Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What are the songs selected by WAE?

What are the songs selected by WAE?

Broken bridge, remnant snow, carrot beard, earthly beauty, lovers' clothes, beautiful rivers and mountains, pink stationery, bad children, doctors, Peter dismantling, auditory hallucinations, girlfriends, accompanying tigers, gray head portraits, Weibo control, redundant explanations, gasp in admiration, thousands of Baidu, ancient enemies of Tianlong Babu, playing dumb, if at that time, shallow singing, global cooling, horoscope books. Affectionate love, why not, single trip, love your past, Luzhou month, Qingming rain, cooling, Andersen does not regret, double-sided, No.7 park, tireless destruction, toast not to eat, white horse is not a horse, shaking his head, Angie, I like it very much, not far away, not sensational, angel, invisible scenery, I want to hold your hand.