Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - A constellation that likes to sing against lovers.

A constellation that likes to sing against lovers.

About constellations that like to play devil's advocate with lovers

The third constellation that likes to sing against your lover: Gemini.

Gemini's efficient and efficient brain will not fall in love even if it falls in love with lovers; On the contrary, his brain is like an independent air conditioner. His right brain is in love with his lover, shouting "This world is boring without you", and his left brain begins to calculate and analyze each other's reactions! If the lover's reaction is different from his guess, forget it; However, he found himself unpredictable and his love was "boring". He not only disagrees with you, but also makes things difficult for you, making you turn several turns before you know that he wants to keep fresh and ask you to make different reactions at any time!

Second place: cancer

No way! A tender little crab should be a tender, considerate and rare good companion. How can he love to play the devil's advocate with his lover? Yes, little crabs usually say anything when they are in a good mood, even if it is difficult, they will bite their teeth and agree; However, sensitive, carefree, guessing personality, so that their emotional state far exceeds the appearance of tenderness and consideration! Therefore, as long as the lover does not satisfy his sense of security, he can be bossed around at will and can't even get back the interest. You said he would go west and play the devil's advocate until he was satisfied!

First place: Aquarius

When you are in love, you will not follow each other's words, even if you are duplicitous! When the young couple quarrel, they criticize each other mercilessly? Of course it's you in Aquarius! Aquarius, with strong self-awareness, even if he likes his lover again, he will not disregard his face and do what the other person wants when quarreling! What's more, some Aquarius friends, based on what they like, want to share with close people, and take opposing views with their lovers as a lubricant to enhance their interest and feelings. It seems that it is more difficult for Aquarius lovers not to sing the devil's advocate than to ascend to heaven!

TOP5 likes sticky glue constellations.

During the love period, the sweetness index between couples really soared. I can't wait for two people to be together all day, just like conjoined twins. However, after a long time, will it be like this? For some constellation men, they are very willing to stick together with their lovers. Girls who like clingy may wish to consider it. TOP5 likes sticky glue constellation male, please announce it with me.

Fifth place: Pisces boys

Sticky type: emotional or extremely rich.

Everyone knows that Pisces has been pursuing fantastic love for life. However, among Pisces men, there are diametrically opposite personalities, which can be roughly divided into two types: abstinence and no desire, and rich emotions. The first kind of words is like a master who sees through the world of mortals and does not pursue love. The latter is a typical romantic genius who can easily turn friendship into patriotism. No matter what type, there is one thing in common, and that is clingy. They especially like being with their lovers. As long as you are with them, you will think of each other wholeheartedly. On the other hand, if the other person is in a different place, it is estimated that this relationship has little chance of success for Pisces men, because they will immediately turn to find another closer relationship.

Fourth place: Aries boy

Sticky type: impatient.

As we all know, the biggest feature of Aries is impulsiveness and impatience. The same is true of Aries. They always like to see the results soon. For love, their hearts are full of strong and passionate feelings. Impatient Aries men often act first, and their heads can never keep up with the pace of action. They like close relationships, and they can see them whenever they want. As for the kind of love that is slow and hot, it will definitely suffocate Aries, and it has not yet been completed. Therefore, they'd better stick to their lover and feel the moisture of love. This is the sweetest enjoyment in their love.

Third place: Libra boy

Sticky type: afraid of loneliness.

Libra is a natural expert in dealing with people. Of course, the opposite sex is not bad. It is no exaggeration to say that Libra man is a peach blossom charged body, and there are always many suitors around him. If Libra men are not suitable for stocking from the beginning, they just like to stick to their lovers and partners and enjoy the feeling of being dependent. Therefore, as Libra's girlfriend, you must take good care of him, otherwise it is easy to be seduced by other girls! Also, Libra men don't like some virtual greetings, so face-to-face communication and companionship are better.

Second place: Scorpio boys

Sticky type: The deeper you love, the stronger your possessiveness.

When mysterious Scorpio men fall in love, the most obvious performance is their strong possessiveness, which is directly reflected in their attention to this feeling. They always want their lover to stay with them and let them control the overall situation. Once the other person is out of his power or vision, Scorpio will immediately start to freak out. Coupled with their suspicious personality characteristics, if lovers are not always around, it is bound to be a very disturbing thing. Therefore, even after the love period, Scorpio still likes to stick to each other or be stuck by each other, which is a sign of happiness!

Taurus boy

Sticky type: Love is connected with the senses.

