Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Sunergong


Sun: The second house of Cancer. The sun sets in Cancer.

Cancer is the fourth constellation in the zodiac, representing profound sensibility, protective color and family values. Cancer is the first water sign, which symbolizes the stage from maturity, rigidity and family to a deep understanding of life through introspection. Cancer is equivalent to the emotional development of youth and the process of N-training.

Cancer, ruled by the moon, is closely related to personal feelings and subconscious. Dreams can be said to be part of the cancer world. If the tides influenced by the moon are like people's emotional world, then Cancer itself is like a crystal of all emotions. Under their protective armor, there is an extremely sensitive inner world.

Cancer is a transitional constellation between Gemini and Leo, transforming the glib and changeable wind of Gemini into the calm, resolute and straightforward fire of Leo.

Cancer represents the fourth stage of life cycle-from 2 1 to 28 years old. Cancer's personality is like young people at this stage, hoping to have their own family and career. Although they are good at self-protection and know how to wait, it would be a big mistake to think that they are passive people. Cancer is still very positive about what she wants; They just don't want to make their own demands, but expect others to feel their needs, sensitivities and emotional changes. Cancer believes that emotional maintenance between people is far more important than reason and logic. Just like young people, deep friendship is always the most important thing for them. Friends should understand each other's needs, trust each other and share with each other. Indeed, it is quite difficult for cancer to be forced to have sex with people who cannot share and understand.

Cancer knows the difference between itself and others. Their gift of no words will be fully displayed in the home layout, in which the kitchen and bedroom are the key points they emphasize. Normal diet, sleep and sexual life, as well as very personal and frequent emotional interaction and satisfaction, are indispensable psychological support for them, otherwise Cancer will become very nervous and irritable. Enjoying a quiet night with friends is the most joyful thing for cancer. However, cancer also has some quirks, that is, it occasionally needs to show its face in this public place. Generally speaking, people in cancer will think that appreciation is not as important as moderate mutual expression and comfort. Of course, cancer is quite convincing in private, and this is the best time for them to exert their magic.

The moon falls in Libra.

People with the moon in Libra are very sensitive to other people's attitudes and reactions, especially to your partner and close business partner. You hate vulgar affairs very much, and it is easy to get angry with disharmonious interpersonal relationships, and this personality also has a negative impact on your health. Your appearance and manners are very elegant. The home is beautifully decorated and often hosts various social activities. You are quite polite, kind and kind to others-because you rely on others' approval to stabilize your emotions. On the negative side, this personality will make you do some actions without thinking, and it is easily influenced by others.

People with the moon in Libra are very suitable for public relations; When playing the role of parents, especially mothers, they are more competent. But if the moon is out of sync, you may rely too much on the emotional support of others.

People with the sun in the second house must learn how to use money and property, and adopt ways that are really beneficial to life, not just to meet temporary needs. The position of the sun constellation has a great influence on the way you make money and use it. For example, if the sun is in Gemini and the second house, it is easy to make money and spend it on the pursuit of knowledge. If the sun is in Leo and the second house, it will make money through management ability and spend money on drama, tourism or social affairs. But in any case, people with the sun in the second house will want to earn more money because they have strong willpower and want to achieve economic independence. If the sun is in the second house and the phase is not good, you will think that dignity can only be obtained through wealth. You tend to control others, but the purpose is only to increase your wealth. In addition, you will also buy expensive luxury goods, such as Armani suits in the season, which will satisfy you. The sun is in the third house, representing a strong desire to pursue advanced knowledge or outstanding status. This will produce a scientific tendency and a desire for knowledge and understanding of the operation of life. Because of this curiosity, you will actively pursue new things, especially when the sun is in some constellations. You like to travel and explore various possibilities. Brothers, sisters and neighbors are usually very important in your life, but it is important for them to pay attention to the way of expression and communication. If the sun is in the third house, it may be too arrogant, too gentleman, or like to force others to agree with their own ideas. People with the sun in this position are shy in some ways and like to explore their subconscious. If you have a leadership position, you must be the leader behind the scenes. You may be quite lonely and alienated from the crowd. Other people's psychological research can make you particularly interested. You will work in large institutions, such as hospitals, shelters or rest centers, and find ways to express yourself here. Serving others can make you feel recognized and satisfied. If the sun is in the twelfth house and its phase is not good, it may have a spiritual tendency, be too shy and like to secretly control others. Because of unconscious egoism and desire for power, you may meet a strong enemy hiding in the dark, and you may become your own biggest enemy.

