Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What mental disorder is the zodiac most likely to commit?

What mental disorder is the zodiac most likely to commit?

Can't get it, can't let it go,

Desperately forget but can't forget,

Often feel lonely, extremely dependent, the shadow of childhood,

The complexity of interpersonal relationships and so on, greed and ignorance will cause psychological barriers.

What sign are you in?

What kind of mental illness are you prone to? ……

Aries (explosive personality)

Aries is like a child, straightforward, passionate, impulsive, self-centered and naive. But once the internal "impulse" tendency is stimulated, it is different. Therefore, when an Aries has a "serious" impulsive tendency, it is easy to cause explosive personality disorder.

Description of explosive personality characteristics: Due to poor control ability, these patients often have explosive emotional reactions and even violent attacks due to slight stimulation, but they regret it over time. You can behave normally at halftime, but it will be repeated after a while. This kind of patients seem to be paroxysmal mental disorder on the surface, but they are conscious in essence, and their attacks are often related to external stimuli.

Taurus (ring character)

Taurus is a very conservative constellation. It likes stability and doesn't like change, so it's easy to lose sight of the inner world. There are many artists in this constellation, and the most common symptoms of artists are emotion and depression.

Description of circular personality characteristics: the mood of patients with this kind of personality disorder has been fluctuating between high exaggeration and depression and pessimism; Each mental state can last for several weeks or longer, and this rhythmic mental state changes quite regularly, and there is no external cause worthy of attention beforehand. Most people with circular personality will not develop into circular emotions, and circular personality is regarded as a kind of temperament, which is manifested in many talented and creative people.

Gemini (borderline personality)

Gemini is more of a "multiple heart", as we all know. If you don't properly manage and unify your personality, it is similar to personality split. When there is no compromise in thought, it is easy to form a borderline personality.

Borderline personality

Borderline personality disorder (BPD). Mainly manifested as emotional uncertainty and unstable behavior. Patients with this personality disorder are unstable in self-image, mood, behavior and interpersonal communication. Symptoms appear in early adulthood, but will ease or stabilize with age. Patients believe that they feel empty and angry because they were deprived of adequate care in childhood and they have the right to ask for love. So they look for love endlessly. This kind of personality disorder is most common in psychiatry and other medical and health care institutions. Patients with borderline personality disorder behave like lonely abandoned children when they feel the concern of others, but when they are afraid of losing the concern of others, their emotions will change greatly and they often show inappropriate and strong anger. At the same time, it is accompanied by a complete change in the view of the world, oneself and others-from black to white, from hate to love. Or vice versa, from Dallas to the auditorium, their ideas never compromise. When they feel abandoned (that is, completely lonely), they will be isolated or extremely impulsive. Sometimes, due to their lack of realistic ideas, they will show short fragments of psychotic thinking, such as paranoid thoughts and hallucinations.

Cancer (dependent personality)

Cancer children are born dependent babies and do not want to grow up. Adults will also find their vulnerability in the first place. Even if the hardships of life make him strong and indifferent, he still retains his childhood psychology and will not give up love and dependence. It is easy to form a dependent personality, which gradually weakens and becomes more and more insecure.

Dependent personality description: the main characteristics are extreme dependence on others and self-stupidity. Dare not refute other people's opinions, tame elders and superiors like sheep, and be obedient to your spouse. Important events in life, such as choosing a job and finding a partner, always depend on others to make decisions or point out the direction for them.

Leo (narcissistic personality)

In fact, Leo people do not necessarily lead to serious narcissism, unless they achieve little and have great power, and become overbearing and morbid narcissistic personalities. There is also a performance-oriented personality that is very suitable for Leo and is good at performing for others. Even when there are no outsiders, the behavior is dramatic and exaggerated. It seems that there are always many viewers staring at themselves.

As for the causes of narcissistic personality disorder, the classic psychoanalytic theory explains it this way: patients can't put their instinctive psychological power on an external object, and this power stays inside, forming narcissism. Patients with narcissistic personality disorder tend to become "hot and cold". People around you don't quite understand where their heat comes from and where their cold comes from. These are all manifestations that they have no boundaries with foreign objects (things). The prominent feature of narcissistic personality disorder is that everything outside points to oneself.

