Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Black magic, simple magic

Black magic, simple magic

Black magic is called black magic mainly because the main source attribute of black magic is darkness. And most of them are borrowed from the devil. That's why it's called black magic. Because the forces of darkness are more evil. Therefore, it is often used as a curse and other magic. In fact, black magic still has other functions, and black magic can also have positive uses.


Facing him who finally realized his existence, he wrote his name on a white drawing paper about the size of a business card with a red ballpoint pen, then blew six breaths on the paper, then folded the paper into four folds, and took this paper with him when he went out. As long as you meet him, hold the paper with your thumb and ring finger and say to yourself, "Please let him notice me as soon as possible." This method will be more effective if he is alone at the scene.


This is about the magic of the wind system.

1: First simulate a person's complete personality-very complete, otherwise it will fail.

It takes about 33 days to imitate yourself (in fact, there is no such person)-completely imitate.

3. The split personality will begin in about 20 days-this is the most painful day.

4. After the split, please abandon your original personality.

5. Go back to your personality and you will split into two people.

This spell belongs to black magic. If you use it carefully, your mind will be twice as strong as the average person, and your thinking will be good, but you will feel a great sense of loss, but you don't know what the consequences will be if you fail. Besides, your sign must be air signs to try this magic.

Thinking capture

If you want to master each other's will, first draw a green goat on your chest, and then perform the following ceremony.

First, make a human figure out of wood, and draw a doll with bones on it. The head and body should be separated and then burned. In this way, the other person's soul and body will be intertwined and act according to your wishes (dolls drawn with bones according to the other person's appearance can use any bones. When there are no big bones, draw each other's names with small bones, or post photos. When burning a human figure, it can be wrapped in cloth or paper to facilitate burning, but

This spell evolved from the stake, and everyone is good at it.


Difficulty: easy

Function: Of course, it is also a curse spell, but it is relatively easy and the effect can be imagined. However, as long as the other person is really sorry for you and you hate him, this situation is extremely effective!

Practice: First, take a piece of cardboard and cut out a human figure. Then, draw the symbol "X" on the left chest and heart of the human figure with a red ink pen. Then, imagine the human figure as a body that hates the enemy, and while meditating "Curse evil spirits with this ...", acupuncture the position of "X" with your hand. Note that when you meditate, you should also use acupuncture in the heart of the human body, but be careful when you get it. If you get it, the blood on your hand will come into contact with the human form. ...

Supplement: This spell originated in the West. They are different from the East. They replaced the scarecrow with paper.

Bone of an angel

Black magic-angel's bone

Collect chicken bones and put them in the sun for a few days. Then, when you are ready to do magic, say "I'm going to crush them with these bones now", imagine that these bones are your enemies, and then crush them with a hammer or crush them with your feet. Put them in a small bag, and put the dust in your house (it is best to use it directly after a light rain, if you can't wait) and any items or hair of the other person or paper with the other person's name on it.

These previous steps are all preparatory.

Then the real curse began.

First of all, if there is a bell, let it ring three times (to improve the effect, it doesn't matter if there is no bell), and then start saying:

I summon the ancients from the great abyss to carry out my orders.

I summon Salou, the God of Wrath and the library of the underworld.

Now listen to me. ...

(This is an inspiration for strength)

Then continue reading:

"Angry bones, bones turned to dust.

Full of anger, revenge is just.

I scattered these bones, these angry bones.

Catch your enemy and bring him pain.

I see your enemy in front of me now.

I bound him, crushed him, and knocked him down.

I'm crushing these bones now.

Turn your enemies to dust.

Torture, fire, out of control

I curse your soul with this spell. "

I hope so!

It's over. The people you curse will suffer because of your different strengths.

The worst person died.

Warning: This may be a very dangerous spell! People who have no foundation should not try rashly, and any magic will bite back. You will bear the consequences. The choice belongs to you.

I still hope that everyone can practice the demon world first, and then use this magic. The feedback rate of dark magic is

Normal: 70%.

