Fortune Telling Collection - Zodiac Analysis - Is Beidou navigation system accurate?

Is Beidou navigation system accurate?

Beidou is more accurate than GPS. Why do we need to install GPS in our navigation? Experts tell the truth.

Speaking of our navigation system in China, the first thing that comes to mind is the map of Gaode or Baidu. We all know the essence of maps. The essence of a map is accuracy and comprehensiveness, and the most important thing is that users can accurately find the location and route when using the map. And all this depends on GPS positioning. Without this positioning system, navigation would not exist. This time the headmaster will talk to you about GPS and Beidou navigation.

I think you must have heard of the Beidou system independently developed by China. In fact, Beidou has the same function as GPS, but it is more accurate than GPS. GPS can accurately locate to15m, and Beidou can accurately locate to10m. To achieve such high accuracy, we mainly rely on satellites. As we all know, to achieve global positioning, it must be done by satellites, and the number of satellites also determines the positioning accuracy. In this regard, China Beidou has 35 satellites and the United States GPS has 24. So our accuracy is higher than that of American GPS.

But there is a phenomenon that I believe everyone must have seen, that is, turn on the positioning function of our mobile phone, and all the people who jump out are GPS, and basically no one uses Beidou navigation. Why? Is it difficult that our domestic technology is not up to standard? The answer is of course not. Beidou's technology is very mature. The headmaster told everyone that a navigation system is generally extended from military to civilian, that is to say, the navigation system needs military, and it will not be extended until the military is mature. If it is not qualified in the military, it will naturally not be extended to civilian use. It took more than ten years for American GPS to be popularized to civilian use. So Beidou is very mature in technology. As for why GPS is still used for navigation, the headmaster thinks there are two reasons.

One: manufacturing cost. The navigation system is actually integrated in one chip. If all the navigation systems are replaced by Beidou, the cost of both mobile navigation and car navigation is very huge, because it is mass production. As we all know, once the mass-produced products are finalized, it is very difficult to change them later, and there will be many troubles, such as customer public relations, increasing investment, redesign and so on. These all require a lot of capital investment, which is very risky for businesses.

Second, word of mouth, GPS navigation has existed in China for many years, and word of mouth has gradually accumulated. After so many years of development, GPS has almost become a necessity for our navigation. Just ask what is used for positioning in your mobile phone, and everyone will answer that it is GPS. If manufacturers rashly replace GPS with Beidou, they will bear great risks, because Beidou has never been equipped in large quantities. If you don't know whether the large equipment will go wrong, these are unknown. We can only hope who will be the first person to eat crabs.

To sum up, although our Beidou is more accurate than GPS, it is only a matter of time before it is popularized. It took the United States more than ten years to popularize it, and we have only been in China for a few years. I believe that in the near future, our navigation system can be replaced by Beidou and our own navigation system. From then on, positioning and navigation don't need people.

Beidou satellite navigation system consists of three parts: space segment, ground segment and user segment. It can provide high-precision and high-reliability positioning, navigation and timing services for all kinds of users around the world, and has the ability of short message communication. It has initially possessed the ability of regional navigation, positioning and timing, with positioning accuracy of10m, speed measurement accuracy of 0.2m/s and timing accuracy of10ns.

Is Beidou navigation system accurate? How much worse than GPS and Galileo?

We know that on June 23rd, the 55th satellite of Beidou Navigation was successfully launched, which indicates that China's Beidou system has finally completed the global networking.

Explain what Beidou navigation system means first. This will give you a more intuitive impression. You know, Beidou navigation system actually refers to-

Note: Beidou navigation is not a map, but a navigation system. You still need to know this, otherwise you may fall into the misunderstanding that some Beidou map software is real map software, and we must refute this view.

Now let's talk about accuracy. Our data source is the Beidou sky map released by the People's Daily on June 23rd, which explicitly mentions the accuracy of Beidou navigation system.

The global positioning accuracy of GPS in the United States is 9 meters, and the elevation is 15 meters.

GLONASS, Russia, global positioning accuracy10m, elevation 20m.

The global positioning accuracy of Galileo in Europe is 7.5m, and the altitude is15m.

