Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Astrology course: matching the elements of the rising sun

Astrology course: matching the elements of the rising sun

Element collocation of the rising sun


Fire signs: Aries, Leo and Sagittarius

Earth signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.

Air signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius.

Water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

The following translations: one by one.

-Constellation elements of the rising sun

Anyone who studies astrology knows that astrolabe research should focus on four stages: wind, fire, water and earth. Most people's reactions and expressions can be explored from four aspects.

Usually, one or two leading factors play a major role in describing personality and reflect our attitude towards reality. These four aspects are related to people's personality and are always related to our experience in essence. Because the sun and the rising constellation are the two most important factors that determine that we are understood by others. Therefore, the combination of elements of the sun and the rising constellation shows our public image and personality. The following table lists the collocation effects of the elements of the sun and the rising constellation.

Fire/fire collocation

This combination is the simplest combination. People who are in the fire with the rising sun don't want anything to stand between themselves and society. In any case, their actions are dominated by thoughts and beliefs, and they firmly believe that others will not misunderstand their original intention. They are easily deceived and always believe that others will respond to them in the best and most sincere way. If they are cheerful and enthusiastic, why aren't others? They are often ambitious and give others the impression of being ambitious. People who are in harmony with the rising sun will find it difficult to calmly examine their views and demands. They always take it for granted. Such people are rarely addicted, passionate and will not let themselves down. Nothing can exhaust their energy except boring reality. They need this cynicism more.

Fire/soil collocation

The configuration of this element shows a warm but limited state of social customs. Or more accurately, such people realize that they need to realize themselves and their dreams realistically and rationally. This combination is related to achievement in many cases. Such people are usually determined to leave an impression on the world. They are enthusiastic, but they can feel that they have no time to do something impulsive or spend their energy on some vague ideas. They may lack detachment and imagination for self-analysis, and they are always not good at adapting to the surrounding environment and accepting the feelings of others. This is a combination that lives in the present.

Fire/wind collocation

These people are very active, sociable and interested in abstract concepts and positive ideas. Because they always respond quickly and forcefully to external stimuli, they often don't think too much before acting and speaking. If they can learn to reflect and be more patient, they will gain more. The combination of fire and wind seems to be the most unstable combination. People with fire and wind are usually more energetic and eager, but they lack firm and strong persistence and consistency, and often have more than one can chew. They prefer generalizations to details, and sometimes they find it difficult to deal with intimate relationships and personal affairs. If rational thinking and passion are combined, the advantages of this combination can be brought into play.

Fire/water collocation

The people in this group are passionate and capricious. Because the mood swings between optimism, self-confidence, introspection and avoidance, it often gives people the feeling of ice and fire. Indeed, they may often admit that they are irrational. The intuition, creativity and emotion of this combination are highlighted in the initiative and voting. If they can balance the two extreme personalities of tranquility after the outbreak and are strongly influenced by the water sign, then these people will be deeply appreciated by others because of their integrity and personal charm. What they need is restraint and boundaries, and some common sense.

Soil/soil collocation

In this world, you won't find a person more determined than the sun and the rising earth. As long as such people are practical, any problem is a piece of cake for them. Needless to say, when dealing with abstract things that are difficult to understand, they are always thoughtful and straightforward. They are loyal to their feelings and serious about their lovers. Sometimes they find it a little difficult to express their feelings, otherwise they will be embarrassed. They are always too rational, too dramatic and exaggerated expressions sometimes make them angry. People as earthy as the sun and the rising sun want to make something of permanent value, but they are too obsessed with details and are naturally stubborn about change. They often attach importance to their senses and are lovers of nature.

Soil/wind collocation

These people are completely unaffected by emotions, because they tend to look at themselves and their surroundings objectively and rationally. They are organized and systematic thinkers in any field of interest. They have the ability to make seemingly distant and vague ideas come true. People who combine local culture with local style can truly experience everything if they can become more naive and straightforward and learn to accept it emotionally. They don't need to know everything in advance and foresee all the possibilities. On the contrary, they should be able to appreciate the benefits of conformity. Learn how to be more intimate and personal, and believe that intuition will work miracles.

Soil/water collocation

Individuals mixed with soil and water are sensitive and good at accepting other people's ideas in a simple and effective way. Their biggest problem is laziness and lack of enthusiasm. Sometimes these people really need to fight against themselves. Because they are introspective, they usually have self-knowledge. But it is not easy for them to express their feelings and wishes in communication. They may have pessimistic thoughts, so they tend to dwell on unnecessary problems, whether out of self-defense or expectation. On the positive side, they will put their dreams and fantasies into practice. Their patience and insight will take them to a deeper level.

Wind/wind collocation

These people are a gust of wind that exists in the human state. Their curiosity and variability of thinking are endless. Although they are good at thinking, they will handle things logically in their own way. Even if they have deep emotional problems, they are detached and objective. Because of this, they are considered indifferent and shallow, and a little lacking in truth. But because people in the wind/wind combination like communication very much, this problem will not be too serious except intimate relationship. These people are experienced communicators and communicators. They are obsessed with the thinking and potential of the human brain. They are extroverted and good at words, but they need patience and profound insight to win their place.


This is a combination of great imagination and compassion. This kind of person is good at dealing with people and attracting the public, and is the sweetheart in everyone's eyes. They like to communicate and are good listeners. But they are often too easy to get along with and will try to avoid fierce confrontation and confrontation. They will say what others want to hear in order to cater to others, not their true feelings. This kind of person likes to follow his own rhythm and rarely hesitates. Such people are likely to pursue something creative, and any field related to art or thinking is a gold mine for their inner growth. Perhaps this combination of people is not the most honest and reliable. The facts in their eyes are relatively acceptable and tend to add some facts that they think are whimsical.

Water/water collocation

The combination of water and water forms a surging emotional vortex, which can overflow all boundaries. A person whose sun rises in the water sign will experience every emotion and emotion as an important thing, and this sense of importance has nothing to do with the nature of things. Generally speaking, their subtle sensitivity is obvious to all, but some water/water combination people try their best to hide their sensitivity, and eventually they are trapped by themselves, making themselves feel shy and mysterious. Water/water lovers' sensitivity to emotions is not only reflected in their insight into their own emotions, but also they will feel other people's emotions and emotions with great sympathy. They usually have some mysterious and inexplicable emotional desires, and may find a sense of belonging in some strange groups that cannot be explained in words. Subjectivity and irrationality are their fatal keys. Before they learn to go out and see the world with a clear perspective, their inner sympathy and imagination may hurt them more than help.