Casting failure: 200

Enchantment protection: 30%

Dark forces-Warcraft contract

Dark forces-Warcraft contract

Basic contract

Before signing the contract, we must first prepare some equipment; The first is the signing paper, and the best contract is mainly parchment. If not, then you must choose handmade paper (similar to handmade rice paper. ) Then there is a feather pen, preferably made of the wing feathers of crows or vultures. If you can't find it, it must be a pen. Never use a pencil or ballpoint pen! ) Then there is ink. If it is blood-red, the best is of course Nocturnal Animals's blood such as bats. (But don't let it solidify! There is also a silver sword, and the next step is to prepare sacrifices.

Here, because we are the basic contract, we only need to be living animals. Note that the more creatures are afraid of death, the more powerful your spells will be. So you can choose to sacrifice, but some specific contracts need specific sacrifices, which we will talk about in the advanced stage. Choose mice first and eat animals in the dark.

Then there is mirror writing, which is a basic common sense, and we will not mention it in the future; The so-called mirror words refer to the left and right opposite words, and you will find that if you put them in front of the mirror, they will all become correct words; This is the text used when signing the contract, and you must also take a name that you think will be used for a lifetime, but it must never be known. You give yourself the title of magician.

First of all, we will enter into a contract with low-level demons ~ trolls, the so-called goblins; They are very clever little demons, suitable for manipulating God's servants, and can also cause trouble and trouble to your opponents and faithfully execute the contract.

Choose a new moon night, draw an inverted five-pointed star array on the ground with blood, take it out and write it down in mirror words:

"I'm here (fill in a name you think you will use all your life, but you must not be known. You give yourself the title of magician).

With the power beyond the fear of death, I command you, my servant, to come to me and become a part of my dark power, and I will give you the right to devour people's hearts; And sign a life and death contract with me, live and die together until my soul leaves the body and is reincarnated into the next body.

In the name of unspeakable demons

Signature: (Mirror Text) "

Put the contract in the center of the inverted pentagram, and then put the tied offerings on it, chanting loudly:

The night queen's chaotic punisher

Give me the power of the dark clan in your name.

I will share the blood of this sacrifice with my servant.

Darker than night, redder than sunset.

From the dark abyss, sign with me quickly.

Fronteer Arrosa Sdemonet Quitchmonta (seven times)

Next, stab your sacrifice with a silver sword and burn it with the contract, so that you can summon your servant's goblin spells at any time as follows:

As fast as the wind and as thin as silk.

My dark slave listens to my call

Come out of the abyss and come to me, Wen Xi goblin.

This section ends here. In the next section, we will further enhance our own strength and advance to sign contracts with fiend and Warcraft.

Warcraft contract-sphinx

Each kind of Warcraft has different powers and characteristics, so if you are not satisfied with signing contracts with some demons, (because the more contracts and levels, the higher your power will be, or you will see how many creatures you have killed with magic, and their fear and pain before death will become part of your permanent power. Then, we will make a contract with some demons or Warcraft with strange powers.

First of all, we will introduce a kind of Warcraft with original attributes respectively. Their power has some specific attributes, but they are the best in the dark family and have great magic. First, the desert death-the Sphinx.

Desert Death-The Sphinx

Like a huge lion, with sharp claws, black wings on its back can cover the sun, but it is a beautiful woman on its head! Yes, the Sphinx is the fear of desert travelers. As soon as it opens its mouth, it will blow out the wind of plague and make the contact seriously ill. With a wave of his wings, a desert storm will occur. However, the strangest thing is its eyes. It can't see anything at all, but no one can resist its gaze, because although it can't see anything in its eyes, it contains the mystery of the whole universe. When you stare at it, you can't move unless you can solve all its puzzles. Although not as good as Medusa's eyes, its claws are super powerful. When you fall into the eternal guessing game until it closes its eyes (unless it wants to, because it really likes people to guess, and it doesn't sleep! But if you gain its power, your wisdom will improve, because it is super smart.

