Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - What are the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations?

What are the personality characteristics of the twelve constellations?

1, sanguine: lively, sociable, impetuous, lacking perseverance.

Characteristics: extroverted and emotionally stable. Bloody people are like agile leopards, belonging to the flexible and active type. They are full of self-confidence and they can easily adapt to the new environment. They don't feel constrained anywhere and always put themselves in the position of "master". Work and study are energetic, efficient, studious and flexible, and they are usually the backbone of business.

Advantages and disadvantages: The most outstanding advantages of sanguine quality are liveliness but not impulsiveness, righteously, not greedy for small profits, not sentimental, and a calm leadership temperament. However, the advantages and disadvantages are relative. Bloody people are full of emotions, but they are easy to be impetuous, careless and distracted. He is active in thinking, but sometimes he does not seek a solution to the problem and is opportunistic; Strong adaptability, but "attention points" change quickly, easy to "empathize with others" and lack patience and perseverance in doing things.

Development direction: bloody people are natural leaders, who can look at problems with a developmental perspective, and are more suitable for business, planning, advertising and other occupations, such as diplomats, businessmen, lawyers, journalists, hosts, salesmen, supervisors and so on. Hot blood is not suitable for meticulous, monotonous, mechanical and uncompetitive work. ▲

2, courage quality: bold, brave, impulsive, impatient.

Features: extroversion, emotional instability. A courageous person is like an impulsive lion, belonging to the excited and enthusiastic type. Most of them are short-tempered, emotional and easy to lose their temper.

Advantages and disadvantages: the advantage of choleric quality is that it is active and enterprising, not afraid of difficulties, and has high enthusiasm; He is straightforward, as good as he looks. Disadvantages are impatience, recklessness, easy to get furious because of trivial matters, and even aggressive behavior; Emotional, impulsive, reckless, and regret afterwards.

Development direction: The daring jobs are: management, diplomacy, drivers, clothing industry, catering industry, journalists, actors, police, designers, marketers and other export-oriented occupations. They need to overcome the shortcomings of poor self-control, easy distraction and carelessness, and explore a set of methods to control anger, urgency and impatience that suit them.

3, mucus: practical and tolerant, rigid.

Characteristics: introverted and emotionally stable. Mucky people are like hardworking bees, silent and calm. They are diligent and practical, and they are born with the label of "reliable". Slow work, but can complete the task with good quality and quantity, strictly abide by the living order and work system, and is not easily distracted.

Advantages and disadvantages: the advantage of mucus is that it is stable and calm, always think twice before you act. So people around us love to make friends with them and can be their backing when things happen. Mucus, on the other hand, is steady and dull, practical but somewhat rigid, calm but not angry, slightly dull in behavior, dull in thinking and prone to conformism.

Development direction: Mucky people are suitable for jobs that require patience and relative stability, such as doctors, judges, managers, accountants, mediators, teachers, human resources division and so on. In the face of pressure, slime people often avoid it instead of taking the initiative. The greater the pressure, the easier it is to indulge yourself. I suggest not thinking too much about something and acting first.

4, depression: cautious and sensitive, withdrawn and pessimistic.

Features: introverted and emotionally unstable. Depressed people are like sensitive kittens, keen and shy. They are withdrawn, shy, unsociable and don't like publicity, so their contacts are narrow. But after getting along for a long time, you will find that these people are easy-going and reliable.

Advantages and disadvantages: The advantages of depression are strong insight, good abstract ability and potential to become a genius and artist. But it is too insecure and has the defects of being picky, pessimistic and emotional. When things happen, you tend to react negatively and easily collapse.

Development direction: Depression is suitable for scientific research, proofreading, typesetting, supervision, embroidery, secretarial work, artistic work and philosophical research. It is best to avoid occupations that require frequent social interaction. Don't be withdrawn, learn to cooperate with others and integrate into the collective.

Extended data:

Other types:

1, body shape theory

The somatotype theory was put forward by German psychiatrist E.Kretschmer. According to his clinical observation of mental patients, he thought that people's temperament types can be divided according to somatotype. According to physical characteristics, he divided people into three types, namely obese type, slim type and muscular type.

For example, the fat type produces manic temperament, and the actions tend to be gregarious, lively, enthusiastic and approachable; The lanky type produces a split temperament, and its action tendency is unsociable, withdrawn, neurotic and thoughtful. Muscle type produces adhesive temperament, and its action tendency is infatuation, seriousness, slow understanding and impulsive behavior. He believes that three body types are related to the onset of different mental diseases.

American psychologist W.H.Sheldon believes that embryonic leaves, the basic component of human body shape, are closely related to human temperament. He divided temperament into three types according to the development degree of ectodermal leaves, mesodermal leaves and endodermal leaves.

Endodermal leaf type: plump and obese. It is characterized by comfort, good food, good sleep, easy work, sociability and easy-going behavior.

Mesophyll type: muscular, firm and rectangular. It is characterized by arbitrariness, overconfidence, strong physique, initiative and aggression.

Ectodermal leaf type: tall and meticulous, with weak constitution. It is characterized by self-control, special interest in art, tendency to intellectual activities, sensitivity and quick response. Enthusiastic and responsible work, poor sleep and easy fatigue.

Although the theory of body shape reveals some consistency between body shape and temperament, it does not explain the mechanism of the relationship between body shape and temperament, whether the influence of body shape on temperament is direct or indirect, whether they are common or causal. In addition, the research results mainly come from patients rather than normal people, so it lacks certain scientific nature.

2. Hormone theory

Hormone theory was put forward by physiologist Berman. He believes that people's temperament characteristics are closely related to the activities of endocrine glands. According to this theory, people are divided into thyroid type, pituitary type and adrenal gland secretion type according to the dominant activity of secretory glands in human body. For example, people with thyroid type are strong, sensitive, strong-willed, willful, subjective and confident; Pituitary people are gentle, meticulous and patient, and have strong self-control.

Modern physiological research has proved that from the perspective of neurohumoral regulation, the influence of endocrine gland activity on temperament can not be ignored. However, the hormone theory overemphasizes the importance of hormones, thus ignoring the important influence of the activity characteristics of the nervous system, especially the higher nervous system, on temperament, and there is no lack of one-sided tendency.

3. Blood type theory

Blood type theory is the viewpoint of Japanese scholar Takeji Furukawa and others. They believe that temperament is determined by different blood types, including type A, type B, type AB and type O, and the corresponding temperament can also be divided into four types: type A, type B, type AB and type O. Type A temperament is characterized by tenderness, honesty, reliability, suspicion, obedience, dependence on others and emotional impulse. Type B temperament is characterized by sensitivity, calmness, shyness, sociability and busyness. AB temperament is characterized by a mixture of the above two. O-type temperament is characterized by strong-willed, aggressive, overbearing, like to command others, courageous, and unwilling to suffer losses. This view has yet to be verified.

People's Network-Psychological Counseling: What kind of temperament do you belong to?

Baidu encyclopedia-temperament type