Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Which constellation female demeans herself the most?

Which constellation female demeans herself the most?

The sun sets in Aquarius.

Your character is noble, gentle and firm, your kind heart believes that human beings help each other, and you are often too generous and too self-sacrificing to your friends. You don't like to see others suffer, so you are willing to solve difficulties for anyone. You are born rational, you know the inner nature of human beings, and at the same time, you have a high tolerance. You can tolerate the weakness of human nature and turn it into a mistake, which is the only process of life growth. Your own personality is usually balanced and sound.

You are full of research spirit and love new things, and you can often become an inventor or scientist yourself. Because of your unique observation and theoretical construction ability, so-called geniuses often appear, and you can become an excellent human behavior researcher.

You firmly believe that there will be a world of great harmony in the future, and when this fact comes, you will even launch a revolution to achieve your goal. Your personal methods are not purely idealistic, but your methods are practical. Your weakness may be excessive tenderness, but sometimes, drastic action is necessary, although this is an unacceptable fact for Aquarius who is not inclined to violence to extremes.

You are not easily influenced by the environment. You have to rely on your own mental and spiritual abilities to do your best for yourself. You are open-minded and want to get the most reasonable explanation and judgment. You are the most suitable candidate. Besides knowing where you are, you can also see the situation behind everything.

Sometimes your point of view may not be so practical to others, because your vision is too far away to be realized in a short time. In any case, the final development of reality can always prove that your theory is so correct, and maybe you will never see it come true!

You are in no hurry to make friends. Once you become friends, your friendship is very loyal. You are not particularly attracted to the body, and your spirit and soul constitute your friendship. You may have many casual acquaintances. When your friends give you advice and help, you will feel very happy.

Your wisdom is outstanding, and you are an understanding conversationalist. You talk about any meaningful topic, and your words are concise and powerful, which comes from your good teaching. At the same time, you also like music and study human psychology.

Aquarius people are not stingy with money and don't waste it, but they are willing to spend money for the benefit of others. You think money is just a tool.

You are an excellent father or mother. In addition to being reasonable, you can forgive children and set them free. At the same time, you can give them proper guidance and correct their mistakes.

Generally speaking, you are in good health, but be careful of mental illness. Because your mind is too developed, you don't like sports very much. In astrology, Aquarius is in charge of the ducts of human legs, ankles and glands, especially lymph glands.

The sun sets in the ninth house.

The sun in the ninth house represents great interest in spiritual life and religion, including education, religion, law, philosophy and other fields. This kind of interest will be highly developed, and the inspiration that often flashes will help solve problems and open up the future. You are also interested in foreign affairs and cultures, art forms and traditions in distant places. Usually, you will be fascinated by foreign travel. However, if your sun sign is a fixed sign (lion, Scorpio, Taurus, Aquarius), you may be inclined to stay somewhere unless you have a convincing reason to travel. If Leo is in the fourth house, you may be far away from your childhood home. You will have a strong sense of morality, although it may be narrow and strange. You usually want to be an authority on religion, education, law or philosophy, so you have a strong interest in social order, law and social traditions. If the sun is out of phase, you will put your morality on others, and you will also have abnormal religious beliefs and educational difficulties, especially when you get along with foreigners in different places. You will be humble and moral, but sometimes you will be mixed with hypocrisy.

The moon sets in Capricorn.

You are a reliable and responsible man with high self-demand and a heavy sense of accomplishment. You often worry about this and that, and you can't relax. And your mother is diligent and good at housekeeping, methodical, strong and thoughtful, and teaches you to be meticulous and mature. You are easily attracted by mature, dignified, mature, pragmatic and financially minded girls.

Capricorn makes your heart look serious and depressed, often overworked, self-disciplined, and a little lonely and melancholy. You are highly organized, reliable and responsible. When you were young, your life was heavy, but you became successful after middle age. Your mother is easily anxious and worried, and she is not very good at expressing her feelings. From her, you learned to be strong and independent.

The moon falls in the eighth house.

People with the moon in the eighth house have super responsiveness and sensitivity to invisible forces. You may be interested in inspiration because you want to contact your dead family.