On an empty full moon night, draw a five-pointed star array with sand, insert a candlestick to light three candles at each point, and then prepare a contract, a mirror and a silver sword. The sacrifice must be a live vulture; In the middle of the array, a silver sword was used to draw the seal of three or six, and then the vulture's head was cut off, and the blood was poured on the contract to recite:

Father of fear, the secret of the universe

Warcraft flying in the desert on a full moon night

Your gaze is the gateway to all miracles.

I will crush the seal of light with this blood.

As for this, come and see me.

If it succeeds, it will appear in front of you, but it will close its eyes and you can look at it. It will ask you a riddle, and each riddle is different. Answer immediately. If you get it right, it will disappear with your contract and become your source of strength.

But if you answer wrong, it will open its eyes and be ready to stare at you. At this time, it will block its eyes with a mirror and ask it, "I'll give you a riddle. Tell me, which comes first, heaven and earth?" Which came first, the egg or the chicken? Is there light or darkness first? "Everyone knows that this is an unanswerable question, so! If it can't answer, you tell it: "The answer is chaos first, and the abyss in my heart is the land of chaos. "Of course it will enter your heart to explore whether it is correct, but therefore, it must become a part of your strength, so you still win! Its call

The spell is:

Warcraft flying in the desert on a full moon night

Your gaze is the gateway to all miracles.

As for this, come and see me.

The voice of charm ~ Sai Lian

Giant bird with jasper wings, its head is a beautiful woman, but its sharp claws can crush rocks, and its wings can not only set off storms, but also contain huge poison. Its habitat is in the Aegean Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Seine River, and it can be said that it is the world of Warcraft with the most beautiful song among infernos. When its song floats on the moonlit night with the night wind, all the sailors will lose all consciousness and hit the underwater rocks. If you want to resist its songs, you can't help it. Directly attack your brain, let you fall into the mental torture on the verge of collapse, gain its power, and you will have an "inhuman voice", which can talk to animals and command them, and manipulate the human mind.

On the night of the new moon, draw a six-pointed star array with snake blood, insert a crow feather at each point (with a radius of 50 cm), and then prepare a contract (refer to section 1-2), a silver sword, a flute, a bow, a silver arrow and earplugs. The sacrifice must be a live oriole; In the array, the sacrifice was killed with a silver sword, and the blood was poured on the contract and recited:

The voice of hell, the most beautiful dark musician in the world.

Your voice is far better than that of sacrifice.

With jathyapple's voice coming with the wind.

Manipulate the soul of everything in the world with your voice.

Windsong ladtjnhklk Flesta

Next, it's hard to deal with. If you can play the flute, please blow out the music with the wind-like melody, make it echo, turn it into a wisp of smoke and enter your contract, and then you can burn it. However, if you are tone deaf, don't do anything stupid! You will be torn to pieces by it! Put on earplugs and shoot a silver arrow at it, which can temporarily block its action and quickly recite the spell:


This is also a way to make it your contractual strength, but injuries and dizziness are inevitable. You must have the willpower to stick to it. I just chose the latter way. Anyway, it is to gain strength, not to raise a puppy. However, we have to deal with a puppy in the next section! The Three-headed Dog of Hell 9 1 Kay Berros.

May darkness accompany you.

Snake-haired witch ~ Medusa

Living in the humid and dark Mediterranean Sea, it has been stared at by the petrified eyes of many Warcraft since ancient times. There are heroic stone statues on its island full of sea breeze, but their expressions before death are full of fear and pain. Its head is covered with poisonous snakes. They search for the smell of strangers day and night. Its upper body is a woman, but its lower body is a huge anticlimax. When it overcomes the tide, the tsunami full of death will destroy the passing ships. You will have the charm of overlooking everything, the dark power of fossilizing all living things and the tsunami of death.

On the night of the new moon, shellfish are arranged in a six-pointed star array, a candlestick with a silver needle is inserted at each point, and a contract (refer to section 1-2), a mirror and a silver sword are prepared. The sacrifice must be a live sea snake (poisonous is the best); Draw the seal of Hades with a silver sword in the array, then cut off the sea snake and pour the blood on the contract to recite:

Dark waves follow my orders.

