Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How many of the twelve constellations in Japan can you say right?

How many of the twelve constellations in Japan can you say right?

What do you know about constellations? Most people are a little skeptical about constellations, sometimes they feel quite accurate, but sometimes they always feel a little fake. Do you know that these constellations are spoken in Japanese?

Japanese people's obsession with constellations is world-famous, and various interpretations of constellations emerge one after another.

So what do the Japanese call the "Twelve Constellations"?

1/20-2/ 18: water bottle

Aquarius constellation

Pisces: Pisces


Aries (ぉひつじざ) (Oshiza)

Aries constellation

April 20th-May 20th: Taurus (ぉぅしざ)

Taurus constellation

Gemini (ふたござ)


June 22nd to July 22nd: Crab (かにざ)

Cancer constellation

July 23-August 22: Leo

Le Signe du Lion

20 10 August 23rd to 20 10 September 22nd: Otomeza.


September 23rd-10/23: Libra (てんびんざ)(sasoriza)


10/24-11:Scorpio (さそりざ)


11/22-121:Sagittarius (Iteza)


Aries (やぎざ)

Capricorn. Compare CAPRICORN


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