Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Taboo to get along with Pisces women

Taboo to get along with Pisces women

Taboo to get along with Pisces women

Pisces women's taboos about Pisces women are naive. Pisces girls are very persistent about love. They like to revel in their love dreams and be dead set on their lovers. Here are some taboos and related information about getting along with Pisces women.

Taboo to get along with Pisces women 1 Taboo 1: indifference

Pisces is the most sensitive group of people in the twelve constellations. When they fall in love with someone, they want to be with this person for 24 hours. Pisces will be hurt if the other person shows a little impatience or unwilling indifference. Super sensitive, they will think you don't care about them, and then show a sad look, who will feel distressed.

Taboo 2: coercion

When getting along with lovers, Pisces hates that the other party forces them to face problems. High-standard love guidance will only make them feel inferior and cringe, and they don't know what to do. Although Pisces lovers are gentle and overbearing. What they don't want to face is not so easy to submit. Pisces' escapism is first-class, and no one can help it.

Taboo 3: bondage

When you are in love with Pisces, if you take good care of your family, you will ensure that the fish will disappear. They like love, but they have no concept of responsibility. Pisces people always hate stress, especially emotional bondage, so even if you make many rules and plans, they rarely work. Feelings are romantic and beautiful in the eyes of Pisces. If you add restraint and pressure, it will change.

Taboo 4: Reality

Pisces is full of romantic and naive ideas, and they especially like poetic life. In their eyes, life should be to enjoy a quality life. If the person around you is a realistic materialist, Pisces will feel bored and even friends will not do it with him. In particular, what they can't stand most is that the other party always imposes some realistic ideas on themselves, which will only make Pisces bored and then stay away from each other.

When you get along with Pisces, you must take care of their little emotions everywhere. Pisces is naive and romantic. They have a delicate and soft heart and especially need the protection of others. So when you get along with Pisces, you must pay attention to some taboos. These are the most likely to violate Pisces taboos. Do not touch them. I hope you can protect the little fish around you!

Taboos to get along with Pisces women 2 Taboos: Like to inspect posts.

Pisces feels that no matter whether you are single or in love, you have a free side. They don't like lovers to control them, and they don't like going out to be checked all the time, as if they are not lovers but parents. If lovers always like to track down their whereabouts in love, Pisces will be very unhappy and don't want to continue with each other.

Taboo: Don't respect their opinions.

Pisces can't accept the waywardness of lovers when they are in love, and they don't respect their opinions at all. Because Pisces is also a person with more ideas, but they will still discuss everything with their other half. After all, after two people are together, many things are not a person's business. And if the other half doesn't know how to respect them, then Pisces won't respect each other.

Taboo: swear words when quarreling.

Pisces is a rational person, even if he quarrels with his lover, he won't say anything or say something bad. Because you like a person, you can't just say what you know, otherwise it will hurt people. Once lovers say a lot of ugly words to hurt them during a quarrel, even if the relationship is repaired, the damage will always be in Pisces' heart.

Minefield: I still have contact with my predecessor.

Pisces is very single-minded when it comes to love. They demand not only themselves, but also their other half. Therefore, if Pisces finds that his lover has broken off with his ex, and there are all kinds of contacts, then no matter what the other party says, Pisces will not trust each other casually, and they have been completely hurt.

Taboos to get along with Pisces girls 3 What is the personality of Pisces girls?

Pisces women often think about feelings. They are very good at getting along with men. They often cleverly set opportunities for boys to show their boyfriends and see through boys' minds. Let men know how to cherish the beauty of Pisces women and devote their whole heart to Pisces women.

Personality label

1, fantasy-loving, unrealistic: Pisces women's hearts are full of all kinds of dreams, but most of them can't be realized', because they often fall into their own fantasy beautiful scenes, and emotionally unrealistic plans are often shelved or even aborted.

2. Innocence: Pisces is as dependent on others as a little girl. They don't care about secular rules and regulations. If they live outside the secular world, they will always find someone who loves them.

3, self-exile: Pisces women's psychological endurance is low, and it often takes a long time to get out after experiencing setbacks and emotional injuries, and may get some bad habits.

How to get along with Pisces girls

Pisces woman, with fragile mind, needs company all the time to appease her loneliness. Pisces is born romantic. You can give her some romantic surprises from time to time as you like. What Pisces wants is simple. As long as you are with her and sincerely, it is also a good gift for her.

Pisces girls like petty bourgeoisie affairs very much. If you want to pursue Pisces, you must not make mistakes in creating surprises and romance. You can take Pisces girls from top restaurants with emotional appeal to specialty shops, and they will shout happily like little girls.

Pisces, with delicate and sentimental mind, will sensitively associate each other's eyes and actions with many. Therefore, when you get along with Pisces, you must be careful, or you will accidentally break their blx.

Pisces girls are sensitive and sensitive to other people's emotional perception. They are gentle, kind, considerate, honest and charming, will not hurt people at will, and have a soft heart. They are like a little girl who doesn't grow up. They are romantic by nature, love fantasy, have rich imagination and sensibility, and don't eat human fireworks.

Some are unrealistic and exist like fairies. Very naive, crying, lovable, need the company of others. Pisces is the most feminine of the twelve constellations, from body to soul. They have no defense mechanism against boys, so they can always arouse boys' desire for protection.