Taurus believes that only when love is connected with the senses can we feel stable happiness. For example, it's like two people holding hands and staying together. Because you can't talk to Taurus about the advanced nothingness of spiritual love. They need real feelings, and lovers must be within reach, visible and tangible. As for Plato's shrimp, go to hell Of course, long-distance relationships are not suitable for Taurus men. They can't stand being separated from their lover and the pain of missing each other. Therefore, for the choice of lovers, they generally don't pick the lovers who become problems as soon as they meet. Even if you have a stable and happy relationship, it will fade because of the distance. They like to hold on to their lover, because they think it's the only way to feel safe.

What star girls worry boys the most?

Have you ever found that when you fall in love with some girls, you can be carefree, don't care too much about things, or live a good life after catching up with them like a good wife and mother, and often nothing happens to worry you. But there will also be some girls, but they are full of "mothers", who will give you something in three days and give you a headache. Of course, you may also feel fresh and exciting and enjoy it. Which constellations of girls worry boys the most? Let's have a look.

The first kind: twin children who are always hot and cold.

With your two-seater lover, your love and life will become rich and colorful. It's very likely that she will take you to eat all kinds of delicious food and do something that you usually want to do but think is ridiculous. Your life is full of novelty and surprise, and you have long forgotten what it feels like to be bored. Gemini's relaxed and humorous way of speaking often makes you laugh. However, just when you are silent in great happiness, lively and lovely children are likely to suddenly cool down and turn a blind eye to your love. Not surprisingly, it is Gemini's consistent way to be cold and hot. Falling in love with Gemini is like riding a roller coaster. You won't feel bored, and naturally you won't worry. Every day, your mood always fluctuates with Gemini's changeable attitude, like a wavy line.

Gemini's code of conduct is fresh and interesting, so don't expect Gemini girls to become good wives who are diligent and take care of their husbands and children one day. Maybe, she will cook you food on a whim one day and wait for you to come back, but you have to believe that it won't be long before she gets tired of playing, and she will go outside to find something fresh and exciting, toss it around and create a special "disaster".

The second type: Libra women who are easy to be ambiguous with others.

The master of society is a Libra woman with outstanding appearance and excellent taste, and naturally she is good at dealing with different boys. Many Librans have very good heterosexual relationships, and many boys are willing to be their chaperones. In addition, Libra is soft-hearted, born with selective syndrome, and it is easy to have an affair with different men. Libra can love many people at the same time, so even if she is by your side and loves you warmly, it doesn't mean that she will avoid other excellent boys and have no feelings.

Libra women love beauty, but how can they refuse a delicious handsome guy? Libra women, in particular, have no resistance to educated, talented and gentlemanly temperament men. Therefore, as a partner of Libra women, you may have to worry about your heart from time to time, and be alert to the elegant Libra women around you who secretly love other handsome guys.

The third type: Scorpio woman with endless possessiveness.

What you did today, who you met, what you ate, and whether you lied ... all these can't escape Scorpio's eyes. If she wants to, she can firmly grasp your every move. Yes, Scorpio is born with strong insight, considerate enough, love and hate, and endless possessiveness is her common way to express strong love. Therefore, I believe that it is not easy to be Scorpio's companion. Don't try to make some small moves in the dark, or be a little ambiguous with a strange woman to escape Scorpio's eyes. They are full of jealousy and revenge, which is enough to kill you.

All you can do is live a transparent life around her. Of course, you don't have to. Then, wait for the storm to come more violently.

The fourth type: Pisces women with changeable minds.

It is said that Pisces is the perfect dream lover. Yes, under normal circumstances, they are really cute little women. They are kind-hearted, gentle, gentle and romantic, and their gestures are full of femininity, and they have a pity for me. Many men can't escape from such a gentle country and fall into it, which greatly shows their masculinity. However, the hearts of Pisces women are ever-changing, and you never know what they are thinking. They love dreaming and expect a lot, but you can meet very little; They pay attention to feelings, and the destruction of any small detail will affect their overall attitude towards this matter for a long time. As soon as they were in high spirits, they became gloomy. They are very sensitive. They often say that the speaker is unintentional and the listener is interested. You never know when it will hurt their young hearts. Even watching an idol drama can make them burst into tears. ...

All kinds of small emotions need your patience, comfort and hug. At first, you may feel that you can satisfy the psychology of a big man, but in the long run, are you really a little tired inside?

Fifth: a virgin who is too perfect for the other half.