China's Beidou, the global positioning accuracy is10m (horizontal and elevation), and the Asia-Pacific positioning accuracy is 5m, and the elevation is 5m.

Indeed, we can see that although our horizontal accuracy is not top-notch, our positioning accuracy is absolutely ahead as a whole, including elevation.

In fact, we also know that this precision is actually civilian precision, and military precision should be better. In fact, the advantage of Beidou navigation system lies in the function of "short message exchange". Short messages within 1000 words can be sent through Beidou satellite, which is faster than sending through base station, which is very beneficial to rescue.

Moreover, Beidou navigation system strengthens the anti-interference ability, and signals with multiple frequencies can be used alternately when one of them has problems, so as to avoid malicious interference with signals.

Finally, our future Beidou will be used in various industries, and we have the ability to tell you that Beidou can almost replace GPS, and we are not worried about the technical limitations of western countries.

With the development of science and technology, China's Beidou system 10O% is more accurate than GPS, because China's Beidou has 35 satellites, while American GPS has 24 satellites, which has surpassed American GPS 1 1 satellites, which illustrates this point well. Beidou navigation is definitely more accurate than American GPS. China's technology leads the world! Proud China!

China Beidou navigation network will be completed when the last satellite enters orbit this month, which will make China more independent of the GPS owned by the United States and intensify the competition in this field dominated by the United States for a long time.

The idea of developing the Big Dipper or the Big Dipper of China came into being in the early 1990s, when the military tried to reduce its dependence on the Global Positioning System (GPS) operated by the US Air Force.

When the Beidou satellite was launched in 2000, its coverage was limited to China. With the increasing use of mobile devices, China tried to join the Galileo satellite navigation project proposed by the European Union in 2003, but later withdrew and focused on Beidou.

In the iPhone era, the second generation Beidou satellite was put into operation in 20 12, covering the Asia-Pacific region.

China began to deploy the third generation satellite for global coverage on 20 15.

The 35th and last Beidou-3 satellite will be launched this month-it has not been announced that day-which means that the number of satellites in Beidou system exceeds 3 1 of GPS, and also exceeds Galileo and GLONASS in Russia.

Beidou is expected to invest 654.38 billion US dollars, which can keep the security of China's military communication network and avoid the risk of damaging GPS in extreme conflicts.

Weapons aiming and guidance have also improved. After completion, the positioning accuracy of Beidou in the Asia-Pacific region can be as low as 10 cm, while the positioning range of GPS is 30 cm.

Andrew Dempster, director of the Australian Aerospace Engineering Research Center, said: "Beidou was obviously designed decades after the birth of GPS, so it benefited from learning from GPS experience."

"Some of its signals have higher bandwidth and can provide better accuracy. It has fewer satellite orbital planes, making constellation maintenance easier. "

According to official media reports, services related to Beidou, such as port traffic monitoring and disaster reduction, have been exported to about 120 countries.

Many of these countries participated in the Belt and Road Initiative, which enabled China to take the lead in creating a modern Silk Road for trade and investment.

In its report 20 19, the China-US Economic and Security Review Committee of the US Congress warned that China promoted launch services, satellites and Beidou under its "Space Silk Road" to deepen its dependence on China's space-based services, which may affect and harm the interests of the United States.

In 20 13, Thailand and Pakistan were the first foreign countries to sign the Beidou service. According to official media reports, as of 20 19, more than 70% of mobile phones in China support Beidou, including models made by Huawei, Hoppo, Xiaomi, Vivo and Samsung.

Millions of taxis, buses and trucks can also receive the Beidou signal. According to state media, the value of satellite navigation industry in China may exceed 400 billion yuan (57 billion US dollars) this year.

The civilian part is similar to other satellites.

Military part, confidential.

It is said that positioning with Beidou will not be biased and will not fall into the pit.

Beidou satellite also has the function of BB, which is said to be unavailable to other satellites.

The topic should be changed to: Is the map guided by Beidou positioning system (chip) accurate?

The Beidou system running now has high precision. It can reach the meter level, and it can reach the centimeter level through the ground auxiliary station.

For the people, the meter level is enough, and the centimeter level is enough to imagine.