Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Guide - Little Polly character constellation

Little Polly character constellation

Introduction of characters in the cartoon "Little Pony";

Twilight Sparkle

Voice: Tara Carrundo (dialogue)

Rebecca SauItschert (singing)

Japanese dubbing: Sawashiro Miyuki

Nickname: Twi, TS

Gender: ♀,

Race: unicorn-horned beast/horned beast

Pets: A disgusting male owl has been kept since SE 1 E24.

Introduction: A pony with purple body, dark blue mane, purple six-pointed star and five small white six-pointed stars is studying at the Genius Unicorn College in Celestia. She is serious, self-disciplined, has common sense, has first-class management ability, likes reading, knows history and legends that most ponies don't understand, has strong magic power and can use a lot of powerful magic. Such as teleport, deformation, charm and so on. He is very serious and responsible in character, even a little hairy, can calmly reason and analyze things, is quite stubborn and stubborn, and basically does not believe in "superstition" outside books, and he has suffered enough for it. Being able to reason and analyze things calmly can be said to be the most mature of the six ponies, and it can also be said that she connects the other five ponies.

When many ponies are afraid of Zekelon and Princess luna, only she can keep her head and try to get in touch with each other. Celeste was sent to Ma Xiao Town to supervise the summer music festival. In this process, she made many new friends and solved the nightmare month incident with the magic of friendship. After that, she accepted celeste's instructions and stayed in Ma Xiao Town to study the magic of friendship. There is a purple dragon thorn, which plays the role of spitting and persuasion. In SE3 E 13, it was given wings and became Pegacorn/ Alicorn.

Her mother looks like Twilight in G 1 Rainbow Pony.

Note: Celestia was admitted as a direct student because she discovered her magical potential in the entrance examination because of the rainbow sonic boom of Rainbow Dash.

Spike's sister-like existence.

Celestia's direct students love Celestia very much, even to the point of perverting.

A research report on friendship must be written and sent to Celestia every week. It will be broken (correctly) because the report can't be handed in

Meng attribute: common sense people spit war. Old horse/nature stays. Chairman. Nominal protagonist No, Ji. Master control. Magic girl. Clumsy, not good at fine handicrafts. Have been suffering. Sometimes she acts like a little girl (pretending to be cute? ) a little neurotic. Men's show Paranoia

It represents "magic" in the harmonious crystal.

Introduction of characters in the cartoon "Little Pony";

Apple Socket (Apple Socket)

Voice: Ashleigh Ball.

Japanese dubbing: Aoi sora

Nickname: AJ

Gender: ♀,

Race: brightness

Pet: bitch Winona

Introduction: Pony with orange body, yellow mane and cowboy hat, with cute logo of three apples, is the landlord of sweet apple acres, herding cattle and harvesting apples in Pony Valley, with a southern American accent. His family members are Big Macintosh, Apple Bloom's sister and Grandma Smith. He is sincere, responsible, hospitable and helpful. A cheerful peasant woman, but sometimes too brave, with no distance from others and great strength. She can pull pears that can't even be pulled at dusk, and her hind feet are stronger than her front feet (wrist strength is stronger than the rainbow sprint, but she won other strength events). ), in addition, I can play lasso stunts, be good at sports, like apples very much and cook all kinds of apple dishes. Because they act like farmers, they sometimes feel too slovenly. Their Apple family is the largest family in Ma Xiao town, with some cows, sheep and pigs (they can all talk). What do horses raise pigs for ... She is a good sister and gets along well with Apple Bloom. In addition to considerable strength, he can also play lasso stunts and is good at sports. The tied tail can be used as a bat or brush. A hat is a part of the body. When her body became smaller because of herbs, even her hat became smaller ...

Note: When Applejack was a child, he longed for city life very much, so he lived with his relatives in Orange, but city life was not suitable for Applejack. It was not until he saw the rainbow sonic boom from the rainbow Dash that he realized that his hometown was his real destination, so he was willing to go back to be a peasant girl, and then her cute little Mark appeared. Her lovely Mark's chance to appear is to be "honest with himself". If I hadn't seen the rainbow sonic boom of the rainbow Dash, I would be a lady in the upper class now. ...

Meng attribute: village girl. Texas accent. Freckles. The noble attribute of a sister. Cowboy girl. Machamp. Kill vegetables. Universal pairing role. Both offensive and defensive. A hat is a noumenon.

Although there are not many scenes, because of his cool personality, his popularity is still quite good.

Stands for "honesty" in the harmonious crystal.

Introduction of characters in the cartoon "Little Pony";

Rainbow Dash (Bao Yun Daisy)

Voice: Ashleigh Ball (with AJ, it's really ...)

Japanese dubbing: Kita Spring

Nickname: Dashilan Road

Gender: ♀,

Competition: Tianma

Pet: I have had a male turtle tank since SE2 E7.

