Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How is the Moon Constellation divided _ How is the Moon Constellation divided?

How is the Moon Constellation divided _ How is the Moon Constellation divided?

What is the moon sign?

The Moon Constellation is a method of dividing the moon by the lunar vernal equinox when the apparent movement of the moon reaches the zodiac. Its essence is the true equinox of 12.


Astronomically, every 30 degrees from the vernal equinox, that is, the point of the twelfth lunar month, is called the "zodiac". Although the zodiac is named after the twelve constellations according to the custom of ancient Rome, it is no longer established due to the influence of precession and nutation. Some people think that the twelve constellations should become thirteen constellations (there is a Ophiuchus), but it has not been recognized. We often use the twelve constellations of the sun, or more accurately, the twelve constellations of the sun. It is a method of dividing the zodiac at the moment when the apparent motion of the sun reaches the twelve qi headed by the vernal equinox of the lunar calendar, and its essence is the 12 segment of the true solar year.

The sun affects the exterior and interior of human personality, just like under the sun, there are shadows in addition to the entities we see; The sun sign is an entity that others can see, and the rising sign is that shadow. But this entity was formed because of the moon constellation.

The moon constellation will not affect the expression of external personality, but will affect the formation of personality; If the sun represents the true self, the moon symbolizes the feelings and consciousness around the self. Compared with the fiery sun, the moon is feminine, which strongly affects a person's potential characteristics. It has been ignored in the deep heart, but it always controls all behaviors and some unspeakable practical features.

Although the moon constellation exists in the subconscious, it will show up in a period of time, that is, in childhood and primary school. A bit like the role of tentacles, this kind of tentacles of life, in childhood and adolescence, stretch out to feel life, not hidden; When you respond to life, you put it aside for others to see. If you encounter injury in the process of perception, your personality will be affected. You can detect the injury from the perspective of the sun and the moon, as well as the rising constellation and the moon. Of course, other obsidians also have their own.

Moon constellation

The influence on the moon, but the most important thing is only the sun and the rising constellation.

The moon also dominates the relationship between the individual and the mother. Mother is the first person to take care of us, and the relationship between the baby and mother will directly affect the personal communication mode with the lover in the future. For a woman, the moon is the role she will play after becoming a wife, and she will see the influence of her mother. The moon sign is especially important for men. The moon represents the mother's characteristics and what her ideal wife looks like; It will also affect the relationship with women, determine their personality tendency and affect their life.

The change of the position of the moon affects an individual's adaptability to the environment or his acceptance of novelty.

The quality of interpersonal relationship, whether it is popular and appreciated, and the intuition of external things; In addition, the situation in which men get along with girls around them in life is dominated by the moon constellation.

From the moon constellation, we can see through a person's family life style and emotional model and understand the moon.

Moon constellation

Constellation, also mastered the personal emotional world.

Shadow sound

How does the moon affect our mental state and psychological state? As far as we know, the moon is related to tides, and the circulation of the body and the flow of blood seem to be related to the moon. Similarly, the chemicals related to the spirit in our body are also influenced by the moon. Astronauts used to walk on the surface of the moon, and scientists are also understanding the structure, organization and age of the moon through analysis.

This asteroid orbits the earth once a month, but it is a death star. There are no creatures on it. The moon itself cannot produce light and heat, but it reflects sunlight. Because of this, the moon embodies a spiritual level that we can't know and is hidden behind our consciousness. At the same time, the moon has injected vitality into our lives with a password that only the body can understand.

In astrology, the moon rules our emotions, habits, interests, emotions and behavior patterns.

Moon constellation

Compared with the eternity represented by the sun, it is the source of bright things in life, while the moon is related to night, night lighting and mother. Because of its rapid movement, the moon also reflects the rapid changes of things, living habits, personal privacy and a person's emotional response to things. Sometimes we feel inexplicable happiness or sadness, like soap bubbles, rising from the bottom of our hearts, but soon disappearing, which is also the emotional reaction caused by the moon. The moon also reflects our eating habits, including one's attitude towards lovers.

