Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - How to release the powerful spiritual power of Pisces?

How to release the powerful spiritual power of Pisces?

Sorry, it's all about Pisces. Just looking around. Pisces is quite accurate, born in early spring. Quiet is to sex, and quiet is to meaning. The cut of love is the depth of resentment. The essence is the light of fame and fortune, but there are talents of fame and fortune.

Emphasize the perfect combination of soul and flesh. Sharp intuition and natural and unrestrained action often make shallow people jealous. Pisces, a unique constellation. The style is distinct from ordinary people, and the mind is lofty and beautiful. It is often intolerable and ridiculous.

For friends, quality is more important than weight, and intimacy is very demanding. I'd rather be lonely than against my will. For love, lack is better than abuse. I would rather regret it all my life than make do with it. Under the romantic words and deeds, I persistently pursue a religious love belief. Highly responsible, loyal, self-disciplined and contradictory. Romantic and elegant, funny and detached. There is a strange and charming appearance temperament. Fundamentally speaking, he advocates the sexual mode of loving nature and despises pure animal nature. However, when he is weak-willed, he often indulges in self-abuse.

Most Pisces have clear grievances, and black and white never mix. Just like Bao Gong, he would rather offend all officials and reward and punish them fairly. The characteristics of thinking more and talking less, complete and thorough wisdom, let all the truth cover up the panic. Therefore, Pisces, who is silent and withdrawn by nature, can easily attract criticism from others and give others unwarranted charges. And its tough and weak nature often makes it bear the blame without excuses or bowing. Typical Pisces style of "being alone, indifferent and carefree". Pisces will really retaliate only when they can't stand it. But also because many times it is too humiliating and burdensome, and angry like an honest man, revenge is even more abrupt and intense, which makes the real culprit of the smooth villain angry and takes the opportunity to make a big fuss. Because Pisces has forbearance and kindness, it has a unique temperament, which also leads to the phenomenon that Pisces is often bitten by others. It is also because the typical Pisces is not good at dredging and improving interpersonal relationships, and is not good at effectively expressing and clarifying itself, thus becoming the most controversial constellation among the twelve constellations.

Pisces' gifted spiritual thinking, combined with realistic insight, has produced a different angle of thinking from ordinary people. Love, friendship and outlook on life are all the same. Due to extraordinary consciousness, Pisces always loves loneliness invisibly rather than suffering from the world of mortals. Pisces is indeed so extreme: either the strangest modern man or the strangest primitive man.

The misunderstanding of people's research on Pisces is that they can't touch the psychological basis of Pisces.

In fact, Pisces has been looking for bosom friends all his life, and tolerates the existence of opponents, but it is not making enemies. You know, Pisces is not good at fighting, but it has the wisdom and energy to fight. Please note: this is the key. So you can be Pisces' opponent and friend, but don't treat Pisces as an enemy. Because Pisces never take the initiative to infringe on the interests of others. Don't do something low-level and hostile, it will only make you feel bored and frustrated. For example, if you incite people, want to attack and calculate with gossip, or even isolate Pisces, then you will soon find that Pisces is still very free and easy and unique. Because, they don't treat you as an enemy. In a sense, you are "complacent", and you are the belly of a gentleman with a mean heart. This vulgar hostile trick is undoubtedly a bunch of ridiculous and bad tricks for Pisces. Pisces is naturally eager to understand, but it doesn't want to understand. It is content with loneliness and prefers to be lonely. The advantage of Pisces is that people with ulterior motives can see through it at a glance and completely turn a blind eye. Perhaps, when you are complacent, Pisces is thinking exactly-no this animal has knowledge! Look, Pisces is such a state of mind, noble forbearance and melancholy tolerance. However, it is crisp and neat, just like a superb swordsman, not just a trick, but you are no match. Why not an opponent? Because you made yourself an enemy. Don't go too far with the enemy. Interest is always dismissive. The benefits come, and the sword will decide the outcome. This biting calmness and detachment is also the root of Pisces people being criticized for being sinister and sinister, although they don't provoke others. However, only Pisces knows that it is you who is really vicious! However, everything is useless. You know, those who can stand loneliness are the most fearless people. That's why Pisces can maintain a high-quality life despite the overwhelming notoriety rumors. From a certain point of view, talented Pisces see their unique value from unrealistic attacks and slanders by others. Because no one will spend a lot of energy and energy to pay too much attention to a mediocre person. Obviously, Pisces is unique.

I am kind, I am true, and this sentence is most suitable for Pisces. Every Pisces, it seems, is destined to go through many storms for its own uniqueness from the day it was born. Pisces has never seen human nature more thoroughly than anyone else.

It can be said to be extreme, but living high can't be untrue. Perhaps, only the word "high and low" is the best interpretation of Pisces' loneliness and strangeness.

Pisces. According to the horoscope, Pisces born in early spring is the most complicated. Agree with this sentence. Because Pisces can mold itself into a suitable role in a specific environment according to needs, and is a person who is good at living with a mask. However, the great power of the inner id makes them involuntarily show the cold and gloomy side of Pisces at a certain moment. Few Pisces can escape this. Because the essence is deep into the bone marrow and rooted in the soul.