Introduction: The pony with sky-blue body and rainbow mane is a lovely symbol of rainbow lightning under a cloud. She is outgoing, brave and childish, likes playing pranks and laughing, and has rich expressions and body movements. Born in the ruins of Yunzhong City Site, he usually runs amok in the sky of Xiaoma Town, practicing his flying skills, hoping to join the equestrian lightning horse team, which can control the weather, disperse the clouds or make it rain and thunder. You can also do rainbow tornadoes, and your motor nerves are also good. It is said that Ma Xiao Town has the fastest speed, and a rainbow will be pulled out at the end of the flight. Besides, it can run very fast even without wings. Supersonic flight can be used to produce "sonic boom and rain boom" (Taiwan Province's translation name: sonic boom rainbow, translation name: rainbow sonic boom). To do this, you have to dive down from a height to reach this speed, which is sisterly with Scootaloo.

Represents "loyalty" in the harmonious crystal.

Note: When I was a child, in order to help Fluttershy breathe, I flew with other flying horses and enjoyed it.

After inadvertently using the rainbow sonic boom, her little cute mark appeared, and the opportunity for her little cute mark to appear was to "be loyal to yourself."

If she hadn't used the rainbow sonic boom, the other five ponies wouldn't have discovered their true talent.

Meng attribute: vigorous. Childish. Machamp. The apparent attack is real. The harem king. Matching characters more versatile than Applejack.

Introduction of characters in the cartoon "Little Pony";

Rare (rare)

Voice: Tabitha Saint Germain (dialogue), Kazumi Evans (singing)

Japanese dubbing: Sasaki's future

Nickname: RR

Gender: ♀,

Race: unicorn

Pet: the mother cat is milky white.

Introduction: The pony with white body and blue-purple mane is inlaid with three diamonds and sapphires. Atlanta accent, mature thinking and strong service. Endurance and emotional intelligence for other ponies are very high. Spike's idol runs a clothing store called Carousel Boutique in town. In addition to her parents, her family members also have a sister, Sweet Belle, who is very skilled. I am good at all kinds of exquisite handicrafts, especially tailors. I yearn for the central city. I hope to marry a noble person and become a high-class person. I'm neat, and I can't stand messy or dirty things. When it comes to neatness or dressing up, I am rude, but I don't mind getting dirty when necessary. Mature, even a little old-fashioned. Although I can't help my naughty little sister Sweetie Belle, she is quite tolerant of her naughty behavior and basically has a good relationship. She has an innate talent, and can use magic to find all kinds of gems buried in the ground. She often goes to the back hill to find gems to make clothes. Gems don't seem to be very valuable in the world of ponies. ) The most beautiful of the six protagonists can usually see light makeup such as eye shadow on her face, and sometimes she will go to the SPA with Fluttershy. I also curl my hair and apply a mask when I sleep. Eyelashes are glued. Unlike Twilight, she dares to express her feelings and perform with exaggerated movements. You can call the sofa to lie down anytime and anywhere (do you think I will lie on the ground? )

It stands for "generosity" in the harmonious crystal.

Note: When Rare was still worried about her school clothes when she was a child, her horn awakened the magic and took her to a rock.

Just when she questioned why Jiao took her to find an ordinary stone, the stone was shocked by the shock wave of the rainbow sonic boom, revealing the gems buried inside. Just when these precious stones were used in clothing in a rare and generous way, her little cute mark appeared, and the opportunity to appear was "generosity to others."

Cute attribute: it is not a big miss attribute, but a more advanced "lady" attribute. Reading glasses (wear glasses a little when making handicrafts). Sister attribute. Cleanliness. Artistic. Curly hair. In this year. Bitch.

Fluttershy (Fluttershy)

Voice: Andrea Libman.

Japanese dubbing: Emiri Katou

Nickname: FS

Gender: ♀,

Competition: Tianma

Pet: There are many, but it is the rabbit named angel who often follows her. She is responsible for spitting out the sometimes quite off-line master. There are many small animals at home. When they are injured or sick, Fluttershy usually brings them back to take care of them.

Introduction: a pony with beige body and pink mane, a lovely symbol of a butterfly with three pink wings, lives on the border of the town. She is timid and introverted, but she is extremely kind and has no heart. She always speaks in a low voice, but she will raise her voice when necessary. She likes small animals very much. When she sees them, she will be very excited to get together. She is quite good at animals and can command them to help or calm their emotions. She can even subdue beasts much fiercer than her. She is responsible for taking care of and directing most animals in Pony Valley. Although she is extremely timid at ordinary times, if she is provoked, the consequences will be unimaginable. The trick is to stare. She has the ability to repel monsters such as adult dragons. A little self-centered, although it seems that the motor nerve is not very developed, it still has the strength and speed of Tianma. For example, a hot air balloon full of ponies chasing a rainbow sprint and giving an adult bear a fierce ... er ... massage. ) I'm usually kind and considerate, but I still get angry when I'm bored. And very scary. In the world of pony, it is quite beautiful, and it was once found by scouts to be a popular model.