Constellation appearance

The moon moves quickly around the zodiac, and it stays in each constellation for about 265,438+0/4 days. The moon's short stay in each constellation still makes people's behavior patterns react, which is influenced by the moon and its constellation, showing the characteristics of that constellation's reaction to things. Similarly, when other planets are close to the moon, or the moon is particularly close to some important positions on the birthday map, it will

Moon constellation

Will bring "change". Surprisingly, observing the change of the position of the moon will change one's interest and passion.

The dates in the above table are calculated according to the lunar calendar. For example, mavis is Scorpio, and the code is 8 (according to the first line of the table, the code is Aries: I, Taurus: II, Gemini: III ...), while the Chinese birthday is10/1912: 00, so please look for 65438 again. It is basically a rough estimate, which is equivalent to treating every month as 29 days, but in fact it is 30 days in most months. And the situation should be different every year. Therefore, for the most detailed calculation, a more detailed table must be found. But the constellation, if you count between the two boundaries, will be affected by both. So if you look up at your watch and find yourself near the border for several hours, something may go wrong. From the look-up table of the sun constellation, we also find that the time of the year is different, and if your sun constellation happens to be on the border, it may be more likely to make mistakes when looking up this table.


In the birthday map (check your birthday map), the sun, the moon and the morning star are the three major supports of the whole birthday map. The sun symbolizes human male energy, and the moon is the corresponding female energy. In astrology, the most important goddess is the moon goddess. Understanding the energy of the moon goddess can help us understand the nature of our emotional needs. The most basic astrological knowledge that every woman should know is to know the constellation of the moon. From here, we began to get in close contact with our own moon goddess.

The goddess of the moon appears most widely in various mythological worlds. As long as there is the sun, there is the moon. She and the sun are inseparable and complement each other. In Greek mythology, Apollo, the sun god, and themis, the moon goddess, are brother and sister. They are indispensable. One dominates the day and the other dominates the night, each with its own function. Without the goddess of the moon, there would be no light at night. Without the sun, the moon would not shine.

The moon always represents the opposite of the sun, and at the same time, it constitutes and balances the sun. The same is true of birthday pictures. The sun is not everything in the birthday picture, and a good moon position can make up for the lack of the sun. The moon is as important as the sun. Just like men and women, positive energy and negative energy need to be coordinated. Our own Apollo and Diana are equal. If they can work together and live in harmony, our energy will be brought into play smoothly.

In astrology, the sun is the engine of our life, representing how our life will shine, while the moon represents our deep emotional desire and security, which is why the moon is so important-it is the experience of our inner world. She represents our emotional world, our childhood and maternal love. If we don't pay attention to Chang 'e's desire, we will ignore the sense of security and safety of inner desire, and let our emotional world fall into famine, just like losing a safe home.

Because the moon represents negative energy, the needs of the moon constellation are largely unconscious and cannot be directly realized by us like the sun, so the emotional world represented by the moon goddess is also one of the powerful potentials of our lives. She represents irrational wisdom, which often dwarfs rational knowledge. In the middle of the night dominated by the moon, we often have intuitive and spiritual feelings, and suddenly know a lot of things that we can't think clearly when the sun is shining. Understanding the characteristics of your own moon goddess, approaching your own moon, and understanding her rhythm and desire are also ways to develop your potential.

In reality, the moon is the fastest changing celestial body that we can observe with the naked eye. From the new moon to the full moon, from the full moon to the final loss, and then to the complete disappearance, it takes about 28 days for the moon to circle the earth and pass through the zodiac. We call it a month. This is why people born in the same month, although the sun sign is the same, may be in different moon signs. It is also one of the reasons why many people in the same constellation will find that they are not exactly the same. For example, if two people's sun is in the same constellation, and one person's moon is in Aries and one person's moon is in Virgo, they will have strongly different inner needs and desires. What makes one person feel safe is precisely what makes another moon feel dangerous.

Paying attention to our own moon meets our deep-seated needs, while ignoring the desire to distort the moon will bring us negative effects. People's moods are constantly changing like the changing moon. When we feel uneasy, meeting the needs of the moon can often play a calming role. People with the moon in Aquarius are in anxiety, and a book full of wisdom will get rid of her anxiety. And a person with the moon in Aries is often accompanied by anxiety and uneasiness, and she will get rid of anxiety with her own achievements and hard work. This is also the reason why goat month tends to be a workaholic.