When you are in love with a Virgo girl, it is inevitable that you will be picky, especially for those close to you. You are definitely a master at smiling at strangers and yelling at people around you. It's really hard to satisfy them. Their picky stems from their pursuit of perfection. Therefore, as a virgin's partner, they will demand you as harshly as themselves. From daily dressing to family expenses for the whole month, she can always find out what you have done badly and criticize it, thinking that it is not criticism, but for your own good.

When you do one thing well and finally meet her requirements, she will soon find another thing to continue to criticize, hoping to train you into a decathlon husband model one day. With a virgin, it is absolutely impossible to be presumptuous without taking a shower and throwing smelly socks around for a day.

I like to embarrass my boyfriend and actress best.

It is said that a woman's mind is hard to guess, which is true. Now she may think so, but later she may not think so. Women are notoriously uncertain, but some women naturally like men who are difficult to cut. Next, let's take a look.

Virgin girl

Virgins naturally don't deliberately embarrass their boyfriends, but they often keep their distance from men. Because, in their hearts, women's reserve is very important. A girl can't be easily obtained by a man. If she gets it easily, men will look down on her. Virgins have many thoughts and pursue perfection in everything. Only men are willing to insist.


The two children are naturally naughty and clever, and will not be easily chased by men. If they succeed easily, they will feel particularly humiliated. Being with two children should stand up to her repeated personality and accept her pranks from time to time. After playing tricks on men, they will hide behind their backs and steal happiness. If you want to choose such a woman as a wife, you must have enough patience and persistence.

Libra girl

Libra women always attach too much importance to the sense of security and are often indecisive about love. No matter who they are with, their thoughts will wander. At this time, they are very enthusiastic about you, and the next moment, they will be as cold as ice. You'll never understand her thoughts. However, Libra never wants to play tricks on anyone, but her sense of security is at work. If you want to be alone with her, you must give her enough security to reassure them.

Shooter girl

This kind of woman looks careless and easy to deal with, but it is not. If you are not her type, no matter what tricks you play, she will do it and make you obey one by one. If it is someone she doesn't like, she will try her best to make men back down. No matter how persistent you are, there will be no result in the end.

Which constellations are stronger in love?

Men all like the girls in Naive Girl. Someone once said that women are not cruel and unstable. In the face of love, some constellation women are so strong that men have to admire them. Then, learn which women are strong from the 12 constellation. Let's take a look!

Scorpio woman who is strong in love.

Scorpio woman is quite overbearing to the boy she likes. No matter what happens in the company or in life, Scorpio will care about everything and report to them regardless of size. This is a sign of love for her.

A strong virgin in love

Virgo girls must follow their rules and requirements when they fall in love with men. It seems that only in this way can they talk about a perfect love, ensure that they have a life that they seldom worry about, and take the perfect Virgo girl more seriously than anyone else.

Strong twin children in love

The bullying of Gemini girls is that no matter what changes I make, you have to keep up with my footsteps, so that you can be happy and perform intimate couples with your close lover. This show of love is what they like.

Capricorn girl who is very strong in love.

Capricorn women keep a strong style in their work, and they should obey their commands no matter what. Similarly, when in love, Capricorn women must occupy a dominant position, which is in line with her mind.

A strong lion girl in love

The lion girl's bullying is easy to show. They will never let themselves be the one to be dumped. Lions are absolute kings, so even if they break up, it must be the one who dumped them.

Which constellations of women tend to like poor boys?

It doesn't matter if you are poor when you are young, but the most important thing is to have the motivation to struggle. When you have nothing, you can only do this. Only in this way can girls really like your charm and your potential! Let's get to know the girls who are most likely to fall in love with poor boys!

Cancer girl

Cancer women know exactly what they want and where to spend their money. If there is no tempted person in life, she will choose the rich to get married, but when she meets the tempted person, she will have the mentality of caring for the hen and will take care of each other regardless. In case the other person is frustrated and depressed, the cancer woman will comfort the other person with her endless patience. She will think that this is her happiest moment, but when the other person is successful and developed.

Aries girl

Aries believes that love is the greatest and true love is invincible. In order to love her, she can take all the responsibilities. Aries woman's concept of love is unrealistic, but when she carries it out, she can carry it out practically and thoroughly. She will make endless contributions, and no difficulty will affect her philosophy. When she thinks that the other half has the conditions for success, she will always support the other side even if there is still a long way to go before success.

Shooter girl

Sagittarius women don't care about worldly conditions. She pays attention to whether the other party can satisfy herself spiritually, whether the two sides are happy together, and the temperament exuded by a person attracts her most. Even if the other person is rich, the temperament is annoying and unacceptable to Sagittarius women. Money is never the focus of Sagittarius women's choice.