You are very concerned about inheritance, insurance and income tax. And your wealth will get better or worse with marriage.

Your desire is particularly strong. If your aspect is not good, you will become horny or horny, because Pluto is the dominant planet in the eighth house, which is closely related to Scorpio, and Scorpio is only the controlling organ. The most influential position of Pluto's ascent is Leo in the fifth house, which represents boldness and enthusiasm. In addition, the eighth house is also closely related to Mars, which is called the "star of desire".

Mercury falls in Aquarius

Your thinking mode is different from ordinary people, like an alien, living alone in the future, because your extraordinary ideas make others curious about the world you foresee, which is not so smart as unique. Rational and caring, believing in science, I have been a curious baby since I was a child. When I have any questions, I must be answered. My observation is amazing. Be good at serving the group, and seldom consider yourself and this moment.

Mercury is in the ninth house.

Mercury in the ninth house represents your interest in higher knowledge such as philosophy and law, so you will pursue higher knowledge and a higher degree. Your decision is usually based on moral and practical considerations. Just like Mercury is in Sagittarius, this position means that you value attitude and facts, because attitude makes people feel that those facts are important? How to apply those facts? Many intellectuals, Mercury, are in the ninth house.

You like traveling and are curious about foreign cultures. Therefore, you are an excellent historian and anthropologist. You like to travel across mountains and rivers to expand your knowledge through tourism.

If mercury is not in a good phase, it may be arrogant in knowledge and conceited and arbitrary in learning valve. If Mercury is in good phase, especially with Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, it can predict the future.

Venus is in Capricorn.

Capricorn Venus is sedate, serious and self-suppressed. She is slow and at a loss for love. Although she has a successful career, love needs to be cultivated and encouraged, and there is a great chance of getting married late. Not romantic but diligent and pragmatic, reliable and responsible, he or she tends to be a workaholic, and the way of showing love is nothing more than the guarantee of material life. Capricorn Venus likes the persevering and conscientious opposite sex.

Venus is in the seventh house.

People with Venus in the seventh house will have admirable social skills and a happy marriage if they are in good phase. You are very popular, considerate and have the ability to handle public affairs. So it is very suitable for psychology, sales, public relations, performing arts and other aspects of work.

For you, marriage and personal friendship are very important. You will choose to marry early to satisfy your love, and you will make social relations and economic progress through marriage. Group relationships help you express your love and receive it in the same way.

You rarely get involved in legal affairs, and if you get involved carelessly, you will seek out-of-court settlement.

Mars falls in Capricorn

Your energy and wit are calm and restrained, you are persistent but not aggressive, you show ambition to succeed in your work, and you are resistant to wear and exercise. Self-discipline is strong, and everything is strictly inherited. If you plan ahead, you will succeed. I will make extraordinary achievements in any workplace. I am an industrialist and chief of staff. Your joints or bones are vulnerable to accidental injuries.

Mars is in the eighth house.

Mars is a very powerful place in the eighth house, because this house corresponds to Scorpio ruled by Mars.

People on Mars in this position have strong desire and emotional intensity, and their vitality and endurance will be devoted to achieving their goals. They are very active in finance or cooperation with others. This posture will have a strong sexual attraction. If Mars is out of phase, such as the mysterious tendency in the personal chart above, you will be very interested in the power of sex.

Highly developed people, especially when Mars is in a powerful position, such as Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, may be very interested in mysterious forces, psychological forces and souls after death.

In many cases, you may die unexpectedly. If Mars is in a bad phase, there may be violent death. Severe cases are stunted and may have a criminal tendency.

If Mars is out of phase, there may be contradictions in cooperation with people, and you may take actions privately according to various good and bad motives.

Jupiter is in Virgo.

You are rational and organized, with strong mental sensitivity, can pay attention to practical analysis and judgment, and have excellent work luck. You can learn deeply to become a professional, such as integrating the workflow of large-scale projects and maximizing your work efficiency. You are suitable for science, research or agricultural improvement, and you can also engage in teaching, writing and editing. Beware of overwork or high standards.

