Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - The most beautiful sentence in summer

The most beautiful sentence in summer

The most beautiful sentences in summer (selected 65 sentences)

Summer is a pool of water, sometimes crystal clear and sometimes unexpected. Summer is an abstract painting. If you appreciate it from different angles, you will have different feelings. Summer is another gorgeous chapter, with countless wonderful words and expressions, which make people memorable. The following are the most beautiful summer sentences I compiled for you. I hope you like it!

The most beautiful sentence in summer is 1 1, and midsummer is the most painful day of the year, which makes people helpless. The sunshine in midsummer is almost poisonous. It seems that it intends to be the enemy of human beings, to retaliate against human beings, to make people curse it, and even to shoot this "poisonous day" after learning.

2. Summer is a season of changing faces. It sometimes cries and sometimes laughs. In a short time, Wan Li was clear, the blue sky was like washing, the sky was high and the clouds were light, and the sun was like fire; For a while, the sky was low and dark, the clouds were gathering and the wind roared; After a while, the weather went on the rampage, with lightning and thunder; It will rain cats and dogs later. It rained for a while, and Hongqiao flew north and south. Summer is like a child's face, changing without warning.

3. Summer is beautiful. People's soldiers fight in the front line of flood fighting, guarding the levee and protecting the property safety of Daiyue people. The sun is like fire in summer, and the ground temperature is above 0 degrees. As soon as I went out, the heat wave rolled and the road was like the equator. The traffic police stood upright in the scorching sun and meticulously maintained traffic. Every movement of them is so natural and unrestrained and standardized. Under the correct command of the traffic police, the roads were orderly and no traffic accidents occurred. The traffic police is like a monument, how sacred it is! I am in awe. Although their figures are small on the road, they are the tallest people in my heart. City builders sweat profusely for building a beautiful home and step up construction. Under the scorching sun, they are paving roads and bridges, building tall buildings ... When the steel bar reaches a certain level, it will burn blisters to the touch. Their skin was tanned. The stronger the sunshine, the happier they are at work. Cleaners, postmen ... they work without regrets in the hot sun for our beautiful life. They are the most beautiful scenery in summer.

Summer is a season of rapid development. Everything is growing wildly, especially the green in that summer, which was thick and deep and occupied all over the mountains. Although it is a flower, it is actually green, fat, red and thin. After the rain, bamboo shoots sprang up overnight, bamboo grew rapidly, its joints stood straight, the original grass grew in pieces, and the towering trees in the forest added a circle of rings.

Look, animals and plants are listless. The dog lay motionless in the sun, sticking out its tongue and panting. The tree hung its head in dismay, its branches hung lazily and its leaves curled up dryly. Cicada kept calling in the tree, as if to shout, "It's hot, it's hot ..." Even the lively and lovely birds slouched on the trunk and didn't bother to fly for food in the hot summer. A duckling can't stand the heat. He walked into his "swimming pool" and immediately returned to the shore as soon as he put his legs in. Guess why? It turns out that the strong sunlight burns the water very hot. It thought, mom, it's going to burn me to death. At this rate, I will definitely become a roast duck!

6. When the burning sun moved overhead, the wheat field was filled with a fiery heat wave, and the air seemed to stop flowing. The thresher shook its huge and heavy body, made a deafening sound, held its head high, and spewed smoke that covered the sky.

7. Summer is happy. Hot summer is a good time for swimming. The irrepressible children have rushed to the swimming pool like rockets in twos and threes. They quickly changed their clothes, "plop!" 1, has rushed into the pool. Swimming rings bloom on the swimming pool like flowers. Children are like lively and lovely ducklings, swimming around freely. They have so many tricks! Some are swimming butterflies; Some are breaststroke; Others are swimming backstroke! The swimming pool will always be the Garden of Eden in our hearts. The children laughed, shouted and shouted, and the sound of "cool" and "cool" was endless. The adults couldn't help it any longer, and jumped into the water to play with the children, as if they had returned to their innocent and beautiful childhood. How happy they are!

