Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Without preservatives, how can the love of the zodiac be "fresh"?

Without preservatives, how can the love of the zodiac be "fresh"?

Without preservatives, how can the love of the zodiac be "fresh"? Taurus Taurus has no concept of freshness. After they are together, he just wants to love others and arrange his work and life. If you don't want Taurus to get bored with you, you should also arrange your own affairs, so that Taurus feels that you are holding him back, and don't slander others in front of him.

Gemini Gemini's freshness comes and goes quickly, and it is very difficult to keep it fresh. If Gemini is very interested in you and thinks that you have a lot to learn from him, then you can make the novelty period longer by his obsession with you. If you want to make it longer, you should try to be Gemini's "good assistant". The more favorable he is, the less he wants to leave.

Cancer Cancer attaches great importance to stability in love. Freshness is a feeling that he wants to preserve but is afraid. There is no freshness. He is afraid that the two are not attractive enough to each other. If the novelty is too high, he is afraid that their feelings will fade. Therefore, if you want to keep fresh, you need to try new things in this area on time, or add some "items" to your life.

Scorpio Scorpio's freshness in love is mainly reflected in its exclusive desire. The more he knows about you, the more you believe, the happier he will be and the more he will enjoy this feeling. If you want to keep your feelings fresh and energetic, give the lion confidence, reach its sense of belonging first and then consider freshness.

Virgo Virgo doesn't really need novelty in love. Novelty will make him feel uneasy. Therefore, there is no need to worry about maintaining the vitality of love with virgins. In terms of freshness, the more obvious the sense of security and trust you give him, the more addicted he is to this relationship. Don't make him jealous, don't make him worry, and don't make him doubt you. Just keep a hidden state.

Libra Libra's freshness of love mainly depends on each other's living habits and acting styles. After two people are together, if the couple indulge in being themselves and have no manners and rules at all, it will be difficult for Libra to talk about interest again, so have some manners. Don't think you can burp and fart just because you are one of them.

Scorpio Scorpio's freshness of love is mainly reflected in the desire to explore lovers. How many fields he doesn't know and how attractive you are to him. Therefore, the secret of keeping fresh is not to "tell" yourself everything too quickly, but to leave more programs for Scorpio and turn yourself into a book that Scorpio can't finish reading.

Sagittarius Sagittarius cares most about trust and tolerance in love. If you have more and more "regulations" and "teaching", Sagittarius will definitely find a way to solve you. The premise of freezing is not to do anything that makes him want to leave you, that is, to trust him enough, not to be always sensitive and suspicious, and to be innovative even for an old couple.

Capricorn Capricorn's freshness in love is mainly reflected in the freshness of "meaning". They are afraid that their lover and themselves will gradually get along. He wants them to keep the same height and channel, so that he can always "expect" you, read more books and learn more, and cultivate more unique values.