Here, I hope to know the most complicated Pisces with you through my humble opinion.

Strong feelings are the most common characteristics of Pisces. I haven't found a Pisces that lacks emotional factors so far. They have extremely hot feelings, but most of them are hidden deep. Usually, they seem to be a kind person. It doesn't usually erupt. When they erupt, they definitely spew out, which is very deterrent.

There are not many things that can make Pisces burst into deep feelings. I summed up three situations.

First, cheating may not be very big, it may happen between good friends or even between relatives and friends, or it may just be a trivial matter. However, in Pisces' view, what matters is not the loss caused by derailment, but the derailment itself. He thinks this is a strong distrust and disrespect for him. A little deception will arouse great unhappiness in Pisces. Pisces, indifferent by nature, is used to magnifying it. It can also be said that this kind of behavior that runs counter to their style norms is despised and rejected by them. Cracks caused by cheating Pisces are generally not easy to eliminate. The status of the parties in the hearts of Pisces can be said to have dropped sharply immediately. According to observation, there is no sign that values trust and respect as much as Pisces, and they are generally very sensitive to it. Sensitive enough not to allow a grain of sand to appear in the small range he allowed. The more intimate the deception, the greater the harm to Pisces. Because they often give their sincerity to their friends, and if this compensation is cheating and betrayal, Pisces' heart will be particularly cold.

The second is insult. Sensitive Pisces are actually not very good at joking. Of course, they can tell the true meaning of your words keenly and will not refuse a well-meaning joke. But if there is a thorn, they will definitely hear it right away. He can feel the real emotion in your tone. Pisces, who is very self-centered, will never tolerate being insulted and belittled by others. Maybe one thing made him worse and suffered a lot, but if necessary, he can suppress his emotions and pretend as if nothing had happened. Only insults are not allowed. You can feel Pisces' expression getting colder and colder at that moment, and their teeth are clenched. That was when he was gathering strength. You can feel his angry eyes, and his chest begins to rise and fall. Only a small breakthrough is needed, and great energy will burst out. At this time, people who know them should stop talking quickly, otherwise no one knows what terrible things will happen. I have experienced this scene many times myself, and it has always been a violent instant outbreak. People who don't understand wonder why they suddenly lost such a big temper. In fact, the truth is that he held it for a long time, and you forced him to explode.

The third is the person who is important to him. Pisces is a lonely person, and they will find themselves incompatible with many people. His smile is often not from the heart, but because of the needs of the occasion, there are very few friends who really get along and understand. He will try his best to protect the people he values in life. When Pisces tries to protect that person, his feelings are strong. The biggest possibility of this person is that when Pisces needed it, he gave it to someone who really understood warmth and care. Even a little. Pisces likes to hold grudges and will definitely keep in mind those who are really good to him. There is not much on the surface. At the critical moment, the friend who is really willing to sacrifice for you must be him. For the person he loves most, Pisces will even die for her if possible. If the girl in his heart is hurt by others, Pisces will have the pain of gouging out his heart. At this time, he may expose the darkest side. If revenge has something to do with Pisces, then this situation is the first. Pisces may be driven by great pain at this time, revenge her with the darkest power and destroy the enemy. In my opinion, when Pisces shows the strongest feelings, it should be when he is trying to protect her. The appearance of Pisces, the king of water elephants, is often not so tough and even a little weak. This is many people's impression of them, but those who know their hearts will find that they hate being pointed at. It can be said that Pisces eats soft and hard. If you treat him equally, he is a very good person. If you want to suppress him, Pisces will immediately reject him. Subconsciously, they are disgusted with those who are used to telling them what to do. Most of them are dissatisfied, but they are not clearly expressed. Maybe they followed each other for a while, but they quietly accumulated strength behind their backs. Maybe they just use indifference to express their rejection and disgust. Pisces is indeed a person who likes to control others, but unlike the feeling that a lion like fire dominates everything, Pisces can influence people with a unique hidden power, because he has the keen power to penetrate other people's hearts and the firm and calm temperament. If Pisces has some fiery personality, it will be a fierce person. Beneath his calm appearance, he speaks and acts domineering. If Pisces learn to be more confident, they will immediately show strong leadership. Pisces also has a strong desire for control. Only when she is kind to him can he feel at ease. He hopes that she can always be with him and rely on him, so a gentle and sweet girl like an innocent girl can arouse the feeling of love in Pisces. This explains why he gets along well with water elephant fish and cancer.

Pisces prefers to talk and do things without expression. It can be said that it is difficult for Pisces to learn to express their rich inner world with expressions. They are not good at using expressions. Pisces naturally don't like to laugh, especially in front of a large group of people. Pisces are used to chuckle, so it is difficult for them to keep their expressions exaggerated in front of everyone 10 seconds.

They do often give the impression that they lack affinity. Even though he has realized this and tried to change it, he will still find that his sense of distance from people is inexplicably reborn if he is not careful. It can be said that Pisces' smile retains some primitive things of human beings, and Pisces will be shy when smiling, especially in front of many people or the opposite sex. It looks naive and makes people feel pure and smart. But it's really important for Pisces to smile more. Pisces' pure and sincere smile can dispel their bad impression in others' hearts. Pisces can practice more in front of the mirror. Sensitive Pisces sometimes stop laughing inexplicably, which will give others a bad impression. They will wonder and guess why your face suddenly falls. Many times, the gap between Pisces and people is like this.

