Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Knowledge about poetry

Knowledge about poetry

What is poetry?

Poetry is a literary genre. It requires a highly concise language to vividly express the author's rich thoughts and feelings, reflect social life in a concentrated way, and have a certain sense of rhythm. It requires a highly concentrated summary and reflection of social life, which is saturated with the author's rich thoughts, feelings and imagination. The language is concise and vivid, with a certain rhythm, and is generally arranged in branches. It first appeared in various literary genres. In ancient China, those who were unhappy were called poems, and those who shared music were called songs. Now it's generally called poetry.

Characteristics of poetry

1. Poetry content is the most concentrated reflection of social life.

2. Poetry is rich in emotion and imagination.

3. The poetic language is characterized by conciseness, image, harmonious tone and distinct rhythm.

4. The form of poetry: not based on sentences, but on behavior, and the branches are mainly based on rhythm, not on meaning.

Classification of poetry

There are many kinds of poems, and their categories are different according to different classification standards. The common ones are as follows.

(A) According to the content and expression, there are lyric poems and narrative poems.

1, lyric poetry. Lyricism is the main form of expression, focusing on the author's inner feelings and experience of social life. Generally speaking, the whole process of life is not described in detail, and there is no complete story or complete character image. Instead, the author's inner feelings are expressed through the description of some life fragments or things. Rufang's "Chasing Xu Zhimo" was written three years after Xu Zhimo's death, recalling homesickness, expressing the melancholy and sadness of missing friends and understanding life experiences. "I can only remember you in an empty space now,/I can only remember that we are with you in an empty space; /The loneliness behind you is unusual, but sadly, we all have a lonely heart in front of us. /When you left, you left and never looked back. /People call you a god and a star; /Being a rosy cloud on Mount Tai, your death is a miracle. /I know you said in your heart: I'm dead, it's over, you don't have to bother anymore. /Now you have really gone far, nowhere to be found, and you have been alienated in every memory. You are like a fallen leaf in autumn; /Listen, is there any sound in the middle of the night? /'Zhimo, you left, you left for three years, I remember you!' "Lyric and direct lyric and lyric. The former expresses his mind directly, while the latter is attached to the lyricism of people, things, things and reason, mainly relying on the lyricism of scenery, expressing his will and expressing his feelings because of things. For example, Jin Changxu's "Spring Complaint" "Drive the oriole away, and all the fun comes from the tree. When she dreamed that she went to meet him in Liaoxi camp, they woke her up. "

2. Narrative poetry. Reflect social life by telling stories and shaping characters, and write the author's understanding and feelings about society and life. It is between poetry and fiction. But unlike the novel, it does not make a detailed description, but makes a concise summary in the form of poetry, focusing on expressing the poet's feelings. Such as Peacock Flying Southeast, Mulan Ci and Wang Gui and Li Xiangxiang.

(2) According to the forms of expression, there are metrical poems, free poems, folk songs and prose poems.

1, metrical poem. Written according to certain rules, the style is orderly and the rules are rigorous. There are strict rules on the number of words, level, antithesis and rhyme of each sentence. It can be said that poetry has certain lines, certain lines and certain rhymes. Such as ancient poems, quatrains, words, songs, etc.

2. Free verse. Compared with the metrical restriction of poetry, the sentence pattern, composition and rhyme of poetry are relatively arbitrary, and the author can organize and arrange sentences according to the needs of lyricism from an early age. But it is not "absolute freedom", and the rhythm formed by language and rhythm still needs to be there. For example, Hu Shi's "Crow": "I got up early in the morning and stood in the corner of someone else's house, crying speechless. /People hate me and call me unlucky:-/No way. Muttering to please others! "

3. Folk songs. People's collective creation can be passed on from mouth to mouth. Sincere feelings, strong labor in life, fresh and vigorous style, lively and free form, simple language, and often use metaphor and exaggeration to create poetic images. Such as "Midnight Song": "When you first want to know Lang, your two hearts are one. If the pipe is broken, He Wu (wrong) is not a horse. " Liu Dabai's cloth selling ballad: "Sister-in-law weaves cloth, and brother sells cloth. If you sell cloth and buy rice, you will have food. " Others, such as doggerel, said: "The mountains and rivers are blurred, and there are black holes in the wells. The yellow dog is white and the white dog is swollen. " Another example is the 17-character poem: "I was sent to Yunyang, and seeing my uncle is like seeing my mother." The two burst into tears, three lines. "

4. Prose poetry. Developed in modern times, it has the characteristics of lyric poetry and lyric prose. It is a clever combination of some expressive elements of poetry and some reproducible elements of prose. It used prose as a flexible form to convey exquisite poetic images from an early age. Although it is not arranged and rhymed like poetry, its language still has an inherent sense of rhythm and musical beauty. It uses metaphors and symbols in artistic techniques, and in just a few hundred words, it integrates poetry, painting and philosophy into a poetic scene of scenes. Tagore's Crescent Poetry School, Lu Xun's Weeds and Guo Feng's Ye Di are all excellent prose poems.

(3) According to artistic forms, it can also be divided into misty poems, satirical poems, recitation poems and street poems.