Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How can I calculate my own moon constellation?

How can I calculate my own moon constellation?

Sun constellation

The Sun Constellation is the constellation in which the sun was born. That is, the constellations classified by date of birth in anecdotal magazines. However, because the sun stays in different constellations for different times [ranging from 29 days to 3 1 day], different magazines and books have different definitions of the time of each sun constellation [for example, some people think that 19/2 is Aquarius at first, but others think that 20/2 is Aquarius]. When we meet the boundaries of these solar constellations, we have to rely on some programs to calculate the correct solar constellations for us!

The sun symbolizes all positive energy, represents our vision, and represents the performance of strength and personality.

People who can represent positivity: father, husband, boss, male.

The word formula is "inner self".

The influence includes: the way of self-expression, leadership, the probability of success, the principle of life, personal will, confidence and will.

It symbolizes spirit, will, consciousness, a person's reputation and image.

Principles governing health and life, mastering authority, boss, class, professional title, progress, energy, sense of identity and ability to absorb experience.

Moon constellation

The moon constellation is the constellation in which the moon was born.

The moon symbolizes all negative energy and represents the material and physical body. Represents the ability to provide for the aged at home.

Figures that can represent femininity: mother, wife and woman.

The word formula is "emotion".

The influence includes: the change of mood, the principle of material life, the ability to feel and the ability to continue.

The changeable moon dominates our instinct, mood, circulation, acceptance, change, feeling, habit and reflection. Last/better/previous/last name

Ascending constellation [life palace/life core monument constellation]

Ascending constellation is a constellation that rises in the east at birth. It is more important than any other constellation.

The word formula is "inner self".

Dominate the "true and complete self", the beginning of life and the direction and development of future life.

Influencing factors include: personality type, appearance temperament, self-identity, external image and personal uniqueness.

Calculation method of the position of bright stars on the moon

There is a saying in astrology that the moon represents the past personality characteristics and repetitive behavior patterns, which prevents our souls from upgrading and makes us tend to indulge in past preferences. From this perspective, the moon constellation provides the main battlefield for our life struggle. How we cultivate our self-cultivation to fight against the evil in our hearts, that is, the power to tempt us to commit crimes, depends on our understanding of the moon constellation.

People whose moon falls into fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are often optimistic, confident, enthusiastic, positive and enterprising in character. They always have a childlike innocence, like to be with young people, and prefer to be the "boss", but they are also generous. They are pioneering figures and decision makers, but they always leave the details to others in execution and are always impatient with tedious things. Have ideals and sportsmanship, and regard life as a game. It is difficult to save money.

People whose moon falls into earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) must pay more attention to safety, grow up slowly, and be more conservative and realistic. This kind of person is always careful, considerate, not very profligate, and attaches great importance to family and friends. They attach too much importance to property and love money, so they don't like waste and hate it. They lack spontaneity in doing things, but they finish what they started. The advantage of personality is stability and reliability, but the disadvantage is that sometimes it will find fault and make a mountain out of a molehill.

People whose moon falls in air signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) must be people who like to talk and communicate, or who have strong language skills, good analytical skills, clear thinking, curiosity and love to ask questions, so they are suitable for being a good teacher. My mind is always spinning, so I get nervous easily. This kind of person is suitable for living in education, communication and other industries closely related to communication and speech. They just have the ability to learn now and sell now. All the gossip heard by the roadside comes from their mouths, just like experts. They can argue with their friends for a point, from the library debate to the playground, from the playground debate to the restaurant. Thoughts will always keep pace with the times and never fall behind. Such people are good journalists, good teachers and well-informed. Usually they are good people, but they always forget all the friends they don't see often.

People whose moon falls into the water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are full of emotions and feelings, and their inner feelings are the driving force of all stages of life. They are fickle and persistent, but it is difficult to master new ideas and their reactions are slow. What life needs most is love and affection. Intuition is very strong, and the subconscious can detect who is really good to him. They are also well aware of other people's demands, but whether they are willing to meet these demands is another matter. Lifestyle is very important. People are often depressed or sick for a long time because they live a life they don't like. Many people with the moon in the water sign have artistic talent and are particularly interested in music.