Through the desire of the moon, we can understand that complex psychological problems come from the deep-rooted desire to be satisfied. The twisted and hungry moon will be as eager for attention as a child, and sometimes it will form the habit of self-destruction when its emotional needs are not met. Such as dietary transition, anorexia and so on. Are ways to fill this hunger through diet.

You know, the moon also reflects the shadows that may appear in our personality. The abnormal moon goddess is insatiable, like an emotional vampire. She relies too much on other people's emotions to survive, and she will do whatever it takes to get them. In Turkish mythology, the goddess of the moon fell in love with her son, fearing that his son would fall in love when he grew up and be possessed by other women. She turned her son into a statue when he was a minor. In this way, the son will always be with the moon goddess. In reality, those mothers who spoil their offspring too much are likely to suffocate and destroy their children in this ignorant, selfish and possessive way. On the surface, this kind of love seems to be selfless dedication and self-sacrifice, all for the children. But in the depths of the unconscious, it reflects the shadow of a mother's psychological fear, greed and possession. Women bear the responsibility of raising their offspring. Not knowing the shadow of the moon goddess will bring the greatest danger to the next generation-seize it and let them never grow up.

Unless we can have a clear consciousness, we must learn to nourish and feed ourselves. Because only in this way can others feel. If we don't understand our moon goddess and her desires, we can't be emotionally self-sufficient, which can only lead to our inner insecurity and deep anger and sadness.

So, how can our moon goddess radiate divinity? What are the visions and shadows of each moon sign?

Aries: This is a goddess with high morale and commendable courage.

Her greatest sense of security is not to enjoy in plain, but to turn any possibility into reality in action. She is full of courage and needs to win the game.

Instinctively belligerent, aggressive and insensitive to others, she is her own enemy in the end. In starting a career, Chang 'e has pioneering spirit. (Bill Gates, President Kennedy's wife, General De Gaulle, Pavarotti, Allen Delong, Martin Luther)

Taurus: This is a stable, calm, harmonious and lazy goddess.

She yearns for a practical, stable and artistic life. You don't lack the flavor of life. Goddess needs security and material security. Excessive change and competition made her anxious. Her shadow is the greedy desire for luxurious material life and the indulgence of sensory enjoyment. Change and fast pace make her nervous and anxious. Nourishing herself with music and art, Chang 'e can give full play to her energy. (President Clinton, Catherine the Great, Prince Charles, General Rommel)

Gemini: This is a clever and flexible goddess, both clever and human.

She is eager for knowledge, communication and change, and instinctively replaces emotion with reason. Chang 'e needs the company of books, magazines, information, television, telephone, children and friends. Her shadow is that her inner emotions are changeable, contradictory and fickle. The moon goddess' emotions are compensated by learning and spreading knowledge. (Freud, Rodin, Queen Victoria, Michelangelo, Obama, Xu Zhimo)

Cancer: She is the goddess of the moon. This is the most comfortable constellation of the goddess.

She is eager to nurture, care and nourish, full of female care, and can sensitively understand the feelings and needs of others. The moon goddess needs a stable family, and the shadow is obsessed with emotion, so it is difficult to leave her mother because of her dependence on the family. The moon goddess nourishes her emotions by caring for and supporting others. (President Yeltsin, Armani, Tom Cruise, Tchaikovsky)

Leo: This is a moon goddess who is burning with her passion.

Intrinsically eager to create and be happy, full of romantic passion, eager to stand out and become a noticeable star. Her shadow is that she greedily needs attention and love, and she is arrogant and mythical. She excessively feels that she is different and needs outside recognition. Goddess is full of self-confidence and strength, and often satisfies and nourishes emotions through successful career, power status and self-expression. (Margaret Thatcher, Churchill, Juliet Robert, nancy reagan, Dale Carnegie)

Virgo: This is a moon goddess with perfect spirit and seeking order.

Her inner desire is order and safety, and her values come from efficiency and usefulness. Her shadow lies in her lack of self-confidence and distrust of herself and others. Excessive standards can lead to criticism, anxiety, details and nervousness. When she got into work, she forgot her anxiety. She needs to approach her heart and build an inner spiritual world. (Jay Chou, Madonna, dustin hoffman, President Kennedy)

Libra: This is a cooperative and elegant moon goddess.

