Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Astrology course: Uranus reincarnation and human life (Figure)

While Uranus is moving, our lives are repeated at different ages according to the differences of individual life core monuments. I

Astrology course: Uranus reincarnation and human life (Figure)

While Uranus is moving, our lives are repeated at different ages according to the differences of individual life core monuments. I

Astrology course: Uranus reincarnation and human life (Figure)

While Uranus is moving, our lives are repeated at different ages according to the differences of individual life core monuments. I won't explain every tiny movement of Uranus in detail, but in my mind, Uranus can be roughly divided into four stages (as far as Uranus forms a phase with Uranus, the core monument of personal life): 90 degrees (the first punishment phase), 180 degrees (the opposite phase), 270 degrees (the second punishment phase) and Uranus's return.

The division of Uranus' transport stages is based on the need to deal with all things related to Uranus, especially family affairs and your inner self. At all stages, we are reminded by Uranus to pursue our own path and our free nature. Maybe we find ourselves resisting those roles and labels that conform to the rules and are recognized by society. Usually, people will choose a safe route instead of taking the world storm. But at any of the above stages, we will suddenly feel that those whitewashed pictures are false and misleading. The true self needs to seek some way of liberation or breakthrough to show its personality. The environment is also ready to provide some shocks and changes to match the rhythm of our inner changes. Change is eternal!

Technically speaking, this is a trip beyond the individual (a stage study from an alien planet to an alien planet); Many times we don't feel it. Uranus can bring a wider impact, and this experience is absolutely unimaginable on weekdays. The universe affects human beings by acting on the surrounding environment, so it often plans how to convey the instructions of seeking freedom. People who come into our lives always give people super self-expression ability. The situation forces us to show our true side. If we can test this fierce power at will, instead of wasting our time adhering to the "old adage" and refusing to change, the vitality and beauty we feel will definitely surprise you.

The first stage is to transport Uranus and punish Uranus at the core monument of life (18~2 1 year).

At this stage, the punishment between Uranus and Uranus is very important, because it happens that people are in their prime of life, and a complete adult-that is, an adult in a complete sense-is not only an adult in the eyes of parents, but also an adult recognized by society. Of course, before Saturn's first return (about 28~30 years old), no one is qualified to say that he is fully mature. If you can successfully graduate from Saturn's life experience, congratulations. However, anyone aged 2 1 does not want to hear the news related to the "exam". Uranus goes to the palace almost every seven years, so everyone will encounter his first pressure immediately after graduating from high school.

At this stage, we can draw a picture. We have reached the age of autonomy and finally got rid of the discipline of our parents, especially in our twenties. Any system with coercive color will be resisted. We always think that we can do anything as long as we want, decide our own life progress in the way we expect, or try different jobs without any responsibility (this is the most restless year in our lives). Basically, make sure that all options are open. When we explore everything in the adult world, we can and do have ambition and high morale.

Excitement and excitement plunge us into the unknown. Everything related to the future shines with the light of temptation and is fascinating. Of course, if you make a mistake at this stage, it will be a lifelong regret! )

At the stage when Uranus vigorously promotes life, we need to absorb as much knowledge as possible, because this planet can stimulate the potential of the soul. We need to realize that society will open the door of opportunity for those who have useful knowledge. People who have not received a good education will feel overwhelmed and bound at this stage. Instead, they will seek a stable life and seek economic self-sufficiency, which has become the theme of their lives, more like Saturn. Because when Saturn was in luck, Uranus was punished for the first time at the core monument of life, and Saturn at the core monument of life was also punished. At this stage, we feel at a loss, life is full of uncertainty, and we don't know how many social values we can stand (and under the double pressure of Uranus, people are more likely to show a kind of rebellion and contempt for the secular. )

In the second stage, Uranus arched Uranus in the core monument of life, a period of cynicism and rebellion (twenty or thirty years old)

It is mainly to transport Saturn to hedge Saturn, the core monument of life, and to transport Uranus at the same time. People who have a bad relationship with those in power (regime, boss, parents, elders, etc.). ) is usually a prelude to the Uranus cycle to punish Uranus in the core monument of life. In view of this, Uranus and Saturn in the core monument of life are punished at the same time, which is easy to have contradictions with families and groups and have fundamental differences in values. We are too eager to get rid of ourselves in the past, but we become willful and disorganized. During this period, some students realized that there are many people in this world who have similar supervision rights with their parents, but only because of social and moral responsibilities, and there is no emotional factor at all, but they can stop us in time when we are out of control. In fact, the illegal rate at this stage is relatively low. Of course, this period is very dangerous for people with criminal tendencies.

