Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - In which chapter and verse of the Bible is this temporary pain?

In which chapter and verse of the Bible is this temporary pain?

In the Bible, 2 Corinthians 4: 17. The whole sentence is "our temporary suffering is extremely light and should achieve great glory for us." ?

2 Corinthians is a volume of the New Testament, with 13 chapters. It records another letter written by the apostle Paul to the Corinthian church after 1 Corinthians.

This letter also shows us how Paul handled his relationship with the church. He loves them as parents love their children. He disciplined and blamed, and felt sorry for their quarrel and division.

He cares about the poor saints in Jerusalem, so he raises money for them in the churches of the Gentiles. This not only shows the unity of the church in Christ, but also shows the mutual love and care among Christians.

The Background of 2 Corinthians

This letter is addressed to the church in Corinth and all the saints in Achaia (1 1).

Before arriving at Ephesus, Paul lived in Corinth for one year and six months (Acts 18: 1 1, 18 ~ 19). Corinthian church should have been established by Paul at that time. He worked with Aquila, Priscilla, Silas and Timothy, where he preached the gospel and worked hard (Acts18,2,5).

Corinth, located in the south of Greece and west of Athens, was an important commercial center city at that time. Corinthians are famous for their temples, the most famous of which is Venus, the Greek goddess of beauty. Because Corinthians' religious beliefs are corrupt, the city is also famous for its immorality. People often use the word "Corinthian diversity" as a code for the degeneration and corruption of life.

The apostle Paul was anxious to know how the Corinthian church reacted to the contents of his letter, especially how the church handled the criminal limbs. So he left Ephesus and went to Troas, hoping to see Titus.

When Titus failed, he went to Macedonia again. Tito brought him good news and bad news there. The saints in the church punished the sinners, and as a result, the spirit of the saints was restored; This is good news.

But believers never realized their plan to donate money to saints in need in Jerusalem; This is not good news. Finally, Titus reported that false teachers were very active in Corinth, which shook the work established by Paul and questioned his authority as a servant of Christ. That's bad news!

It was in this situation that Paul wrote 2 Corinthians in Macedonia.

Baidu Encyclopedia-After Corinthians