She yearns for ideal equality, perfect harmony, fair justice and has ideal romantic feelings. She knows how to please people and is good at dealing with relationships. Her shadow is that she is constantly balancing and analyzing, and she is always wavering, looking back and forth, balancing left and right. Her dependence on relationships makes it difficult for her to experience herself in loneliness and loneliness. She nourishes herself in beautiful love and good interpersonal relationships. (Eisenhower, michael douglas, Chopin, Handel)

Scorpio: This is the most mysterious, profound and keen moon goddess.

Her heart yearns for a deep, loyal and lasting soul mate. Her mood is like a keen antenna, with high insight and perspective energy, so that she is emotionally extremist. Her shadow is that she is so used to being in the dark that the goddess doesn't believe in sunlight. Her high sensitivity leads to skepticism, strong emotion and possessiveness, which makes Chang 'e have the reputation of "drama queens". Realize transformation and regeneration in regular emotional cleaning. (Chaplin, toscanini, President Carter, roger moore, Elizabeth Taylor)

Sagittarius: This is a free and optimistic goddess.

Her inner desire is to explore life constantly. Adventure, exploration and discovery are her instincts, and she feels at home even in a foreign land. She needs free air and spacious space to nourish her feelings with the excitement of opening up a new world, and outdoor activities, philosophical exploration and tourism satisfy the spiritual hunger of the goddess. Her shadow lies in self-righteousness, blind optimism, self-indulgence, and unwillingness to take on realistic responsibilities. (Picasso, Dickens, Beethoven, Wagner, Hugo, Einstein)

Capricorn: This is a self-controlled and pessimistic goddess.

She longs for safety, efficiency and control of the environment. She knows these things don't come from fantasy. She doesn't believe in tears. Pessimism and self-distrust did not sink her, but made her rise. Her shadow lies in coldness, self-defense and doubt. She protected herself with high walls, and my control made it difficult for her to feel. In her career, she needs material achievements and prestige to fill her inner desire for feelings and security. (Edison, President Lincoln, Napoleon, Sun Yat-sen, General Montgomery, General Barton)

Aquarius: This is the moon goddess with freedom, equality, democracy, ideal and the most humanistic spirit.

She longs for justice and truth and believes that knowledge is power. Her biggest shadow comes from her perfect rationalism, but the concern of humanistic spirit makes her famous for her emotional indifference and eccentricity. Goddess nourishes her emotions by serving human beings, rational knowledge, innovative ideas, science and technology, psychology, observing and studying human beings and understanding human nature. (sophia loren, Voltaire, Woody Allen, Princess Diana, Vivien Leigh)

Pisces: This is a moon goddess full of fantasy and fraternity.

She longs for romantic love and melts all human boundaries. She is emotional and super sensitive, and her world is a kaleidoscope full of dreams. Her shadow lies in her rich and sensitive feelings, self-deception drama complex, and her tendency to regard feelings as food for survival. In serving the disadvantaged groups, in artistic creation and fantasy, she is nourished by feelings. (Michael Jackson, Hillary, Madame Curie, Schubert, Michelangelo)


Combining astrology and psychology, the sun constellation is a mask for a person to deliberately or at least consciously perform to the outside world, and the shape and degree of the rising constellation are often mainly influenced by the acquired life experience;

Sun constellation is a person's true physical and mental form and the principle of dealing with the real world. It represents rational personality, thinking characteristics and willpower, and defines "self" as the sun from the psychological point of view. This is the result of congenital factors and acquired education (especially parents' words and deeds);

The moon constellation is the most essential and innate nature of a person. It is a "soul" that a person can't effectively recognize and clearly understand in his early years, but often deliberately hides in his heart when he is an adult. The moon represents a person's most primitive emotion and irrational subconscious. From a psychological point of view, the definition of "ID" is the moon constellation. This is determined by nature, and any external environment, growth and educational experience, and even the temperament of parents have almost no influence. Everyone has his own id, which is common sense in psychology. Many times, people are unaware of their own id. Only when they dream or are physically and mentally exhausted due to pain will the id attack involuntarily.