Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Why is there a Gemini?

Why is there a Gemini?

Myth 1:

Zeus, who was infatuated with the beauty of Princess Leda of Sparta, turned into a swan in order to get close to her. They gave birth to twins-Caster, the son of borax and the son of mankind. Both of them are brave and adventurous warriors, and they often make great achievements together. They also have a pair of twin cousins-Iddas and Lincks. One day, four people are going to catch cows. When they caught a lot of cows and prepared to share them equally, greedy Iddas and Lincks took advantage of borax and Caster's surprise and snatched them back. The twins had a big fight, and Iddas shot casto with an arrow. Borax is very sad. He wants to go to heaven with Kaster, but he can't because he has eternal life. His grief touched Zeus, so he set up a constellation for them, living in the kingdom of heaven and the country of death respectively.

In Greek mythology, the god who rules Gemini is Machuli, who is regarded as the patron saint of businessmen or thieves. Ma Chuli has a unique skill in love, so he can easily win the heart of his lover, and his favorite ways of love are diverse, fancy and rich, and he can't settle down in a person for a long time.

Myth 2:

There are many versions of the myth about Gemini. In addition to saying that one of the two brothers is a human being and the other is a god, they also say that both are gods and both are human beings. Chinese names are transliterated, so there are many translations (such as Lida/Leda/Leda).

Polydeuces (Roman spelling, Greek spelling Pollux). They are all called Dioscuri, which means the son of Zeus. Dioscuri: Caster Caster and Pollux Polux, twin brothers of Zeus, twin sons of Rita Leda, brothers of Helen and Cralli Mestra.

Spartan king TinDarus was expelled from his kingdom by his brother Hippogon. Ting Darus wandered to the kingdom of Ethiopian King Sitis Oss and married the king's daughter Lida. Later, another hero, Hercules, defeated Hippogon and killed all his sons. Ting Darus and his wife Rita returned to Sparta.

Rita was so beautiful that Zeus fell in love with her as soon as he saw her. Zeus turned into a swan and snuggled up to the beautiful Spartan queen Rita. Later, Rita gave birth to two swan eggs. One hatched two brothers, Caster and Pollux, and the other gave birth to Clarity Mestra and Helen, the first beauties in the world.

Although the four brothers and sisters are born of the same mother, they have different fathers. The father of Castel and Park Jung Su Mestra was the original Spartan king TinDarus, while the father of Procus and Helen was Zeus. But the Spartan king treated them as his own.

The Caster brothers' father is the king of Sparta and their younger brother is the son of Zeus, so he is immortal. Although they are not real twin brothers, they grew up together and have a very good relationship. Kastor is good at tactics, horse training and riding, while Pollux is good at fighting and boxing. When their sister Helen was kidnapped, the two brothers also took part in the battle and brought her back with other heroes.

Both brothers like adventure, and the story of "brother" is the most famous in their experiences. When the prince of Iokos in Greece grew up, Jason asked his uncle to return to the throne. How did he expect that his uncle would let Jason go to Colt to find golden fleece before he was willing to quit? So Jason decided to go out. He recruited 50 warriors from all over the world and set out from Greece. In addition to Caster and Polokus, there are also Hercules, a famous warrior, orpheus, a great musician and Asclepius, a doctor.

When the "Brother" was sailing at sea, a big storm suddenly broke out. Seeing that the ship was about to be involved in the sea, orpheus stood by the boat, playing the harp and praying to God. On the heads of the twin brothers, a big star lit up, giving them the strength to calm the storm. Therefore, the twin brothers are regarded as the patron saint of navigation. After experiencing various dangers, Argo arrived safely and brought golden fleece back to Jason. After that, the two still went to different adventures.

Caster kidnapped and married leucippus's two daughters, Phoebe and Sheila. It is said that Sheila ella has always liked Pollux. But leucippus's two nephews, Iddas and Lynceus, also like these two sisters very much. Therefore, Iddas and Lynceus clashed with the twin brothers. Lynceus killed Custer Custer in a fight. In fact, Aidas and Lynceus are relatives of the twin brothers.

After kastor's death, only Boris will be immortal. So Procus asked Zeus to go to the grave with Castor. Zeus then agreed that the two brothers would take turns living in heaven and hell.

This is a mythical version, a realistic version, that is to say, because this pattern composed of many stars was found in the sky, it was found and named Gemini, just like other constellations corresponding to the zodiac, which is how it came about, and there is no other unnecessary meaning.