Dance, roll, and devour the sacrificed soul.

Think of it as a letter to summon the deep sea serpent.

Have a pair of devil's eyes that despise everything

Listen to my call to come here.

Sign a life-and-death contract with me, Seaokhigu


As the huge sea spins, it will appear in front of you, close your eyes, hold the mirror high in front of your eyes, and then open it to talk to it. It will ask you, "stupid summoner, why are you blocking my view?" At this time, please use the sweetest words: "beautiful witch, you are a beauty who despises everything." I can't stand your talent. Please lend me strength! " If it is satisfied, it will take away your contract and become a part of your strength. If it is not satisfied with your reply, don't worry. Although it won't fossilize you, you can never sign a contract with it again. Remember that it is a proud Warcraft. If you have a bad first impression on it, it will completely ignore your phone calls in the future, so there is only one chance. If successful, it will give you super evil eye power.

The summoning spell is as follows:

Dark waves follow my orders.

Dance and roll to summon snakes in the deep sea.

Have a pair of devil's eyes that despise everything

Listen to my call to come here.


May darkness accompany you.

Get rid of the dark magic of the curse

Get rid of the dark magic of the curse

The bondage of evil wizards

When you are troubled by the spells of ancient worshippers, make portraits of them, a man and a woman, burn them in the flame of Aga mass hymn, and read the following binding spells at the same time.

I call you, the gods of the night.

I join you in calling for the night, calling for the covered woman.

I call at night, midnight and morning.

Because they fascinate me.

Wizards and witches tied me up.

My god and my goddess cry for me,

I suffered from illness.

I stand upright, I can't lie down.

Whether at night or during the day.

They gagged me with rope!

They blocked my mouth with grass!

They made my water less.

My happiness is sadness, and my joy is sadness.

Get up. Great gods! Listen to my wail!

Justice! Watch my way!

I have an image of a wizard and a witch.

My wizard and banshee.

May the night dissolve their evil magic!

Let their mouths be like wax and their tongues like honey.

What they said about my doom,

May they melt like wax!

The spell they cast, may it flow away like honey.

Their hearts are broken!

Their work is ruined!

All their languages are full of deserts and rubbish.

According to the decree issued by the god of the night.

It's over.


* When calling the Watchman for the first time, the place you call must be clean, and draw a double circle of flour around you. There should be no changes, just a new bowl with Karen's logo on it. Fire should be summoned, and then the sacrifices should be piled up in a burning bowl. This bowl, now called AGA MASS SSARATU, has no other purpose except to summon watchmen.

The bowl must be located between the circles and face the northeast. Your clothes should be black and your hat should be black. The sword must be at hand, but it is not on the ground. This must be the darkest hour of the night. There must be no sign of light,

The magic of getting rid of the evil curse

When you are troubled by the ancient curse, imagine a man and a woman, put them in the flame of the Aga mass Saratu (see below) and say the following spells to get rid of the curse:

"I call you, the god of darkness.

Night and mysterious goddess are with you.

I'll call you at night, midnight and morning.

Because they cursed me.

Wizards and witches bound me

My patron saint cries for me.

I'm sick.

I stayed up all night.

Day or night.

They gagged me with thick lines.

They gagged me with grass leaves.

They gave me little drinking water.

I am not happy, only sad; There is no joy, only sadness.

Show yourself! Great god! Listen to my crying!

Bring justice! Look at my situation!

I imagine wizards and witches.

Wizards and witches who enchanted me.

Let the three guardians of the night unlock their evil witchcraft!

Wax their spells and sweeten them with honey.

Melt their bad luck curse on me like wax!

Sprinkle the curse they put on me like honey!

Their knot is untied!

Their curse was destroyed!

By order of the dark god.

All their curses went to wasteland and ruins.

This is the end.

First, the first step is to be quiet.

Second, think of the cursed person in your heart.

Third, in a place where no one is there.

4. Afternoon 1 1.

If you don't curse according to the above requirements, it will be invalid.