8. The willows by the river and the lake are indeed the darling of nature. When calm, Liu Yang is like a docile girl with long hair, spreading her hair all over the water. As soon as the wind blows, the willow branches gently brush over the water, and a microwave appears on the mirror-calm river (lake), like a skilled speed skater sliding quickly on the ice, leaving a shallow white bar behind him. Soon, the water was calm again.

9. The flaming umbrella hangs high in the air, so hot that the fish in the river dare not surface and the birds dare not fly out of the mountains. Even the dogs in the village just stick out their tongues and gasp endlessly.

10, today is another hot day. I saw a few faint white clouds floating in the clear sky of Wan Li. At noon, people can't stand the heat, sweating and panting, so they have to go to the shade to enjoy the cool. Under the scorching sun, the flowers and trees in the garden look listless. Only cicadas are still screaming in the branches, as if shouting, "hot, hot!" " "

1 1. In midsummer, Chinese rose dances in the green leaves, just like a girl in a pink dress. Peony flowers are more beautiful. She is charming and gorgeous, and her fragrance is overflowing. Those old poplars are also covered with green, like an open green velvet umbrella.

12. In summer, the campus is lush with trees. There are luxuriant phoenix trees, slender poplars and verdant elms. There are two acacia trees in the middle of the playground, with dense branches and leaves, just like two big green umbrellas, which can shelter from the wind and rain and the sun.

13. From the hot springs up the mountain, you can see lush peaks, brown cliffs, etc. The most striking thing is the tall Feng Dan. Along the way, I saw red maple trees standing between the cliffs, flourishing, as if covered by red clouds. There are also maple trees scattered in evergreen forests, some of which are tall and straight, flying like flags; Some are slender and beautiful, like flowers, more and more bright, lovely and charming. There is a row of cypress trees in the north of the school playground, guarding the office door like guards. Its trunk is straight, pointing to the blue sky, and its branches are straight, close together, all upward. The leaves are short and round, sharp and hard, like short needles. Cedar not only has a strong posture, but also has indomitable quality. Whether it is a hot summer or a snowy winter, it is always lush and stands proudly, and it is a hard bone on the tree.

14. In midsummer, the leaves of Albizia Albizia began to flourish, much denser and greener than in spring. In the second month, there are many small pink velvet flowers on acacia trees, just like small pink velvet balls dotted among green leaves, which make acacia trees look beautiful and young. A breeze blew, and small pink velvet flowers floated down from the tree like small parachutes.

15. It was a long summer without rain. The old loaches in the field were all turned white by the scorching sun. The stream on the edge of the village dropped a few inches, and the stones above the water suddenly became bigger.

16, in the midsummer of July, there was not a cloud in the blue sky, the sun was scorching the earth, the water in the river was boiling hot, and the soil in the field was smoking.

17. In summer, the stream is gurgling and clear enough to see the sand at the bottom of the river. A clean stream, with a pure heart, came from afar, and no one bothered her. She dripped water quietly and daydreamed ... stroking every stone, which brought great joy and speculation. ...

18, the scorching sun is in the sky, and on both sides of the road, mature grains bend down in the heat. Grasshoppers, like grass leaves, make a weak and noisy sound in wheat fields and rye fields, among the reeds on the shore.

19, Shen Xia's footsteps are brisk and lively, and everything is thriving. Listen, the birds are chirping softly, and the sweet and crisp sound is mixed with the fragrance of the earth, rippling in the happy air. Flowers launch the most enthusiastic beauty pageant every year, and bees and butterflies are the best audience to shuttle through it.

20. The willows in the street look sick. The leaves hung with dust and rolled on the branches, and the branches did not move. There is white light on the road, and the vendors dare not shout. The plexiglass signboard at the door of the store seems to have been sunburned.

