Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What are the classic myths and legends of Gemini?

What are the classic myths and legends of Gemini?

Zeus, who was infatuated with the beauty of Princess Leda of Sparta, turned into a swan in order to get close to her. They gave birth to twins-Caster, the son of borax and the son of mankind. Both of them are brave and adventurous warriors, and they often make great achievements together. They also have a pair of twin cousins-Iddas and Lincks. One day, four people are going to catch cows. When they caught a lot of cows and prepared to share them equally, greedy Iddas and Lincks took advantage of Borax and casto's brothers unprepared and snatched all the years back. The twins had a big fight, and Iddas shot casto with an arrow. Borax is very sad. He wants to go to heaven with Kaster, but he can't because he has eternal life. His grief touched Zeus, so he set up a constellation for them, living in the kingdom of heaven and the country of death respectively.

In Greek mythology, the god who rules Gemini is Machuli, who is regarded as the patron saint of businessmen or thieves. Ma Chuli has a unique skill in love, so he can easily win the heart of his lover, and his favorite ways of love are diverse, fancy and rich, and he can't settle down in a person for a long time.

Gemini playboy is the most criticized by others. People who want to have a good relationship with them really can't understand why Gemini likes to have sex everywhere, and they are still so upset, especially after they make mistakes, they are full of sophistry or deliberately gentle treatment, which makes people feel that they can't believe their sincerity.

When Gemini falls in love with a person, he will put all his energy into understanding this person, including what the other person likes to eat, the way he talks, the expression on his face, his favorite items and so on. He will observe and write them down one by one, and then make fierce courtship to please each other. However, when the other person is in love, Gemini may feel bored and eager to get rid of the old love and concentrate on making a new one. Although there will be many love experiences in life, Gemini always enjoys it and will not be hurt by love at all, because they think it is a necessary process of love.

Gemini men like lively, cheerful and sweet-looking women. I am particularly interested in petite and plump women whose sparrows are small and complete. For girls who are rational and capable, they all stay at a respectful distance from each other.

Gemini women are attractive to men with wisdom and taste, but they are not interested in men who work hard, work hard, or are physically strong but have no brains.