I'll teach you next.

Read the name of the cursed person (this is the curse that makes him sick)

Read the name of the cursed person who hasn't applied for Youhai in the afternoon (this is the curse that makes him die)

This is a relatively clever message from western religions.


Put 12 needles into the candle (white). For each needle, read "My resentment is more painful than yours" and imagine that the candle is bleeding. When stabbing the last one, carve a symbol on the candle (upside down 4). Stab him as deeply as possible on the symbol (but don't pierce it). Imagine that the enemy's blood is first-rate. Bury: Turn your back to the moonlight, bury the candle full of needles in the soil, and read: "Strange, bitter body, devil's blood, choking wax, revenge needle, anger will ignite, anger will ignite!" "

Rebirth: On a full moon night, take out the candles and read the words. Want to know the result? You hate him. Kill him. Candles have a heart, but they are full of holes. A spell that brings darkness and uneasiness. To cast this spell, you must first find a rope or yarn about nine to ten inches long. When you recite the following mantra, you will tie three knots about two inches apart on this rope. Before that, you should constantly imagine the anxiety and confusion you will bring to the enemy, and do the same when chanting and knotting, so that the spell will be more effective.

The spell is as follows:

With this knot, I sealed this magic

You won't sleep, you won't rest.

A knot of anger, a knot of hatred

Disharmony leads you to your destiny.

I tied the second knot, so there are two.

Bring you darkness

Slander, discord, evil

Bring darkness directly to you

With this third knot, I am bound.

Weave chaos in your mind

The magic of anger, the magic of hatred

Bring him down, I won't wait.

I hope so!

After practicing Buddhism, try to hide the knotted rope near the enemy's house. In that case, the power of the spell will be better! Otherwise, find a good place to hide, but remember where to throw it, or when you want to give the enemy another chance, the rope is gone, and you won't have a chance to untie the knot and unlock the spell.

The curse of water

Difficulty: Difficulty Function: This is a terrible spell, which can use the power of water to destroy each other as if they were connected to each other.

Bathroom shower will suffocate!

Practice: use white wax to make the portrait of the other person, as long as you are a prototype of a person, you don't have to make it too big, just moderately.

That's enough. When finished, put each other's three hairs in wax (dissolve the wax a little before sticking the hair). And face it.

The wax figure said something like cursing each other three times, and then put the wax figure into the river. Streams in the mountains can also be used.

Flame propagation method

Function: If there is an object of hatred, you can use this method to achieve the purpose of destroying the object of hatred. However, the premise is that

Your position is that you are the victim. If you want to blame others just because of jealousy ... I'm afraid this spell will only curse.

I'm just cursing myself.

Practice: Prepare an animal skin, draw an octagon on the skin, and then cut off the octagon. Then in the octagon

The name of the enemy is written on each corner (draw a line between corners to form eight parts). Then burn one

Some branches or firewood, and then throw the skin into the fire and read: "Leave this world ... useless XXX…… ..." This curse.

Words. At that time, please remember how the other person hurt you. I believe that this will definitely launch a powerful curse force and dispel the hatred against the enemy.

Put out.

Tip: If there is no animal skin, you can cut off the unwanted skin foreskin instead.

A ghost box where ghosts live.

Difficulty: Difficulty Function: This curse is designed for good people. If you encounter some abuse of power in your life.

You can try this secret method to curse the person who abuses power and make him lose his position and reputation.

Forced to leave society.

Practice: First, make a square box out of cardboard (don't use ready-made boxes). Next, make sure that you

This box is hexahedron. Then, cut off a corner above the box (not too big) and put it under the box.

One corner should also be cut from the surface, but the positions of the two cut corners must be diagonal (understand? In other words, by

The two positions of the tangent angle must be opposite, only one is above and the other is below. After cutting off the corners, we use other thicknesses.

Cut two pieces of cardboard as big as the gap and seal the gap (with adhesive). Now, please confirm your suitcase.

Is it octahedron? Write the other person's name on eight faces (ordinary pen is enough, don't cut gaps.

