Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Hermione's birthday sign _ Hermione's what sign?

Hermione's birthday sign _ Hermione's what sign?

Brief introduction of hermione granger.

Chinese translation of hermione granger (also translated into hermione jean granger)

English name hermione granger.

After marriage, Hermione Jane Weasley (Hermione Jane Weasley)

Hermione Jane Granger is the full name of a character in the Harry Potter series by British writer J.K. Rowling. She is the heroine in the series and a good friend of Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. She is very caring and just, and has a high talent for magic. Many readers like her confidence, wisdom, cleverness and courage. High flyers Harry and Ron of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are important parts of the Golden Trio. In fact, she is the shadow of J.K. Rowling, the author of Harry Potter.

The age from Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is nearly 12 years old. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows begins at the age of 18. Nineteen years later, she is almost 38 years old.

Birthday 1979 September 19

School Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Gryffindor (the clever Hermione was once considered by sorting hat whether to be assigned to Ravenclaw).

Beautiful facial features, bushy brown hair, bright brown eyes and front teeth (removed in the fourth grade)

Nicknamed know-it-all (irony), full of doubt (as Professor dolores umbridge said), perfect (as rita skeeter mentioned in chapter 25 of the novel The Order of the Phoenix) and serious * * (The Order of the Phoenix). Muggle descent

Family members, parents-dentists in Muggle World. She is the only child in the family. )

Husband Ron Weasley.

The eldest daughter, rose weasley.

The second son-hugo weasley.


1 1 in O.W.L

Noun (short for noun) E.W.T took seven courses.

The top students in the school are calm, overbearing and conscious, and always run to the library when they encounter any problems.

Self-evaluation "In fact, I am strong in logical thinking ..." (on the deathly Hallows)

"Just study hard and rely on a little cleverness." (Philosopher's Stone Chapter 16)

The pet is a cat with ginger legs and a pie face. Its name is crookshanks.

Specializing in reading, learning and logical reasoning.

Favorite subject arithmetic

Divination, the most disgusting subject


The biggest fear is that I didn't get full marks.

Sibyll trelawney, rita skeeter, dolores umbridge, bellatrix lestrange, Draco Malfoy, severus snape, Voldemort.

Note: Hermione's defense against the dark arts is not the best. She got an E in the general wizard exam in the fifth grade. She said to Harry herself, "I only rely on books and a little cleverness-in fact, you surpassed me in the third grade and met a knowledgeable teacher-remus lupin." Ps: Hermione was frightened by Bogert disguised as Meg in the final exam of Grade Three. She said that she failed the exam. Hermione is not very good at flying either. In flying class, Harry's broom got up at the command, but her broom just rolled. Quidditch in summer vacation, Hermione and Harry play Ron and Ginny. Ron said it was fair because Hermione didn't play well.

Hermione is in the story.

Hermione is a very studious girl with a clever mind. Sometimes she seems to be arbitrary. Her thirst for knowledge proved useful in many of their adventures. One of her favorite subjects at school is arithmetic. Both parents are Muggle dentists, and Hermione's roommates at Hogwarts are parvati and Lavender. Besides, Ginny and I are also good friends. The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is Her-my-oh-nee, which she expressed in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. The correct pronunciation of Hermione's name is the most common problem for readers. So in this book, the author cunningly arranges Hermione to teach viktor krum how to pronounce her name correctly (but without success), because krum becomes "her own". Hermione got her name from william shakespeare's book A Winter's Tale. Hermione is also a variant of "Hermes" in Greek mythology. First of all, modern muggles are not as opposed to wizards as they used to be. Although wizards still keep their distance from them and keep secrets strictly, Muggles have slowly begun to accept witchcraft.