Jupiter is in the fourth house.

Jupiter in the fourth house can be said to be an exclusive privilege. This palace brings you harmonious family relations and social rights. Usually inherit the property of parents or other relatives. If Jupiter is also in Cancer, your parents will provide you with a good upbringing when you are very young. If you are in a good phase, material and spiritual benefits will come with your birth. If you are in poverty, leave your birthplace as soon as possible.

Saturn falls in Aquarius

Saturn adds stability and concentration to the wisdom of Aquarius, enabling you to realize your ideas and creativity. You have performed in practical science, music, science, electronics, computers and politics. You will become a leader in a group organization, and you, who is in charge of humanitarianism and altruism, will certainly not shirk it. This is your gift and responsibility.

Saturn is in the ninth house.

People in Saturn's ninth house usually seek higher degrees in traditional institutions as a way to achieve professionalism and high status. You seek power and authority, so many professors and school officials are located in the ninth house. You are usually engaged in industries related to law, education, publishing, religion and tourism, but you usually travel long distances for business reasons or work, not for interest.

Uranus is in Capricorn.

During this period, there will be a large-scale power transfer phenomenon, but it will not break the old scope and quietly carry out a bloodless revolution in the national government or society. The old music style has also become new music created by electronic instruments.

Uranus is in the eighth house.

Uranus' concern about the mystery of life in the eighth house is not limited to the appearance of life. You have a profound insight into everything, and you need to practice taking a detached attitude towards sex and wealth, because Uranus in the eighth house brings you a sense that spiritual life is above everything else, life should be regarded as a dynamic process, and change is necessary.

Neptune is in Capricorn.

At this time, we have entered a more realistic era, and people all hope that their dreams can come true. The chaotic situation of world politics and economy is constantly being reorganized and replaced, and new governments and organizations are constantly emerging, while self-awareness and self-awakening make individualism prevail.

Neptune is in the eighth house.

People in Neptune's eighth house will miss their dead relatives very much. Your property, feelings and friendship are often controlled by a mysterious and unusual force. When you are in a bad stage, you will have an argument with friends who have money exchanges, which may be caused by your own behavior.

Pluto falls in Scorpio

The combination of Scorpio and Pluto, the powerful energy is silly.

Bruto is in the sixth house.

People in Pluto's sixth house have the ability to improve working conditions, but you are mostly engaged in grass-roots work or government officials. For your health, you need to have correct eating habits and health concepts to improve your health, and remember to avoid hard work.

The sun makes an angle of 0 degrees with mercury.

The conjunction of the sun and mercury endows creativity and action ability. This aspect shows the willpower to carry out opinions and decisions. Even so, because this stage is very close to mind and self, it also hinders the objectivity of self-analysis. This makes it difficult for people in this field to look at themselves objectively. If mercury meets the sun in an orbit of one-half to four degrees, it is said that such mercury is "burning", which will cause too much solar energy in thinking. After that, there are often interruptions in the process of communication and thinking. Mercury is said to be "kind" when it meets the sun less than half or thirty degrees. Although it is difficult to "burn" this position, it is also a kind of "dignity". If the waves and patterns are perfect, solar energy can be adjusted by mercury and become the carrier of the perfect frequency of the mind. In other words, will becomes the medium of spiritual development. This provides a high degree of intellectual strength, especially when conjunctions appear in Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Libra.

Tolerance: 07 degrees 46 minutes

The sun makes an angle of 0 degrees with Saturn.

Saturn's normative principles hinder the ambition of self-practice. Such people can't express themselves freely unless they completely master their limited fields. They won everything. Because of long-term setbacks, they look sad and often belittle themselves. They should make good use of every opportunity. Nevertheless, because Saturn also represents rich principles, such people also gain considerable strength through their organizational ability. Finally, their self-discipline will bring personal realization.

Tolerance: 02 1 1'

The moon makes an angle of 0 degrees with Venus.