What does the second palace mean? The zodiac was born.

The first house is Aries.

The second house is Taurus.

The third house is Gemini.

The fourth house is Cancer.

The fifth house is Leo.

The sixth house is Virgo.

The seventh house is Libra.

The eighth house is Scorpio.

The ninth house is Sagittarius.

The tenth house is Capricorn.

The eleventh house is Aquarius.

The twelfth house is Pisces.

The twelfth house of the day after tomorrow

The first palace is the life palace, which symbolizes personality, physique, appearance and temperament, giving people the first impression. ...

The starting point of the first house is called Ascending Constellation, which is often your first impression and represents your personal appearance and temperament. The first house is the beginning of life, representing self, self-identity and personal endowment. The first house is Mercury's house of joy.

The second palace is the Treasure Palace, which symbolizes personal resources, financial situation, current assets and real wealth. ...

The second house controls the amount of resources a person has in his life, and how to obtain and control these resources, such as money, current assets, securities and so on. It belongs to the nature of positive wealth and needs to be paid to gain.

The third palace is the Brothers Palace, which symbolizes brothers and sisters, neighbors, transportation, short trips, basic education and information dissemination. ...

The third palace dominates basic education, information dissemination, short-distance travel, transportation and so on. As far as six relatives are concerned, the third house also symbolizes brothers, sisters and neighbors. The third house is the happy house of the moon.

The fourth palace is Tianzhai Palace, which symbolizes family, father, real estate, old age and roots. ...

The starting point of the fourth house is the zenith of the constellation. The fourth house dominates the roots of individuals, representing family, father, family background and future life, while money represents houses and real estate.

The fifth house is a palace for men and women, symbolizing children, love, gambling, speculation, entertainment and creation. ...

The fifth house is related to the nature of the game, symbolizing the love relationship between men and women, stock market speculation, leisure and entertainment, children, and even creativity. The fifth house is Venus' house of joy.

The sixth house is the slave palace, symbolizing work, service, subordinates, health and pets. ...

The sixth house is in charge of work and health, which belongs to the nature of wage labor and is related to physical fatigue, so it symbolizes health and disease. If you are the boss, the sixth house also symbolizes the relationship between the boss and his subordinates. In addition, the sixth house also represents small animals. The sixth house is the happy house of Mars.

The seventh house is the husband and wife palace, symbolizing marriage, spouse, partnership, contract and open enemy. ...

The starting point of the seventh house is called the descending sign, which usually represents the state of spouse and partner. The seventh house is opposite to the first house, representing people other than yourself, such as spouses, partners, open enemies, etc. Because of the characteristics of partnership and alliance, it also represents the contractual relationship.

The eighth house is Ji 'e Palace, which symbolizes others' resources, inheritance, death, insurance and spouse's money. ...

The eighth house symbolizes death and darkness, and the eighth house is the next house of the seventh house, symbolizing other people's money (partial wealth), representing inheritance, insurance, spouse's money and so on.

The ninth palace is the relocation palace, which symbolizes higher education, religion, law, foreign affairs, long-distance travel and philosophy. ...

The ninth palace is a high-level exploration and pursuit, symbolizing religion, philosophy, ideals, higher education, law, foreign affairs, long-distance travel and so on. The ninth house is the happy house of the sun.

The tenth house is Lu Guan Palace, which symbolizes career, social image, reputation, growth, status and mother. ...

The starting point of the tenth house is Zenith. The tenth house dominates career, fame and achievements and belongs to the pursuit of secular goals. Six relatives, on behalf of the mother (father's fourth house spouse's house) or elders.

The eleventh house is the Fude Palace, which symbolizes friends, societies, public welfare, political parties, hopes and ideals. ...