Violating social rules will lead to serious legal consequences (Saturn, the core monument of life, will punish Saturn for this behavior).

Between the ages of 20 and 30, Uranus orbits Uranus in the core monument of life-people begin to realize the necessity of establishing a feasible vision of life. At least, Uranus' punishment in the core monuments of life has given us a peak-to-peak collision period, burying our immature childhood in the depths of memory, leaving the warm nest built by our parents behind and joining the bigger world. Although full of anxiety, noise and temptation, as a social individual, we can learn more.

In the third stage, Uranus was transported to hedge the core monument Uranus, a middle-aged crisis (about forty years old).

This stage refers to people over 30 and in their early forties. The most obvious sign is the "middle-aged crisis", which is of course the stage that most astrologers are keen on studying. The stage of travel describes such a scene. When people reach middle age, life is stable but boring, people become restless and need new things or people to dilute monotony.

Before that, we may all be playing our due social roles in an orderly way, but at this time we feel too clear, there is no room for manoeuvre, and even think this positioning is quite wrong. When we find the lost part of our personality, we need a breathing space. Even trying to relive a life full of adventure and excitement (that is, when Uranus first visited the planet)-of course, this impulse is usually unwise. Day-to-day drudgery and more and more responsibilities stifle our personality, and now we think it's time for internal adjustment. It is understandable to put personal needs first.

Our primary needs are often where we are most wronged. This trip can be regarded as a turning point of self-awakening, which is very appropriate, from which we can feel the revival of experimental spirit. This stage can be regarded as the second adolescence of life, with a desire for freedom and an unruly way, and sneers at the so-called adult code of conduct. Some are even meaningless, some show off in bell bottoms when they are young, and some have successfully lost 20 pounds! I really want to take risks. Sometimes it doesn't matter even if you violate logical axioms. People become a little wild and crazy. If Saturn has a strong halo in this chart, it would be much better, or there are many earth signs or fixed houses. )

Usually, external factors will make this turbulent spark a reality. The ever-changing environment has become a catalyst for repositioning life. Maybe the spouse wants to leave, which is what people are most afraid of. Maybe after breaking up, we will find that divorce makes us grow faster than marriage. At this stage, our partners will become restless and desperately want to get out of this relationship and regain their freedom. Soon, we realized that we were returning to our true selves without getting married. This is not easy to accept, but it is also the reason why this trip is called hedging: we will be in the opposite state before we adapt to the new life.

On the other hand, sometimes, those ethnic groups who pursue singles suddenly change their minds and want to belong to a stable relationship (even marriage), often with people who have never thought about it. In this unpredictable period, Cycas will also blossom and desire will erupt. In short, inversion and inversion are interspersed in almost everyone's life. If the change has nothing to do with others, it must be that the surrounding environment has undergone tremendous changes and promoted our growth.

Although this stage is usually called "crisis", it does give us the opportunity to express our freedom to the maximum when we enter the second half of our lives. Uranus, Uranus means that the courage to move forward is necessary, even if the mixed feelings seem to tear us apart, it will be fine after that crazy and chaotic moment.

The fourth stage is to transport Uranus and punish Uranus at the core of life (59~65 years old).

At this stage, the theme of trying to escape from the bondage of power is repeated again, but we are no longer young people with endless energy, and we can no longer seek freedom in the adult world with pure faith. Now we know that the world is made up of "limitations" of different parts, which is an indisputable reality that most people can accept at this age. At this time, the people or things that people resist and oppose also lack clear direction, which is more of a subconscious behavior.

People over 65 can't help but think of something, because this is the age at which citizens can retire and enjoy social insurance according to the law (at least in the United States). When "retirement" really comes, most of us still find it hard to accept it, even those who once claimed how much they were looking forward to it. At most, you can "show off" your wonderful plan and how to spend the rest of your life. But usually, these plans always exceed the realistic conditions, which leads to some confrontation (accumulating the pressure of punishment).

