Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Recent constellation lion _ recent constellation lion fortune

Recent constellation lion _ recent constellation lion fortune

What kind of constellation is Leo?

Leo belongs to fire sign.

Leo (date: July 23 ~ August 22)-The symbol of Leo symbolizes the lion's tail, and the tail raised high fully shows the lion's personality; The myth of Leo can be associated with the lion's bravery and good fighting. Lions can easily think of many characteristics of Leo, such as nobility, compassion and kingliness, but don't forget that the lioness is out hunting.

Leo symbolizes power.

Symbolic energy: awake. Leo is excellent and charming in many places, but he is easy to be vain and needs to be awake.

Leo is the simplest sign in the zodiac. This is the lion's tail. Leo is in charge of sports, leisure and other entertainment projects. Leo, as the king of beasts, represents the ability of human beings to constantly try to express themselves and explore their potential essence, so the constellation Leo will show a generous and noble temperament.

Leo is fixed, like a fire, like its main star, the sun, emitting steady light. If Aries is a fire out of control, then Leo is a properly controlled fire. Lions are passionate and creative, and despise despicable behavior. Their noble and noble king posture is like the lion of the king of the forest. Reliability, courage and perseverance are the obvious characteristics of Leo.

Lion-I won, I dominate everything.

Leo shows the leading ability and controls the whole situation, which is similar to Aries' exclusive desire, but Leo will make the scene more joyful and humorous, as if celebrating. What Leo wants to make sure is that he can hold the throne of victory and he is the king. He not only realized this, but also showed it to the masses, making them willingly call him a prince.

The archetypal fate of the constellation Lions-the lion superstars shining with the light of lone stars or the light of the universe, they are always looking for people, audiences and admirers. But no matter how many people you are in, you always feel lonely.

On the second flight of the space shuttle, there were four trains, all of which carried souls from youth to adulthood. This will be very different from the life task of young souls in the first flight. The main life themes of young souls are related to self-awareness, such as the ram's self and primitive desire, Taurus's self and possession, Gemini's self and communication, and Cancer's self and security. However, the main course of adult soul in the second flight emphasizes the relationship between self and others.

The lion in the fire sign has always been amazing, and of course he took the lead in catching up with the first flight of the second flight. Another feature of this kind of flight is that there is only first class, but no second class, because these Leo people who believe that their souls are not inferior can never bear to be inferior. However, these souls may not all occupy a superior position in the secular world after reincarnation. For those born in humble Leo after reincarnation, they still believe that they are superior. After all, they have never completely forgotten the glory that their souls once had.

There are basically two kinds of lions reincarnated to the earth. One kind of people will look proud, and the other kind will be humble (don't think that all constellations can be divided into these two categories, for example, there will be no goat who is not proud, and there will be no Pisces who is not humble), but strangely, the proud lion is actually very fragile inside. They are deeply afraid of being looked down upon by others, just because they don't like others to choose things at a discount. And they will always stand in the spotlight of the crowd, because without enough attention and applause, they will never be able to face their empty selves.

However, another kind of humble lion is special. In fact, they have a stronger ego than a proud lion. They really believe that they are unique and different, so they disdain to win the attention of the world with exaggerated gestures. They know what a noble low-key is. Such a lion never complains or explains even if he is hurt or hit, because he can show his loftiness without arguing with ordinary people. They are too confident in their excellent qualities, even if ordinary people can't see them, but they are convinced that God's eyes will not misjudge them.

Proud Leo likes to be close to people. They are used to giving orders, dominating and dominating others. They believe that all interpersonal relationships must have a solar system, and they are the focus of light and heat in that system. Sometimes, their desire to be the center of the crowd, if developed successfully, will really make it easier for them to climb up. These people may become stars in politics, entertainment and sports, but when their light is more brilliant, their souls are getting colder and colder. They also found themselves aloof and eventually became lone stars, accompanied by endless cosmic black holes.

As for the underdeveloped proud Leo, they will be the kind of people who can't stand loneliness the most, so they are always looking for someone, an audience and an admirer. But no matter how many people they are in, they always feel lonely because ordinary people can't cure their loneliness. For them, only the prince and princess deserve it, but they can't touch it.

Modest Leo people can tolerate loneliness, and they will choose to keep their distance from most people, but such lions are eager for special people, and they are willing to wait for their Mr. Right to appear. They are also very romantic people, but their innocence often deceives and hurts them.

In fact, no matter what constellation Leo is, the nature of their fatalism class is the same, but it just appears in different faces. Their common weakness is that they can only see the solar system of the earth, but can't see countless solar systems and other stars in the universe. They just want to be the giver of light and heat, but they are unwilling to be the receiver or the co-knower. The evolution of Leo's soul journey is to learn to pay attention to the appearance of the sun, such as appearance, figure, clothing, dressing and so on. Then focus on developing your own spiritual sun, and then realize that the spiritual sun and the universe are homologous and there is no difference at all. At this time, the light of Leo will be projected from a lone star, evolved into a light source that shines with the planet, and then returned to the universe.