This aspect represents a strong emotional response to beauty and harmony, usually manifested in their artistic ability. Women show creativity when choosing clothes and preparing food. Their decorative talent can create a beautiful environment and show excellent charm in getting along with other women. This aspect usually indicates sensitivity, wit and affection. Unless there are other obstacles in the astrolabe, these people can have wonderful love experiences, and their sensitivity can also make them excellent diplomats. If this conjunction is incomplete, people in this aspect can easily become willful, so they can easily be played with feelings or deceived.

Tolerance: 05 27'

The moon makes an angle of 0 degrees with Mars.

This aspect represents strong feelings, and as far as shortcomings are concerned, it may cause sudden anger or sudden emotional reaction. People in this phase have a bad temper. If this aspect is perfect, strong feelings can bring powerful activities and achievements; But if this aspect is incomplete due to other influences, it may cause jealousy, anger and emotional frustration. In any case, people with this position not only have strong feelings, but also often act violently. Their feelings may blind them, ignoring the importance of caution and the warning of common sense. If they can guide their energy with wisdom, they will be able to go forward and accomplish many great achievements.

Tolerance: 03 09'

The moon and Jupiter are 120 degrees.

This trinity has brought altruism and dedication to religion. Because they have a generous and kind heart, they will try their best to help others at any time, and they also have a wild imagination. These people will make contributions to their families, parents and relatives to maintain peace and happiness in their private lives. This trait is influenced by the moon-controlled cancer, and Jupiter further highlights its advantages.

Tolerance: 00 59'

The moon makes an angle of 0 degrees with Uranus.

This aspect represents intuition, creativity and sudden emotional impulses. This kind of person's mood changes quickly and is very special, and he often makes some impulsive actions unexpectedly. Family life may seem very unusual. Their home may be a place to entertain friends or hold various activities. If this aspect is incomplete, such people may appear arbitrary, weird, irrational and untrustworthy. But if this stage is completed, they may show wisdom and unusual creativity.

Tolerance: 0 1 34'

The moon makes an angle of 0 degrees with Neptune.

People with this aspect are easily moved and psychologically empathize with others' reactions. Their feelings are fragile, compassionate and understanding. On the other hand, they are too easily influenced by the environment. Obviously, such people have psychic abilities, but whether these abilities really exist or are just temporary blessings to the soul, other factors in the astrolabe play a decisive role. These people often have strong prophetic dreams. They have rich imagination, and if used correctly, they can increase their musical and artistic abilities.

Tolerance: 03 27'

Mercury makes an angle of 0 degrees with Saturn.

Although not as smooth as Mercury and Jupiter, Mercury and Saturn combine their thinking, making them accurate, diligent, logical and scientific. This combination endows powerful digital and scientific abilities. Excellent quality shows bold and careful planning, and the comprehensive quality of astrolabe and other phases will determine what kind of psychological ability to use. This kind of study and research work is very hard and in-depth. When they write and speak, no steps are omitted. This combination produces a noble ability, which clearly emerges in the heart, ever since these people understood the form and structure. On the negative side, this combination highlights the characteristics of being picky, filtering and prone to depression. They are often suspicious and confused, and don't like to accept unconventional ideas or ideas that they can't digest.

Tolerance: 05 36'

Venus and Jupiter are at 120 degrees.

These three aspects are characterized by optimism, cheerfulness and like to make friends. It is conducive to the expression of music and art, and the marriage and family life are harmonious and happy, and the business related to art, furniture, kitchen utensils and decoration will do well. They have a pleasant and soothing voice. If the moon is in this trine, such a person has the potential to become a singer. The most valuable virtue in this respect is to convey joy to others. They are sympathetic, elegant and popular.

Tolerance: 04 28'

Venus and Uranus are at 0 degrees.

People with this combination will suddenly become attractive to others. Their happy and energetic personality makes them very popular. Generally speaking, they like social activities, entertainment, banquets and exciting experiences. The artists in this group have an original individualistic style. They also confuse love with friendship, so their love life is often capricious, and their strong instant attraction often collapses suddenly. Because they want to share their feelings with others equally, it is difficult for them to maintain love with one person. They can't get married in a hurry, even if they are very anxious to get married, this will never happen.

Tolerance: 07 02'

Mars and Jupiter are 120 degrees.

