Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Xiao Bu's assistant chat record cannot be deleted.

Xiao Bu's assistant chat record cannot be deleted.

Can be deleted. The deletion method is as follows: Click Xiaobu Assistant in the phone settings menu. Click voice options. Turn off the voice wake-up switch and press the power button for 0.5 seconds to turn off the cloth. Xiaobu Assistant is an AI assistant built into smart terminal devices such as smart phones, televisions and watches launched by OPPO, Yijia, realme and other brands. The original propaganda was called "Voice of Bourinot", and it was officially renamed as "Little Cloth Assistant" from June 5438 to February 2020. Life service; Book movie tickets, order takeout, find food, help with numbering, find recipes, send WeChat, Alipay, send red envelopes, shop, prevent and control epidemics, etc. Travel service car voice assistant, itinerary planning, route congestion reminder, booking air tickets, train tickets, taxis, navigation, hotel reservations, etc. Information inquiry; Encyclopedia query, Chinese idiom dictionary, homework question and answer, 100 thousand whys, ancient poetry, health care, constellation, stock, conversion, exchange rate, lottery, limit line, etc.