The eleventh house is in charge of organized groups and social activities, symbolizing friends, company numbers, social groups, political parties, government organizations and so on. Because many groups are combined with certain goals, the eleventh house also represents hopes and ideals. The eleventh house is Jupiter's house of joy.

The twelfth palace is a mysterious palace, symbolizing hospitals, prisons, sacrifices, secret places, subconscious, hidden enemies and hidden shields. ...

The twelfth house symbolizes hidden actions or dark places, so it represents hidden shields, secrets, hidden enemies, subconscious, hospitals, prisons and redemption. In addition, the twelfth house also represents dark ghosts and gods. The twelfth house is Saturn's house of joy. ...& gt& gt

How do you explain my astrolabe, lion, sun and second house? The second house: wealth

The sun makes an angle of 0 degrees with mercury.

The conjunction of the sun and mercury endows creativity and action ability. This aspect shows the willpower to carry out opinions and decisions. Even so, because this stage is very close to mind and self, it also hinders the objectivity of self-analysis. This makes it difficult for people in this field to look at themselves objectively. If mercury meets the sun in an orbit of one-half to four degrees, it is said that such mercury is "burning", which will cause too much solar energy in thinking. After that, there are often interruptions in the process of communication and thinking. Mercury is said to be "kind" when it meets the sun less than half or thirty degrees. Although it is difficult to "burn" this position, it is also a kind of "dignity". If the waves and patterns are perfect, solar energy can be adjusted by mercury and become the carrier of the perfect frequency of the mind. In other words, will becomes the medium of spiritual development. This provides a high degree of intellectual strength, especially when conjunctions appear in Gemini, Virgo, Aquarius and Libra.

The sun and Saturn are 120 degrees.

This third is honest, practical, cautious and conservative. These people don't waste energy or resources. They believe that everything and all efforts are aimed at achieving an effective goal. They are well organized and especially able to focus on the work at hand. These people often need hard training, and only through this hard experience can they meet their various expectations. Even if the economy is depressed and life is difficult, they will not lack anything, because their strong demand for security is to plan ahead.

The sun makes an angle of 90 degrees with Pluto.

This quarter will bring infinite potential to perception, and such people will impose their wishes on others. They want to control others, so they not only have the power to force others, but also have the power to dominate others. This desire should develop inward. Their insistence on their own opinions will lead to the anger of others. They may also have a tendency to be excessively violent towards the opposite sex.

The astrological dice asked the leader what impression he had on me and what it meant to shake out the second house of Pisces. I think the impression of the leader on you is a useful talent.

What do the first and second houses in the constellation mean? The meanings of constellation, planet and house are all astrological words. We should organize them into simple sentences. When learning any language, there are always some rules for making sentences, so you must also learn the rules for building astrological sentences.

On the astrological chart, Aries is the first house and Taurus is the second house. Therefore, in the first house of any constellation, some of this nature and characteristics of Aries will be reflected. You must keep this rule in mind. For example:

Cancer's sun is in the first house.

The words in Yang are definitely "inner self". Cancer's vocabulary includes "dedication", "maternal love", "family" and "sensitivity". The word formula of the first palace includes "identity, personality and self-expression". Aries, the constellation equivalent to the first house, is "strong and active:"

These words can be combined into an astrological term, "The dedicated and maternal inner self will be expressed in a positive and strong way."

Here's another example:

The moon in Gemini is in the fifth house.

The formula of the moon is emotion and instinct. Gemini's word formula is "flexible and can speak well." The word formula in the fifth house is "creativity, love you give". The equivalent constellation in the fifth house is Leo, and its word formula is "creative and generous".

You can interpret it as: because your emotions are flexible, your love is generous, or you are full of instinct and creativity in literature and art.

Now let's introduce this concept:

Venus in Capricorn is in the ninth house, and its counterpart is Sagittarius.

Capricorn is responsible for prudence, Sagittarius is broad-minded and optimistic, Venus represents love and moral courage, and the ninth house represents philosophy and the pursuit of knowledge. Therefore, we can infer that the astrolabe owner pursues knowledge and has a serious philosophical attitude, but his cautious and conservative Capricorn character has become optimistic and cheerful under the influence of Sagittarius.

Once you understand why the house of a planet changes the characteristics of the constellation in which the guardian planet is located, you will also understand why the planet exerts its power in different ways according to its house.