Hermione said she was surprised when she received the letter from Hogwarts, at least she felt it was sudden. If such a letter falls into the hands of people who hate magic, the whole magical world is likely to be exposed immediately. From this we can infer that when Hermione's magical potential was revealed, the Hogwarts representative obviously contacted the Grangers, although Hermione didn't mention it herself. Mr. and Mrs. Granger are very relieved to let their daughter go to boarding school in the Scottish wilderness. If they hadn't received a letter from Hogwarts, they wouldn't be so relieved. Perhaps they made Hermione fully prepared for studying at Hogwarts, and at the same time gave her daughter a surprise. When Hermione arrived at Hogwarts, she quickly became the cleverest student in the whole grade. She not only knows the answer to every question, but also remembers the contents of every book she has read, and is willing to tell others her knowledge. Therefore, she won the nickname "Gryffindor know-it-all" shortly after her school career began, and she was famous for raising her hand to answer questions in every class and never taking pains. Professor Snape doesn't like this. Harry and Ron first met Hermione on the train. When Ron saw this arrogant girl with a pair of front teeth, he expressed the hope that he and Hermione would not be in the same college. She studies so hard at school, but she doesn't have any friends since Dalian. Maybe it's Hermione's way of hiding her muggle-born inferiority complex. On Halloween, after Ron called her "a nightmare", she cried in the bathroom and was attacked by a troll on the way, but Harry and Ron risked their lives to save Hermione. She helped Harry and Ron cover up the fact that they violated the school rules and took all the mistakes. From then on, she became their good friends. Hermione's accumulated knowledge helped Ron and Harry solve one problem after another in later stories-after class, Harry and Ron were sleepy to copy her notes; Revise the article for them at night; Cleverly come up with a wonderful spell in difficult and dangerous situations. Hermione became an indispensable role in the trio.

In the second grade, Draco Malfoy, who had just become a Slytherin seeker, called her a "mudblood". Ron bravely pulled out his wand and read a spell to Malfoy. However, due to the failure of the wand, he was cursed by himself (constantly spitting out slugs). Later, when the Chamber of Secrets reopened, students of the college were attacked one after another. In order to find out the truth, she spent a month cooking a rather complicated polyjuice potion in Myrtle's toilet, turning Harry and Ron into Crabbe and Goyle, and successfully got the news from Malfoy. But I took Millicent Bulstrode's cat hair by mistake (this person only appeared in the first two novels and didn't mention her later, so many people mistakenly thought it was pansy parkinson), so I couldn't go to the hospital as a cat. Later, she successfully discovered the secret of monsters in the school. But unfortunately, he was attacked by a monster outside the library. But Harry and Ron knew from a page in Hermione's hand that the monster in the secret room was a basilisk, so they went into the secret room and rescued Ginny Weasley. In the third grade, Hermione was alienated from her friends again-she reported to Professor McGonagall that Harry had mysteriously obtained the best broom in the world, forcing Harry to hand it over. And after Ron mistakenly thought that crooked mountain had eaten his mouse stains, Hermione and crooked mountain

Had a big fight with Ron; It was not until Hagrid warned them that "friends should be more valuable than brooms and mice" that the three men gradually made up. After Hagrid's winged Gryphon Buckbeak was about to be executed, Hermione rummaged through all the books in the library to argue about it. Hermione took all the courses in the third grade. Although I got the time converter from Professor McGonagall-I can take many classes at the same time, I can't afford several times more homework than others. She was suspicious and disgusted with the teaching method of cloud mountain fog cover taught by Professor sibyll trelawney. When she was accused by Professor Trelawney of being simple-minded and unworthy of this noble course, she immediately walked out of the classroom and gave up this seemingly less rigorous course. In the fourth grade, she noticed the unfair treatment of domestic elves, decided to stand with them, help them, and even protested by not eating, and organized the Elf Welfare Promotion Association, hereinafter referred to as the Elf Welfare Association. The acronym of this organization is pronounced the same as "spew" in English. Hermione also appointed Harry and Ron, who were dismissive, as financial directors and supervisors. The only members included neville longbottom, who had no choice but to join. Victor krum, who came from Bulgaria to participate in the Triwizard Tournament, fell in love with Hermione at first sight. She became krum's partner at the dance and krum's "darling" in the second project, which made Ron jealous. She was also invented by gossip reporter rita skeeter to write about the love triangle between Harry, krum and her. She vowed to get back at rita skeeter. She later discovered that Rita was just an unregistered Anima Gus. When Rita became a beetle and was busy collecting information, Hermione caught her and put it in a small bottle, threatening her not to scribble for a year. In the fifth grade, Hermione became a prefect, but she continued to promote the fairy rights promotion association in China. In order to keep the house elves, Hermione knitted a lot of hats and hid them in the corner, hoping that the elves could find them. But all the hats were given to Dobby. The other elves thought they were insulted and stopped cleaning the Gryffindor Tower (but Dobby accepted the task willingly). Then blackmailed Rita Skye to write a story about Voldemort's return. Hermione also planned and established Dumbledore's army (the name was given by Ginny)-a team led by Harry to learn defense against the dark arts.

