Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Scorpio people are so accurate in judging people and things, why do they look at themselves in a mess? It is said that the person who knows himself best is himself, but the more he looks at himself, t

Scorpio people are so accurate in judging people and things, why do they look at themselves in a mess? It is said that the person who knows himself best is himself, but the more he looks at himself, t

Scorpio people are so accurate in judging people and things, why do they look at themselves in a mess? It is said that the person who knows himself best is himself, but the more he looks at himself, the more confused he is. If you have ever paid attention to children walking on the road after rain, what will they do when they find a small pond in front of them? Are you happy to run in and play, have fun and laugh? On the other hand, did the adults bypass the pond? Not only does he walk around, but he keeps complaining. If you want to have an unusual life, if you want to live in spring, put a smile on your face and show a vibrant face, so that you can have an optimistic expectation for the future. This is your greatest right to live in the world.

Want to be depressed, can you do it at once? I believe it's no problem for you, as long as you focus on the things that made you unhappy in the past. Each of us must have had some sad experiences. If we keep thinking about these things deliberately and keep thinking about them in our hearts, we will soon be troubled. I don't know if you have seen some horrible movies. If it is really bad, will you watch it again and again? I'm sure you won't be so stupid, because watching that bad movie won't do you any good. So why do you often recall those memories that make you feel unhappy in your mind? Why do you always want to play your least favorite role? Why are movies with career failures and decision-making mistakes repeatedly staged? Of course, these bad films are not limited to the actual experience in the past, but also include things that have not happened and are worried in advance.

When a person is always addicted to meaningless despair and depression, it is easy to appear "loser's lame", that is, "loser's excuse". What is your excuse? Naturally, in order to give full play to your talents, you must start to abandon the "failure excuses" you may have. The typical loser's excuse is: "I am not a born salesman, doctor, lawyer, artist, architect, engineer, etc." I want to point out this: whether reading newspapers in rural Australia or in big cities in North America and Europe, I always see that women have given birth to boys or girls; I have never seen a woman give birth to a salesman, doctor, lawyer, artist or engineer. But I did see the obituaries of doctors, lawyers, salesmen and so on. Because they didn't.

How can you die when you are born? Obviously, between life and death, through choice and training, they become what they want to be (can you allow a natural doctor to see you, or a natural lawyer to defend you in court). In fact, we will never see a woman give birth to a winner or a loser. She can only have boys or girls. I once saw a man stand up and say, "I am a self-made man." But I have never seen anyone say, "I made my own failure." They always point their forefinger at others and accuse them. Some of them said, "My parents delayed my success." Someone said, "My wife (or husband) doesn't understand me." Others blame teachers, missionaries or bosses. Say they are too old or too young, too fat or too thin, too tall or too short, or they were born in the wrong place. Incredibly, some people even complain that their birthdays and constellations are wrong. I firmly believe that "excuses for losers" are considered rubbish. Stop making excuses for yourself, you can make a difference. Others pointed the finger at the society and complained that everyone affected his success. Now remind you of a problem. When you point your index finger at others and accuse others, more people point their index finger at you. Your success and happiness can only begin with yourself.

The saddest thing in life is to hear someone say, "If only I could walk, run, jump, sing, dance, think and concentrate like others." That actually means: "If I can have other people's abilities, what else can't I do?" Friend, if you don't use your own ability, you can't even pick peaches with the help of others. You are deceiving yourself.

Life will tell you that the more you use your talents, the more it will flow; The less you use it, the more it will dry up.

Personally, I think that a good life comes from an ordinary life. They may be those who have polio or blindness, but they refuse to find any "excuses for failure" for themselves, thus becoming quite successful and happy. The story of their disability is the most wonderful story we have ever heard. These people all believe: "People are born with talents beyond mediocrity in order to achieve their career and enjoy success." When you accept this, you will find that we don't have to complain about anything in the face of any difficulties. In short, go ahead, because you are omnipotent. At work, I often see people fail, but I have never seen anyone fail. What needs to be reminded is that you should know that the present and the future are in your own hands. Don't wait, most people always wait for others to get everything ready before starting to do it. They don't want to climb trees, because they don't know that fruits are always hanging on branches, not falling down and being picked up. They don't want to bet on themselves. For them, the end of the game of life is the day when they completely fail. Their epitaph reads "Born in 1942, died in 1974 and was buried in 1997", and there is nothing else to write about.

Do you know those people who just want to lose weight, pursue advanced studies, attend public speaking classes, beautify lawns, go to churches and clubs, etc? , but never really do it? These people who talk but don't practice and don't do it tomorrow are always waiting and finally accomplish nothing. They waited for all the red lights to turn green before leaving home, and as a result, they would never leave home. In fact, just thinking about not doing it or doing it tomorrow means never doing it.

