Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - It is easier to indulge yourself, which constellation will not restrain?

It is easier to indulge yourself, which constellation will not restrain?

I think it is easier to indulge myself, and the uncontrollable constellation deserves to be the most quaint Gemini among our twelve constellations! Everyone knows that Gemini especially likes novelty, and also loves to pursue excitement and freshness. Therefore, once you see some exquisite and pleasing goods, it is easy to "move away" and open your wallet to "buy"! Buy! Buy! ".In addition, Gemini is still somewhat" heroic "in character. Once there is a shopping desire, it is a typical" drinking today and getting drunk today ". Even though many things have no practical value in daily life, it is not a problem for our lovely Gemini that they are worthless. The key is to want to play. So Gemini, who is hot for three minutes, usually buys a lot of flashy things at home for freshness. After that novelty, he will soon forget what he bought, and he will be tempted to buy another one next time. The unrestrained Gemini believes that "the money earned is used to spend." For example, Gemini saw a favorite coat today, and many people usually shop around. However, even if our Gemini visited other stores and looked at other styles of coats, he already had a purchase goal in mind. At this time, Gemini will tell itself, "If you miss this village, there will be no store", "I will not be who I am today tomorrow, and I will not be who I am tomorrow. I change it every day, and it's too late to dress up when I'm old. ""I think I have to buy it while I'm young "and so on. So our Gemini opened his wallet again and again. Therefore, before the end of each month, we Gemini always have to face a hard life. Sometimes I stare at what I buy. But so what? This will not stop our energetic Gemini from going shopping with passion next month. Therefore, I think that I am an optimistic Gemini who will not control and indulge my horoscope.