For example, one person's sun is in Taurus (fixed constellation), and his planet falls into the house of change, which is more harmonious and less stubborn than another person's sun is in Taurus and the planet falls into the successor. The first palace is equivalent to the changing constellation, and the second palace is equivalent to the fixed constellation.

If the sun, also located in Taurus, falls into the "end house" (equivalent to the basic constellation), the astrolabe will still show stubbornness, but it will lose some characteristics of patience and stability and be applied to the interpretation and analysis of the astrolabe.

The trilogy of astrolabe analysis

Only by constant practice can the ability of astrolabe analysis be improved day by day, instead of being considered "mysterious" by outsiders. By studying the constellation, house, Saturn and its phases, you can gradually improve your ability and get familiar with the astrolabe.

The first step is analysis: state each key point and main significance in order.

The second step is to sum up everything: different topics and different ages.

The third step is synthesis: all the data are combined into one data, which can be said to be a conclusion.

Main personality analysis:

1, basic analysis:

Yin-yang induction: the life palace belongs to the yang palace or the yin palace, which has a considerable influence on personality and temperament.

Elemental induction: such as earth, water, fire and wind. The more elements, the stronger the induction.

Attribute induction: If there are three categories: basic, fixed and variable, the more attributes, the stronger the induction.

2, astrolabe pattern: such as T-shaped right-angle punching, big cross, big triad, mysterious rectangle or other patterns.

3, the astrolabe owner: it is the first house that determines the personal astrolabe owner, that is, the life palace and the stars in the life palace also need reference.

4. Star of Destiny: the star that dominates the whole. It is very important to determine the constellation, house and formation stage of a star.

6. Sun position: the formation stage of constellation, palace, palace main star and sun.

7. Moon position: the formation stage of constellation, palace, palace main star and moon.

8. Moon Intersection: The constellation and house where the north-south intersection of the moon is located can show your past and future trends.

9. Constellation induction: If two or more stars are in the same constellation or house, the induction of the constellation or house will be strengthened.

10, phase induction: both planets have their own induction, but one of them is in a very self-phase and the induction is stronger.

Secondary personality analysis:

1, other planets are arranged in the following order ... >>

Who can explain the properties of the sun star and the characteristics of each house in detail? The sun sets in Leo:

Sun Leo, you are strict with yourself, strict with yourself. You absolutely believe in your own strength and advantages. You are a talented person who can achieve great things.

Your main feature is that you are open-minded, try your best to break through the limits of your ability, bravely overcome difficulties and obstacles, and create a brilliant new situation. You have great ambition, perseverance and invincible competitiveness. You are brave, generous, generous, generous. There is always a spark of heroism and idealism in your mind. Think of yourself as a savior like Superman or Spider-Man. You especially need a happy mood, so you will continue to participate in entertainment, various social activities and socialize with friends, and you can show your pivotal position in these activities.

Your weaknesses are arrogance, sensitivity and frankness. Although your heart is boiling with strong * * *, you are full of vitality and vigor, but you are not careful when you do things and consider problems, either too rampage or blindly cross the rubicon. It is easy to be confused by appearances and make dogmatic mistakes. If you lose all your attention, you will become depressed and unhappy, and lose the charm and brilliance of the past. A long rest will make you feel tired, so the best way to relax is to experience yourself in frequent activities.

Great ideals make you unwilling to sink into a narrow circle, but hope to display your talents in a larger space. Sometimes you can be overbearing, but only in this way can you enjoy your noble position with peace of mind. You are good at discovering the advantages of people who work for you and affirming their achievements in time, thus stimulating the enthusiasm and dedication of subordinates. You often spend money like water to meet your own needs for luxury life, and what you are most afraid of is losing face in front of others.

The sun sets in the second house:

This shows that you like to get along with people with status, which can increase your material wealth and make your life more comfortable, but it will also develop the characteristics of spending money indiscriminately. Money is easy come and easy go, unless you restrain yourself, it will bring economic tension, because making money is never as fast as spending money. If you earn/kloc-0.0 million and spend 2 million, you are poor. In addition, too much material pursuit may be bad for your health. Eating fatty food for a long time will make your body overwhelmed, so be careful.