2 1, people can't stand the heat. Even the old man came to the swimming pool with a cane and a fan. When the old people saw so many people in the swimming pool, they came to the river. The old man couldn't swim, so he sat on the shore and soaked himself in the river. The big fan in his hand kept swinging. At night, the old people are still sitting on the beach, unwilling to leave. At this time, the grandson of the old man appeared on the embankment and shouted loudly: It's time for grandparents to go home. It's getting dark. Mom and Dad will be worried. The old people said to their grandson, "grandson! Come down and take a dip. The water here is really comfortable. Come down quickly. "

The most beautiful sentence in summer is 2 1. It is very hot in summer. The red sun is like a big fireball. Everyone put on their favorite vest shorts. Many adults are talking in the sun to enjoy the cool, while children are eating beautifully with popsicles.

It is raining harder and harder, and the clouds gradually cover the original bright moon. Make the sky look darker. At this time, I seem to have entered another world, and my brain was cleaned by this cool breath. The arrogant trees on the roadside were also bent by the rain tonight. The hot and silent summer night was also broken by the rain tonight.

Summer is a cool world. We wore different colors of swimsuits and jumped into the blue swimming pool. It's really cold. We swam, danced and laughed heartily in the water. When you are thirsty, drink a glass of ice water and eat a cold ice cream, and you will feel cold immediately.

The trees outside the window are particularly lush, and the summer sunshine dances on the treetops like naughty elves, grinning quickly, casting mottled shadows under the trees and moving with them. I saw a large piece of bright flowers with bright colors, just like a large piece of paint painted by Monet at random.

Trees hang their heads in the sun, just like a group of criticized children, hanging their heads in frustration. The water in the pond seems to have entered a dream, quiet and carefree, like a clear and transparent dream, dreaming that I am hugging the blue sky and white clouds, dreaming that the fish in the pond are wandering around the blue sky and white clouds, dreaming that the flowers and trees around the pond are sleeping, and dreaming that people on the shore of the pond are always awake, always busy and always looking for something.

6. In the grass, crickets are singing at the top of their voices; In the pond, frogs play with crickets on umbrella-shaped lotus leaves. The pink lotus is no longer like a shy little girl. Look at it swaying, revealing that smiling face and dancing slowly and gracefully. The small flowers by the pond are also fascinated by this beautiful scenery. They would rather go out of their beautiful dreams and feel the breath of summer.

7, summer nights, always hanging charming colors, a bit deep but romantic. Clouds in the evening sky are colorful, like artists' oil paintings. As night falls, a bright moon appears in the sky, shining on the earth like a banana. If you look closely, you may find something unexpected in the lower right corner. There is a Yushu tree covered with potato chips, and there is a rabbit on the tree. It is the only companion of Chang 'e.

8. There are several lush old trees in front of the tile house. Several grandfathers are sitting under the old tree in front of the house, crossing their legs and chatting leisurely at a small wooden table. Drinking our own rice wine and eating tender green peppers to stir-fry snails, I can't help but say, what a beautiful day! There is a strong smell of wine in the air, drunk to the bottom of my heart.

9, the water is bright and sunny, and the mountains are rainy. Foggy and raining, the man in blue stood quietly on the river bank, singing softly. If there are more dead beauties in the West Lake, C+ is so appropriate. The paper fan in my hand kept shaking, and a breeze blew, and the hair in my ear fluttered. Inadvertently looked at his shoulder, I don't know when it was soaked, and the color of his clothes changed from light blue to dark blue. Then, with a faint smile, he continued to sing.

The most beautiful sentence in summer 3 1. In the hot summer, only the singer kept calling: "Know, know ……" The scorching sun moxibustion roasted the earth, and cracks appeared in the earth. All living things are expecting the next heavy rain. Soon, there was a heavy rain, which lasted for two days and two nights. In this heavy rain, the flowers raised their heads and bathed in the cold rain in summer. Almost dead grass changed from yellow to emerald green, and the heat flow baked by the sun became cold and cold in this rain.

