Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Why was Ophiuchus destroyed?

Why was Ophiuchus destroyed?

Why was Ophiuchus destroyed?

Why was Ophiuchus destroyed? Constellation is a general term for the moon constellation and the sun constellation. Each constellation has a completely different attitude towards love. I will encounter emotional troubles in the near future, and I can solve the problems well. Let's share why Ophiuchus was destroyed.

Why Ophiuchus was destroyed 1 Ophiuchus exists in the Milky Way.

Ophiuchus is one of the zodiac signs. Seen from the earth, Ophiuchus is located to the south of Ursa major, to the north of Scorpio and Sagittarius, and to the west of the Milky Way. Ophiuchus is the only constellation connected with another constellation-Ophiuchus. At the same time, Ophiuchus is the only constellation that spans the celestial equator, the Milky Way and the ecliptic.

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Ophiuchus is big and wide, rectangular, and the equator of the celestial sphere passes through this rectangle diagonally. Although Ophiuchus spans a short galaxy, the center of the Milky Way is Sagittarius, not far from Ophiuchus. The Milky Way has a prominent part here, forming the widest area of the Milky Way. You can see the latitude change between +80 and 80.

Ophiuchus α is the brightest star in Ophiuchus, a white giant (A5Ⅲ) with an apparent magnitude of 2.08, an absolute magnitude of 0.96 and a distance of 54 light years. Ophiuchus β is a red giant (K2Ⅲ), with an apparent magnitude of 2.77, a distance of 99 light years and an absolute magnitude of -0. 1. There is a large open cluster with few stars in its northeast 1 5.

Why was Ophiuchus destroyed? Why is Ophiuchus excluded? The twelve constellations mentioned at ordinary times belong to the astrology of ancient Babylonians and have nothing to do with astronomical constellations. The astrological definition of the zodiac only refers to the twelve regions equally divided on the zodiac, and Ophiuchus is not in the zodiac of astrology.

The twelve constellations include: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Different from the widely used twelve constellations, there is Ophiuchus in the thirteen constellations. (number of solar constellations). The twelve constellations mentioned at ordinary times are the constellations divided by ancient Babylonian civilization. The concept of the ecliptic was put forward in the 6th century BC. It is the circle occupied by the earth's orbit around the celestial sphere. There were twelve constellations on the ecliptic at that time. Because of precession, the zodiac in 2 1 century no longer conforms to astrology. Because of the movement of stars, there are thirteen constellations on the ecliptic.

In addition to the well-known twelve constellations, the other one is Ophiuchus. When people observe the dividing line of constellations, they will find that the path from the sun to Scorpio is less than one week, but it takes nearly three weeks to pass through nearby Ophiuchus. This is not because Scorpio is small, but because the sun only passes through a small corner of Scorpio, which makes the time for the sun to pass through Scorpio very short. The twelve constellations mentioned at ordinary times are in astrology and have nothing to do with astronomy.

In astronomy, the English word for Constellation is "constellation", which means "constellation" and "constellation". The constellation referred to in astrology is "constellation", which is translated in English-Chinese dictionaries: "Zodiac" is also translated freely in English and Chinese astronomical vocabulary; In Ying Ying's dictionary, it is explained in more detail: "one twentieth of the zodiac", which means "twelve ecliptic divisions". As far as the Dictionary is so important to human beings all over the world and must be correct, it clearly distinguishes astronomical constellations from astrological constellations.

What's more, there is an explanation of the zodiac. For astrology, only the twelve constellations that are most widely distributed on the ecliptic are more meaningful. The names of Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra in astrology are wrong for astronomy. They should be Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius and Libra. So, if astrology is used to explain astronomy, it is really, really great. In fact, "Ophiuchus" is not a new discovery, and it has been recorded in poetry since 270 AD.

Astrology and astronomy are not the same sky. Astronomy observes all celestial phenomena, while astrology only regards the twelve constellations as a symbol, and divides the ecliptic plane of the whole celestial sphere into twelve equal parts, each named after a constellation. Astrology is only astrology, and the twelve constellations are just a synonym. They are twelve "signs". Let astrology and astronomy have different beautiful starry sky!