This trine shows action full of energy and endurance. These people are influenced by Jupiter, have philosophical and humanistic orientations, and are also influenced by Mars. Concrete and constructive actions are enough to realize their ideals. They will take practical and useful actions to help people less fortunate than themselves, instead of giving sympathy. They will live up to the values they believe in. Influenced by the characteristics of double fire, this trine will bring burning enthusiasm.

Tolerance: 04 09'

Mars and Uranus are at 0 degrees.

People in this position may like exciting activities. They oppose all kinds of constraints and are typical natural revolutionaries or leaders of any organizational activities. Their purpose is to bring about fierce and sudden social changes. They can't stand the dying life, but they often pursue excitement with dangerous and unusual behavior. Unless there are other characteristics in the horoscope, courage and decisiveness are their main characteristics, but they lack patience. Because you are often in a state of tension, you should learn to relax and relax in order to use your energy again.

Tolerance: 0 1 35'

Mars and Neptune are at 0 degrees.

This compatible man's desires and ambitions bring noble spiritual achievements, but his goals are often unrealistic. This unrealistic romantic tendency will lead them in the wrong direction. Their behavior is often made casually because of unconscious whim, and sometimes they will encounter misfortune, so be careful. People in this group like to use tricks, act secretly, and are often full of mystery. Often express romantic and whimsical emotional desires. Some people will be disloyal to themselves or directly disloyal.

Tolerance: 00 18'

Mars and Pluto make an angle of 60 degrees.

This split brings incredible energy, courage and willpower. Consciously or subconsciously, they will make various changes to help themselves with the help of natural forces. All aspects of Pluto will lead to constant reflection and reorganization, which will further enhance their attention and leadership. Since Mars dominates the muscle system of the body, this person will be interested in sports, probably yoga, because it is another way to guide rebirth.

Tolerance: 05 30'

Jupiter and Uranus are 120 degrees.

The optimism, intuition and inspiration of these people will give them a good opportunity that others have not noticed. They admire personal freedom and hate all restrictions. Usually they are willing to pursue excitement, but it still depends on the cooperation of the constellations. They often travel suddenly. These people can be active in clubs, secret parties or social and religious groups, especially about extraordinary parties. Politically, they advocate liberal or reformist supporters.

Tolerance: 02 34'

Jupiter and Neptune are 120 degrees.

These people like grand ceremonies, plays and mysterious religious music. They like to be shrouded in awe, intoxicated by a sea of religious atmosphere and lost in it. However, even if the astrology between the two stars is trine, they still lack the value judgment needed by a religious mind. These people are generous to everyone who comes to their home and take care of everyone. They want to take care of those who agree with their lifestyle or rely on them. These people often get help from others unconsciously.

Tolerance: 04 27'

Uranus and Neptune are at 0 degrees.

This unity is formed about once every 17 1 year, which is equivalent to the time required for the major evolution of human civilization in religion, spirituality, science and material. Generally speaking, most of them are quite sensitive and imaginative, a little creative and insightful, as well as emotional and spiritual sensitivity, especially in those parts dominated by planets, astrological signs and palaces, the core monuments of life. Due to the influence of this conjunction, these features will be more prominent and prominent. Most of them will succeed because of some unique inventions. This is enough to explain why many scientists' constellations belong to Capricorn, because they are not only influenced by Saturn's principle-oriented norms, but also have the original characteristics dominated by Uranus.

Tolerance: 0 1 53'

Neptune makes an angle of 60 degrees with Pluto.

These two planets will maintain a six-point correlation for at least 30 years after May of 1973. Therefore, the impact of this score on the cause and destiny of the world is far greater than the impact on individuals. At the critical moment of historical development, we are lucky to have this sextet. This atomic century can bring more prosperity and happiness to all mankind, otherwise it will mean the destruction of civilization. In one's astrology, Neptune or Pluto must have an angular relationship with other planets at the same time and be strongly influenced by the phases formed by other planets. Only in this way can this combined stage show supernatural, intuitive, scientific and aesthetic abilities.

Tolerance: 05 12'