2, the summer breeze, cool and pleasant, blowing a smoky wind, cool and pleasant. It is like a gentle mother, bringing us a coolness. At this time of summer, dance with the green leaves in the warm wind. The wind brings warmth to my face, as if to tell people that summer has arrived. People also like this coolness. ...

In the morning, clouds are floating in the clear sky. It dances with the wind, leisurely and carefree, as if chasing each other, which is particularly lively and lovely, adding a lot of vitality to the sky.

In this hot season, the flowers are talking about their beauty. At noon in summer, the most interesting thing is playing chess. Sitting under a dense tree and playing chess, oh, how interesting!

5. The lotus in summer has already bloomed. Between the green lotus leaves, a lotus flower emerges from the water and is graceful. You see, pink lotus is about to drip, Ying Ying is about to drip, white cranes are like rain, bright and flawless, in full bloom, and tender buds are shaking yellow; I'm in bud, shy and want to talk, plus green leather and green cricket, it's really beautiful! The breeze rippled the water, and the lotus danced as if a lady were standing there delicately. Petals, like a lady's skirt; Those yellow stamens seem to be ladies' faces.

6. Summer nights are charming. I remember once I was skating. Sometimes I look up and see a few red clouds floating in the sky: "Ah, it's the sunset glow!" " "I can't help crying." The sunset is so beautiful! "Suddenly, I really don't know what words to use. From then on, I felt that there were endless beautiful scenery in summer, which made me reluctant to go.

7. Summer flowers and jasmine flowers. The slender petals are white, transparent like borneol, soft and watery like snowflakes. Its stamens are pale yellow and covered with pollen. Jasmine's flower bones are also very attractive, just like those carved from white jade. Jasmine has a strong fragrance. If you put a pot in the house, the whole house will be immersed in sweet fragrance.

8. It has no gorgeous clothes, only lush. It abandons fantasy, but it is not conservative. The frankness of the hot cicada singing and the free and easy lightning storm constitute the unique character of summer. You see, she is always solid and bold, playing a heavy and gorgeous role in nature.

9. The sun has gradually set in the west and the moon has risen in the east. The bright moonlight shines on the earth, as if it were covered with snow-white clothes. The moonlight shines on the tall tree. The tree looks more upright; Shine on the gorgeous flowers. The flowers look more beautiful; Shining on the shy grass, the grass looks more delicate. Occasionally, a few thick clouds cover the moonlight. The earth immediately became dim. After a while, the moon slowly rushed out of the encirclement and appeared in the blue sky. How many thin clouds came in an instant. Wandering around the moon, like a fairy stepping on white clouds and landing on the ground.

10. The flaming cloud in the sunset is really a wonder: it scatters the brilliance of Huang Cancan to the earth and fills the whole earth with poetry. Moreover, it jumps like a magician, like a little rabbit covered with yellow velvet; Time is like a roaring horse; When the dragon is flying, it is flying; Like a colored proud as a peacock ... that's all you can see. However, these things become too fast and dazzling to appreciate carefully. If only I had an advanced camera to capture all these vivid scenes!

1 1, my favorite is the lotus in summer. Lotus leaf is big and round, like a big disc. Lotus leaves are dense and clustered together, and lotus flowers emerge from among them. Some just spit out small buds and want to show people its beautiful, elegant and noble moving posture as soon as possible. Some of them are full, and they seem to be bursting.

12. In summer, lotus flowers are in full bloom. They are competing for beauty and showing their graceful posture. They are colorful; White as snow, yellow as gold, and pink as the faint rouge on the little girl's face. Really beautiful! Some of them stand up like rock singers and guard soldiers; Really bent, like the hunchback of a 60-year-old man. When the breeze blows, the lotus gives off a faint fragrance, which is refreshing. They smiled as if welcoming the arrival of summer.

13, I like summer, because it lets us fight in the stream, and the waves are cheap and cool. This is because summer brings emerald green to trees and grass and colorful clothes to flowers. Because summer makes us happy like happy birds.