He also participated in the struggle of the Department of Mystery Affairs of the Ministry of Magic, so he was seriously injured. Hermione took great pains in her studies and homework. She passed the O.W.L exam. The book implies that she is the best student, although the unexpected interruption of the astronomy exam may affect her performance (in the sixth book, she said that only defense against the dark arts is good, so it seems that her astronomy class is also excellent). By the sixth grade, Hermione had become a mature, friendly, helpful and reasonable girl, although she was still a little bossy. He was appreciated by Professor Horace Lagerhorn, who has a good eye for English, and invited him to join the Slug Club. Her relationship with Ron Weasley gradually changed from a friend to a lover. Her correspondence with Victor krum made Ron jealous, while Ron's brief love affair with Lavender made Hermione jealous and made him angry with Cormac Maclagan. She took part in the Battle of the Tower with other district attorneys and some members of the Order of the Phoenix.

In the seventh grade, Hermione, Harry and Ron did not go to Hogwarts again, but embarked on a difficult journey to find and destroy Voldemort's horcrux together. First, in the process of Harry's transfer from the Dursleys' home, she dressed up as one of Harry's seven brothers, rode a thestral and set off with Kingsley Shacklebolt, and returned to burrow safely after a life-and-death struggle with the Death Eaters. Hermione made all the preparations for the trip. She modified her parents' memories to make them forget that they had a daughter, and filled the small bag with everything that might be used with the infinite expansion spell. This small bag has made great contributions to them. Before leaving, Hermione found a book about horcruxes in albus dumbledore's office, and learned that the way to destroy horcruxes is to use destructive weapons, so that horcruxes cannot be repaired by themselves. In the final Hogwarts War, she personally destroyed Voldemort's horcrux, the Hufflepuff Gold Cup, and fought bravely with members of the Order of the Phoenix and teachers and students at Hogwarts. At the same time, Hermione and Ron's feelings have also changed and improved greatly during this year, from mutual suspicion to soulmate. Later, Hermione and Ron got married. Rowling said that Hermione entered the magical creature management department of the Ministry of Magic and continued to work hard for the rights and interests of magical creatures such as house elves, and was later promoted to the Ministry of Magic. At the end of the book, after 19 years, Hermione and Ron meet Harry again on platform 9 3/4 with their children Hugo and Ross.

On the other hand, the relationship between Hermione and Harry has always been stable, and they have never quarreled. Their friendship has been developing steadily after the initial difficulties and obstacles, and Hermione has always been Harry's confidant. Albus dumbledore even allowed Harry to tell Ron and Hermione about prophecy and his responsibilities. After the headmaster died, Hermione became one of only three people who knew the complete prophecy. In addition, Hermione is also very concerned about Harry, as can be seen from her help Harry chase Zhang Qiu. Hermione in the Trio

Perhaps because of Hermione's muggle background, she studies magic as a science rather than an art, which is different from the fact that children born in magical families are surrounded by magical environments. This is reflected in the patron saint spell, which requires recalling a happy past. Although she is knowledgeable and always comes first in exams, Hermione has only mastered the theory after all. She thinks that Harry is more talented than her because Harry is born with magical control, and what she has learned is only the numerical advantage. So in the fifth grade, Hermione hinted that Harry was better than herself and chose him as the leader of their Dumbledore army.

Nevertheless, Hermione is undoubtedly a gifted witch, which is also illustrated by her O.W.L examination certificate of 10, in which 10 scored "excellent" (defense against the dark arts was "good"). She only concentrates on 10 class, reaching this level, which is also the best in the whole grade, which is great.