If a man with an annual salary of $50,000 can earn five times his actual ability, then we have every reason to think that he is a loser. On the other hand, if a person tries his best to exert his intelligence and ability, then even if his annual salary is only $65,438+0,000, we still think that he has achieved great success. I know that intelligence can change, and each of us is born with different abilities. I also know that no one can use all his abilities, or even most of them.

You have much more abilities than you think, which encourages you to give full play to your talents. Don't compare experiences with others unfairly and unrealistically. We love to make the mistake of comparing our own experience with others, exaggerating others' successful experience and belittling ourselves. When you stand there and listen to the doctor skillfully say a lot of nouns about your physical condition, you may involuntarily think that he is a really great person. Maybe in fact, he is. So what kind of person are you? If you let the doctor do your work instead of you, there is no doubt that he will make a mess and can't compare with you at all. If you have the opportunity to spend 15 years learning those terms and studying diseases, drugs and therapies like a doctor, then you will also wear a white coat and stethoscope and become a doctor of medicine. Don't feel inferior because others can and you can't. On the contrary, why don't you concentrate on what others can't do? It is ok to admire others, but it must be remembered that if you spend the same time and sweat, you can also significantly improve your skills in that area. Everyone is different only from experience. Don't compare your own shortcomings with others' strengths. No one can replace your value, you are unique.

Do you know what determines your life? That is, you should learn to recognize what should be done, and don't waste your energy on trivial things easily.

"With a clear goal, all obstacles can be eliminated." disraeli.

"Life is doomed at the moment you make a decision." Anthony Robbins

We should learn how to save time and money, avoid detours and make ourselves have the ability to succeed in the future. Remember, it is your decision, not your experience, that dominates your life.

There are bound to be some problems in front of your life, but if you want to get rid of the fence, you can climb over it, you can dig through it, you can dig a tunnel through it, or you can find a door to walk through. No matter how long the wall is, it can't resist people's determination and perseverance, and it will fall down sooner or later. The human spirit is hard to restrain; As long as you have the desire to win, the desire to succeed, the desire to shape your life, and the desire to master your life, there will be no problems you can't solve, difficulties you can't overcome, and obstacles you can't cross. When you decide to take control of your own life, Zhan Zhan will no longer be trapped by your experience, but depending on your decision, your life will change and you will have the ability to control it ... Advice to Scorpio:

Eat more coarse grains. Give others more than others expect, and do it with your heart. Remember your favorite poem. Don't believe everything you hear, don't spend all you have, and don't sleep as long as you want. Whenever you say "I love you", please mean it. Whenever you say "I'm sorry", please look the other person in the eye. Believe in love at first sight. Never ignore other people's dreams. Love deeply and passionately, you may get hurt, but it is the only way to make your life complete. Settle the dispute clearly and don't offend. Never judge a book by its cover. Speak slowly, but think quickly. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and say, "Why do you want to know?" Remember, only those who dare to take the biggest risks can get the deepest love and the greatest achievement. Call mom. If not, at least think of her in your heart. When someone sneezes, they say "Bless the Bodhisattva". If you fail, don't forget to learn your lesson. Remember three respects: respect yourself; Respect others; Maintain dignity and be responsible for your actions. Don't let a little dispute ruin a great friendship. Whenever you find yourself doing something wrong, try your best to make up for it. Hurry up! Whenever you make a phone call, please smile when you pick up the phone, because the other person can feel it! Marry a person who likes chatting, because when you get older, you will find that chatting is a person's greatest advantage. Find some time, be alone. Embrace change, but don't abandon your personal thoughts. Remember, silence is golden. Read more books and watch less TV. Live a noble and honest life. When you look back on the past when you are old, you can enjoy life again. Believe in God, but don't forget to lock the door. The harmonious atmosphere of the family is precious. Do your best to make your home smooth and harmonious. When you quarrel with someone close to you, try to talk about the main issues, not the old sesame seeds and rotten millet. Don't forget yesterday. Pay more attention to the implication. Share your knowledge with others, this is an eternal way! Be kind to our earth. Don't fool nature. Busy with what you should do. Don't trust a partner who never closes his eyes when kissing. Go to at least one place you haven't been every year. If you earn a lot of money, do more good deeds while you are alive. This is the best return you can get. Remember, sometimes, not the best harvest is also a kind of good luck. Deeply understand all the rules and update them reasonably. Remember: the best relationship is to love others more than to ask others. Look back at the goal you vowed to achieve, and then judge how successful you are. Whether cooking or falling in love, you should be 100% responsible, but don't expect too much in return.