There is always a yearning for loneliness in Pisces life.

Even if you can't stand loneliness, you are eager to get the self-development that you can enjoy only when you are lonely, and face the reality without reservation.

Therefore, the lonely Pisces is contradictory.

In loneliness, their hearts are like eyes, honest and keen, and they can't wipe a grain of dust.

Therefore, lonely Pisces can better understand lies and people's hearts.

Only by being alone can they have the opportunity to climb the peak of spirit, see far and clearly, remove all obstacles, think like moonlight stained with snow, be transparent and bright, return to the purest state of reason and emotion, and clearly illuminate themselves.

Therefore, lonely Pisces is wise.

When Pisces is surrounded by loneliness around them, their hearts are released. Their bodies and souls become filters, absorbing the cold and humid air and permeating the clear and sweet water drops. This is their thought. Thoughts flow infinitely, regardless of space and time, reaching all connected souls.

So when it reaches your soul, please cherish it.

Please forgive you for seeing a lonely and indifferent Pisces in front of strangers, because improvisation is not Pisces' strong point. Pisces is always warming up slowly, and feelings need a great sense of security to be lively.

Therefore, when you want to know about those isolated Pisces, please feel the blooming of their inner activities carefully.

Others have written enough about the passion of Pisces, and it seems a bit redundant to write again. In fact, strictly speaking, those descriptions are not completely correct. Pisces people are really passionate. But these passions are not necessarily expressed in an obvious way. For Pisces, sex is an expression and a way to achieve order, not just the release of physical passion.

Pisces' desire for sex and love is usually related to the changes they can provide. They like to give sex and love their favorite names: a mysterious experience, a profound experience. Sex and love make Pisces submit to something stronger than themselves. Pisces partners have great endurance, and they can sacrifice everything for love and loyalty. They can even make great self-sacrifice. There is a little fanaticism in them, which will penetrate into the relationship they have established with others and affect their spirit and attitude.

Pisces don't swim in shallow ponds. They plunged into Wang Yang with Wang Yang far above their heads. But sometimes sadly, the fanaticism released in the Pisces relationship sometimes leads to their extreme suspicion and strong possessiveness. Pisces people often have this situation in love. If they are not really in love, then their emotional door will never appear in front of you, and you are facing real emotional ice.

The biggest problem for Pisces couples is their desire to control each other. This control can be expressed in some very inconspicuous ways. For example, they show great self-esteem and won't apologize to you even if they do something very stupid. Or often show a resentment that won't make you quiet, and always "punish" you (with silence and a dignified and stagnant atmosphere that can be cut with a knife) without telling you what you did wrong. They may find subtle ways to test you, because Pisces can't really trust you. You rarely hear your Pisces partner tell you how important you are to them. But one thing you can be sure of, the less you hear this, the more they love you.

On the other hand, Pisces rarely respects those who are unwilling to resist them. Pisces partners must strive for victory, don't give them victory in vain. Don't be surprised, crisis is a common thing in the relationship between Pisces and their partners. If you don't understand that your repressed Pisces partner is actually boiling inside and only finds a trace of "water vapor", then the real crisis will happen. If you are unlucky enough to find a Pisces partner of this type, then you'd better be careful. At an appropriate time, let your Pisces partner see a psychologist to release their stress. If they take this pressure out on you, it's no joke.

What's really unusual about Pisces is their incredible understanding of your abilities. Because they have hardly missed anything, they can quickly understand your deepest motives. If you don't like being absolutely honest with them in love, then you should consider another sign. But if love is more important to you than listening to music all day, then Pisces is undoubtedly your wise choice. Because they have a lot to offer you, establishing love with Pisces people can completely change you.

Exploration is Pisces' favorite form of entertainment. A suspicious Pisces person will check the phone number in your notebook or the receipt in your wallet when you take a shower. Some Pisces people even become professional detectives or forensic doctors. But no matter what game you play, it is very important for Pisces partners to hope that your relationship will be full of energy every hour of the day.

Some people think that possessiveness is an ambiguous and pathological thing, or something with wrong logic, and they should preach everywhere: "Everything that makes you happy can make me happy." But Pisces partners are more likely to say, "If you are happy without me, then you should be prepared to pay a high price!"

For Pisces, possession is as natural as breathing. Pisces has strong feelings. It takes them a long time to learn to trust others, but then they won't let go so easily. Some Pisces people are cold-hearted because they are afraid of being humiliated. They may start by allowing only superficial love into their lives, but at this time, Pisces lovers usually come and go in a hurry and suddenly disappear.

No one will experience a constant love with Pisces. Whether this relationship continues or ends, you should be self-aware and look at life from a deeper level. Don't just expect sweetness and comfort. Some very clever people have understood that life is actually made up of darkness and light, and only a fool would believe that life is made up of other ways. And remember, Pisces are not stupid at all.