The twelve constellations in astrology originated from the Babylonian division of constellations. But in such a long time, due to the precession of the earth and the different ways people draw constellations later, the time for the sun to pass through the twelve constellations is no longer the same, and now there are thirteen constellations. Although Ophiuchus is counted because of the different viewpoints of astronomy and astrology, many people still think that Ophiuchus is excluded because it is cursed! It is said that the origin of Ophiuchus is the god of medicine. Asclepius caught the giant snake with both hands. When his mother, one of Apollo's mistresses, Colonis was killed by the golden bird, Apollo tried to save her life with a snake, so Asclepius got the name Ophiuchus. But this matter was known by Pluto, the god of hell. He thought he had violated the dogma, so he killed Asclepius with lightning.

Looking at the legends of the thirteen constellations and Ophiuchus, it is not difficult to understand why Ophiuchus is excluded, and Ophiuchus is always selectively ignored by westerners. Taboos come from the Dutch constellation 13, so it is difficult to find the building 13 and the house number 13. They use other symbols instead, such as "12A". You can't find 13 rows 13 seats for a dinner party in England. The French are smarter. They directly arranged pedestrian walkways between 12 rows and 14 rows of houses, perfectly avoiding 13. And they are all taboo to go out on 13, even more taboo to eat at the same table with 13, and even more taboo to eat at the same table with 13.

It is even more unlucky if the 13 of a month falls on Friday. This is the rumored "Black Friday". Most westerners believe in Christ and Ji was betrayed and killed by his thirteen disciples. Moreover, there is a legend in the west that on the day of 13 every month, 13 demons will appear at the climax of the party, which will bring disaster to people.

The legend of Ophiuchus and the legend about Ophiuchus also have some penetrating power. The origin of Ophiuchus is the god of medicine. Asclepius caught the giant snake with both hands. When his mother, one of Apollo's mistresses, Colonis was killed by the golden bird, Apollo tried to save her life with a snake, so Asclepius got the name Ophiuchus. But this matter was known by Pluto, the god of hell. He thought he had violated the dogma, so he killed Asclepius with lightning. Looking at the legends of the thirteen constellations and Ophiuchus, it is not difficult to understand why Ophiuchus is excluded, and Ophiuchus is always selectively ignored by westerners.

Why was Ophiuchus destroyed? Ophiuchus is the thirteenth constellation. Many westerners believe in Christianity. According to Christian classics, the founder of this religion, Jesus, was betrayed by his thirteenth disciple and finally killed. In the western world, the number 13 is widely regarded as an ominous symbol. It is not surprising that westerners have some taboos about Ophiuchus, which is called the thirteenth constellation.

Ophiuchus is a real constellation. Ophiuchus in astronomy is one of the zodiac signs. Seen from the earth, it is located in the south of Hercules, north of Scorpio and Sagittarius, and west of the Milky Way. 1928, the international astronomical union (IAU) identified Ophiuchus as one of the thirteen constellations on the ecliptic at its international astronomical conference.

However, even so, Ophiuchus, which actually exists in astronomy, never belongs to the zodiac in western astrology. From the astrological point of view, the division of the zodiac in astronomy is meaningless to astrology. Now the zodiac mentioned in astrology is actually just a symbol, which does not correspond to the real constellation with the same name.

With the development of astrology, the twelve constellations, which were originally used to indicate the position of the sun on the ecliptic, are gradually used to indicate the positions of other celestial bodies in astrology. Therefore, whether there are twelve constellations or thirteen constellations in astronomy, and how big and small the constellation range is, it has nothing to do with the astrological constellation system. The twelve constellations in astrology are just that scryer divides the zodiac into twelve equal parts and gives corresponding names to mark the positions of celestial bodies.

So Ophiuchus is the real constellation in the universe and the research object in astronomy, but it does not exist in astrology.

From the perspective of western culture, there are also some opinions about why Ophiuchus does not exist. It turns out that many westerners believe in Christianity. According to Christian classics, the founder of this religion, Jesus, was betrayed by his thirteenth disciple and was eventually killed. In addition, there is a legend in the west that every month on the day of 13, 12 witches will hold a party, and at the climax of the party, the devil will appear on 13, which will bring disaster to people. Therefore, the number 13 is widely regarded as an ominous symbol in the western world, and it is not surprising that westerners have some taboos about Ophiuchus (known as the thirteenth constellation).

In addition, the legend of Ophiuchus in the west is also somewhat penetrating. Legend has it that Ophiuchus originated from Asclepius, the god of medicine, and its image is holding a giant snake in both hands. When Asclepius's mother, Colonis, one of Apollo's mistresses, was killed by the golden bird, Apollo tried to save her life with a snake. From then on, Asclepius got the title of "Snake Man". Unfortunately, this matter was known by Pluto, the god of hell. He thought that Asclepius had violated the dogma, so he killed him with thunder.