Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - The story about constellations is short.

The story about constellations is short.


Fulik Sotheby's was originally the prince of Tessalia, but he and his sister escaped on a golden goat that could only fly in the sky because of avoiding the murder of his stepmother. On the way, Fulik Sotheby's sister accidentally fell into the sea and died, while he himself arrived safely in the eastern countries of the Black Sea and was sheltered by the local king Ai Yeti. In return for saving his life, Phocles skinned the golden retriever and presented it to King Etius. King Etius hung this fur on a tree in the forest and let a sleepless dragon guard it. And Aries is the constellation to commemorate this golden-haired sheep!


A long time ago, near what is now Lebanon, there was a country called Phoenicia, which was once prosperous. Europa was the beautiful daughter of the Phoenician king. One day, when Europa was playing in a pasture by the sea, a white cow came out of nowhere and asked Europa to swim with it. So Europa sat on the bull's back, and the bull waddled to the sea. This white cow turned out to be the incarnation of Zeus. Because Zeus took a fancy to Europa, he became a white cow and lured Europa to his side. The two of them landed in Crete, and Europa was deeply loved by Zeus. It is said that she later gave birth to three children. Europe today is said to be named after Europa. As for Taurus, it is to commemorate this white cow.


About the twin brothers, it is said that Zeus, the god of heaven, turned into a swan and gave birth to Rita. When the two brothers grew up, the elder brother became a master equestrian, while the younger brother was unmatched in boxing and had experienced many adventures. However, because of a battle, my brother died on the battlefield. In order to live with his younger brother, he asked Zeus to remove his immortal magic, so he was taken to heaven and turned into a constellation.


Legend has it that when Hercules was at war with Sedola, the crab caught Hercules with its crab feet in order to save his friend Sedola, only to be trampled to death. But the goddess Hera sympathized with this kind and poor crab and sent it to heaven to become a constellation, that is, a cancer.


In Greek mythology, this lion lives in Nimia forest, but it is not an ordinary lion. It's called undead Warcraft. It is said that it became a constellation in the sky because it failed to fight Hercules.


Virgo is said to be the daughter of the goddess of agriculture. Demeter, the goddess of agriculture, had an only daughter named Persephone, who was once taken away by Pluto, the keeper of hades. Dimitri was so sad that he went into the cave in the valley and refused to come out. So that the land no longer produces crops and hungry people can be seen everywhere. Zeus sent a messenger to Pluto and ordered him to return Persephone. Prout O (Hades) did not dare to disobey Zeus' will, so he sent Persephone back to his mother safely. But before leaving, Persephone ate four pomegranates in the underworld, so she had to return to the underworld for four months of the year. Every year when Persephone returned to hades, her mother Demeter would enter the cave again to stop the crops from growing. So there are four months of winter on the earth every year, which is said to be the reason.


Libra is not because the stars are different in shape.

Named after a shape. About 3000 years ago, when the sun reached this constellation, it was the autumn equinox on the earth. At that time, the length of day and night was the same, so this constellation was considered as a balanced Libra, hence its name. But later, some people thought that this Libra was the yardstick used by Athena, the goddess of justice, to judge the good and evil of human beings. At the same time, there is also a saying that Virgo, the western neighbor of Libra, is the constellation of the goddess incarnation.


In ancient times, there was a giant in Greece named Orion, who lived by hunting and often chased after prey with a thick stick in his hand. He always boasted:' There is absolutely no prey in this world that I can't hunt.' Because of his arrogant attitude, he angered the goddess and sent scorpions one by one, waiting on the road that Ou Lin had to pass every day, and stung him mercilessly. Olin couldn't resist this sudden attack, and the venom quickly flowed all over his body and died. Orion became Orion. And this scorpion was pulled to the sky to become a constellation, Scorpio, because of its meritorious service.


From the shape of the constellation, Sagittarius is like a shooter, shooting at Scorpio with a bow. In fairy tales, Sagittarius has nothing to do with Scorpio, but it is related to Khyron, one of Sagittarius. Khyron is an extremely clever centaur, proficient in medical skills, equestrian and martial arts, and is respected by people. Even Hercules should learn martial arts and astronomy from Kailong. Unfortunately, once Hercules had an argument with other centaurs, and he accidentally stabbed Kay Long Xing with a sword stained with hydra venom. Although Khyron was immortal, the deadly venom of Hydra made Khyron extremely miserable, so he transferred his immortal body to Prometheus and let himself die. So after Khyron died, Zeus moved him to the sky and turned him into a constellation.


Pan is a shepherd god, with goat horns and a beard, and plays the horn flute. Once, when Pan was having a banquet with the gods by the Nile, a monster suddenly attacked him. This monster is fierce and tall, even the gods are afraid of him and want to run away. At that time, Pan was going to become a fish, ready to jump into the river to escape, but he was probably too flustered, and only his lower body became a fish. Zeus, the god of heaven, saw his appearance and felt ridiculous. Took him to the sky one by one and became a constellation.


The gods held a banquet and drank Nithard's wine at the Temple Club of Olympus where they lived. At this time, it was Heber, the daughter of Zeus and Princess Hera, who was in charge of pouring wine. Herbie is famous for her beauty, but when she reaches marriageable age, she can no longer serve as a sommelier because she married the son of Zeus, Glass. Zeus is looking for a successor. One day, when Zeus came down to earth, he found a beautiful boy chasing sheep and turned into a heron and caught him. The boy changed his name to Kanimid and became a royal shepherd. Zeus gave him eternal youth, but he must be a sommelier all his life. Carnemedes feels quite honored and has been working hard. Zeus was deeply moved and gave him a water bottle full of wisdom, which was later named Aquarius in the sky.


Pisces is a constellation to commemorate the goddess of beauty and love and her son. Once, his mother and son were attacked by monsters by the Euphrates River, and they hurriedly turned into fish and ran away. Pisces is their incarnation of two fish.