure, no longer complaining, no longer. I began to lift my head down and lift my proud soul. More and more smiles appeared on my face, and my chest and my spine stood confidently. This is my confidence, the confidence of youth.

At our age, we should not bow our heads or bend over. We are very infectious. We are not afraid of failure, we can find the reason in failure, and we can work harder. We welcome sunshine every day. Therefore, we should hold our souls high, let our youth rise, and let our confidence rise brilliantly in our souls.

We must believe that as long as we want to do it, there is nothing we can't do; We should believe: "Nothing is difficult in the world, only if you put your mind to it." We must first believe that we are all ourselves; Such self-confidence is worthy of our time.

At our age, we believe that we can be like a newborn sun, a dazzling gem and a shining morning star. We are convinced that our confidence is above the dark clouds and we will win glory with the sun and the moon!

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 2

Self-confidence can give people strength and overcome difficulties. Why do you say that? Let me tell you one from my own experience!

It was a sunny Saturday and I was doing my homework at home. After several hours of hard work, the math has not been finished. The math homework is a test paper. I passed all the way, and soon I got to the last question. I began to get excited and full of joy about finishing, and then I casually looked at the question. "Hey, what a coincidence! I have done this problem! " I couldn't help cheering, raised my hand to make a victory gesture, and then began to write. In a short time, the problem was completed and I was full of confidence. I didn't even look it up. I put down my pen and ran to find my beloved puzzle.

An hour later, my father came back, and my puzzle entered the most critical place. In a few minutes, I heard my father's footsteps getting closer and closer, and then my father's roar sounded in my ear like an explosive sound wave, which made me tremble all over. "Such a simple topic is wrong, what else do you play? Come and correct it! " My scalp was numb and I thought, "It's over, this is difficult!" " So I reluctantly put down the puzzle to find my father, ready to meet his anger. Who knows dad just threw the test paper in front of me and said, "I'll give you a chance to check and correct it yourself!" " "Then I'll do his thing.

I picked up the test paper and examined it carefully. All the above are right, only one question remains. I looked at the topic carefully again and found that it was a little different from what I did before. "Oh, it's all my fault, too careless!" I have to sit down and solve this problem. I wanted to finish the puzzle early, but the more anxious I was, the more confused my mind became. Finally, I can't do this problem at all. So, I want to ask my father, but there is always a feeling in my heart that I will definitely do this problem, and this idea is getting stronger and stronger. It has always said: this question is very simple, as long as you are confident, you will be able to answer it. So, I calmed down and looked at the question carefully again. Gradually, I got a clue and began to calculate step by step. After a while, I actually solved it, and I danced with joy. Dad came to see it, absolutely. He praised me at once, and my heart was filled with joy, just like drinking honey.

Since then, whenever I encounter difficulties, I always say to myself, "I can do it!" " "Gradually, I became more and more confident. I think: this must be the strength that self-confidence gives me. Students, when you encounter difficulties, you must also have confidence. I believe its power will definitely help you overcome them!

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 3

Clouds and the sky have all-encompassing power; The abyss has the power of all rivers; Sandstorms have the power to cover up the years; Drops of water have the power to overflow youth. For me, strength may bloom a bunch of fireworks, but I am not as confident as that.

With a faint Qiu Si, the roots fell, the cool wind swept the eaves, and there was a crisp sound. There is fierce competition in the classroom. "Teacher, I'll do it!" The sound is endless. I curled up in the corner alone, and the high voice stopped me. It can't get in, I can't get out.

I looked at the questions on the blackboard and knew what the answer was. But I don't know what is holding me back. I'm afraid to raise my hand and be called by the teacher. The teacher's eyes swept across the classroom like a machete and raised his hand enthusiastically wherever he went. When I arrived at my residence, I quickly turned my head and pretended to chat and discuss with my deskmate.

I don't know if I pretended to be too realistic or instinctively avoided it. I didn't hear the teacher's question. My deskmate touched my shoulder. "What are you smirking about? The teacher is asking you to answer the question! " "Ah, oh!" I stood up with a shocked face. There was a sudden silence in the classroom, and the eyes of the whole class were projected on me, like a pot of boiling water, which made me blush. Even my deskmate whispered, "Your ears are so red!" "I looked up at the teacher and wanted to say my answer." I, I, I think I should, I should ... "I didn't finish, just because of this sudden stammer, my face turned red again. I stopped for this, and the expectation in the eyes of the whole class increased by one point. The teacher's eyes are not as sharp as before, like a warm beam of light shining on me.

In this case, I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Say to yourself, "You are the best. Believe in yourself, come on! " When I opened my eyes again, all the fears and panic disappeared, leaving only the firmness of looking into the distance. A force filled my whole body, and I explained the answer confidently. After the smooth narration, the teacher said with surprise, "Very good, so confident. You answered very well. Please sit down! " The whole class applauded warmly and it took a long time to disperse. My heart is surging. Faced with the encouragement of teachers and applause from classmates, I realized that the power of self-confidence is so powerful and surprising. I smiled. Although my face is red, it is my favorite look.

For me, the power of self-confidence is broader than clouds, deeper than abyss, stronger than sandstorm, and more magnificent than dripping water.

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 4

Self-confidence is a sea, raising white sails in the foggy sea, there is always a boat floating for you; Self-confidence is a sky. When the sky is high and the clouds are light, there is always a pair of wings to spread out for you. Self-confidence is a vast starry sky, and the starry sky is full of light. There is always a constellation waiting for you, waiting for that beautiful tomorrow. Only self-confidence can make you successful. I lost my confidence at that time, but I found my confidence again.

