Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Who can tell me the detailed meaning of this matlab program, requiring each paragraph to be annotated?

Who can tell me the detailed meaning of this matlab program, requiring each paragraph to be annotated?

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N _ OFDM = 2048% The number of OFDM points is 2048.

f _ delta = 15 E3; % subcarrier spacing is 15k, which is not actually used in the code.

n _ block = 1000; % maximum analog quantity

n _ subcarrier = 1320; Percentage of number of available subcarriers

n _ CP = 144; %CP length

symbol _ number = 14; Percentage of OFDM symbols per transmission

Conv _ Polly =; % convolutional code generating polynomial

k = 5; % convolutional code constraint length

trel=poly2trellis(K,conv _ poly); % generate convolutional code trellis diagram

tail = 0( 1,K- 1); Add% tail bits to zero convolutional code encoder.

mod _ degree = 4; % 16QAM modulation

Code _ rate = 0.5% code rate

Tb _ len = traceback length of 50% Viterbi decoder.

bit _ length = mod _ degree * code _ rate * N _ subcarrier * Symbol _ number-K+ 1; % According to the above parameter configuration, the total number of information bits that can be carried by a data block can be obtained.

SNR _ db = 0: 1: 10; % Set the analog signal-to-noise ratio range.

Signal to noise ratio = 10. ^(snr_db/ 10); % converts the signal-to-noise ratio to a natural value.

Ber = zero (1, length (SNR));); % initialization error rate storage space

Bler = zero (1, length (SNR));); % initialization error rate storage space

h 1=modem.qammod('m',2^mod_degree,'inputtype','bit','symoblorder','gray'); % generates QAM modulation object, the input type is bit input, and the symbol order is gray mapping.

h2=modem.qamdemod(h 1,' OutputType ',' bit ',' DecisionType ',' approximatellr ',...NoiseVariance ', 1); % generates QAM demodulation object, and selects soft decision demodulation form. Because of the noise variance position at this time, it is temporarily set to 1.

For loop_snr= 1: length (snr)

err = 0;

err _ blk = 0;

sigma = sqrt( 1/SNR(loop _ SNR)/2);

For loop_block= 1:N_block%, the code omitted here is the processing procedure of each data frame, which will be described in detail below.


ber(loop _ SNR)= err/(bit _ length * loop _ block);

bler(loop _ SNR)= err _ blk/loop _ block;


For loop block = 1:N block

source=randsrc( 1,bit_length,[0, 1]); % generated source

code=convenc([source,tail],trel); % convolutional coding, state return to zero

symbol=modulate(h 1,code’); % code sequence is modulated with modulation object h 1

Symbol = symbol/3.1622; Normalization of% subcarrier symbol energy

Transmit _ data = zero (1, symbol _ number * (n _ CP+n _ OFDM)); % send time domain sample initialization

Forloop _ symbol =1:symbol _% OFDM symbol period, and all time-domain samples of an OFDM symbol are generated in each period.

freq_domain=zeros( 1,N _ OFDM); % frequency domain data initialization

freq _ domain((N _ OFDM-N _ subcarrier)/2+ 1:(N _ OFDM-Nsubcarrier)/2+N _ subcarrier)= symbol((loop _ symbol- 1)* N _ subcarrier+ 1:loop _ symbol * N _ subcarrier); % subcarrier mapping, which is mapped on the middle N_subcarrier.

time _ domain = IFFT(freq _ domain)* sqrt(N _ OFDM); %IFFT realizes OFDM modulation and pays attention to energy normalization.

transmit _ data((loop _ symbol- 1)*(N _ CP+N _ OFDM)+ 1:loop _ symbol *(N _ CP+N _ OFDM))=[time _ domain(N _ OFDM-N _ CP+ 1:N _ OFDM),time _ domain]; % plus CP


Received _ data = transmit _ data+(randn (1,length (transmit-data))+j * randn (1,length (transmit _ data)))* sigma;; % plus noise to get an acceptable signal.

For cyclic symbol = 1: symbol number

de _ CP = received _ data((loop _ symbol- 1)*(N _ CP+N _ OFDM)+N _ CP+ 1:loop _ symbol *(N _ CP+N _ OFDM)); % delete CP

FFT _ data = FFT(de _ CP)/sqrt(N _ OFDM); %FFT, energy normalization

de mapp _ data((loop _ symbol- 1)* N _ subcarrier+ 1:loop _ symbol * N _ subcarrier)= FFT _ data((N _ OFDM-N _ subcarrier)/2+ 1:(N _ OFDM-N _ subcarrier)/2+N _ subcarrier); % demapping


h2。 noise variance = sigma * sigma * 3. 1622 * 3. 1622; % Resets the noise variance parameter of the demodulation object.

Data _ demodulation = demodulation (h2, demapp _ data * 3.1622); % soft demodulation, pay attention to the need to change the signal back to the original constellation according to the requirements of the demodulation object before demodulation.

Temp 1 = size(data _ demodulation);

Data _ demodulation = reshape (data _ demodulated, 1, templ (1) * templ (2)); % Arranges the matrix of soft demodulation input into a row vector.

Decision = vit dex(data _ demodulation, trel, tb_len,' $ term',' unquant'); Viterbi decoding with% dequantization quantization

Decision = Decision (1: length (source)); % truncated position

Err=err+sum (decision ~ = source); % Statistical error number

If(sum(decision~=source)~=0)% counts the number of error blocks.

err _ blk+err _ blk+ 1;


if(err _ blk & gt; = 10)% error 10 block stops the simulation under this SNR.





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xlabel(' SNR(dB)');

ylable(' BER ');