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Play constellation photos _ Software for playing constellation photos

Eighty-eight constellation

Eighty-eight constellations (five constellations): Ursa minor (closest to the north celestial pole), Ursa major, Cassiopeia, Draco and Cepheus.

Polaris constellation (19): Scorpio, Andromeda, Lupo, Auriga, Canis major, Foxes, Cygnus minor, Perseus, Shepherd, Pentecost, Backrow, Corona Nordica, Tmall, Lyra, Dolphin, Pegasus, Triangle.

Zodiac (12): Cancer, Aries, Gemini, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo, Taurus, Pisces, Capricorn, Scorpio, Libra and Sagittarius.

Twelve constellations (10): Sagittarius, Canine, Eagle, Ophiuchus, Ophiuchus, Sextant, Ophiuchus, Unicorn, Orion and Whale.

Southern Constellations (42 in total): Temple of Heaven, Picture Frame, Fly, Mountain Case, Indian, Tian Yan, Flying Fish, Long Ruler, Swordfish, Clock, Rhododendron, Southern Triangle, Compass, Compass, Compass, etc. Dragonfly, Telescope, Aquarius, Southern Cross (Small Constellation), Phoenix, Peacock, South Pole, Urtica, Crane, etc.

Find the data table of 88 constellations all day.

Latin possessive abbreviation Chinese name position area ① size and number of stars ②

Andromeda and Andromeda North Sky 722 19 100

Nantian 239 62 20, Yaan Trieante Pumping Station, Antri

Tian Yan constellation Nantian 206 67 20

Water bottle Aqr water bottle equator 980 10 90

Aquila Aql Aquila Equator 652 22 70

Ala araya, the sky south of the altar 237 63 30

Arietis Aries Ari Aries equator 44 1 39 50

Aurigae Auriga Auriga Northern Sky 657 2 1 90

Bootes Bootis Boo Capricorn equator 907 13 90

Caelum Caeli Cae Sculpture Block Nantian 125 8 1 10

Camel camel camel cam leopard's northern sky 757 18 50

Cancer cancer numerical control cancer equator 506 3 1 60

CVN North Sky 465 38 30

Dog equator 380 43 80

Canine equator 183 7 1 20

Capricorn Capricorn Hat Capricorn Equator 4 14 40 50

Carina Carinae Nantian 494 34 1 10

Cassiopeia Cassiopeia North Sky 598 25 90

Centauri Centauri Nantian 1060 09 150

Cepheus Cepheus North Sky 588 27 60

Equator of Cetacea Cetacea in Cetus 123 1 04 100.

Chamaeleon Chamaeleonis check? I Zuo Ting Nantian 132 79 20

Nantian compass 93 85 20

Nantian, Columbia University, Tian Ge 270 54 40

Back seat equator of ComaeBerenices Com 386 42 53

Nantian 128 80 25

CRB Northern Coronation Equator 179 73 20

Corvus Corvi Crv Ravine Equator 184 70 15

Crater Crt monster equator 282 53 20

South intersection south sky 68 88 30

Cygnus Cygnus North Cygnus 804 16 150

Delfinus del Fidel Dolphin Equator 189 69 30

South Sky of the Sword 179 72 20

Dragon Dra Dragon Dra Northern Sky 1083 08 80

Makolemakolemakole72 8710

The equator of Bojiang Tower is1138061... >>

What time is the eighty-eight constellation? For example: Gemini may-June 20, astronomical constellations are different from astrology.

Specifically, you can find the all-sky star map or the four-season star map, and pay attention to the northern sky and the southern sky (northern hemisphere and southern hemisphere)

Or refer to "Starry Sky in Four Seasons" or "Stars and Planets" (with illustrations, both are physical books).

Who has pictures of the 88 constellations in astronomy? 88 Constellation Table 1928 The International Astronomical Union officially announced 88 constellations, including 28 in the northern sky, 48 in the ecliptic 12 and 48 in the southern sky. Northern Sky Area: Ursa minor | Dragon constellation | Cepheus | Cassiopeia | Panther constellation | Ursa major | Ursa major | Shepherd constellation | Northern Corona constellation | Pentaphyllus constellation | Lyra constellation | Cygnus constellation | Scorpio constellation | Andromeda constellation | Perseus constellation | Auriga constellation | Tmall constellation | Little Lion constellation | Ursa major constellation | Ophiuchus constellation Crow | Wolf | Crown | Aquarius | Crane | Phoenix | Bell | easel | Sailing Jade Buddha | Sky Furnace | Sculpture | Sky Pigeon | Sky Rabbit | Dog | Stern | Compass | Pump | Rectangular ruler | Rhododendron | Network | Swordfish | Flying Fish | Pistacia | Antarctic | Tian Yan | Aquarius | Mountain Case |

What are the lucky stones of the 88 constellations? Mainly look at the solar calendar, especially Libra.