I have done well since I was a child, always ranked first and second in grade, and never slipped out of the top three. But before the fifth grade final exam, I became proud. Until the moment I handed out my report card, it was like I fell from heaven to hell. Five or six students in my class did better than me in the exam. What about grade? I can't help shivering. I must be ranked tenth. From the first place to the tenth place. I suddenly lost confidence and felt that I would never do well in the exam.

I have been depressed since I came back. Going back to my hometown during the winter vacation, I was even more listless when I saw the homework I had previewed. Doing nothing every day, perfunctory about homework. After a few days like this, I couldn't hold on. I kept asking myself, "Do you really want to spend a summer vacation like this? Haven't you passed the exam yet?" I used to do my homework during the holiday, but now I suddenly stopped, not because I was happy without burden, but because I was bored, bored and disappointed in myself. But I did so badly in the exam, what else could I do?

I looked at the report card again and couldn't help sighing. A gust of wind blew into my room and I decided to go out for a walk. This time is winter. Although there is no snow, the cold wind can make people tremble. The field is as empty as my heart. At this point, my attention turned to a few bamboos. Although the wind blew off more than half of the bamboo leaves, the branch still stood there. I can't help thinking, if I can be like this bamboo, the wind will blow away but not fall down, and I will open new leaves next year. Oh, hard work is still necessary. I thought like this and went back to the bedroom.

I began to preview carefully. After a winter vacation, I basically mastered the knowledge points of the next semester. I'm still working hard after school starts. Finally, in the mid-term exam, I got the first place with a score of 389. For the rest of the sixth grade, I kept the first place in every big exam. That time, I found my confidence again!

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 5

Self-confidence is a kind of belief and a kind of strength.

Maybe you want to be the sun, but you are just a star; Maybe you want to be a towering tree, but you are just a grass swaying in the wind; Maybe you want to be a Wang Yang, but you only went to a mountain stream. So you are not confident, but inferior.

Because of my inferiority, I always feel that fate is playing tricks on myself. Actually, you don't have to do this. Everything is fine when you appreciate others, but when you look at yourself, you will feel that you are full of mistakes. Like others, you are also a landscape, with sunshine, air, cold, summer and even a landscape that others have never seen before. ...

Confidence contributes to success. There was an orator in ancient Greece. When he was a child, his voice was weak and he stuttered badly. Whenever I see other people's endless speeches, I hope I can become an orator. He is confident that he can succeed. In order to make his voice loud and powerful, he shouts at the sea every day. In order to increase his vital capacity, he climbs mountains and runs long distances every day. The action and posture of touching the mirror for several hours every day. Finally, he succeeded and became a famous orator in ancient Greece. Self-confidence made him successful.

Self-confidence is the condition of success. Once upon a time, a small salesman was plain and not young. In his first six months as an insurance salesman, he didn't bring a policy for the company. However, he never feels like a loser and often smiles. One day, a big boss who often went to the park saw his smile and became interested in him. The boss doesn't understand that a naked person who doesn't have enough to eat can still laugh. The salesman told his boss that he was confident of success. The boss invited him to dinner, but he refused. He asked him to buy an insurance policy, so he had his first business. Later, the boss introduced him to business friends, and his confidence infected more people. Later, he became the salesman who signed the most insurance policies in Japanese history.

If you can't be the sun, just be a star and shine in your own constellation; If you can't be a big tree, be a grass and decorate the earth with your own green; If you can't be a great man, be yourself. Ordinary is not sad. The key is whether you have confidence in yourself and become an extraordinary person.

Don't always appreciate others, but also appreciate yourself. If you have confidence, you will find your sky as high and your land as vast. This is the power of self-confidence.

The power of self-confidence composition 800 words 6

I have never been a confident person. I am always afraid that I can't do it well and feel that I can't do it well. The more I feel this way, the more I limit myself. The more you limit yourself, you will find that you can't do anything and can't do anything well. People will tell you to be confident, but you still can't be confident.

I have been reading and listening to books since then. I gradually found that my confidence came from myself. Everyone has his own bright spot. There is no perfect person, but I ask too much of myself. We can lose to others, but not to ourselves. In fact, many times, we lost to ourselves, not others. A strong man who never loses to himself will never forget his right to exist. A person who can choose a positive attitude in a difficult situation is a person who can treat failure correctly, never give up and has strong emotional support. A confident person is strong.

Success favors confident people. Schon's law says: having confidence in your career and believing in yourself is the prerequisite for success. Inferiority is a major disadvantage in life, which will prevent intelligence and creativity from being brought into play. Self-confidence is a necessary condition for success. Self-confidence is self-affirmation from the heart, which is very important in interpersonal communication and career. Only by believing in yourself can others believe in themselves.

I'm sure you have overcome your inferiority complex. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. If we compare our strengths with the weaknesses of others, we can find our strengths, so we should give full play to our strengths, learn from each other's strengths and constantly increase our confidence. We can list our proud achievements and advantages, constantly motivate and strengthen ourselves and tell ourselves that I am still good. Only by constantly giving yourself psychological emphasis and hints will you become more and more confident.

Now, I always tell myself that I am great. I have been paying and getting a lot, whether it is honor or praise from others, so don't feel inferior. I keep trying and making progress, which is my advantage. Don't feel inferior. Only optimistic and confident people will treat their work and life with a good attitude.

So be happy every day, and believe that you will create your own beautiful life, and everything will get better.