Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What knowledge does psychology have?

What knowledge does psychology have?

What knowledge does psychology have?

What knowledge does psychology have? Many people are curious about the knowledge of psychology, which is a science that studies people's psychological phenomena and their psychological functions and behavioral activities under their influence. Let's take a look at what knowledge and related materials psychology has.

What knowledge does psychology have? 1 1, flywheel effect.

Most people have had the experience that returning to work after a holiday always feels extremely difficult, anxious and at a loss. This is the "flywheel effect".

The flywheel effect means that in order to make the stationary flywheel rotate, you have to push it round and round with great efforts at first, and each turn is laborious, but every effort will not be in vain, and the flywheel will turn faster and faster.

So if you have something to do tomorrow, you'd better start doing it today. Everything is difficult at the beginning, but if you make a good start in advance and enter the working state in advance, it will not be so painful afterwards.

2. The effect of stepping into the door

Once a person accepts a trivial request from others, it is possible to accept a bigger request. This phenomenon is like climbing the door step by step. It is easier and smoother to climb higher.

People are willing to accept smaller and easier requirements, and after smaller requirements are realized, people will gradually accept larger requirements.

3. Label effect

Don't label yourself easily. A classic term in psychology, "label effect", means that once a person is attracted by a conclusion, he will consciously act according to it like a commodity is labeled.

During World War II, American psychologists did an experiment. They recruited a group of new recruits who were undisciplined and did not listen to their commands, and their personalities were relatively new. They asked the soldiers to write a letter to their families every month to the effect that they fought bravely on the battlefield and obeyed discipline and command.

This is just a small change. Half a year later, psychologists found that these soldiers really changed as stated in the letter. When we label ourselves as positive, our life will improve little by little. On the contrary, once you label yourself negatively, or even exaggerate the harm of negative labels, you will drag yourself into the swamp of negative energy.

4. Door closing effect

This psychological effect is that when you make a big request, the other party refuses you, and then you make a small request, the other party is basically embarrassed to refuse again. For example, suppose your friend borrowed 50 yuan, and you borrowed 100 yuan from him first, but it was rejected. Borrow another 50 yuan from him.

Then it's hard for him to refuse. With this trick, you can also easily ask someone you like out. For example, if you want to have dinner with your sweetheart, you should first offer to go somewhere with him. If he agrees directly, then you will make money. If you refuse the previous one, it is unlikely that you will refuse to go to dinner with you.

5. Barnum effect

Constellation character is actually a "Barnum effect". Barnum effect means that when you are faced with a very vague personality description, you can't help substituting yourself.

According to the description of the people in the constellation, it is. Each constellation only depicts a part of the complex human heart, and it is very vague. Most people will think that "accuracy is good" because people are multifaceted and feel that being poked is normal. Actually, these things are suitable for anyone. Recognizing this effect can avoid many routines.

6. Don't tell others about your goal.

When you tell others that you have not achieved your goal, your brain will have an illusion and satisfaction that you have achieved your goal, especially the early congratulations from friends and others, which will make you mistake empty talk for practice, thus making you slack off your efforts and making it more difficult to achieve your goal. People often have the illusion that if we announce our goals and make public commitments, our friends will supervise us and our parents will cheer us up, so we will work harder. But unfortunately, no one cares about your goal except yourself.

The best way is to write down the goal and put it where you can see it at any time (such as mobile phone wallpaper), make a reasonable and detailed plan and complete it step by step.

7. Chickney Effect: Why is the first love unforgettable?

Most people forget what they have done and what they have achieved, but they will never forget what was interrupted and what was not done. This phenomenon is called "Chickney effect" in psychology.

So, when you find that your partner is always obsessed with his first love, don't always complain. You should clearly realize that this kind of psychology exists in everyone and is a common psychological phenomenon. In people's memory, it is even more impossible to say who will replace who. You are you and she is her. If you always want to replace her, impolitely saying that you are working in the wrong direction is the right way to improve yourself.

What knowledge does psychology have? 2. Stand and read other people's inner world.

Stand naturally with your feet, your left foot in front and your left hand in your trouser pocket. This kind of person is honest, considerate, and usually likes a quiet environment, giving the first impression of tenderness, but once he meets something angry, he will go on the rampage.

Stand with crossed ankles. This is a defensive action, more common in women. If you stand with your ankles crossed when listening to people, it shows a basic attitude of rejection and examination.

Stand up straight on your back, hold out your chest and keep your eyes straight. This is a manifestation of full self-confidence, which can give people the impression of "imposing manner" and "optimism". This standing posture is open.

Bend your back when standing, or hunch slightly. This is a closed posture, showing a tendency of self-defense, closure and repression. Compared with the other party, mental inferiority appears nervous or self-restraint.

Cross your feet, hold your chin with one hand and the elbow joint of this arm with the other. Such people are strong-willed, sentimental and caring, and you can often see their efforts.

Stand with your feet together or naturally with your hands behind your back. Most of these people do things with low eyes and high skills, lack perseverance and are anticlimactic. They seldom say "no" to others. They will not have any development and innovation in their work. They are very satisfied with their lives and are unwilling to fight hard.

Cross your hands on your chest and stand with your feet parallel. Such people are rebellious, often ignoring each other's existence, and have a strong sense of challenge and attack.

Stand naturally with your feet, occasionally shake your legs, lock your hands and fingers in front of your abdomen, and rub your thumb back and forth. This kind of person is very expressive, intolerant and smart, but likes to get into a dead end.

Hands akimbo. This kind of standing posture is also a manifestation of self-confidence and spiritual superiority, because arms akimbo is an open action, and if you are not fully prepared for what you are facing, this action will not be adopted.

What knowledge does psychology have? 3. Grasp the psychological strategy of instantly seeing through people's hearts.

1, mind reading can achieve socialization.

In daily life, whether it is a person's facial features, manners or clothes, it is closely related to psychological activities. Therefore, as long as you master the necessary "reading" methods and skills, you can read people's hearts in your hands like reading, and you can also read people's hearts.

Superb reading ability is the result of a combination of keen observation ability, thorough analysis ability and comprehensive and profound thinking ability. This requires you to be diligent in observation, positive thinking and analysis in your usual interpersonal communication, constantly improve your social judgment and win social success.

It is not easy to read people's thoughts.

Mind reading is a science. Those who can read books read the inner essence, while those who can't read books read superficial phenomena. What you can read is comprehensive, and what you can't read is sidelined. Therefore, there are countless lessons learned from readers' mistakes in history.

If you know people, you will know clearly, but if you don't know people, you will fail and even hurt yourself. Sun Bin, a strategist in the Warring States period, was severely punished by cutting off his kneecap because he didn't know Pang Juan, while Han Fei was imprisoned and died because he didn't know Reese.

3, mind reading can get things done.

Being familiar with human feelings means putting yourself in others' shoes and caring for others. The positive side is "stand up for yourself, stand up for yourself and reach out for others." Just like you eat when you are hungry, you should think that others want to eat when they are hungry; When you are cold, you should also think of others.

To be a man, the premise is to be good at reading minds. Observing words and feelings is "knowing ten things by hearing one thing"; The color is "will be clear." It's too easy to really do this and let others owe you a favor.