There are eighty-eight constellations in the world. What is the fifteenth constellation? Royal accessory seat

Where is the detailed map of the constellation? Follow the direction of the barrel handle, and you will find a bright star, namely Capricorn arcturus. Then you can reach arcturus, the main star of Virgo. Near Ursa major, you can find a small constellation called Canis major. In this small constellation, there is a spiral nebula, M5 1, which is a famous extragalactic galaxy. Virgo is regarded as the god in charge of agriculture, located in the southwest of its main star, arcturus. It's a four-star crow Below the crow is the tail of Ophiuchus, which spans half the sky from east to west. It is one of the largest constellations in the whole day. Northeast of Ophiuchus is the famous Leo. It is the brightest center in the starry sky on a spring night. The main star of the constellation Leo, whose middle name is Xuanyuan 14, is a first-class star on the ecliptic. Sometimes when a bright planet approaches, it is very beautiful. Virgo. From its main star, arcturus, to the southwest, it is a four-star constellation. Below it is Ophiuchus's tail, which spans more than half of the sky from east to west. It is one of the largest constellations in the whole day.

The size list of 88 constellations, by the way, the area is written as 1. Hydrae: There are nine water snakes in Greek mythology. If one is cut off, the other will grow. He was finally killed by Hercules. Epsilon is a four-star system. There are three messier objects. (messier objects is a comet object of class 1 10, including galaxies, nebulae, star clusters, star clusters and supernova explosion remains. )

2. Virgin: astoria, the goddess of justice in Greek mythology. It has the brightest and closest supercluster-Virgo Cluster. Contains hundreds of galaxies that can be discovered with an 8-inch telescope. There are 1 1 in messier objects, all of which are galaxies. Virgo α is a blue-and-white star with+1, and it is one of the brightest 20 stars in the sky. It is called Kajupiter in China. M 104 is also called the straw hat galaxy. One of the zodiac signs.

3. Ursae Majoris: In Greek mythology, Caristo, a beautiful fairy who was envied by Hera. Zeus turned her into a bear to protect her. This constellation has the most famous astrology in the whole day-the Big Dipper. There are seven messier objects. ζ Ursa major, the sixth star of the Big Dipper, is also a binary star. It was discovered by 1650. It is the earliest binary star discovered in the era of telescope, and it is called Kaiyang in China.

Ceti: The sea monster sent by Poseidon to punish the Ethiopian Queen was killed by the hero Poerxiusi. Contains hundreds of galaxies. There is a more complicated object.

5. Hercules: Hercules, a Greek mythical hero, followed Jason and Argo in their expedition to capture golden fleece and completed the "Twelve Difficult Tasks of Hercules". He is the grandson of Poerxiusi and the illegitimate son of Zeus. There are two in messier objects, among which M 13 is the largest, brightest and most striking globular cluster north of the equator, and only Omega Centauri, 47 Rhododendron and M22 located in the southern sky surpass it.

6.Eridani: All ancient civilizations regarded it as a river in the center of the living area. There is a first-class star called Eridani, which is a big blue-and-white star with a magnitude of +0.5, and it is called the No.1 River Commission in China. There are many binary stars.

7. Pegasi: It transformed from Medusa's neck cavity into blood and landed on Mount Herikon, creating a spiritual spring and becoming the source of inspiration for poetry. The trapezium of Pegasus is the brightest star in the northern sky in autumn, and there is a messier objects. Stephen quintuple galaxy is in its range, including five famous galaxies and a darker member-NGC 7320c.

8. Dragon God: In Greek mythology, it is a dragon hidden in a golden apple orchard and killed by Hercules, the hero of Hercules.

9. Centauri: It has two first-class stars, Alpha Centauri and Beta Centauri, among which Alpha Centauri is a triad star and Beta Centauri is a blue-and-white giant star.

10. Aquarius: Ganymetis, the most beautiful prince in the world, was chosen by Zeus to pour wine for the gods of heaven. One of the zodiac signs.

1 1. Ophiuchus: In Greek mythology, Asclepius is a famous Ophiuchus, holding two snakes, one of which is fatal and the other can cure diseases. He can bring the dead back to life, so he angered Hadders, the keeper of the underworld, and was granted death by Zeus. With an eight-inch telescope, we can see that it has at least 20 globular clusters, including 7 messier objects, including the darkest globular cluster in messier -M 107. Among them, Barnard himself is the fastest star. The zodiac has been excluded from the ecliptic since ancient times because it occupies a small area of the ecliptic.

12. Leonis: There are many galaxies in the vast sky it occupies. Among the meteor swarms that appear every year, the Leo meteor swarm is the most striking one. Leo α is a big blue and white star with a magnitude of+1.35, which is called Xuanyuan XIV in China. One of the zodiac signs.

13. butis: a hunter who keeps chasing the constellation Ursa major with the constellation Canis. One of the brightest stars in the sky to the north of the equator, Capricorn α, is called arcturus in China, with a magnitude of -0. 1 etc.

14. Pisces: In Greek mythology, Pisces represents the incarnation of eros and Aphrodite in the water. In order to avoid monsters, they turned into fish and dived into the Euphrates River. There is also a messier objects M74, which is also one of the darkest messier objects. One of the zodiac signs.

15. Sagittarius II...> & gt

What does the eighty-eight constellation mean to astronomy? There are five constellations in the northern sky: Ursa minor (closest to the north celestial pole), Ursa major, Cassiopeia, Draco and Cepheus. Polaris (19): Scorpio, Andromeda, Leopard, Auriga, Canis major, Foxes, Cygnus minor, Perseus, Shepherd, Five Immortals, and the back row.