Too small to write the name). Finally, stick a burning branch in each face, and the other side will be cursed because of the effect.

Force is plagued by rumors and scandals and despised by society.

Tip: If you really practice this spell, you will find out how to deal with the finished box. I built it.

Discuss, when this spell is implemented, first hide the box where others can't see it. When you feel or think that the spell has been

When it is effective, take out the box and burn it all night with a serious attitude (it is best not to let people

Look at what you're burning.

Description: Spells are classified according to ice, fire, water, thunder, wind, earth, darkness (immortal), light (sacred), space, and other (compound) in no particular order. Please let me know if there are any mistakes or omissions. (Note: Spells with names are generally not included)

Ice magic

The ice and snow fiend, who is dormant in a distant and extremely cold place, listens to my call. A black snowstorm that freezes everything! Turn everything into snow! -The ice is sealed and destroyed!

Ice elves in space, gather your strength into my hands, freeze the earth, turn mountains and rivers into ice, and cover everything in the world in white-the world is frozen!

God of snow and ice, freeze everything with your strong hands! -Frozen wave!

Ivylinna Lee took shape, turned the frozen blade into a gun, and gave me extreme power to freeze the empty ice gun!

Ice spirit bathed in aurora, please borrow my ingenious skills to build an eternal crystal wall!

Bing Ling, weave a pure white net with your clean hands and wrap me gently like a newborn baby! -Pure yarn!

Ice spirit, please help me-it's freezing!

Ice spirit! Protect us with your divine power-the protection of ice! "

Ice spirit, please give me strength, ice curse!

In the name of our patron saint, summon the ice elves in the atmosphere, lend me your strength, and destroy my enemy, the ice wind growls!

My contract with the elves will be valid forever. According to the contract, lend me the most powerful magic power, release the power of all elves, complete invincible spells and destroy everything in front of me.

White snow flowers and crystal frost gather around me, feel my pain, and use my powerful magic to stop everything in front of me-ice crystal snow dance!

Great king of ice spirit, master of Wan Li ice sheet, give me your strength, pure Excalibur, and destroy the evil in front of you! -Sword of Ice

Snow elf, become a ripper and destroy my enemies! ! ! !

fire spell,fire magick

The red-violet inflammation buried deep in the dark underground calls in my name!

The devil's fire burning in the depths of hell! In my name, call for your arrival! Become my magic sword and smash all obstacles.

Get in my way! -Vulcan exploded!

Passionate fire spirit! Please lend me your strength! Fire element! Under the command of the elves, it became invincible.

The outbreak of inflammation!

Red-violet goblin, spit out the smell of inflammation and burn many enemy bodies!

Inflammatory molecules condense in my hands and draw a perfect red sector with the radian I wave! -inflammation of the dance fan!

The blazing fire hidden under the abyss burns my enemies! -Hellfire!

Great God of Fire, please lend me divine power to light the flame that tears the darkness-the burning flame!

In the name of Vulcan, I ordered the fire elves to appear-red-violet leaf fire!

In the name of the contractor, I summon my guardian god-the flame god king!

God of fire, give me unlimited power to express your anger and use your magic to destroy my mortal enemy. At this moment, I will combine your anger with mine to show the strongest power-the wrath of Vulcan!

Great Vulcan, please listen to my prayer-fireball!

King of darkness, please turn your angry fire into a raging fire, and cleanse all evil in the world-the fire of a clean world!

Cheerful fire elves, gather around me, temporarily lend me your powerful strength, release your vitality, burn the earth, and block the enemy's sight-red-violet prison fire!

The great king of fire, in the name of the contractor, borrowed the extinct magic from you, burned all the evils in the world, and let the bright flame burn the earth-Dragon Roar!

The burning flame in the depths of hell! In the name of God, I summon you! Burn my enemies, my bones will burn to ashes, my blood will boil … into tiny embers!

The soul jumping in the fire turns your anger into a wall of fire and separates everything! -Flame shield!

The devil in the fire? /ca & gt;