14, it was dark, only the dark clouds in the northwest covered half the sky, a cool breeze blew, and the leaves on the trees were shaking. Then there was silence. After a pause, suddenly the wind blew hard and the branches roared and whipped in the air like wild whips. Dead branches and leaves whirled and fluttered with the wind, falling in succession.

15, summer is everywhere, look! The peach tree in front of my house has produced rich peaches. Those peaches make people drool, with a hint of pink on the sharp corners, like a shy little girl, blushing and very beautiful.

The most beautiful sentence in summer is 4 1. Spring goes with the falling flowers, and the green leaves covered in summer jump in the warm wind.

2. Summer night is lively. After dinner, a sweet song floated in. The aunts are busy twisting the yangko of the new era. People come out for a walk. When children see delicious food, they all meet their parents to buy it. Some eat cold drinks, some eat delicious lobsters, and some eat popsicles. They ate with relish.

The wind blows with a slight warmth, and the cuckoo calls from time to time. It is telling us: "Spring is over."

4. The scorching sun is in the sky, and on both sides of the road, mature grains are bent down by the sun. Grasshoppers are as numerous as grass leaves, making a weak and noisy sound in wheat fields and rye fields and among the reeds on the shore.

5. That day, it was terribly hot. As soon as the sun came out, the ground was already on fire, and some gray gases, like clouds, like Feiyun, like fog, like fog, floated low in the air, making people feel breathless.

6. There is not a cloud or wind in the air, and all the trees are standing there listlessly and lazily in the hot sun overhead.

7. Climbing the rugged hillside, I saw the green grass all over the mountain, as if there was no gold on the grass there, only a piece of green. Oh, summer is green!

When summer comes, this green hill looks the same every day. After exposure to the hot sun and the baptism of showers, the vegetation will grow rapidly and become lush.

9. Listen carefully again. Frogs are singing heartily in rice fields, worms are calling for partners in corn fields, and earthworms are whispering in the fields. There are also crickets in the grass, who like singing and playing the piano. The song is bursting and the piano is playing, unless it's mom.

10, beautiful summer in the four seasons, some people like warm spring; Some people like cool autumn; Some people like cold winter. I like beautiful summer.

1 1. As night falls, it is getting dark, and the moon with a golden halo finally rises! She, first golden, slowly passed through the white clouds like a light smoke, up and up. Suddenly, at that moment, the color of the moon became pale, pale! It turned white! She stood proudly high. She is so lovely, so pure, so quiet, just like a silver jade plate reflecting silver light!

12. Isn't this sunny night a good time to see the constellations? At the request of my little cousin and me, my mother took us to Seoul Park. Under the breeze, the flowers put away their petals and fell asleep in a daze. The cricket under the flower is having a concert and singing loudly.

13. Xia is a flexible young man. He's here to replace Miss Chun. Miss Chun quietly bid farewell to us with light steps, and people reluctantly bid farewell to spring, bid her farewell, and ushered in a summer teenager.

14, there is not a cloud at noon, there is no wind in the hot sun overhead, and all the trees are listless and lazily standing there.

15, in summer, the vegetation is particularly lush, the leaves of holly trees are shining, and the old elm trees are flourishing, giving people a thick shade.

16, the willow image in shady street is sick, with a layer of dust hanging on its leaves and rolling on its branches; The branches are lazy and drooping listlessly. The clods on the ground were scorched by the sun, and a few potbellied dark brown crickets jumped around like springs.

17, the sunshine in early summer is transmitted from the dense branches and leaves, and the ground is covered with shiny spots the size of copper coins.

18, the scorching sun is like fire, and the earth is like a steamer, so hot that people can't breathe.

19 in summer and July, the blue sky hangs like a fireball, and the clouds seem to be melted by the sun and disappear without a trace.

No one crossed the long fence, only dragonflies and butterflies were flying. The rain on the wall hangs down the fine grass, and the wind on the water belongs to the settled flowers. Wheat ripens in the wind and plums turn yellow in the rain.