Virgo (obsessive personality)

Virgo Virgo people don't like being idle. They are always demanding of themselves. It is easy for them to indulge in fantasy, slowly isolate themselves for a period of time, and alienate society and people-then they may have developed compulsive personality and can only live a tense and boring life.

Obsessive-compulsive personality is characterized by excessive caution, strict requirements and perfectionism, and inner insecurity. Men are twice as many as women, and about 70% patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder have obsessive-compulsive personality disorder before they get sick. Most patients are looking for "absurd one thousand" and eliminating it, and achieving 100% safety, reliability or perfection. Knowing that it is unreasonable, you have to think or do it involuntarily and criticize yourself. Once the inducement appears, the obstacle is stimulated and goes back and forth, which is unbearable.

Libra (avoidant personality)

Libra pays more attention to dealing with relationships in communication. They rely on society and people, are afraid of being isolated, and rely on interpersonal relationships to satisfy their shallow mentality. While they are trying to create a beautiful environment, atmosphere and interpersonal circle, the escape factors in the dark will inevitably come out and react on themselves. If they can't go deep into their hearts, they will see disillusioned facts and indifferent people.

Avoidant personality characteristics: behavior withdrawal, psychological inferiority, avoidance attitude or inability to cope with challenges. They dare not go deep into their hearts, and their avoidance is characterized by compulsion, blindness and irrationality.

Scorpio (paranoid personality)

Scorpio likes perfection, is thoughtful, is generally intelligent, and is almost paranoid about perfect things. They always have their own way about the activities of the soul. Paranoia makes people hate it, but they just don't feel wrong. This example is a pathological state.

Paranoid personality, often overestimate their abilities, used to blame others for failures and responsibilities, and often exaggerated in work and study; At the same time, I feel inferior and always ask too much of others, but I never believe in others' motives and wishes and think that others have ulterior motives; It is often impossible to analyze the situation correctly and objectively.

Sagittarius (aggressive personality)

Sagittarius children, if they lack discipline at an early age and are too free or extravagant, are particularly prone to develop impulsive and destructive aggressive personality when they grow up. Sagittarius's emotional intelligence is not high, and its energetic body seems to have accumulated infinite strength to play.

Description of aggressive personality characteristics: emotional instability, easy to produce excitement and impulsiveness, reckless handling of things, lack of self-control and self-control, and a little reckless fighting. Patients' psychological development is immature, their judgment and analysis ability is poor, and they are easily incited by others, showing hostility, attack and destruction to others and society.

Capricorn (split personality)

Generally speaking, the more people who are silent on the outside, the more stories they have inside and the more problems they have. But this Capricorn beach is even more difficult to deal with or even has no solution at all. Ask them to tell the truth, take some kind actions, and if they don't live slowly, they will finish it bit by bit. Even if Capricorn has a successful career, it is difficult to have enough joy in his heart. Even he will feel more frustrated. It's hard for people around you to understand this psychology.

Description of split personality: eccentric, withdrawn, unsociable, lacking in social communication, others have no feeling for his evaluation. They are quiet, aloof and not interested in anything. But on the whole, I can still recognize the reality. There are many daydreams or fantasies, but they are generally not divorced from reality. They are weak when expressing attacks or hatred, and appear indifferent and indifferent when facing tension or disaster.

Aquarius (antisocial personality)

Constellation says Aquarius is a constellation with service-oriented social characteristics. They like to be at the forefront, and the formal road can't help effectively. It may be that the social system is not perfect enough, but it has pushed them to the opposite side.

Description of antisocial personality characteristics: the most obvious behavior characteristics are that the behavior does not conform to social norms, and there is no shame after doing things that violate the law and discipline. They can't learn lessons, including punishment, and it's hard for them to repent.

Pisces (hysterical personality)

Pisces paranoia seriously affects people with normal thinking around them. Sometimes it's like trouble, sometimes it's annoying. Call him a joke. Not many people pay attention to him. Call him a drama. Not very pretty. However, it is not so easy to make Pisces' rambling serious and morbid. They often have strong self-healing ability.

Description of hysteric personality (performance personality disorder): This kind of person is emotional and looks warm and lovely on the surface, but lacks sincerity and is changeable and childish. Behavior is characterized by bragging and putting on airs. They are particularly demanding and dependent. They always want to be taken care of by others, but seldom think of others. Their lives, sometimes like drama, are exciting and thought-provoking.