This period is freedom-oriented, and naturally enjoys the right to deviate from the norm, and can pursue new fields and try new things completely out of the idea of leisure and entertainment. Sadly, today's culture rarely really realizes this sense of "freedom". On the contrary, due to the changes in daily life, I feel alienated from society. But it is much better for technicians who have mastered excellent technology in the professional field before. Theoretically, there is no such sad concept of retirement. No company will give up our "skills" because of age.

However, most people still respect conventional channels and climb up slowly on the road to success, so reaching this age often marks their inner confusion and incompatibility with the surrounding society. All this depends on the degree of Uranus' inner exploration in the stage of hedging Uranus at the core monument of life. The more we know ourselves, the more help this punishment will give us. Otherwise, confusion will come with anger and pain, because we will feel thrown out of life, which is completely different from what we imagined. Many people feel that in this case, effective action cannot be taken (as if Uranus were desperate). I feel useless to society, so I can only retire slowly and let myself end this last chapter in a poor state.

Of course, astrologers usually don't use this pessimistic perspective to think about the period when Uranus was running here. But at least it can be seen as the influence of the sudden change of social status on some of us.

However, although some people will be depressed and sad, their understanding of the meaning of the whole life process will shine in front of them. People are actually very insightful about everything that happened during this period. But it depends largely on the degree of self-awakening. If we still have the courage to explore, the surrounding environment will provide us with an opportunity to escape from depression.

The fifth stage: the return of Uranus (82~84 years old)

Until recent years, the return of Uranus was a strange thing in astrology, because only a few people could live to experience it at that age. Most people have lived in seclusion by that time, so astrologers can't directly know what happened at that stage of their lives. However, in the past few decades, the return of Uranus has become obvious, so many people can live longer. Even when they are old, they are still more energetic than their ancestors. They don't have to stay at home as before. Some people even play slot machines in Atlantic City (ha, even old lions need entertainment! )。

This is good news for Uranus, because energetic mature people are easier to cope with than dying bodies. On the contrary, the biggest obstacle is old age, when our body functions are declining and wearing away (Saturn completely took control of the situation at that time, almost like revenge, making our bodies aging or even dying). Suppose we can live to the end of our lives, what will happen? Believe it or not, there will still be room for you to be excited and discover yourself further (even if we don't risk our bodies).

The return of Uranus marks a symbolic climax of the development of our souls. At this time, we have officially completed our mission on earth, that is, the secular "contract" between us and society, and our role seems to have ended (for whatever reason). Many people feel the pain of playing a role for a long time before they are 84 years old (perhaps this bad feeling has almost hit when they retire).

By the time we are in our eighties, we can't get or use anything from the surrounding social environment, so that we can grow further. At that time, the challenge we faced was how to start our inner journey in consciousness, which would require more detachment and direct participation in secular affairs. There are also some signs in our physical body, telling us that it is time to quit the exciting and fanatical external environment.

However, even if we can stay at home, we can still enjoy ourselves through the TV remote control or the Internet. Thank God. We don't need to be isolated, just like in a dreary past life. When we are old, we can only get sick at home. As long as we are willing, the stimulation of electronic and digital media will become our faithful companions. Uranus will confirm that our brains are still active and eager for new mental stimulation. Indeed, this is incredible. However, imagine the old people in Leo in this chart. During the return of Uranus, as long as you are not completely deaf, you can still listen to the albums of Rolling Stone and Jefferson Aircraft.

If we don't care whether others will respond coldly to us or whether these will become a burden, we can easily jump out of this cycle of sadness and destruction. We expect to jump out of these tedious tasks and let the brain explore what it likes freely. For some people, this may lead to a period of chaos (Neptune will appear before Uranus returns). I predict that the only way to prevent this kind of chaos is to make yourself softer, willing to change and strong. Anyway, we have experienced many vicissitudes in this life.

Through proper cold treatment (don't mistake it for passive resistance), we can learn how to deal with all the changes around us and control our emotional reactions. Curiosity about life will help you stay sharp and alert. But understand that we are in this world, not controlled by it.