Show "kindness" in the harmonious crystal

Note: I was very bad at flying when I was a child. I accidentally fell into the forest near Ma Xiao village in the flight competition held by Rainbow Sprint for her to export gas. There, she saw animals frightened by the rainbow sonic boom. After appeasing them, Fluttershy's cute little Mark appeared, and the opportunity appeared in "releasing goodwill to others".

Cute attribute: weak gas. Timid. Love animals. Shy. Naturally, I have to stay. Gentle elder sister (as long as it doesn't make her angry). ) violence. Dual personality. It's cute. Pink is black when it is cut.

Among horse fans, the "shy" part is often replaced by other words to describe her deformed subspecies.

Laopo: SE 1e09, which is the mode of magnetic male voice because of herbs. Spike took this name. Voice by Blu Mankuma.

Flutterrage: Rage mode, the most important subspecies, can be said to be her personality.

Flutterevil: An evil pattern, especially the one in SE 1 E26 where she collapses and laughs wildly.

Flutterbitch: Annoying mode, episode 1 or episode 2 of SE2, the mode after she was confused by disorder and changed her personality.

Flying Tree: Fluttershy whose creation is limited to a tree by the same person.

Pinkie Pie (Pingqi)

Voice: Andrea Libman (dialogue), Shannon Chan-Kent (singing)

Japanese dubbing: Mimori Suzuko

Nickname: PP

Gender: ♀,

Race: brightness

Pets: male crocodiles are beautiful.

Introduction: pinkamena diane pie is one of the few ponies with full names. The pony with powder body and mane, marked with two blue balloons and a yellow balloon, is very positive and optimistic. It is a pistachio among six ponies. Cheerful and lively, positive and optimistic, good at skating, like pranks and singing, she wrote and sang most of the songs in the play, with extraordinary energy, always skipping when walking, noisy and talkative, fond of sweets, good at making desserts and unique taste. She claims to know all the ponies in Ma Xiao town, she can hold parties at any time and any place, and she has secret weapons. Sometimes I wear cosplay clothes that I don't know where. Can appear almost anywhere in an instant. It retains the intuition of wild animals and has super sensitivity. It can detect danger from the trembling parts of its body (wagging its tail: something will "fall" (not limited to any kind, but even itself). Ear pat: get ready for a bath. Itchy back: Today is a lucky day, and my knee hurts: something terrible will happen. Itchy nose: there will be bees. Pat your ears, shake your legs and blink your eyes: a rainbow will appear. Flap your ears, blink your eyes and shake your legs: be careful that the door suddenly opens (so specific). Shoulder itch: there are crocodiles in the bathtub (too specific) Trembling all over: something strange will happen. )

At present, I work in the cube corner cake shop run by Mr. Carrot Cake (Mr. Cake) and Mrs. Cupcake (Mrs. Cake), but I often eat the goods in the shop. My family members include my parents and two sisters. Because her father looks like an Amish and has a serious family style, some colleagues spoof that she belongs to the Amish community. Values are different from normal people, and some behaviors are beyond common sense.

Psychological age is the youngest of the protagonists, and she will lead ponies younger than her to play together, playing crazier than them. Know a lot of strange knowledge

Love pranks, little devil character. Sometimes I don't know how to read words and deeds (in short, empty marriage). The protagonist has the most abundant physical movements and is very eager to play at any time. Will talk to the camera. The neck can be rotated by 720 degrees *40.

Actually, I'm afraid of loneliness. When I thought that everyone ignored her at SE 1 E25, my disappointed hair fell off and I began to behave strangely. Hair represents her mental state. When it is straightened, the SAN value will drop. Between bronies, her real name Pinkamena is usually used to represent the broken state of her straight hair.

Stands for "laughter" in the harmonious crystal.

When I was a child, the Pinkie Pie family worked in an abandoned quarry and lived a very boring life.

It was not until one day that she saw the rainbow sonic boom made by the rainbow Dash that she decided to change the status quo.

After using the party to regain the smile of her family, her little cute mark appeared and the opportunity appeared to "laugh".

Meng attribute: chaotic radio waves. Natural roll, even if it is ironed straight, will immediately change back to its original state. Childish. Cheerful. All kinds of cosplay. Aliens. Straight hair. Sick and charming. Dual personality. It's cute. Pink is black when it is cut.

⊙ ⊙ B. Khan

Ask for adoption O(∩_∩)O~