Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - What should I do if there is an abscess in the affected part of lumbar bone tuberculosis?

What should I do if there is an abscess in the affected part of lumbar bone tuberculosis?

Abscess caused by tuberculosis is different from ordinary purulent infection. Even if there is pain, swelling and dysfunction, it is not accompanied by redness and heat pain, so it is called "cold abscess". Cold abscess is also called cold abscess.

Cold abscess caused by spinal tuberculosis can appear in the front, side or back of vertebral body in the early stage. It usually appears in the corresponding position of the diseased vertebral body. However, with the development of the disease, the abscess continues to expand after entering the middle stage. If the cervical vertebra is tuberculous, some abscesses can directly protrude to the back of the esophagus, compressing the esophagus and causing dysphagia.

Cold abscess occurring in cervical vertebra and thoracic vertebra, pus can droop along the long neck muscle and flow to both sides of the upper mediastinum, and sometimes the shadow of mediastinum on X-ray film can be misdiagnosed as a tumor.

After the formation of cold abscess in thoracolumbar spine, paraspinal abscess is easy to expand due to physiological bending or high pressure in thoracic and abdominal cavity, so that the periosteum and anterior longitudinal ligament which are easy to lift up gradually become spherical with pus and slide all the time, changing their shape and position.

Lumbar tuberculosis focus is not easy to form paravertebral cold abscess. Due to the physiological protrusion of the lumbar spine, pus can flow along the psoas major muscle to the deltoid muscle of the lower abdomen or near the rotor.

Lumbosacral tuberculosis can form psoas major or presacral abscess by injection. It can puncture the sigmoid colon to form internal fistula, and a few can also form external fistula.

With the development of tuberculosis, abscess will appear, and many times doctors will advise patients to undergo surgery. But many patients are worried that there will be sequelae after the operation of bone tuberculosis abscess. Is there sequela after bone tuberculosis abscess operation?

Abscess mainly includes pathological body fluids, inflammatory substances, dead bones and granulation tissue. Abscess is not easily absorbed. With the aggravation of the disease, the abscess gradually increases and will form oppression. According to the different parts of the disease, the consequences of oppression are different.

Whether the operation of bone tuberculosis abscess will have sequelae mainly depends on the size of the operation and the severity of the disease. Bone tuberculosis is severely damaged, and patients after major surgery will leave some sequelae.

The development of bone tuberculosis is mild, and the bones are not damaged. After the operation, the damage to bones and joints is light, and it will not cause serious harm to patients, but it will definitely leave scars, which will also have a serious impact on patients' future life. Therefore, it is generally not recommended to treat bone tuberculosis immediately after abscess formation.

The treatment plan varies from person to person, depending on the patient's condition, so everyone has different treatment methods and different treatment effects.

Nursing methods:

1. First of all, early patients should exercise properly and avoid bending down to get things; Terminally ill patients should definitely stay in bed. ? Early patients with lumbar tuberculosis have pain, the physiological curvature of the waist disappears, and the paraspinal muscles are in a state of protective spasm, which makes the waist in a state of high tension and protection. Rooted in the spine to protect it. During this period, patients should try to avoid strenuous and large-scale waist activities, such as: when picking up things from the ground, bend your hips and knees as much as possible, squat straight, and avoid bending down to pick up things. In patients with advanced lumbar tuberculosis, the bone tissue of the spine is severely damaged and there are a lot of purulent secretions. At this time, patients must stay in bed as much as possible to prevent spinal fractures and purulent secretions from infecting other tissues.

2. Patients with lumbar tuberculosis should add deceleration clothes in time and keep warm. ? Because of long-term illness, patients with lumbar tuberculosis are physically exhausted, easy to catch a cold and generally weak. After a cold, the body's low resistance drops, and the condition is easy to repeat. Because some patients with lumbar tuberculosis should pay attention to keep warm and change clothes in time, especially middle-aged and elderly people, they should wear warm clothes when it is cold to avoid cold. Paying attention to cold protection is also the key to recuperation of patients with lumbar tuberculosis.

3. Pay attention to reasonable diet and nutrition? Lumbar tuberculosis consumes a lot of body, so it is very important to pay attention to reasonable diet and nutrition for the recovery of the disease. Supplementing vitamins and inorganic salts can greatly promote the recovery of lumbar tuberculosis. Among them, vitamin a has the function of enhancing the body's disease resistance; Vitamins B and C can improve various metabolic processes in the body, stimulate appetite, and improve the functions of lungs and blood vessels. If there are patients with recurrent hemoptysis, they should also increase the supply of iron, eat more green leafy vegetables, fruits and miscellaneous grains, and supplement a variety of vitamins and minerals. Patients with severe lumbar tuberculosis should eat more light, delicious, nutritious and digestible food. Avoid irritating food and spicy food that produces phlegm.