The moon falls in Cancer:

Family is very important to you. You are homesick and attached to your mother. Your family view is very traditional. You may be a good cook and housekeeper. You take good care of your family. It's easy to spoil children. You do everything from head to toe. I hope he is completely obedient, which is not conducive to the growth of TA! You are very sensitive to other people's moods, and even pay attention to meaningless information, taking your wishful thinking as a fact. Your feelings are rich and ups and downs, especially in family affairs. In fact, you also need the care of others.

The moon falls in the first house;

If fate is the moon, or the moon is in the first house, you will be closer to your mother. Affected by personal emotions, you are eager for recognition, which also makes you care about seeking others' approval. But you are shy, not good at entertaining people, and don't like to express your views in public, which may be one of your disadvantages. If you enjoy fun in any public place, you must learn to overcome your timidity.

The rising point falls on cancer:

The moon rules cancer. When the moon rules your chart, your personality is sensitive and timid. I like to know an environment before I enter it. The moon symbolizes emotion, feeling and sensitivity. At the same time, it is also closely related to the mother. Just as you protect yourself, you also protect the people around you. The symbol of Cancer is crab. The rising Cancer people, like crabs, often choose an indirect way to achieve their goals. Because you are quite inclusive, you are very concerned about and even sensitive to the environment. Emotions are very strong and changeable, just like tides. Controlled by one's strong emotions and intuition. You can change your mood two or three times in any day. Reflection on life is based on feelings and sentiments, not thinking. Easy to be anxious, but it won't last long. When you can control your emotions, you will become quite understanding. ...& gt& gt

What is the second house of Aries? The sun sets at 5 o'clock in Aries.

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, representing the beginning of everything. Because Aries is the most primitive and the most difficult to subdivide or explain; Therefore, what they have is the simplest self, without any impurities. From the concept of reincarnation, Aries represents the reincarnation of the soul; From the perspective of human life cycle, it represents the birth and early development of children.

Aries is a transitional constellation between Pisces and Taurus, which transforms the profundity and otherness of water like Pisces into a stable and practical force like Taurus.

Aries represents the first seven years of life, so it has a personality similar to the early development of human life; In other words, from the initial survival instinct, it quickly progressed to the understanding and understanding of the surrounding environment. In this process, the little life slowly learns cognition, language, survival skills and socialization.

Aries is like a child, sincere, frank and open, but also very self-centered and naive. Naive Aries looks at the world with awe and curiosity, longs to be a shining star, and always has a warm impulse to what he wants to explore. Generally speaking, they are more inclined to be the focus of attention than to seek others' affirmation of themselves. They know the importance of both. Although they are so confident, if they don't realize some setbacks, they may disintegrate their high self-confidence, so self-doubt will be fatal poison to Aries.

In fact, just like children groping for learning in the process of growing up, Aries people like to test their physical limits. They would rather leave home than just meditate. For them, putting things into action is the best way to deal with things. What bothers them most is that the planned things are blocked or delayed; Therefore, it seems that Aries should learn to take a step back for a while, stand a little further and objectively find out the crux of the problem.

Aries people often show a strong desire to lead, but they sometimes feel depressed and even feel sorry for themselves because they still lack sufficient execution and leadership ability. They are indeed pioneers full of originality and ideals, but what they are most afraid of is to pursue novelty blindly or become ruthless egoists.

The sun sets in the second house.

People with the sun in the second house must learn how to use money and property and adopt ways that are really beneficial to life, not just to meet temporary needs.

The position of the sun constellation has a great influence on the way you make money and use it. For example, if the sun is in Gemini and the second house, it is easy to make money and spend it on the pursuit of knowledge. If the sun is in Leo and the second house, it will make money through management ability and spend money on drama, tourism or social affairs. But in any case, people with the sun in the second house will want to earn more money because they have strong willpower and want to achieve economic independence.

If the sun is in the second house and the phase is not good, you will think that dignity can only be obtained through wealth. You tend to control others, but the purpose is only to increase your wealth. In addition, you will also buy expensive luxury goods, such as Armani suits in the season, which will satisfy you.